Stellarium 0.15.2
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2003 Fabien Chereau
3  * Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Gates
4  * Copyright (C) 2015 Georg Zotti (Precession fixes)
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
19  */
21 #ifndef _STELCORE_HPP_
22 #define _STELCORE_HPP_
24 #include "StelProjector.hpp"
25 #include "StelProjectorType.hpp"
26 #include "StelLocation.hpp"
27 #include "StelSkyDrawer.hpp"
28 #include <QString>
29 #include <QStringList>
30 #include <QTime>
31 #include <QPair>
33 class StelToneReproducer;
34 class StelSkyDrawer;
35 class StelGeodesicGrid;
36 class StelMovementMgr;
37 class StelObserver;
48 class StelCore : public QObject
49 {
51  Q_ENUMS(FrameType)
52  Q_ENUMS(ProjectionType)
53  Q_ENUMS(RefractionMode)
54  Q_ENUMS(DeltaTAlgorithm)
55  Q_PROPERTY(bool flipHorz READ getFlipHorz WRITE setFlipHorz NOTIFY flipHorzChanged)
56  Q_PROPERTY(bool flipVert READ getFlipVert WRITE setFlipVert NOTIFY flipVertChanged)
57  Q_PROPERTY(bool flagUseNutation READ getUseNutation WRITE setUseNutation NOTIFY flagUseNutationChanged)
58  Q_PROPERTY(bool flagUseTopocentricCoordinates READ getUseTopocentricCoordinates WRITE setUseTopocentricCoordinates NOTIFY flagUseTopocentricCoordinatesChanged)
59  Q_PROPERTY(ProjectionType currentProjectionType READ getCurrentProjectionType WRITE setCurrentProjectionType NOTIFY currentProjectionTypeChanged)
63  Q_PROPERTY(QString currentProjectionNameI18n READ getCurrentProjectionNameI18n NOTIFY currentProjectionNameI18nChanged STORED false)
65 public:
69  enum FrameType
70  {
77  FrameJ2000,
82  };
87  {
98  };
103  {
107  };
112  {
116  IAU,
145  };
147  StelCore();
148  virtual ~StelCore();
151  void init();
155  void update(double deltaTime);
158  void windowHasBeenResized(float x, float y, float width, float height);
161  void preDraw();
164  void postDraw();
172  StelProjectorP getProjection(FrameType frameType, RefractionMode refractionMode=RefractionAuto) const;
181  const StelToneReproducer* getToneReproducer() const;
186  const StelSkyDrawer* getSkyDrawer() const;
189  const StelGeodesicGrid* getGeodesicGrid(int maxLevel) const;
194  const StelMovementMgr* getMovementMgr() const;
197  void setClippingPlanes(double znear, double zfar);
199  void getClippingPlanes(double* zn, double* zf) const;
202  QString projectionTypeKeyToNameI18n(const QString& key) const;
205  QString projectionNameI18nToTypeKey(const QString& nameI18n) const;
213  void lookAtJ2000(const Vec3d& pos, const Vec3d& up);
215  Vec3d altAzToEquinoxEqu(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
216  Vec3d equinoxEquToAltAz(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
217  Vec3d altAzToJ2000(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
218  Vec3d j2000ToAltAz(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
219  void j2000ToAltAzInPlaceNoRefraction(Vec3f* v) const {v->transfo4d(matJ2000ToAltAz);}
220  Vec3d galacticToJ2000(const Vec3d& v) const;
221  Vec3d supergalacticToJ2000(const Vec3d& v) const;
226  Vec3d equinoxEquToJ2000(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
228  Vec3d j2000ToJ1875(const Vec3d& v) const;
233  Vec3d j2000ToEquinoxEqu(const Vec3d& v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const;
234  Vec3d j2000ToGalactic(const Vec3d& v) const;
235  Vec3d j2000ToSupergalactic(const Vec3d& v) const;
242 // //! Transform vector from heliocentric coordinate to false equatorial : equatorial
243 // //! coordinate but centered on the observer position (useful for objects close to earth)
244 // //! Unused as of V0.13
245 // Vec3d heliocentricEclipticToEarthPosEquinoxEqu(const Vec3d& v) const;
272  static const Mat4d matJ2000ToVsop87;
274  static const Mat4d matVsop87ToJ2000;
276  static const Mat4d matJ2000ToGalactic;
278  static const Mat4d matGalacticToJ2000;
288  const StelLocation& getCurrentLocation() const;
290  float getUTCOffset(const double JD) const;
292  QString getCurrentTimeZone() const;
293  void setCurrentTimeZone(const QString& tz);
295  const QSharedPointer<class Planet> getCurrentPlanet() const;
300  const StelObserver* getCurrentObserver() const;
303  void setObserver(StelObserver* obs);
305  SphericalCap getVisibleSkyArea() const;
