Stellarium 0.15.2
1 /*
2  * Stellarium
3  * Copyright (C) 2002 Fabien Chereau
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
18  */
20 #ifndef _STELUTILS_HPP_
21 #define _STELUTILS_HPP_
23 #include <cmath>
24 #include "VecMath.hpp"
26 #include <QVariantMap>
27 #include <QDateTime>
28 #include <QString>
30 // astronomical unit (km)
31 #define AU 149597870.691
32 #define AU_KM (1.0/149597870.691)
33 // Parsec (km)
34 #define PARSEC 30.857e12
35 // speed of light (km/sec)
36 #define SPEED_OF_LIGHT 299792.458
38 #define stelpow10f(x) std::exp((x) * 2.3025850930f)
41 namespace StelUtils
42 {
44  QString getApplicationName();
47  QString getApplicationVersion();
50  QString getOperatingSystemInfo();
53  QString getUserAgentString();
60  double hmsToRad(const unsigned int h, const unsigned int m, const double s);
67  double dmsToRad(const int d, const unsigned int m, const double s);
74  void radToHms(double rad, unsigned int& h, unsigned int& m, double& s);
82  void radToDms(double rad, bool& sign, unsigned int& d, unsigned int& m, double& s);
88  void radToDecDeg(double rad, bool& sign, double& deg);
95  QString radToDecDegStr(const double angle, const int precision = 4, const bool useD=false, const bool useC=false);
100  QString radToHmsStrAdapt(const double angle);
105  QString radToHmsStr(const double angle, const bool decimal=false);
111  QString radToDmsStrAdapt(const double angle, const bool useD=false);
117  QString radToDmsStr(const double angle, const bool decimal=false, const bool useD=false);
125  void decDegToDms(double angle, bool& sign, unsigned int& d, unsigned int& m, double& s);
129  QString decDegToDmsStr(const double angle);
133  double dmsStrToRad(const QString& s);
139  Vec3f strToVec3f(const QStringList& s);
141  Vec3f strToVec3f(const QString& s);
143  Vec4d strToVec4d(const QStringList& s);
145  Vec4d strToVec4d(const QString& s);
148  QString vec3fToStr(const Vec3f& v);
150  QString vec4dToStr(const Vec4d& v);
155  QString vec3fToHtmlColor(const Vec3f& v);
159  Vec3f htmlColorToVec3f(const QString& c);
165  void spheToRect(const double lng, const double lat, Vec3d& v);
171  void spheToRect(const float lng, const float lat, Vec3f& v);
177  void rectToSphe(double *lng, double *lat, const Vec3d& v);
183  void rectToSphe(float *lng, float *lat, const Vec3d& v);
189  void rectToSphe(float *lng, float *lat, const Vec3f& v);
192  void equToEcl(const double raRad, const double decRad, const double eclRad, double *lambdaRad, double *betaRad);
195  void eclToEqu(const double lambdaRad, const double betaRad, const double eclRad, double *raRad, double *decRad);
217  double getDecAngle(const QString& str);
220  bool isPowerOfTwo(const int value);
223  int getBiggerPowerOfTwo(int value);
226  double asinh(const double z);
229  int imod(const int a, const int b);
232  // New Qt based General Calendar Functions.
234  void getDateFromJulianDay(const double julianDay, int *year, int *month, int *day);
237  void getTimeFromJulianDay(const double julianDay, int *hour, int *minute, int *second, int *millis=NULL);
241  bool getDateTimeFromISO8601String(const QString& iso8601Date, int* y, int* m, int* d, int* h, int* min, float* s);
245  QString julianDayToISO8601String(const double jd, bool addMS = false);
249  double getJulianDayFromISO8601String(const QString& iso8601Date, bool* ok);
255  QString localeDateString(const int year, const int month, const int day, const int dayOfWeek, const QString &fmt);
260  QString localeDateString(const int year, const int month, const int day, const int dayOfWeek);
264  double getJDFromSystem();
269  double qTimeToJDFraction(const QTime& time);
272  QTime jdFractionToQTime(const double jd);
277  double qDateTimeToJd(const QDateTime& dateTime);
282  QDateTime jdToQDateTime(const double& jd);
295  bool getJDFromDate(double* newjd, const int y, const int m, const int d, const int h, const int min, const int s);
297  int numberOfDaysInMonthInYear(const int month, const int year);
299  bool isLeapYear(const int year);
302  int dayInYear(const int year, const int month, const int day);
304  double yearFraction(const int year, const int month, const double day);
306  bool changeDateTimeForRollover(int oy, int om, int od, int oh, int omin, int os,
307  int* ry, int* rm, int* rd, int* rh, int* rmin, int* rs);
310  void debugQVariantMap(const QVariant& m, const QString& indent="", const QString& key="");
315  inline float fastAcos(const float x)
316  {
317  return static_cast<float>(M_PI_2) - (x + x*x*x * (1.f/6.f + x*x * (3.f/40.f + 5.f/112.f * x*x)) );
318  }
321  inline float fastExp(const float x)
322  {
323  return (x>=0)?
