CAABBox | An axis-aligned bounding-box class |
CAPIServiceResponse | Thread-safe version of HttpResponse that can be passed around through QMetaObject::invokeMethod |
CASCOMDevice::ASCOMCoordinates | |
CAtmosphere | Compute and display the daylight sky color using OpenGL |
CCardinals | |
CCLIProcessor | |
CCommLink | Radio communication channel properties |
Ccrossid | |
CDataSetCredits | Contains all the credits for the creator of the image collection |
CEdgeVertex | |
Celsetrec | |
CEphemeris | |
CEphemWrapper | |
CexoplanetData | |
CExtinction | |
CFrustum | |
CGeodesicSearchBorderIterator | |
CGeodesicSearchInsideIterator | |
CGeodesicSearchResult | |
CGeoRegion | |
CGeoRegionsTranslations | |
CGlobalShaderParameters | A structure for global shader parameters |
CgSatTEME | Sat position and velocity predictions over TEME reference system |
CgSatWrapper | Wrapper allowing compatibility between gsat and Stellarium/Qt |
CgTime | |
CgTimeSpan | |
CHECPosition | |
CHeightmap | This represents a heightmap for viewer-ground collision |
CHipIndexStruct | |
►CHttpConnectionHandlerSettings | |
►CHttpConnectionHandlerPoolSettings | |
CHttpListenerSettings | |
CHttpCookie | |
CHttpRequest | |
CHttpResponse | |
►CBaseClient | |
CINDIConnection | |
CINDIConnection::Coordinates | |
CInterpolatedPosition | |
Cinterpolation_info | |
CITemplateTranslationProvider | |
Cjpl_eph_data | |
►CLandscape | |
CLandscapeFisheye | |
CLandscapeOldStyle | |
CLandscapePolygonal | |
CLandscapeSpherical | |
CLandscape::LandscapeLabel | |
CLandscapeOldStyle::landscapeTexCoord | |
CLine | A simple line class, identified by a point and a direction vector |
►CLx200Command | Abstract base class for Meade LX200 (and compatible) commands |
CLx200CommandGetDec | Meade LX200 command: Get the current declination |
CLx200CommandGetRa | Meade LX200 command: Get the current right ascension |
CLx200CommandGotoSelected | Meade LX200 command: Slew to the coordinates set before |
CLx200CommandSetSelectedDec | Meade LX200 command: Set declination. LONG FORMAT ONLY! |
CLx200CommandSetSelectedRa | Meade LX200 command: Set right ascension. LONG FORMAT ONLY! |
CLx200CommandStopSlew | Meade LX200 command: Stop the current slew |
CLx200CommandSyncSelected | |
CLx200CommandToggleFormat | Meade LX200 command: Toggle long or short format |
CMatrix3 | |
CMatrix4 | |
CMatrix4< double > | |
CMatrix4< float > | |
►CMeteor | |
CMeteorObj | |
CSporadicMeteor | |
CMeteorShower::Activity | |
CMeteorShowers::SearchResult | |
CMSTranslations | |
CNavStarCalculatorDegreeInputs | |
CNavStarsCalculator | |
►CNexStarCommand | Abstract base class for Celestron NexStar (and compatible) commands |
CNexStarCommandGetRaDec | Celestron NexStar command: Get the current position |
CNexStarCommandGotoPosition | Celestron NexStar command: Slew to a given position |
CNexStarCommandSync | Celestron NexStar command: sync a given position |
CNightCover | |
CNow | |
CobservingListItem | |
COctahedronPolygon | |
►COrbit | |
CGimbalOrbit | A pseudo-orbit for "observers" linked to a planet's sphere |
CKeplerOrbit | KeplerOrbit describes an undisturbed orbit in a two-body system |
CPlane | |
CPlanet::PlanetOBJModel | |
Cpluto_argument | |
Cpluto_latitude | |
Cpluto_longitude | |
Cpluto_radius | |
CPolyhedron | This implementation is based on Stingl's Robust Hard Shadows |
CPosition | A telescope's position at a given time |
►CQAbstractListModel | |
CCubemapModeListModel | |
CStoredViewModel | |
►CQAbstractSpinBox | |
CAngleSpinBox | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CPropertyBasedTableModel | This class provides a table model for just about any QObject |
CSatellitesListModel | A model encapsulating a satellite list |
►CQDialog | |
CCustomDialog | This class allows storing size changes when its sizeChanged() signal is connected to some handler |
►CQDoubleSpinBox | |