307  // Conversion in standard Julian time format
308  static const double JD_SECOND;
309  static const double JD_MINUTE;
310  static const double JD_HOUR;
311  static const double JD_DAY;
312  static const double ONE_OVER_JD_SECOND;
313  static const double TZ_ERA_BEGINNING;
317  double getLocalSiderealTime() const;
320  double getLocalSiderealDayLength() const;
323  double getLocalSiderealYearLength() const;
327  QString getStartupTimeMode();
328  void setStartupTimeMode(const QString& s);
334  QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmValidRangeDescription(const double JD, QString* marker) const;
339  bool isBrightDaylight() const;
342  double getCurrentEpoch() const;
345  QString getDefaultProjectionTypeKey(void) const;
347 public slots:
353  void moveObserverTo(const StelLocation& target, double duration=1., double durationIfPlanetChange=1.);
357  ProjectionType getCurrentProjectionType() const;
360  QString getCurrentProjectionTypeKey(void) const;
362  void setCurrentProjectionTypeKey(QString type);
364  QString getCurrentProjectionNameI18n() const;
367  QStringList getAllProjectionTypeKeys() const;
372  DeltaTAlgorithm getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm() const { return currentDeltaTAlgorithm; }
374  QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmDescription(void) const;
376  QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey(void) const;
378  void setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey(QString type);
385  void setFlagGravityLabels(bool gravity);
387  void setDefaultAngleForGravityText(float a);
390  void setFlipHorz(bool flip);
393  void setFlipVert(bool flip);
396  bool getFlipHorz(void) const;
399  bool getFlipVert(void) const;
401  //New for 0.15: Vertical offset should even be available for animation, so at last with property mechanism.
404  double getViewportHorizontalOffset(void);
408  void setViewportHorizontalOffset(double newOffsetPct);
411  double getViewportVerticalOffset(void);
416  void setViewportVerticalOffset(double newOffsetPct);
417  // Set both viewport offsets. Arguments will be clamped to be inside [-50...50]. I (GZ) hope this will avoid some of the shaking.
418  void setViewportOffset(double newHorizontalOffsetPct, double newVerticalOffsetPct);
423  void setViewportStretch(float stretch);
426  QString getDefaultLocationID() const;
428  void setDefaultLocationID(const QString& id);
432  void returnToHome();
435  double getJDOfLastJDUpdate() const;
439  void setMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate(qint64 millis);
441  qint64 getMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate() const;
444  void setJD(double newJD);
448  void setJDE(double newJDE);
450  double getJD() const;
454  double getJDE() const;
460  double getSolutionEquationOfTime(const double JDE) const;
462  bool getUseDST() const;
463  void setUseDST(const bool b);
465  bool getUseCustomTimeZone(void) const;
466  void setUseCustomTimeZone(const bool b);
471  void setMJDay(double MJD);
473  double getMJDay() const;
489  double computeDeltaT(const double JD);
491  double getDeltaT() const;
494  bool getUseNutation() const {return flagUseNutation;}
496  void setUseNutation(bool use) { if (flagUseNutation != use) { flagUseNutation=use; emit flagUseNutationChanged(use); }}
499  bool getUseTopocentricCoordinates() const {return flagUseTopocentricCoordinates;}
501  void setUseTopocentricCoordinates(bool use) { if (flagUseTopocentricCoordinates!= use) { flagUseTopocentricCoordinates=use; emit flagUseTopocentricCoordinatesChanged(use); }}
504  double getPresetSkyTime() const;
506  void setPresetSkyTime(double d);
509  void setTimeRate(double ts);
511  double getTimeRate() const;
513  void revertTimeDirection(void);
516  void increaseTimeSpeed();
518  void decreaseTimeSpeed();
520  void increaseTimeSpeedLess();
522  void decreaseTimeSpeedLess();
525  void setZeroTimeSpeed();
527  void setRealTimeSpeed();
529  void toggleRealTimeSpeed();
531  bool getRealTimeSpeed() const;
534  void setTimeNow();
536  void setTodayTime(const QTime& target);
538  bool getIsTimeNow() const;
541  QTime getInitTodayTime(void);
543  void setInitTodayTime(const QTime& time);
545  void setPresetSkyTime(QDateTime dateTime);
548  void addMinute();