324  (1.f + x*(1.f+ x/2.f*(1.f+ x/3.f*(1.f+x/4.f*(1.f+x/5.f))))):
325  1.f / (1.f -x*(1.f -x/2.f*(1.f- x/3.f*(1.f-x/4.f*(1.f-x/5.f)))));
326  }
330  inline Vec3f getNightColor(const Vec3f& dayColor)
331  {
332  float max = 0.0;
333  for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
334  {
335  max = dayColor[i] > max ? dayColor[i] : max;
336  }
337  return Vec3f(max, 0, 0);
338  }
341  double calculateSiderealPeriod(const double SemiMajorAxis);
344  QString hoursToHmsStr(const double hours);
353  long double secondsSinceStart();
357  double getDeltaTwithoutCorrection(const double jDay);
365  double getDeltaTByEspenakMeeus(const double jDay);
375  double getDeltaTBySchoch(const double jDay);
386  double getDeltaTByClemence(const double jDay);
396  double getDeltaTByIAU(const double jDay);
407  double getDeltaTByAstronomicalEphemeris(const double jDay);
413  double getDeltaTByTuckermanGoldstine(const double jDay);
426  double getDeltaTByMullerStephenson(const double jDay);
437  double getDeltaTByStephenson1978(const double jDay);
445  double getDeltaTByStephenson1997(const double jDay);
457  double getDeltaTBySchmadelZech1979(const double jDay);
463  double getDeltaTByMorrisonStephenson1982(const double jDay);
473  double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrison1984(const double jDay);
483  double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrison1995(const double jDay);
489  double getDeltaTByStephensonHoulden(const double jDay);
496  double getDeltaTByEspenak(const double jDay);
506  double getDeltaTByBorkowski(const double jDay);
517  double getDeltaTBySchmadelZech1988(const double jDay);
523  double getDeltaTByChaprontTouze(const double jDay);
529  double getDeltaTByJPLHorizons(const double jDay);
543  double getDeltaTByMorrisonStephenson2004(const double jDay);
550  double getDeltaTByReijs(const double jDay);
556  double getDeltaTByChaprontMeeus(const double jDay);
566  double getDeltaTByMeeusSimons(const double jDay);
574  double getDeltaTByMontenbruckPfleger(const double jDay);
582  double getDeltaTByReingoldDershowitz(const double jDay);
592  double getDeltaTByBanjevic(const double jDay);
606  double getDeltaTByIslamSadiqQureshi(const double jDay);
615  double getDeltaTByKhalidSultanaZaidi(const double jDay);
624  double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrisonHohenkerk2016(const double jDay);
635  double getMoonSecularAcceleration(const double jDay, const double ndot, const bool useDE43x);
640  double getDeltaTStandardError(const double jDay);
649  double getMoonFluctuation(const double jDay);
652  template <typename T> int sign(T val)
653  {
654  return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
655  }
661  float *ComputeCosSinTheta(const int slices);
667  float *ComputeCosSinRho(const int segments);
676  float* ComputeCosSinRhoZone(const float dRho, const int segments, const float minAngle);
683  double getDecYear(const int year, const int month, const int day);
689  int compareVersions(const QString v1, const QString v2);
692  QByteArray uncompress(const QByteArray& data);
699  QByteArray uncompress(QIODevice &device, qint64 maxBytes=-1);
701 #ifdef _MSC_BUILD
702  inline double trunc(double x)
703  {
704  return (x < 0 ? std::ceil(x) : std::floor(x));
705  }
706 #else
707  inline double trunc(double x) { return ::trunc(x); }
708 #endif
709 }
711 #endif // _STELUTILS_HPP_
double getDeltaTByMontenbruckPfleger(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString decDegToDmsStr(const double angle)
Convert an angle in decimal degrees to a dms formatted string.
bool getDateTimeFromISO8601String(const QString &iso8601Date, int *y, int *m, int *d, int *h, int *min, float *s)
Parse an ISO8601 date string.
bool isPowerOfTwo(const int value)
Check if a number is a power of 2.
