▼ doc | |
codingConventions.doxygen | |
fileStructure.doxygen | |
mainpage.doxygen | |
plugIns.doxygen | |
scripting.doxygen | |
▼ plugins | |
► AngleMeasure | |
► src | |
► gui | |
AngleMeasureDialog.hpp | |
AngleMeasure.hpp | |
► ArchaeoLines | |
► src | |
► gui | |
ArchaeoLinesDialog.hpp | |
ArchaeoLines.hpp | |
► CompassMarks | |
► src | |
CompassMarks.hpp | |
► EquationOfTime | |
► src | |
► gui | |
EquationOfTimeWindow.hpp | |
EquationOfTime.hpp | |
► Exoplanets | |
► src | |
► gui | |
ExoplanetsDialog.hpp | |
Exoplanet.hpp | |
Exoplanets.hpp | |
► FOV | |
► src | |
► gui | |
FOVWindow.hpp | |
FOV.hpp | |
► HelloStelModule | |
► src | |
HelloStelModule.hpp | |
► LogBook | |
► src | |
► gui | |
► dataMappers | |
BarlowsDataMapper.hpp | |
FiltersDataMapper.hpp | |
ImagersDataMapper.hpp | |
ObserversDataMapper.hpp | |
OcularsDataMapper.hpp | |
OpticsDataMapper.hpp | |
SitesDataMapper.hpp | |
► validators | |
LimitingDoubleValidator.hpp | |
LimitingIntValidator.hpp | |
NonEmptyStringValidator.hpp | |
► widgets | |
LogBookTextEdit.hpp | |
LogBookConfigDialog.hpp | |
ObservationsDialog.hpp | |
SessionsDialog.hpp | |
StelDialogLogBook.hpp | |
TargetsDialog.hpp | |
► models | |
FieldConcatModel.hpp | |
LogBook.hpp | |
LogBookCommon.hpp | |
► MeteorShowers | |
► src | |
► gui | |
MSConfigDialog.hpp | |
MSSearchDialog.hpp | |
MeteorObj.hpp | |
MeteorShower.hpp | |
MeteorShowers.hpp | |
MeteorShowersMgr.hpp | |
translations.h | |
► NavStars | |
► src | |
► gui | |
NavStarsWindow.hpp | |
NavStars.hpp | |
► Novae | |
► src | |
► gui | |
NovaeDialog.hpp | |
Nova.hpp | |
Novae.hpp | |
► Observability | |
► src | |
► gui | |
ObservabilityDialog.hpp | |
Observability.hpp | |
► Oculars | |
► src | |
► gui | |
OcularDialog.hpp | |
OcularsGuiPanel.hpp | |
PropertyBasedTableModel.hpp | |
CCD.hpp | |
Lens.hpp | |
Ocular.hpp | |
Oculars.hpp | |
Telescope.hpp | |
► PointerCoordinates | |
► src | |
► gui | |
PointerCoordinatesWindow.hpp | |
PointerCoordinates.hpp | |
► Pulsars | |
► src | |
► gui | |
PulsarsDialog.hpp | |
Pulsar.hpp | |
Pulsars.hpp | |
► Quasars | |
► src | |
► gui | |
QuasarsDialog.hpp | |
Quasar.hpp | |
Quasars.hpp | |
► RemoteControl | |
► doc | |
qtwebapp.doxygen | |
remoteControl.doxygen | |
remoteControlApi.doxygen | |
remoteControlWeb.doxygen | |
► src | |
► gui | |
RemoteControlDialog.hpp | |
► qtwebapp | |
► httpserver | |
httpconnectionhandler.h | |
httpconnectionhandlerpool.h | |
httpcookie.h | |
httpglobal.h | |
httplistener.h | |
httprequest.h | |
httprequesthandler.h | |
httpresponse.h | |
staticfilecontroller.h | |
► templateengine | |
template.h | |
templateglobal.h | |
AbstractAPIService.hpp | |
APIController.hpp | |
LocationSearchService.hpp | |
LocationService.hpp | |
MainService.hpp | |
ObjectService.hpp | |
RemoteControl.hpp | |
RequestHandler.hpp | |
ScriptService.hpp | |
SimbadService.hpp | |
StelActionService.hpp | |
StelPropertyService.hpp | |
ViewService.hpp | |
► RemoteSync | |
► src | |
► gui | |
RemoteSyncDialog.hpp | |
RemoteSync.hpp | |
SyncClient.hpp | |
SyncClientHandlers.hpp | |
SyncMessages.hpp | |
SyncProtocol.hpp | |
SyncServer.hpp | |
SyncServerEventSenders.hpp | |