550  void addHour();
552  void addDay();
554  void addWeek();
558  void addSiderealDay();
562  void addSiderealYear();
566  void addSiderealYears(float n=100.f);
569  void subtractMinute();
571  void subtractHour();
573  void subtractDay();
575  void subtractWeek();
579  void subtractSiderealDay();
583  void subtractSiderealYear();
587  void subtractSiderealYears(float n=100.f);
590  void addSynodicMonth();
593  void addDraconicYear();
595  void addDraconicMonth();
598  void addAnomalisticMonth();
600  void addAnomalisticYear();
602  void addAnomalisticYears(float n=100.f);
605  void addMeanTropicalMonth();
607  void addMeanTropicalYear();
609  void addMeanTropicalYears(float n=100.f);
611  void addTropicalYear();
614  void addJulianYear();
616  void addJulianYears(float n=100.f);
620  void addGaussianYear();
623  void subtractSynodicMonth();
626  void subtractDraconicYear();
628  void subtractDraconicMonth();
635  void subtractAnomalisticYears(float n=100.f);
642  void subtractMeanTropicalYears(float n=100.f);
644  void subtractTropicalYear();
647  void subtractJulianYear();
649  void subtractJulianYears(float n=100.f);
652  void subtractGaussianYear();
656  void addSolarDays(double d);
660  void addSiderealDays(double d);
664  void moveObserverToSelected();
668  void setDeltaTCustomYear(float y) { deltaTCustomYear=y; }
671  void setDeltaTCustomNDot(float v) { deltaTCustomNDot=v; }
674  void setDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients(Vec3f c) { deltaTCustomEquationCoeff=c; }
677  float getDeltaTCustomYear() const { return deltaTCustomYear; }
679  float getDeltaTCustomNDot() const { return deltaTCustomNDot; }
681  float getDeltaTnDot() const { return deltaTnDot; }
683  Vec3f getDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients() const { return deltaTCustomEquationCoeff; }
688  bool de430IsAvailable();
689  bool de431IsAvailable();
690  bool de430IsActive();
691  bool de431IsActive();
692  void setDe430Active(bool status);
693  void setDe431Active(bool status);
698  QString getIAUConstellation(const Vec3d positionJ2000) const;
701 signals:
705  void timeRateChanged(double rate);
709  void timeSyncOccurred(double jDay);
711  void dateChanged();
713  void flipHorzChanged(bool b);
715  void flipVertChanged(bool b);
717  void flagUseNutationChanged(bool b);
723  void currentProjectionTypeKeyChanged(const QString& newValue);
725  void currentProjectionNameI18nChanged(const QString& newValue);
727 private:
728  StelToneReproducer* toneReproducer; // Tones conversion between stellarium world and display device
729  StelSkyDrawer* skyDrawer;
730  StelMovementMgr* movementMgr; // Manage vision movements
732  // Manage geodesic grid
733  mutable StelGeodesicGrid* geodesicGrid;
735  // The currently used projection type
736  ProjectionType currentProjectionType;
738  // The currentrly used time correction (DeltaT)
739  DeltaTAlgorithm currentDeltaTAlgorithm;
741  // Parameters to use when creating new instances of StelProjector
742  StelProjector::StelProjectorParams currentProjectorParams;
744  void updateTransformMatrices();
745  void updateTime(double deltaTime);
746  void updateMaximumFov();
747  void resetSync();
749  void registerMathMetaTypes();
752  // Matrices used for every coordinate transfo
753  Mat4d matHeliocentricEclipticJ2000ToAltAz; // Transform from heliocentric ecliptic Cartesian (VSOP87A) to topocentric (StelObserver) altazimuthal coordinate
754  Mat4d matAltAzToHeliocentricEclipticJ2000; // Transform from topocentric (StelObserver) altazimuthal coordinate to heliocentric ecliptic Cartesian (VSOP87A)
755  Mat4d matAltAzToEquinoxEqu; // Transform from topocentric altazimuthal coordinate to Earth Equatorial
756  Mat4d matEquinoxEquToAltAz; // Transform from Earth Equatorial to topocentric (StelObserver) altazimuthal coordinate
757  Mat4d matHeliocentricEclipticToEquinoxEqu; // Transform from heliocentric ecliptic Cartesian (VSOP87A) to earth equatorial coordinate
758  Mat4d matEquinoxEquToJ2000; // For Earth, this is almost the inverse precession matrix, =Rz(VSOPbias)Rx(eps0)Rz(-psiA)Rx(-omA)Rz(chiA)
759  Mat4d matJ2000ToEquinoxEqu; // precession matrix
760  static Mat4d matJ2000ToJ1875; // Precession matrix for IAU constellation lookup.
