BigStarCatalogExtension | |
  SpecialZoneArray | Implements all the virtual methods in ZoneArray |
  SpecialZoneData | Wrapper struct around ZoneData |
  Star1 | |
  Star2 | |
  Star3 | |
  StarWrapperBase | A Star (Star1,Star2,Star3,...) cannot be a StelObject |
  StarWrapper | |
  StarWrapper1 | |
  StarWrapper2 | |
  StarWrapper3 | |
  HipIndexStruct | Container for Hipparcos information |
  ZoneArray | Manages all ZoneData structures of a given StelGeodesicGrid level |
  HipZoneArray | ZoneArray of Hipparcos stars |
  ZoneData | A single triangle |
 StelUtils | General purpose utility functions |
 AddRemoveLandscapesDialog | |
 AllSkySphericalRegion | Special SphericalRegion for the whole sphere |
 AngleSpinBox | A spin box for displaying/entering angular values |
 Atmosphere | Compute and display the daylight sky color |
 AtmosphereDialog | |
 BarFrame | A title bar control used in windows derived from StelDialog |
 BooleanFader | Implementation of StelFader which behaves like a normal boolean, i.e |
 BottomStelBar | |
 CachingOrbit | |
 CLIProcessor | |
 Comet | |
 CometOrbit | |
 CompletionLabel | Display a list of results matching the search string, and allow to tab through those selections |
 ConfigurationDialog | |
 Constellation | Models a grouping of stars in a Sky Culture |
 ConstellationMgr | Display and manage the constellations |
 CornerButtons | |
 CustomDeltaTEquationDialog | |
 DataSetCredits | Contains all the credits for the creator of the image collection |
 DateTimeDialog | |
 EdgeVertex | Describe a vertex composing polygon contours, and whether it belong to an edge or not |
 EllipticalOrbit | |
 EmptySphericalRegion | |
 Extinction | This class performs extinction computations, following literature from atmospheric optics and astronomy |
 GeodesicSearchBorderIterator | |
 GeodesicSearchInsideIterator | |
 GeodesicSearchResult | |
 GridLinesMgr | The GridLinesMgr controls the drawing of the Azimuthal and Equatorial Grids, as well as the great circles: Meridian Line, Ecliptic Line and Equator Line |
 HelpDialog | |
 InfoPanel | The informations about the currently selected object |
 JsonListIterator | Qt-style iterator over a JSON array |
 LabelMgr | Allows for creation of custom labels on objects or coordinates |
 Landscape | Store and manages the displaying of the Landscape |
  landscapeTexCoord | |
 LandscapeFisheye | |
 LandscapeMgr | Manages all the rendering at the level of the observer's surroundings |
 LandscapeOldStyle | |
 LandscapeSpherical | |
 LeftStelBar | |
 LinearFader | Implementation of StelFader which implements a linear transition |
 LocationDialog | |
 MapLabel | Special QLabel that shows a world map |
 Matrix4 | A templatized column-major 4x4 matrix |
 Meteor | Models a single meteor |
 MeteorMgr | Simulates a meteor shower |
 MilkyWay | Manages the displaying of the Milky Way |
 MinorPlanet | |
 MultiLevelJsonBase | Abstract base class for managing multi-level tree objects stored in JSON format |
 Nebula | |
 NebulaMgr | Manage a collection of nebulae |
 OctahedronContour | Manage a non-convex polygon which can extends on more than 180 deg |
 OctahedronPolygon | |
 Orbit | |
 OrbitSampleProc | |
 ParabolicFader | |
 Planet | |
  SharedPlanetGraphics | Stores graphics data that is shared between planets and must be initialized by a StelRenderer |
  Vertex2D | A simple 2D vertex with only a position |
 pluto_argument | |
 pluto_latitude | |
 pluto_longitude | |
 pluto_radius | |
 PreModelViewFunc | Allows to define non linear operations in addition to the standard linear (Matrix 4d) ModelView transformation |
 QSharedPointerNoDelete | Special version of QSharedPointer which by default doesn't delete the referenced pointer when the reference count reaches 0 |
 Refraction | This class performs refraction computations, following literature from atmospheric optics and astronomy |
 ResizeFrame | |
 Ring | |
 RingParams | Parameters specifying how to generate a ring |
 RotationElements | |
 ScreenImage | |
 ScreenImageMgr | Module for managing images for scripting |
 ScriptConsole | |
 SearchDialog | The sky object search dialog |
 ServerCredits | Contain all the credits for a given server hosting the data |
 ShadowPlanetShaderInfo | |
 ShortcutLineEdit | Specialised GUI control for entering keyboard shortcut combinations |
 ShortcutsDialog | |
 ShortcutsFilterModel | Custom filter class for filtering tree sub-items |
 SimbadLookupReply | Contains all the information about a current simbad lookup query |
 SimbadSearcher | Provides lookup features into the online Simbad service from CDS |
 Skybright | Compute the luminance of the sky according to some parameters like sun moon position or time or altitude etc.. |
 SkyGui | The class managing the layout for button bars, selected object info and loading bars |
 Skylight | |
 skylightStruct | |
 skylightStruct2 | |
 SolarSystem | This StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies |
 SpaceShipObserver | An observer which moves from from one position to another one and/or from one planet to another one |
 SphereParams | Parameters specifying how to generate a sphere |
 SphericalCap | A SphericalCap is defined by a direction and an aperture |
 SphericalConvexPolygon | A special case of SphericalPolygon for which the polygon is convex |
 SphericalConvexPolygonSet | A special case of SphericalPolygon for which the polygon is composed of disjoint convex polygons |
 SphericalPoint | Special SphericalRegion for a point on the sphere |
 SphericalPolygon | |
 SphericalPolygonBase | Abstract class defining default implementations for some spherical geometry methods |
 SphericalRegion | Abstract class defining a region of the sphere |
  DrawParams | Parameters specifying how to draw a SphericalRegion |
  PlainVertex | 3D vertex with only a position |
  TexturedVertex | 3D vertex with position and a texture coordinate |
 SphericalRegionP | A shared pointer on a SphericalRegion |
 SphericalTexturedConvexPolygon | Extension of SphericalConvexPolygon for textured polygon |
 SphericMirrorCalculator | |
 StarMgr | Stores the star catalogue data |
 StelAbstractVertexBuffer | Base class for all vertex buffers |
 StelApp | Singleton main Stellarium application class |
 StelAppGraphicsWidget | A QGraphicsWidget encapsulating all the Stellarium main sky view and the embedded GUI widgets such as the moving button bars |
 StelAudioMgr | |
 StelBarsPath | |
 StelButton | A Button Graphicsitem for use in Stellarium's graphic widgets |
 StelCircleArcRenderer | Provides functions to draw circle arcs using StelRenderer |
 StelCore | Main class for Stellarium core processing |
 StelDialog | Base class for all the GUI windows in Stellarium |
 StelFader | Manages a (usually smooth) transition between two states (typically ON/OFF) in function of a counter It used for various purpose like smooth transitions between |
 StelFileMgr | Provides utilities for locating and handling files |
 StelFileTextureLoader | Texture loader that loads an image from the file system |
 StelGeodesicGrid | Grid of triangles (zones) on the sphere with radius 1, generated by subdividing the icosahedron |
 StelGeodesicGridDrawer | |
 StelGeometryBuilder | Builds various geometry primitives, storing them in vertex buffers |
 StelGeometryRing | Drawable 2D or 3D ring |
 StelGeometrySphere | Drawable 3D sphere |
 StelGLSLShader | GLSL shader program |
 StelGui | Main class for the GUI based on QGraphicView |
 StelGuiBase | Abstract class defining the base interface for all GUIs |
 StelGuiPluginInterface | Define the interface to implement when creating a GUI plugin |
 StelHTTPTextureLoader | Texture loader that loads an image from the web |
 StelIndexBuffer | Generic index buffer interface usable with all Renderer backends |
 StelJsonParser | Qt-based simple JSON reader inspired by the one from Zoolib |
 StelLight | Basic light source |
 StelLoadingBar | This class is used to display loading bar |
 StelLocaleMgr | Manage i18n operations such as message translation and date/time localization |
 StelLocation | Store the informations for a location on a planet |
 StelLocationMgr | Manage the list of available location |
 StelLogger | Class wit only static members used to manage logging for Stellarium |
 StelMainGraphicsView | Reimplement a QGraphicsView for Stellarium |
 StelMainScriptAPI | Provide script API for Stellarium global functions |
 StelMainScriptAPIProxy | Because the core API runs in a different thread to the main program, direct function calls to some classes can cause problems - especially when images must be loaded, or other non-atomic operations are involved |
 StelMainWindow | Reimplement a QMainWindow for Stellarium |
 StelModule | This is the common base class for all the main components of stellarium |
 StelModuleMgr | Manage a collection of StelModules including both core and plugin modules |
  PluginDescriptor | Contains the information read from the module.ini file |
 StelMovementMgr | Manages the head movements and zoom operations |
 StelNoGui | Dummy implementation of StelGuiBase to use when no GUI is used |
 StelNoGuiPluginInterface | An example GUI plugin with an empty GUI |
 StelObject | The base abstract class for sky objects used in Stellarium like Stars, Planets, Constellations etc.. |
 StelObjectMgr | Manage the selection and queries on one or more StelObjects |
 StelObjectModule | Specialization of StelModule which manages a collection of StelObject |
 StelObserver | Should be renamed as PlanetBasedObserver and derive from a more generical StelObserver class |
 StelPluginInfo | Contains information about a Stellarium plugin |
 StelPluginInterface | Define the interface to implement when creating a plugin |
 StelProgressBarMgr | |
 StelProjector | Provide the main interface to all operations of projecting coordinates from sky to screen |