SyncServerHandlers.hpp | |
► Satellites | |
► src | |
► gsatellite | |
gException.hpp | |
gSatTEME.hpp | |
gTime.hpp | |
gVector.hpp | |
gVectorTempl.hpp | |
mathUtils.hpp | |
sgp4ext.h | |
sgp4io.h | |
sgp4unit.h | |
stdsat.h | |
► gui | |
SatellitesDialog.hpp | |
SatellitesImportDialog.hpp | |
gSatWrapper.hpp | |
Satellite.hpp | |
Satellites.hpp | |
SatellitesListFilterModel.hpp | |
SatellitesListModel.hpp | |
► Scenery3d | |
► src | |
► gui | |
Scenery3dDialog.hpp | |
Scenery3dDialog_p.hpp | |
StoredViewDialog.hpp | |
StoredViewDialog_p.hpp | |
AABB.hpp | |
Frustum.hpp | |
GLFuncs.hpp | |
Heightmap.hpp | |
Line.hpp | |
OBJ.hpp | |
Plane.hpp | |
Polyhedron.hpp | |
S3DEnum.hpp | |
SceneInfo.hpp | |
Scenery3d.hpp | |
Scenery3dMgr.hpp | |
ShaderManager.hpp | |
SPolygon.hpp | |
► SimpleDrawLine | |
► src | |
SimpleDrawLine.hpp | |
► SolarSystemEditor | |
► src | |
► gui | |
ManualImportWindow.hpp | |
MpcImportWindow.hpp | |
SolarSystemManagerWindow.hpp | |
SolarSystemEditor.hpp | |
► Supernovae | |
► src | |
► gui | |
SupernovaeDialog.hpp | |
Supernova.hpp | |
Supernovae.hpp | |
► TelescopeControl | |
► src | |
► clients | |
InterpolatedPosition.hpp | |
TelescopeClient.hpp | |
TelescopeClientDirectLx200.hpp | |
TelescopeClientDirectNexStar.hpp | |
► gui | |
SlewDialog.hpp | |
StoredPointsDialog.hpp | |
TelescopeConfigurationDialog.hpp | |
TelescopeDialog.hpp | |
► servers | |
Connection.hpp | |
LogFile.hpp | |
Lx200Command.hpp | |
Lx200Connection.hpp | |
NexStarCommand.hpp | |
NexStarConnection.hpp | |
SerialPort.hpp | |
Server.hpp | |
Socket.hpp | |
TelescopeControl.hpp | |
TelescopeControlGlobals.hpp | |
► TextUserInterface | |
► src | |
DummyDialog.hpp | |
TextUserInterface.hpp | |
TuiNode.hpp | |
TuiNodeActivate.hpp | |
TuiNodeBool.hpp | |
TuiNodeColor.hpp | |
TuiNodeDateTime.hpp | |
TuiNodeDouble.hpp | |
TuiNodeEditable.hpp | |
TuiNodeEnum.hpp | |
TuiNodeFloat.hpp | |
TuiNodeInt.hpp | |
▼ src | |
► core | |
► modules | |
Atmosphere.hpp | |
Comet.hpp | |
Constellation.hpp | |
ConstellationMgr.hpp | |
CustomObject.hpp | |
CustomObjectMgr.hpp | |
GeodesicGridDrawer.hpp | |
GridLinesMgr.hpp | |
LabelMgr.hpp | |
Landscape.hpp | |
LandscapeMgr.hpp | |
Meteor.hpp | |
MilkyWay.hpp | |
MinorPlanet.hpp | |
Nebula.hpp | |
NebulaMgr.hpp | |
Orbit.hpp | |
Planet.hpp | |
Skybright.hpp | |
Skylight.hpp | |
SolarSystem.hpp | |
Solve.hpp | |
SporadicMeteor.hpp | |
SporadicMeteorMgr.hpp | |
Star.hpp | |
StarMgr.hpp | |
StarWrapper.hpp | |
ToastMgr.hpp | |
ZodiacalLight.hpp | |
ZoneArray.hpp | |
ZoneData.hpp | |
► planetsephems | |
calc_interpolated_elements.h | |
de430.hpp | |
de431.hpp | |
elliptic_to_rectangular.h | |
elp82b.h | |
EphemWrapper.hpp | |
gust86.h | |
jpl_int.h | |
jpleph.h | |
l1.h | |
marssat.h | |
pluto.h | |
precession.h | |
sidereal_time.h | |
tass17.h | |
vsop87.h | |
MultiLevelJsonBase.hpp | |
OctahedronPolygon.hpp | |
RefractionExtinction.hpp | |
SimbadSearcher.hpp | |
SphericMirrorCalculator.hpp | |
SpoutSender.hpp | |
StelActionMgr.hpp | |
StelApp.hpp | |
StelAudioMgr.hpp | |
StelCore.hpp | |
StelFader.hpp | |
StelFileMgr.hpp | |
StelGeodesicGrid.hpp | |
StelGuiBase.hpp | |