762  Mat4d matJ2000ToAltAz;
763  Mat4d matAltAzToJ2000;
765  Mat4d matAltAzModelView; // Modelview matrix for observer-centric altazimuthal drawing
766  Mat4d invertMatAltAzModelView; // Inverted modelview matrix for observer-centric altazimuthal drawing
768  // Position variables
769  StelObserver* position;
770  // The ID of the default startup location
771  QString defaultLocationID;
773  // flag to indicate we want to use nutation (the small-scale wobble of earth's axis)
774  bool flagUseNutation;
775  // flag to indicate that we show topocentrically corrected coordinates. (Switching to false for planetocentric coordinates is new for 0.14)
776  bool flagUseTopocentricCoordinates;
778  // Time variables
779  double timeSpeed; // Positive : forward, Negative : Backward, 1 = 1sec/sec
780  //double JDay; // Current time in Julian day. IN V0.12 TO V0.14, this was JD in TT, and all places where UT was required had to subtract getDeltaT() explicitly.
781  QPair<double,double> JD; // From 0.14 on: JD.first=JD_UT, JD.second=DeltaT=TT-UT. To gain JD_TT, compute JDE=JD.first+JD.second or better just call getJDE()
782  // Use is best with calls getJD()/setJD() and getJDE()/setJDE() to explicitly state which flavour of JD you need.
783  double presetSkyTime;
784  QTime initTodayTime;
785  QString startupTimeMode;
786  double milliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate; // Time in seconds when the time rate or time last changed
787  double jdOfLastJDUpdate; // JD when the time rate or time last changed
789  QString currentTimeZone;
790  bool flagUseDST;
791  bool flagUseCTZ; // custom time zone
793  // Variables for equations of DeltaT
794  Vec3f deltaTCustomEquationCoeff;
795  float deltaTCustomNDot;
796  float deltaTCustomYear;
797  float deltaTnDot; // The currently applied nDot correction. (different per algorithm, and displayed in status line.)
798  bool deltaTdontUseMoon; // true if the currenctly selected algorithm does not do a lunar correction (?????)
799  double (*deltaTfunc)(const double JD); // This is a function pointer which must be set to a function which computes DeltaT(JD).
800  int deltaTstart; // begin year of validity range for the selected DeltaT algorithm. (SET INT_MIN to mark infinite)
801  int deltaTfinish; // end year of validity range for the selected DeltaT algorithm. (Set INT_MAX to mark infinite)
803  // Variables for DE430/431 ephem calculation
804  bool de430Available; // ephem file found
805  bool de431Available; // ephem file found
806  bool de430Active; // available and user-activated.
807  bool de431Active; // available and user-activated.
808 };
810 #endif // _STELCORE_HPP_
bool de430IsAvailable()
true if DE430 ephemeris file has been found
const StelGeodesicGrid * getGeodesicGrid(int maxLevel) const
Get an instance of StelGeodesicGrid which is garanteed to allow for at least maxLevel levels...
void subtractMeanTropicalYears(float n=100.f)
Subtract n mean tropical years to the simulation time.
Reingold & Dershowitz (2002, 2007) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:135
void addAnomalisticYears(float n=100.f)
Add n anomalistic years to the simulation time.
double computeDeltaT(const double JD)
Compute DeltaT estimation for a given date.
void setTimeRate(double ts)
Set time speed in JDay/sec.
Store the informations for a location on a planet.
void setPresetSkyTime(double d)
Set the preset sky time from a JD.
Stephenson & Morrison (1995) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:129
Never add refraction (i.e. geometric coordinates)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:106
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getAltAzModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric altazimuthal drawing.
Always add refraction (i.e. apparent coordinates)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:105
Vec3d j2000ToJ1875(const Vec3d &v) const
Use fixed matrix to allow fast transformation of positions related to the IAU constellation borders...
void subtractSiderealYear()
Subtract one sidereal year to the simulation time.
void setCurrentProjectionType(ProjectionType type)
Set the current ProjectionType to use.
void subtractTropicalYear()
Subtract one tropical year to the simulation time.
void timeRateChanged(double rate)
This signal is emitted when the time rate has changed.
void addWeek()
Add one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time.