CLogarithmicSpinBox | |
►CQEnableSharedFromThis | |
CStelTexture | |
►CQFrame | |
CBarFrame | |
CResizeFrame | |
CQFuture< T > | |
CQFuture< GLData > | |
CQFuture< Planet::PlanetOBJModel * > | |
►CQGraphicsItem | |
CBottomStelBar | |
CCornerButtons | |
CLeftStelBar | |
►CQGraphicsPathItem | |
CStelBarsPath | |
►CQGraphicsPixmapItem | |
CStelButton | A Button Graphicsitem for use in Stellarium's graphic widgets |
►CQGraphicsProxyWidget | |
CCustomProxy | |
►CQGraphicsTextItem | |
CCalendarsInfoPanel | A screen widget similar to InfoPanel |
CInfoPanel | The informations about the currently selected object |
►CQGraphicsView | |
CStelMainView | |
►CQGraphicsWidget | |
COcularsGuiPanel | A screen widget similar to InfoPanel |
CSkyGui | The class managing the layout for button bars, selected object info and loading bars |
CStelProgressBarMgr | |
►CQLabel | |
CMapLabel | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CShortcutLineEdit | Specialized GUI control for entering keyboard shortcut combinations |
►CQObject | |
►CAbstractAPIService | Abstract base class for all RemoteControlServiceInterface implementations which are provided by the Remote Control Plug-in plugin directly |
CLocationSearchService | |
CLocationService | |
CMainService | |
CObjectService | |
CSimbadService | |
CStelActionService | |
CStelPropertyService | |
CViewService | |
CAngleMeasureStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CArchaeoLine | |
CArchaeoLinesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CASCOMDevice | |
CASCOMSupport | |
CBottomStelBar | |
►CCalendar | |
CAztecXihuitlCalendar | The Aztec Xihuitl was similar to the Maya Haab, a 365-day Solar calendar without intercalation |
CBalinesePawukonCalendar | Balinese Pawukon calendar, a cycle count of 10 simultaneous cycles of different lengths |
►CEgyptianCalendar | This is the "Simple Calendar" exemplified in CC.UE chapter 1.11 |
CArmenianCalendar | The Armenian calendar has the same structure as the Egyptian calendar Epoch is 552 C.E |
CZoroastrianCalendar | The Zoroastrian calendar has the same structure as the Egyptian and Armenian calendars Epoch is Jezdegerd, the last Persian ruler of A.D |
►CFrenchArithmeticCalendar | The French Revolution also introduced a new calendar which was valid only for few years (1793-1805) and another few weeks in May 1871 |
CFrenchAstronomicalCalendar | The French Revolution also introduced a new calendar which was valid only for few years (1793-1805) and another few weeks in May 1871 |
CHebrewCalendar | The Hebrew calendar, introduced in the 4th century C.E., is a Lunisolar calendar with Lunar months and leap months in a fixed scheme |
CIcelandicCalendar | The Icelandic calendar includes years, seasons (summer/winter), months (1..6 per season plus unaccounted days), weeks (1..52/53) and days (7-day week) This implementation follows CC |
CIslamicCalendar | The Islamic calendar is a strictly Lunar calendar with no month intercalation |
►CJulianCalendar | |
►CCopticCalendar | Based on the Egyptian calendar (esp |
CEthiopicCalendar | Equal in structure to the Coptic calendar (with different month names!) |
►CGregorianCalendar | |
CISOCalendar | The ISO calendar counts weeks [1...53] in Gregorian years. Some dates in the border weeks 1 and 53 may lie outside of the respective year. Week 1 contains the first Thursday |
COlympicCalendar | The Olympic calendar only provides the counted olympiad and year in the 4-year cycle |
CRevisedJulianCalendar | The Orthodox Church worked out a Revised Julian Calendar in 1923 to overcome the 13-day gap between their traditional Julian and the rest of the world which is using the Gregorian |
CRomanCalendar | The Roman calendar provides the ancient Roman way of expressing dates |
CMayaHaabCalendar | The Maya Haab was a 365-day Solar calendar without intercalation |