QTime jdFractionToQTime(const double jd)
Convert a fraction of a Julian Day to a QTime.
QString julianDayToISO8601String(const double jd, bool addMS=false)
Format the given Julian Day in (UTC) ISO8601 date string.
QString hoursToHmsStr(const double hours)
Convert decimal hours to hours, minutes, seconds.
double getDeltaTByMorrisonStephenson2004(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByIslamSadiqQureshi(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString vec4dToStr(const Vec4d &v)
Converts a Vec4d to a string in the same format that can be read by strToVec4d.
void equToEcl(const double raRad, const double decRad, const double eclRad, double *lambdaRad, double *betaRad)
Coordinate Transformation from equatorial to ecliptical.
double getJDFromSystem()
Get the current Julian Date from system time.
double getDeltaTByJPLHorizons(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
void rectToSphe(double *lng, double *lat, const Vec3d &v)
Convert from spherical coordinates to Rectangular direction.
double getDeltaTByReijs(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
Vec3f strToVec3f(const QStringList &s)
Obtains a Vec3f from a string.
QString getApplicationName()
Return the full name of stellarium, i.e. "stellarium 0.9.0".
double dmsStrToRad(const QString &s)
Convert a dms formatted string to an angle in radian.
void spheToRect(const double lng, const double lat, Vec3d &v)
Convert from spherical coordinates to Rectangular direction.
double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrisonHohenkerk2016(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double hmsToRad(const unsigned int h, const unsigned int m, const double s)
Convert an angle in hms format to radian.
int dayInYear(const int year, const int month, const int day)
Find day number for date in year.
double getDeltaTByEspenak(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString getOperatingSystemInfo()
Return the name and the version of operating system, i.e. "Mac OS X 10.7".
float * ComputeCosSinRho(const int segments)
Compute cosines and sines around a half-circle which is split in "segments" parts.
float * ComputeCosSinTheta(const int slices)
Compute cosines and sines around a circle which is split in "segments" parts.
QString radToHmsStrAdapt(const double angle)
Convert an angle in radian to a hms formatted string.
QString vec3fToHtmlColor(const Vec3f &v)
Converts a Vec3f to HTML color notation.
double getDeltaTByBanjevic(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDecYear(const int year, const int month, const int day)
Compute date in decimal year format.
double getDeltaTByChaprontTouze(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString localeDateString(const int year, const int month, const int day, const int dayOfWeek, const QString &fmt)
Format the date and day-of-week per the format in fmt (see QDateTime::toString()).
QDateTime jdToQDateTime(const double &jd)
Convert a julian day to a QDateTime.
Vec3f getNightColor(const Vec3f &dayColor)
Get a night mode version of a color.
Definition: StelUtils.hpp:330
double getMoonFluctuation(const double jDay)
Get value of the Moon fluctuation Source: The Rotation of the Earth, and the Secular Accelerations of...
void radToDecDeg(double rad, bool &sign, double &deg)
Convert an angle in radian to decimal degree.
double qDateTimeToJd(const QDateTime &dateTime)
Convert a QT QDateTime class to julian day.
void radToHms(double rad, unsigned int &h, unsigned int &m, double &s)
Convert an angle in radian to hms format.
double getDeltaTByMorrisonStephenson1982(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByTuckermanGoldstine(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
void decDegToDms(double angle, bool &sign, unsigned int &d, unsigned int &m, double &s)
Convert an angle in decimal degree to +-dms format.
Vec4d strToVec4d(const QStringList &s)
Like StelUtils::strToVec3f, but with 4 components and with double precision.
double getDeltaTwithoutCorrection(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByBorkowski(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTBySchmadelZech1988(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString radToDecDegStr(const double angle, const int precision=4, const bool useD=false, const bool useC=false)
Convert an angle in radian to a decimal degree string.
QString getApplicationVersion()
Return the version of stellarium, i.e. "0.9.0".
double getDeltaTByChaprontMeeus(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
float fastAcos(const float x)
Compute acos(x) The taylor serie is not accurate around x=1 and x=-1.