DeltaTAlgorithm getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm() const
Get the current algorithm for time correction (DeltaT)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:372
Provide a set of methods used to draw sky objects taking into account eyes adaptation, zoom level, instrument model and artificially set magnitude limits.
void addSiderealDay()
Add one sidereal day to the simulation time.
M. Khalid, Mariam Sultana and Faheem Zaidi polynomial approximation of time period 1620-2013 (2014) ...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:142
QStringList getAllProjectionTypeKeys() const
Get the list of all the available projections.
Banjevic (2006) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:140
double getLocalSiderealTime() const
Get the sidereal time shifted by the observer longitude.
void returnToDefaultLocation()
Return to the default location.
Define viewport mask types.
static const Mat4d matJ2000ToVsop87
Rotation matrix from equatorial J2000 to ecliptic (VSOP87A).
Definition: StelCore.hpp:272
bool de431IsActive()
true if DE431 ephemeris is in use
bool getFlipHorz(void) const
Get the state of the horizontal flip.
void subtractJulianYears(float n=100.f)
Subtract n Julian years to the simulation time.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getGalacticModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Galactic equatorial drawing.
Espenak & Meeus (2006) algorithm for DeltaT (Recommended, default)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:138
Vec3f getDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients() const
Get coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:683
void decreaseTimeSpeed()
Decrease the time speed.
Fisheye projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:90
Miller cylindrical projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:96
bool getUseTopocentricCoordinates() const
Definition: StelCore.hpp:499
void setObserver(StelObserver *obs)
Replaces the current observer. StelCore assumes ownership of the observer.
void subtractDraconicMonth()
Subtract one draconic month to the simulation time.
void update(double deltaTime)
Update all the objects with respect to the time.
void dateChanged()
This signal is emitted when the date has changed.
void subtractDay()
Subtract one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time.
Cylinder projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:97
Vec3d getObserverHeliocentricEclipticPos() const
Return the observer heliocentric ecliptic position (GZ: presumably J2000)
double getMJDay() const
Get the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT)
Astronomical Ephemeris (1960) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:117
Equatorial reference frame at the J2000 equinox centered on the observer. This is also the ICRS refer...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:79
void subtractJulianYear()
Subtract one Julian year to the simulation time.
Morrison & Stephenson (2004, 2005) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:136
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getHeliocentricEclipticModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for heliocentric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing.
void lookAtJ2000(const Vec3d &pos, const Vec3d &up)
Set vision direction.
void subtractAnomalisticYear()
Subtract one anomalistic year to the simulation time.
Reijs (2006) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:137
void currentProjectionTypeChanged(StelCore::ProjectionType newType)
Emitted whenever the projection type changes.
void setFlipVert(bool flip)
Set the vertical flip status.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getObservercentricEclipticOfDateModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic of Date drawing.
Stereographic projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:89
A SphericalCap is defined by a direction and an aperture.
IAU (1952) algorithm for DeltaT (based on observations by Spencer Jones (1939))
Definition: StelCore.hpp:116
static const Mat4d matVsop87ToJ2000
Rotation matrix from ecliptic (VSOP87A) to equatorial J2000.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:274
QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmDescription(void) const
Get description of the current algorithm for time correction.
void setDe430Active(bool status)
switch DE430 use to
Stephenson (1978) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:120
void addDay()
Add one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time.
void subtractSiderealYears(float n=100.f)
Subtract n sidereal years to the simulation time.
void currentProjectionTypeKeyChanged(const QString &newValue)
Emitted whenever the projection type changes.
void setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey(QString type)
Set the current algorithm to use from its key.
bool getUseNutation() const
Definition: StelCore.hpp:494
void setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm(DeltaTAlgorithm algorithm)
Set the current algorithm and nDot used therein for time correction (DeltaT)
void setRealTimeSpeed()
Set real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec.
double getLocalSiderealDayLength() const
Get the duration of a sidereal day for the current observer in day.
QString projectionNameI18nToTypeKey(const QString &nameI18n) const
Get the projection TypeKey from its translated name for the current locale.
Moving ecliptic reference frame centered on the Observer. GZ new for V0.14: Ecliptic of date...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:75
Main class for Stellarium core processing.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:48
static const Mat4d matSupergalacticToJ2000
Rotation matrix from Supergalactic to J2000 reference frame.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:282
double getJD() const
Get the current date in Julian Day (UT).
float getUTCOffset(const double JD) const
Get the UTC offset on the current location (in hours)
void flagUseNutationChanged(bool b)
This signal indicates a switch in use of nutation.
void addGaussianYear()
Add one Gaussian year to the simulation time.
void setViewportStretch(float stretch)
Can be used in specialized setups, intended e.g.