CMayaLongCountCalendar | The Maya Long Count is a 5-part integer day count number in base 20 |
►CMayaTzolkinCalendar | The Maya Tzolkin was a 260-day calendar consisting of a 13-day count and a 20-name count |
CAztecTonalpohualliCalendar | The Aztec Tonalpohualli is just like the Maya Tzolkin, a 260-day calendar consisting of a 13-day count and a 20-name count |
►COldHinduSolarCalendar | |
►COldHinduLuniSolarCalendar | |
►CNewHinduCalendar | |
CAstroHinduSolarCalendar | |
►CNewHinduLunarCalendar | |
CAstroHinduLunarCalendar | |
►CPersianArithmeticCalendar | This class implements an algorithmical intercalation scheme for the Persian calendar of 1925 |
CPersianAstronomicalCalendar | This class implements an astronomically exact version of the Persian calendar of 1925 |
CTibetanCalendar | |
CCalendarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CCCD | |
►CClientHandler | |
CClientAuthHandler | Reacts to Server challenge and challenge OK on the client |
CClientErrorHandler | |
CClientFovHandler | |
CClientLocationHandler | |
CClientSelectionHandler | |
CClientStelPropertyUpdateHandler | |
CClientTimeHandler | |
CClientViewHandler | |
CCornerButtons | |
CDummyDialog | The TextUserInterface wants to intercept all key presses including those which are assigned to global key bindings in the main GUI definition (i.e |
CEquationOfTimeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CExoplanetsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CGPSLookupHelper | |
CHelloStelModuleStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CHipOnlineQuery | |
CHipOnlineReply | |
CHipsSurvey | |
CHttpConnectionHandlerPool | |
►CHttpRequestHandler | |
CAPIController | |
CRequestHandler | This is the main request handler for the remote control plugin, receiving and dispatching the HTTP requests |
CStaticFileController | |
CINDIConnection | |
CLeftStelBar | |
CLens | |
CMeteorShowersStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNavStarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CObservabilityStelPluginInterface | |
COcular | |
COcularsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
COculusStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
COnlineQueriesPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPulsarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CQuasarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CRemoteControlStelPluginInterface | |
CRemoteSyncStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CS3DRenderer | Scenery3d renderer class |
CSatellitesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CScenery3dRemoteControlService | Provides a Scenery3d service for the Remote Control Plug-in plugin |
CScenery3dStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CScreenImage | |
►CServerHandler | |
CServerAuthHandler | Server-side auth handler |
CSimbadLookupReply | |
CSimbadSearcher | |
CSimpleDrawLineStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSkylight | |
CSolarSystemEditorStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSpoutSender | Helper class to send rendered frames to Spout ( |
CStelAction | Wrapper around an argumentless QObject slot or a bool Q_PROPERTY with WRITE method, allowing the slot to be called/property to be toggled using this action object |
CStelActionMgr | Manager for StelAction instances. Allows registration of new actions, and finding an existing one by name |
CStelApp | |
CStelAudioMgr | |
CStelButton | A Button Graphicsitem for use in Stellarium's graphic widgets |
CStelCore | |
►CStelDialog | Base class for all the GUI windows in Stellarium |
CAddRemoveLandscapesDialog | |
CAngleMeasureDialog | Main window of the Angle Measure plug-in |
CArchaeoLinesDialog | Main window of the ArchaeoLines plug-in |
CArchaeoLinesDialogLocations | Auxiliary window of the ArchaeoLines plug-in |
CAstroCalcCustomStepsDialog | |
CAstroCalcDialog | |
