20 #ifndef _STELPROGRESSCONTROLLER_HPP_ 21 #define _STELPROGRESSCONTROLLER_HPP_ 32 StelProgressController(QObject* parent = NULL) : QObject(parent), format(
"%p%"), min(0), max(100), value(0) {;}
40 void setRange(
int amin,
int amax) {min = amin; max = amax;}
41 void setValue(
int val) {value=val; emit changed();}
43 int getValue()
const {
return value;}
44 int getMin()
const {
return min;}
45 int getMax()
const {
return max;}
46 QString getFormat()
const {
return format;}
61 #endif // _STELPROGRESSCONTROLLER_HPP_ void setFormat(const QString &fmt)
This property holds the string used to generate the current text.
Maintain the state of a progress bar.
Singleton main Stellarium application class.