QString getStartupTimeMode()
Return the startup mode, can be "actual" (i.e.
void addSynodicMonth()
Add one synodic month to the simulation time.
Reference frame is not set (FMajerech: Added to avoid condition on uninitialized value in StelSkyLaye...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:71
void setCurrentStelProjectorParams(const StelProjector::StelProjectorParams &newParams)
Set the set of parameters to use when creating a new StelProjector.
Chapront-Touzé & Chapront (1991) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:128
static const Mat4d matJ2000ToSupergalactic
Rotation matrix from J2000 to Supergalactic reference frame.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:280
Stephenson, Morrison, Hohenkerk (2016) RSPA paper provides spline fit to observations for -720...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:143
Grid of triangles (zones) on the sphere with radius 1, generated by subdividing the icosahedron...
void addHour()
Add one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time.
float getDeltaTCustomNDot() const
Get n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:679
QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmValidRangeDescription(const double JD, QString *marker) const
Get info about valid range for current algorithm for calculation of Delta-T.
Schmadel & Zech (1979) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:121
Available DeltaT algorithms.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:111
StelSkyDrawer * getSkyDrawer()
Get the current StelSkyDrawer used in the core.
Stephenson (1997) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:130
const StelLocation & getCurrentLocation() const
Get the informations on the current location.
qint64 getMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate() const
Returns the system date of the last time resetSync() was called.
Borkowski (1988) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:126
void addJulianYears(float n=100.f)
Add n Julian years to the simulation time.
Montenbruck & Pfleger (2000) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:134
bool de431IsAvailable()
true if DE431 ephemeris file has been found
void addTropicalYear()
Add one tropical year to the simulation time.
void addAnomalisticYear()
Add one anomalistic year to the simulation time.
bool de430IsActive()
true if DE430 ephemeris is in use
A templatized column-major 4x4 matrix compatible with openGL.
Definition: VecMath.hpp:35
void setMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate(qint64 millis)
Sets the system date which corresponds to the jdOfLastJDUpdate.
void subtractGaussianYear()
Subtract one Gaussian year to the simulation time.
void init()
Init and load all main core components.
Espenak (1987, 1989) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:125
QSharedPointer< StelProjector > StelProjectorP
Shared pointer on a StelProjector instance (implement reference counting)
void setFlagGravityLabels(bool gravity)
Set the flag with decides whether to arrage labels so that they are aligned with the bottom of a 2d s...
Islam, Sadiq & Qureshi (2008 + revisited 2013) algorithm for DeltaT (6 polynomials) ...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:141
void subtractSynodicMonth()
Subtract one synodic month to the simulation time.
QString getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey(void) const
Get the current algorithm used by the DeltaT.
void setViewportVerticalOffset(double newOffsetPct)
Set vertical viewport offset.
double getDeltaT() const
Get current DeltaT.
QString currentProjectionNameI18n
Read-only property returning the localized projection name.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:63
Vec3d heliocentricEclipticToEquinoxEqu(const Vec3d &v) const
Transform from heliocentric coordinate to equatorial at current equinox (for the planet where the obs...
void setJDE(double newJDE)
Set the current date in Julian Day (TT).
Manages the head movements and zoom operations.
Converts tones in function of the eye adaptation to luminance.
void setViewportHorizontalOffset(double newOffsetPct)
Set horizontal viewport offset.
void addMeanTropicalYears(float n=100.f)
Add n mean tropical years to the simulation time.
void addJulianYear()
Add one Julian year to the simulation time.
void getClippingPlanes(double *zn, double *zf) const
Get the near and far clipping planes.
Supported reference frame types.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:69
void flagUseTopocentricCoordinatesChanged(bool b)
This signal indicates a switch in use of topocentric coordinates.
void flipVertChanged(bool b)
This signal indicates a vertical display flip.
void addSiderealYear()
Add one sidereal year to the simulation time.
void subtractMinute()
Subtract one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time.
void currentProjectionNameI18nChanged(const QString &newValue)
Emitted whenever the projection type changes.
Equatorial reference frame at the current equinox centered on the observer.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:76
double getJDE() const
Get the current date in Julian Day (TT).
void decreaseTimeSpeedLess()
Decrease the time speed but not as much as with decreaseTimeSpeed()
float getDeltaTCustomYear() const
Get central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:677
void setJD(double newJD)
Set the current date in Julian Day (UT)
double getJDOfLastJDUpdate() const
Returns the JD of the last time resetSync() was called.
void addMinute()
Add one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time.