CAstroCalcExtraEphemerisDialog | |
CAtmosphereDialog | |
CCalendarsDialog | Main window of the Calendars plug-in |
CConfigurationDialog | |
CConfigureDSOColorsDialog | |
CConfigureOrbitColorsDialog | |
CConfigureScreenshotsDialog | |
CCustomDeltaTEquationDialog | |
CDateTimeDialog | |
CEquationOfTimeWindow | Main window of the Equation of Time plug-in |
CExoplanetsDialog | |
CGreatRedSpotDialog | |
CHelpDialog | |
CLocationDialog | |
CManualImportWindow | Window for manual entry of Solar System object properties |
CMpcImportWindow | Window for importing orbital elements from the Minor Planet Center |
CMSConfigDialog | |
CMSSearchDialog | |
CNavStarsWindow | Main window of the Navigational Stars plug-in |
CNovaeDialog | |
CObservabilityDialog | Configuration window of the Observability Analysis plug-in |
CObsListCreateEditDialog | |
CObsListDialog | |
COcularDialog | |
CPointerCoordinatesWindow | Main window of the Pointer Coordinates plug-in |
CPulsarsDialog | |
CQuasarsDialog | |
CRemoteControlDialog | Main window of the Angle Measure plug-in |
CRemoteSyncDialog | |
CSatellitesCommDialog | |
CSatellitesDialog | Main configuration window of the Satellites plugin |
CSatellitesFilterDialog | |
CSatellitesImportDialog | |
CScenery3dDialog | |
CScriptConsole | |
CSearchDialog | |
CShortcutsDialog | |
CSkylightDialog | |
CSlewDialog | |
CSolarSystemManagerWindow | Main window for handling Solar System objects |
►CStelDialogSeparate | |
COnlineQueriesDialog | |
CStoredPointsDialog | |
CStoredViewDialog | |
CSupernovaeDialog | |
CTelescopeConfigurationDialog | |
CTelescopeDialog | |
CTonemappingDialog | |
CViewDialog | |
CStelGui | |
CStelLocationMgr | |
CStelMainScriptAPI | Provide script API for Stellarium global functions |
CStelMainScriptAPIProxy | |
►CStelModule | This is the common base class for all the main components of stellarium |
CAngleMeasure | |
CArchaeoLines | Main class of the ArchaeoLines plug-in |
CCalendars | |
CEquationOfTime | |
CGridLinesMgr | |
CHelloStelModule | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CHipsMgr | |
CLabelMgr | |
CLandscapeMgr | |
CMarkerMgr | |
CMeteorShowersMgr | |
CMilkyWay | |
CNavStars | |
CObservability | Main class of the Observability Analysis plug-in |
COculars | Main class of the Oculars plug-in |
COculus | |
COnlineQueries | |
CPointerCoordinates | |
CRemoteControl | |
CRemoteSync | |
CScenery3d | Main class of the module, inherits from StelModule |
CScreenImageMgr | |
CSimpleDrawLine | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CSolarSystemEditor | Main class of the Solar System Editor plug-in which allows editing (add, delete, update) of the minor bodies |
CSpecialMarkersMgr | |
CSporadicMeteorMgr | |
CStelGeodesicGridDrawer | |
CStelMovementMgr | |
CStelObjectMgr | |
►CStelObjectModule | |
CAsterismMgr | |
CConstellationMgr | |
CCustomObjectMgr | |
CExoplanets | |
CHighlightMgr | |
CMeteorShowers | |
CNebulaMgr | |
CNomenclatureMgr | |
CNovae | |
CPulsars | |
CQuasars | |
CSatellites | |
CSolarSystem | This class and the handling of solar system data has seen many changes, and unfortunately, not much has been consistently documented |
CStarMgr | |
CSupernovae | |
CTelescopeControl | This class manages the controlling of one or more telescopes by one instance of the stellarium program |
CStelSkyLayerMgr | Manage the sky background images, including DSS and deep sky objects images |
CStelVideoMgr | |
CTextUserInterface | The Text User Interface (TUI) plugin replaces the old (pre-0.10 series) text user interface |
CToastMgr | |
CZodiacalLight | |
CStelModuleMgr | |
►CStelObserver | |
CSpaceShipObserver | |
CStelProgressController | Maintain the state of a progress bar |
CStelProperty | Wrapper around a Q_PROPERTY (see the Qt property system for more information) of a specific object, which provides access to the property through a unique ID |