  GLSLProjector | Base class for classes implementing vertex projection in GLSL |
  Mat4dTransform | |
  ModelViewTranform | |
  StelProjectorParams | Contains all the param needed to initialize a StelProjector |
 StelProjector2d | |
 StelProjectorCylinder | |
 StelProjectorEqualArea | |
 StelProjectorFisheye | |
 StelProjectorHammer | |
 StelProjectorMercator | |
 StelProjectorOrthographic | |
 StelProjectorPerspective | |
 StelProjectorStereographic | |
 StelQGL1ArrayVertexBufferBackend | OpenGL 1 vertex array style VertexBuffer backend |
 StelQGL1InterleavedArrayVertexBufferBackend | OpenGL 1 interleaved vertex array VertexBuffer backend |
 StelQGL1Renderer | Renderer backend using OpenGL 1.2 with Qt |
 StelQGL2ArrayVertexBufferBackend | OpenGL 2 vertex array style VertexBuffer backend, used for testing and transition |
 StelQGL2InterleavedArrayVertexBufferBackend | OpenGL 2 interleaved vertex array VertexBuffer backend |
 StelQGL2Renderer | Renderer backend using OpenGL 2.1 or GLSL 2.0 with Qt |
 StelQGLArrayVertexBufferBackend | Base class for QGL-using vertex buffer backends based on separate attribute arrays |
 StelQGLGLSLShader | QGL based StelGLSLShader implementation, used by the QGL2 renderer backend |
 StelQGLIndexBuffer | Qt-OpenGL index buffer implementation |
 StelQGLInterleavedArrayVertexBufferBackend | Base class for QGL-using vertex buffer backends based on interleaved attribute arrays |
 StelQGLRenderer | Base class for renderer based on OpenGL and at the same time Qt's QGL |
 StelQGLTextureBackend | Texture backend based on QGL, usable with both GL1 and GL2 |
 StelQGLViewport | Manages OpenGL viewport |
 StelQGLWidget | GLWidget specialized for Stellarium, mainly to provide better debugging information |
 StelRegionObject | Simple abstract class defining basic methods implemented by all objects that need to be stored in a StelSphericalIndex |
 StelRenderClient | Provides access to scene rendering so StelRenderer can control it |
 StelRenderer | Main class of the Renderer subsystem |
 StelRendererStatistics | Stores and provides access to statistics about a StelRenderer backend |
 StelScriptEngineAgent | |
 StelScriptMgr | Manage scripting in Stellarium |
 StelScriptSyntaxHighlighter | |
 StelShortcutMgr | Manager of the keyboard shortcuts tied to different features |
 StelSkyCulture | Store basic info about a sky culture for stellarium |
 StelSkyCultureMgr | Manage sky cultures for stellarium |
 StelSkyDrawer | Provide a set of methods used to draw sky objects taking into account eyes adaptation, zoom level, instrument model and artificially set magnitude limits |
 StelSkyImageTile | Base class for any astro image with a fixed position |
 StelSkyLayer | Abstract class defining the API to implement for all sky layer |
 StelSkyLayerMgr | Manage the sky background images, including DSS and deep sky objects images |
 StelSkyPolygon | Base class for any polygon with a fixed position in the sky |
 StelSphericalIndex | Container allowing to store and query SphericalRegion |
 StelSphericalIndexMultiRes | Container allowing to store and query SphericalRegion |
 StelStandardGuiPluginInterface | Allow to load the GUI as a static plugin |
 StelStyle | Holds the information related to a color style for GUI and modules of Stellarium |
 StelTextureBackend | Base class for texture implementations |
 StelTextureCache | Caches textures, ensuring no texture is loaded twice |
 StelTextureLoader | Texture Loader interface - used internally by texture implementations to load image data |
 StelTextureNew | Texture interface |
 StelToneReproducer | Converts tones in function of the eye adaptation to luminance |
 StelTranslator | Class used to translate strings to any language |
 StelVertexAttribute | Describes a single vertex attribute (e.g |
 StelVertexBuffer | Vertex buffer interface |
 StelVertexBufferBackend | Base class of all vertex buffer backends |
 StelVideoMgr | |
 StelViewportDistorterFisheyeToSphericMirror | |
 StelViewportEffect | Allow to apply visual effects on the whole Stellarium viewport |
 SubContour | |
 TestConversions | |
 TestDates | |
 TestDeltaT | |
 TestStelFileMgr | |
 TestStelJsonParser | |
 TestStelSphericalGeometry | |
 TestStelSphericalIndex | |
 TestStelVertexBuffer | Unittests for StelVertexBuffer implementations |
 TextParams | Parameters specifying how to draw text |
 TextureParams | Parameters specifying how to construct a texture |
 TrailGroup | |
 TrailPoint | |
 Translations | |
 TriangleIterator | Allows iteration over triangles in QVectors of vertices |
 Triplet | A simple struct holding a triplet of values of some type |
 varstar | |
 Vector2 | A templatized 2d vector |
 Vector3 | A templatized 3d vector |
 Vector4 | A templatized 4d vector |
 VertexP2 | Vertex with only a 2D position |
 VertexP3T2 | Vertex with a 3D position and a 2D texture coordinate |
 VertexP3T2C4 | Vertex with a 3D position, 2D texture coordinate and an RGBA color |
 ViewDialog | |