Mercator projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:95
void addDraconicYear()
Add one draconic year to the simulation time.
void toggleRealTimeSpeed()
Set real time speed or pause simulation if we are already in realtime speed.
void addSiderealYears(float n=100.f)
Add n sidereal years to the simulation time.
StelProjector::StelProjectorParams getCurrentStelProjectorParams() const
Get the current set of parameters to use when creating a new StelProjector.
void addMeanTropicalYear()
Add one mean tropical year to the simulation time.
Hammer-Aitoff projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:93
void setDe431Active(bool status)
switch DE431 use to
void setTodayTime(const QTime &target)
Set the time to some value, leaving the day the same.
Should be renamed as PlanetBasedObserver and derive from a more generical StelObserver class...
bool getFlipVert(void) const
Get the state of the vertical flip.
Available projection types.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:86
void returnToHome()
Return to the default location and set default landscape with atmosphere and fog effects.
void subtractWeek()
Subtract one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time.
void moveObserverToSelected()
Move the observer to the selected object.
const StelObserver * getCurrentObserver() const
Unfortunately we also need this.
double getPresetSkyTime() const
Return the preset sky time in JD.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getJ2000ModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric J2000 equatorial drawing.
void setFlipHorz(bool flip)
Set the horizontal flip status.
double getSolutionEquationOfTime(const double JDE) const
Get solution of equation of time Source: J.
Perspective projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:88
void setMaskType(StelProjector::StelProjectorMaskType m)
Set the mask type.
Morrison & Stephenson (1982) algorithm for DeltaT (used by RedShift)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:122
void addSiderealDays(double d)
Add a number of sidereal days to the current simulation time, based on the observer body&#39;s rotational...
void setZeroTimeSpeed()
Set time speed to 0, i.e. freeze the passage of simulation time.
double getLocalSiderealYearLength() const
Get the duration of a sidereal year for the current observer in days.
void setDefaultAngleForGravityText(float a)
Set the offset rotation angle in degree to apply to gravity text (only if gravityLabels is set to fal...
bool getIsTimeNow() const
Get whether the current stellarium time is the real world time.
Without correction, DeltaT is Zero. Like Stellarium versions before 0.12.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:113
double getViewportVerticalOffset(void)
Get current value for vertical viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective im...
static const Mat4d matJ2000ToGalactic
Rotation matrix from J2000 to Galactic reference frame, using FITS convention.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:276
Stephenson & Houlden (1986) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:124
float getDeltaTnDot() const
Get n-dot for current DeltaT algorithm.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:681
void setTimeNow()
Set stellarium time to current real world time.
void addAnomalisticMonth()
Add one anomalistic month to the simulation time.
Tuckerman (1962, 1964) & Goldstine (1973) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:118
void subtractAnomalisticMonth()
Subtract one anomalistic month to the simulation time.
void setDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients(Vec3f c)
Set coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:674
void setInitTodayTime(const QTime &time)
set the initial "today time" from the config file
Muller & Stephenson (1975) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:119
Fixed-ecliptic reference frame centered on the Observer. GZ: was ObservercentricEcliptic, but renamed because it is Ecliptic of J2000!
Definition: StelCore.hpp:74
void subtractMeanTropicalYear()
Subtract one mean tropical year to the simulation time.
QSharedPointer< ModelViewTranform > ModelViewTranformP
Shared pointer on a ModelViewTranform instance (implement reference counting)
QTime getInitTodayTime(void)
get the initial "today time" from the config file
QString getDefaultProjectionTypeKey(void) const
Get the default Mapping used by the Projection.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getObservercentricEclipticJ2000ModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing.
void addDraconicMonth()
Add one draconic month to the simulation time.
void subtractAnomalisticYears(float n=100.f)
Subtract n anomalistic years to the simulation time.
Supergalactic reference frame centered on observer.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:81
Vec3d heliocentricEclipticToAltAz(const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Transform vector from heliocentric ecliptic coordinate to altazimuthal.
StelProjectorP getProjection(FrameType frameType, RefractionMode refractionMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get a new instance of projector using a modelview transformation corresponding to the given frame...
StelToneReproducer * getToneReproducer()
Get the current tone reproducer used in the core.