CStelPropertyMgr | Manages the registration of specific object properties with the StelProperty system |
►CStelPropertyProxy | Abstract base class for a StelProperty proxy implementation, which allow reacting to the StelProperty::changed event using a specific type instead of reacting to the QVariant version |
CAngleSpinBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with AngleSpinBox widgets |
CQAbstractButtonStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QAbstractButton widgets |
CQComboBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QComboBox widgets |
CQComboBoxStelStringPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QComboBox widgets |
CQDoubleSpinBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QDoubleSpinBox widgets |
CQGroupBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QGroupBox widgets |
CQLineEditStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QLineEdit widgets |
CQSliderStelPropertyConnectionHelper | |
CQSpinBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelper | A StelPropertyProxy that works with QSpinBox widgets |
CStelPropertyBoolProxy | A StelPropertyProxy for bool-based properties |
CStelPropertyDoubleProxy | A StelPropertyProxy for double-based properties |
CStelPropertyIntProxy | A StelPropertyProxy for int-based properties |
CStelPropertyStringProxy | A StelPropertyProxy for QString-based properties |
CStelScriptMgr | Manage scripting in Stellarium |
CStelSkyCultureMgr | |
CStelSkyDrawer | |
►CStelSkyLayer | Abstract class defining the API to implement for all sky layers |
►CMultiLevelJsonBase | Abstract base class for managing multi-level tree objects stored in JSON format |
CStelSkyImageTile | Base class for any astro image with a fixed position |
CStelTexture | |
CStelTextureMgr | |
CStelToneReproducer | Converts tones in function of the eye adaptation to luminance |
CSupernovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSyncClient | A client which can connect to a SyncServer to receive state changes, and apply them |
CSyncRemotePeer | Handling the connection to a remote peer (i.e. all clients on the server, and the server on the client) |
CSyncServer | Implements a server to which SyncClients can connect and receive state changes |
►CSyncServerEventSender | Subclasses of this class notify clients of state changes |
CStelPropertyEventSender | |
CTypedSyncServerEventSender< T > | This class provides a semi-automatic event sender using a specific message type |
►CTypedSyncServerEventSender< SyncProtocol::Fov > | |
CFovEventSender | |
►CTypedSyncServerEventSender< SyncProtocol::Location > | |
CLocationEventSender | |
►CTypedSyncServerEventSender< SyncProtocol::Selection > | |
CSelectionEventSender | |
►CTypedSyncServerEventSender< SyncProtocol::Time > | |
CTimeEventSender | Notifies clients of simulation time jumps and time scale changes |
►CTypedSyncServerEventSender< SyncProtocol::View > | |
CViewEventSender | |
CTelescope | |
►CTelescopeClient | An abstract base class that should never be used directly, only inherited |
CTelescopeClientASCOM | |
CTelescopeClientDirectLx200 | Telescope client that connects directly to a Meade LX200 through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDirectNexStar | Telescope client that connects directly to a Celestron NexStar through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDummy | Example Telescope class |
CTelescopeClientINDI | |
CTelescopeClientJsonRts2 | RTS2 JSON telescope |
CTelescopeTCP | This TelescopeClient class can control a telescope by communicating to a server process ("telescope server") via the "Stellarium telescope control protocol" over TCP/IP |
CTelescopeControlStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTestCalendars | |
CTestHistoricalSupernovae | |
CTestINDIConnection | |
CTestNavStars | |
CTestSatellites | |