Definition: StelUtils.hpp:315
double getDeltaTBySchoch(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrison1984(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString radToDmsStr(const double angle, const bool decimal=false, const bool useD=false)
Convert an angle in radian to a dms formatted string.
double getDeltaTBySchmadelZech1979(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByKhalidSultanaZaidi(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByIAU(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByEspenakMeeus(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
void radToDms(double rad, bool &sign, unsigned int &d, unsigned int &m, double &s)
Convert an angle in radian to +-dms format.
A templatized 4d vector compatible with openGL.
Definition: VecMath.hpp:34
void getTimeFromJulianDay(const double julianDay, int *hour, int *minute, int *second, int *millis=NULL)
Make from julianDay an hour, minute, second.
double dmsToRad(const int d, const unsigned int m, const double s)
Convert an angle in +-dms format to radian.
bool isLeapYear(const int year)
double calculateSiderealPeriod(const double SemiMajorAxis)
Calculate and return sidereal period in days from semi-major axis (in AU)
double getDeltaTByStephenson1997(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByStephenson1978(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
QString radToDmsStrAdapt(const double angle, const bool useD=false)
Convert an angle in radian to a dms formatted string.
double getDeltaTByAstronomicalEphemeris(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByClemence(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByMeeusSimons(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
contains general purpose utility functions.
double getDecAngle(const QString &str)
Convert a string longitude, latitude, RA or Declination angle to radians.
int getBiggerPowerOfTwo(int value)
Return the first power of two bigger than the given value.
QString vec3fToStr(const Vec3f &v)
Converts a Vec3f to a string in the same format that can be read by strToVec3f.
void eclToEqu(const double lambdaRad, const double betaRad, const double eclRad, double *raRad, double *decRad)
Coordinate Transformation from ecliptical to equatorial.
long double secondsSinceStart()
Get the number of seconds since program start.
double getDeltaTByMullerStephenson(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByStephensonMorrison1995(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
float * ComputeCosSinRhoZone(const float dRho, const int segments, const float minAngle)
Compute cosines and sines around part of a circle (from top to bottom) which is split in "segments" p...
QString radToHmsStr(const double angle, const bool decimal=false)
Convert an angle in radian to a hms formatted string.
double getJulianDayFromISO8601String(const QString &iso8601Date, bool *ok)
Return the Julian Date matching the ISO8601 date string.
QByteArray uncompress(const QByteArray &data)
Uncompress gzip or zlib compressed data.
QString getUserAgentString()
Return the user agent name, i.e. "Stellarium/0.15.0 (Linux)".
int sign(T val)
Sign function from
Definition: StelUtils.hpp:652
int imod(const int a, const int b)
Integer modulo where the result is always positive.
double qTimeToJDFraction(const QTime &time)
Convert a time of day to the fraction of a Julian Day.
int compareVersions(const QString v1, const QString v2)
Comparison two string versions and return a result in range -1,0,1.
double yearFraction(const int year, const int month, const double day)
Return a fractional year like YYYY.ddddd. For negative years, the year number is decreased. E.g. -500.5 occurs in -501.
bool getJDFromDate(double *newjd, const int y, const int m, const int d, const int h, const int min, const int s)
Compute Julian day number from calendar date.
void getDateFromJulianDay(const double julianDay, int *year, int *month, int *day)
Make from julianDay a year, month, day for the Julian Date julianDay represents.
double getDeltaTStandardError(const double jDay)
Get the standard error (sigma) for the value of DeltaT.
double getDeltaTByReingoldDershowitz(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getDeltaTByStephensonHoulden(const double jDay)
Get Delta-T estimation for a given date.
double getMoonSecularAcceleration(const double jDay, const double ndot, const bool useDE43x)
Get Secular Acceleration estimation for a given year.
float fastExp(const float x)
Compute exp(x) for small exponents x.
Definition: StelUtils.hpp:321
Vec3f htmlColorToVec3f(const QString &c)
Converts a color in HTML notation to a Vec3f.
double asinh(const double z)
Return the inverse sinus hyperbolic of z.
void debugQVariantMap(const QVariant &m, const QString &indent="", const QString &key="")
Output a QVariantMap to qDebug(). Formats like a tree where there are nested objects.