Galactic reference frame centered on observer.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:80
void subtractDraconicYear()
Subtract one draconic year to the simulation time.
void setDeltaTCustomYear(float y)
Set central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:668
void flipHorzChanged(bool b)
This signal indicates a horizontal display flip.
void initEphemeridesFunctions()
initialize ephemerides calculation functions
double getTimeRate() const
Get time speed in JDay/sec.
Automatically decide to add refraction if atmosphere is activated.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:104
void subtractMeanTropicalMonth()
Subtract one mean tropical month to the simulation time.
Meeus & Simons (2000) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:133
QString projectionTypeKeyToNameI18n(const QString &key) const
Get the translated projection name from its TypeKey for the current locale.
void timeSyncOccurred(double jDay)
This signal is emitted whenever the time is re-synced.
void setClippingPlanes(double znear, double zfar)
Set the near and far clipping planes.
bool isBrightDaylight() const
Checks for altitude of the Sun - is it night or day?
Define the StelProjectorP type.
void setUseTopocentricCoordinates(bool use)
Set whether you want computation and simulation of nutation (a slight wobble of Earth&#39;s axis...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:501
Contains all the param needed to initialize a StelProjector.
Stephenson & Morrison (1984) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:123
QString getCurrentProjectionTypeKey(void) const
Get the current Mapping used by the Projection.
Clemence (1948) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:115
void addMeanTropicalMonth()
Add one mean tropical month to the simulation time.
Vec3d equinoxEquToJ2000(const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates of date (which may also include atmospheric r...
double getViewportHorizontalOffset(void)
Get current value for horizontal viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective ...
Fixed-ecliptic reference frame centered on the Sun. GZ: This is J2000 ecliptical / almost VSOP87...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:73
Schoch (1931) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:114
Altazimuthal reference frame centered on observer.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:72
void postDraw()
Update core state after drawing modules.
void increaseTimeSpeed()
Increase the time speed.
Sinusoidal projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:94
Schmadel & Zech (1988) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:127
void preDraw()
Update core state before drawing modules.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getSupergalacticModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Supergalactic equatorial drawing.
JPL Horizons algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:132
void addSolarDays(double d)
Add a number of Earth Solar days to the current simulation time.
Espenak & Meeus (2006) algorithm for DeltaT (but without additional Lunar acceleration. FOR TESTING ONLY, NONPUBLIC)
Definition: StelCore.hpp:139
void setCurrentProjectionTypeKey(QString type)
Set the current ProjectionType to use from its key.
void setDefaultLocationID(const QString &id)
Set the location to use by default at startup.
Vec3d j2000ToEquinoxEqu(const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates J2000 to those of date (optionally corrected ...
void setMJDay(double MJD)
Set the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT).
Equal Area projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:92
void setDeltaTCustomNDot(float v)
Set n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:671
void increaseTimeSpeedLess()
Increase the time speed, but not as much as with increaseTimeSpeed()
QString getIAUConstellation(const Vec3d positionJ2000) const
Return 3-letter abbreviation of IAU constellation name for position in J2000 coordinates.
StelMovementMgr * getMovementMgr()
Get the instance of movement manager.
Available refraction mode.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:102
static const Mat4d matGalacticToJ2000
Rotation matrix from Galactic to J2000 reference frame, using FITS convention.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:278
void setUseNutation(bool use)
Set whether you want computation and simulation of nutation (a slight wobble of Earth&#39;s axis...
Definition: StelCore.hpp:496
void subtractSiderealDay()
Subtract one sidereal day to the simulation time.
QString currentProjectionTypeKey
This is just another way to access the projection type, by string instead of enum.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:61
void moveObserverTo(const StelLocation &target, double duration=1., double durationIfPlanetChange=1.)
Smoothly move the observer to the given location.
Orthographic projection.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:91
void locationChanged(StelLocation)
This signal is emitted when the observer location has changed.
void subtractHour()
Subtract one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time.
void windowHasBeenResized(float x, float y, float width, float height)
Handle the resizing of the window.
Chapront, Chapront-Touze & Francou (1997) & Meeus (1998) algorithm for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:131
bool getRealTimeSpeed() const
Get whether it is real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec.
User defined coefficients for quadratic equation for DeltaT.
Definition: StelCore.hpp:144
StelProjectorP getProjection2d() const
Get a new instance of a simple 2d projection.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP getEquinoxEquModelViewTransform(RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric equatorial at equinox drawing.
QString getDefaultLocationID() const
Get the location used by default at startup.
double getCurrentEpoch() const
Get value of the current Julian epoch (i.e. current year with decimal fraction, e.g. 2012.34567)