CTestTelescopeClientINDI | |
CTestTelescopeControl_ASCOM | |
CTestTelescopeControl_INDI | |
CTextUserInterfaceStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CToastSurvey | |
►CTuiNode | |
CTuiNodeActivate | |
►CTuiNodeEditable | |
CTuiNodeBool | |
CTuiNodeColor | |
CTuiNodeDateTime | |
CTuiNodeDouble | |
CTuiNodeEnum | |
CTuiNodeFloat | |
CTuiNodeInt | |
CVtsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
►CQOpenGLFunctions | |
COculus | |
CS3DRenderer | Scenery3d renderer class |
CSpoutSender | Helper class to send rendered frames to Spout ( |
CStelPainter | |
CStelSkyDrawer | |
►CQOpenGLFunctions_1_0 | |
CGLExtFuncs | Defines some OpenGL functions not resolved through StelOpenGL (which only contains base OpenGL ES2 functions) Using the QOpenGLFunctions_*_* directly would solve this better, but it conflicts with the current StelOpenGL header dramatically |
►CQSharedPointer | |
CQSharedPointerNoDelete< T > | Special version of QSharedPointer which by default doesn't delete the referenced pointer when the reference count reaches 0 |
CQSharedPointerNoDelete< StelObject > | |
CSphericalRegionP | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CSatellitesListFilterModel | Custom proxy model allowing filtering by satellite group and flag |
CShortcutsFilterModel | Custom filter class for filtering tree sub-items |
►CQString | |
CTemplate | Enhanced version of QString for template processing |
►CQStringListModel | |
CCompletionListModel | |
►CQSyntaxHighlighter | |
CStelScriptSyntaxHighlighter | This class is used to colorize the ECMAScript syntax elements in the Scripting Console |
►CQChart | |
CAstroCalcChart | |
►CQTcpServer | |
CHttpListener | |
►CQTextBrowser | |
CStelWebEngineView | |
CThis | |
►CQTextEdit | |
CCustomTextEdit | A custom QTextEdit subclass that has an editingFinished() signal like QLineEdit |
►CQThread | |
CHttpConnectionHandler | |
►CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CACCelPosTreeWidgetItem | |
CACEphemTreeWidgetItem | |
CACLunarEclipseTreeWidgetItem | |
CACPhenTreeWidgetItem | |
CACRTSTreeWidgetItem | |
CACSolarEclipseLocalTreeWidgetItem | |
CACSolarEclipseTreeWidgetItem | |
CACTransitTreeWidgetItem | |
CAHECPosTreeWidgetItem | |
CCommsTreeWidgetItem | |
CEPSTreeWidgetItem | |
CMSTreeWidgetItem | |
CWUTTreeWidgetItem | |
►CQVector | |
CSubContour | |
►CQWidget | |
CINDIControlWidget | |
CLightPollutionWidget | |
CTelescopeClientASCOMWidget | |
CTelescopeClientINDIWidget | |
CRCMag | Contains the 2 parameters necessary to draw a star on screen |
CrecentObjectSearches | |
►CRemoteControlServiceInterface | Interface for all Remote Control Plug-in services |
CAbstractAPIService | Abstract base class for all RemoteControlServiceInterface implementations which are provided by the Remote Control Plug-in plugin directly |
CScenery3dRemoteControlService | Provides a Scenery3d service for the Remote Control Plug-in plugin |
CRing | |
CRotationElements | |
CRotationElements::PlanetCorrections | 0.21+: Axes of planets and moons require terms depending on T=(jde-J2000)/36525, described in Explanatory Supplement 2013, Tables 10.1 and 10.10-14, updated in WGCCRE reports 2009 and 2015 |
CS3DEnum | |
CS3DScene | |
CS3DScene::Material::Traits | |
CSceneInfo | Contains all the metadata necessary for a Scenery3d scene, and can be loaded from special .ini files in a scene's folder |
►CServer | Base class for telescope server classes |
CTelescopeClientDirectLx200 | Telescope client that connects directly to a Meade LX200 through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDirectNexStar | Telescope client that connects directly to a Celestron NexStar through a serial port |
CServerCredits | Contain all the credits for a given server hosting the data |
CShaderMgr | A simple shader cache class that gives us the correct shader depending on desired configuration |