StelIniParser.hpp | |
StelJsonParser.hpp | |
StelLocaleMgr.hpp | |
StelLocation.hpp | |
StelLocationMgr.hpp | |
StelModule.hpp | |
StelModuleMgr.hpp | |
StelMovementMgr.hpp | |
StelObject.hpp | |
StelObjectMgr.hpp | |
StelObjectModule.hpp | |
StelObjectType.hpp | Define the StelObjectP type |
StelObserver.hpp | |
StelOpenGL.hpp | |
StelPainter.hpp | |
StelPluginInterface.hpp | |
StelProgressController.hpp | |
StelProjector.hpp | |
StelProjectorClasses.hpp | |
StelProjectorType.hpp | Define the StelProjectorP type |
StelPropertyMgr.hpp | |
StelRegionObject.hpp | |
StelSkyCultureMgr.hpp | |
StelSkyDrawer.hpp | |
StelSkyImageTile.hpp | |
StelSkyLayer.hpp | |
StelSkyLayerMgr.hpp | Define the classes needed for managing layers of sky elements display |
StelSkyPolygon.hpp | |
StelSphereGeometry.hpp | Define all SphericalGeometry primitives as well as the SphericalRegionP type |
StelSphericalIndex.hpp | |
StelTexture.hpp | |
StelTextureMgr.hpp | |
StelTextureTypes.hpp | Define the StelTextureSP type |
StelToast.hpp | |
StelToastGrid.hpp | |
StelToneReproducer.hpp | |
StelTranslator.hpp | Define some translation macros |
StelUtils.hpp | |
StelVertexArray.hpp | |
StelVideoMgr.hpp | |
StelViewportEffect.hpp | |
TrailGroup.hpp | |
VecMath.hpp | |
► external | |
► glues_stel | |
► source | |
► libtess | |
dict-list.h | |
dict.h | |
geom.h | |
memalloc.h | |
mesh.h | |
normal.h | |
priorityq-heap.h | |
priorityq-sort.h | |
priorityq.h | |
render.h | |
sweep.h | |
tess.h | |
tessmono.h | |
glues.h | |
glues_error.h | |
► qcustomplot | |
qcustomplot.h | |
► qtcompress | |
qzipreader.h | |
qzipwriter.h | |
► zlib | |
crc32.h | |
deflate.h | |
gzguts.h | |
inffast.h | |
inffixed.h | |
inflate.h | |
inftrees.h | |
trees.h | |
zconf.h | |
zlib.h | |
zutil.h | |
SpoutLibrary.h | |
► gui | |
AddRemoveLandscapesDialog.hpp | |
AngleSpinBox.hpp | |
AstroCalcDialog.hpp | |
AtmosphereDialog.hpp | |
BookmarksDialog.hpp | |
ConfigurationDialog.hpp | |
ConfigureDSOColorsDialog.hpp | |
ConfigureOrbitColorsDialog.hpp | |
CustomDeltaTEquationDialog.hpp | |
DateTimeDialog.hpp | |
Dialog.hpp | |
GreatRedSpotDialog.hpp | |
HelpDialog.hpp | |
LocationDialog.hpp | |
MapLabel.hpp | |
ScriptConsole.hpp | |
SearchDialog.hpp | |
ShortcutLineEdit.hpp | |
ShortcutsDialog.hpp | |
SkyGui.hpp | |
StelDialog.hpp | |
StelDialog_p.hpp | This is a private header for some StelDialog implementation classes, which require MOC'cing Other classes should not include this header |
StelGui.hpp | |
StelGuiItems.hpp | |
StelScriptSyntaxHighlighter.hpp | |
StelStyle.hpp | |
ViewDialog.hpp | |
► scripting | |
ScreenImageMgr.hpp | |
StelMainScriptAPI.hpp | |
StelMainScriptAPIProxy.hpp | |
StelScriptMgr.hpp | |
StelScriptOutput.hpp | |
► tests | |
testConversions.hpp | |
testDates.hpp | |
testDeltaT.hpp | |
testEphemeris.hpp | |
testExtinction.hpp | |
testPrecession.hpp | |
testRefraction.hpp | |
testStelFileMgr.hpp | |
testStelJsonParser.hpp | |
testStelSphereGeometry.hpp | |
testStelSphericalIndex.hpp | |
testStelVertexArray.hpp | |
CLIProcessor.hpp | |
StelLogger.hpp | |
StelMainView.hpp | |
translations.h | |
translations_countries.h | |