CSkybright | This class makes use of the 1998 sky brightness model by Bradley Schaefer |
CskylightStruct2 | Class which computes the daylight sky color Fast implementation of the algorithm from the article "A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight" by A |
CSkyLine | |
CSmoother | |
►CSocket | |
►CConnection | TCP/IP connection to a client |
►CSerialPort | Serial interface connection |
CLx200Connection | Serial port connection to a Meade LX200 or a compatible telescope |
CNexStarConnection | Serial port connection to a Celestron NexStar or a compatible telescope |
CSolarEclipseBessel | |
CSolarEclipseData | |
CSpecialZoneArray | |
CSpecialZoneArray< Star > | |
►CSpecialZoneArray< Star1 > | |
CHipZoneArray | |
CSpecialZoneArray< Star2 > | |
CSpecialZoneArray< Star3 > | |
CSpecialZoneData | |
CSpecialZoneData< Star > | |
CSpecialZoneData< Star1 > | |
CSpecialZoneData< Star2 > | |
CSpecialZoneData< Star3 > | |
CSphericalLandscape | Re-implementation of gluSphere : glu is overridden for non-standard projection |
►CSphericalRegion | |
CAllSkySphericalRegion | |
CEmptySphericalRegion | |
CSphericalCap | |
►CSphericalConvexPolygon | |
CSphericalTexturedConvexPolygon | |
CSphericalPoint | |
►CSphericalPolygon | |
CSphericalTexturedPolygon | |
CSphericalTexturedPolygon::TextureVertex | |
CSphericMirrorCalculator | |
CSplashScreen | |
CSPolygon | |
CStar1 | |
CStar2 | |
CStar3 | |
CStaticFileControllerSettings | |
CHowever | |
►CStelFader | |
CBooleanFader | |
►CLinearFader | |
CParabolicFader | |
CStelFileMgr | Provides utilities for locating and handling files |
CStelGeodesicGrid | |
►CStelGuiBase | |
CStelGui | |
CStelJsonParser | |
CStelLocaleMgr | |
CStelLocation | |
CStelLogger | |
CStelMainView::GLInfo | Contains some basic info about the OpenGL context used |
CStelModuleMgr::PluginDescriptor | Contains the information read from the module.ini file |
CStelOBJ | Representation of a custom subset of a Wavefront .obj file, including only triangle data and materials |
►CStelOBJ::Material | Defines a material loaded from an .mtl file |
CS3DScene::Material | Extension of StelOBJ::Material which provides Scenery3d specific stuff |
CStelOBJ::MaterialGroup | Represents a bunch of faces following after each other that use the same material |
CStelOBJ::Object | Represents an OBJ object as defined with the 'o' statement |
CStelOBJ::Vertex | A Vertex struct holds the vertex itself (position), corresponding texture coordinates, normals, tangents and bitangents It does not use Vec3f etc |
CStelOpenGLArray | Encapsulates vertex data stored in the OpenGL server memory, which can be used for fast drawing commands, without repeated CPU-GPU data uploads |
CStelPluginInfo | |
►CStelPluginInterface | |
CAngleMeasureStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CArchaeoLinesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CCalendarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CEquationOfTimeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CExoplanetsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CHelloStelModuleStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CMeteorShowersStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNavStarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CObservabilityStelPluginInterface | |
COcularsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
COculusStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
COnlineQueriesPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPulsarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CQuasarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CRemoteControlStelPluginInterface | |
CRemoteSyncStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSatellitesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CScenery3dStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSimpleDrawLineStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSolarSystemEditorStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSupernovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTelescopeControlStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTextUserInterfaceStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CVtsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
►CStelProjector | |
CStelProjector2d | |
►CStelProjectorCylinder | |
CStelProjectorSinusoidal | |
CStelProjectorEqualArea | |
CStelProjectorFisheye | |
CStelProjectorHammer | |
►CStelProjectorMercator | |
CStelProjectorMiller | |
CStelProjectorOrthographic | |
CStelProjectorPerspective | |
CStelProjectorStereographic | |
►CStelProjector::ModelViewTranform | |
CRefraction | |
CStelProjector::Mat4dTransform | |
CStelProjector::StelProjectorParams | |
►CStelRegionObject | Simple abstract class defining basic methods implemented by all objects that need to be stored in a StelSphericalIndex |
►CStelObject | The base abstract class for sky objects used in Stellarium like Stars, Planets, Constellations etc.. |
CAsterism | |
CConstellation | |
CCustomObject | |
CExoplanet | |
CMeteorShower | |
CNebula | |
CNomenclatureItem | Class which contains data about one Nomenclature entry from the IAU database at There is a confusing variety of planetographic vs |
CNova | |
►CPlanet | |
CComet | |
CMinorPlanet | |
CPulsar | |
CQuasar | |
CSatellite | |
►CStarWrapperBase | |
CStarWrapper< Star > | |
►CStarWrapper< Star1 > | |
CStarWrapper1 | |
►CStarWrapper< Star2 > | |
CStarWrapper2 | |
►CStarWrapper< Star3 > | |
CStarWrapper3 | |
CSupernova | |
CTelescopeClient | An abstract base class that should never be used directly, only inherited |
CStelScriptOutput | |
CStelSkyCulture | |
CStelSphericalIndex | |
CStelStyle | |
CStelTexture::StelTextureParams | Contains the parameters defining how a texture is created |
CStelTranslator | Class used to translate strings to any language |
CStelUtils::binary_function< Arg1, Arg2, Result > | |
CStelVertexArray | |
►CStelViewportEffect | |
CStelViewportDistorterFisheyeToSphericMirror | |
CstoredPoint | |
CStoredView | A structure which stores a specific view position, view direction and FOV, together with a textual description |
CstringLengthCompare | |
►CSyncMessageHandler | Base interface for message handlers, i.e. reacting to messages |
CClientAliveHandler | |
CClientHandler | |
CDummyMessageHandler | Skips the message, and does nothing else |
CServerAliveHandler | |
CServerErrorHandler | |
CServerHandler | |
CSyncProtocol::SyncHeader | All messages are preceded by this |
►CSyncProtocol::SyncMessage | Base interface for the messages themselves, allowing to serialize/deserialize them |
CSyncProtocol::Alive | |
CSyncProtocol::ClientChallengeResponse | |
CSyncProtocol::ErrorMessage | |
CSyncProtocol::Fov | |
CSyncProtocol::Location | |
CSyncProtocol::Selection | |
CSyncProtocol::ServerChallenge | |
CSyncProtocol::ServerChallengeResponseValid | This is just a notify message with no data, so no serialize/deserialize |
CSyncProtocol::StelPropertyUpdate | |
CSyncProtocol::Time | |
CSyncProtocol::View | |
CTelescopeControlGlobals::DeviceModel | |
CTleData | Data structure containing unvalidated TLE set as read from a TLE list file |
CTleSource | TLE update source, used only internally for now |
CToastGrid | |
CToastTile | |
CToastTile::Coord | Triple struct for a coordinate of a ToastTile |
CTrailGroup | |
CTransitBessel | Besselian elements for transit of Mercury and Venus across the Sun |
CTranslations | |
CTuiNodeResponse | |
Cvarstar | |
CVector2 | |
CVector2< double > | |
CVector2< float > | |
CVector2< qreal > | |
CVector3 | |
CVector3< double > | |
CVector3< float > | |
CVector4 | |
CVector4< double > | |
CVector4< float > | |
CVector4< int > | |
Cwds | |
CZoneArray | |
CZoneData | |