Stellarium  0.19.3
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NSyncProtocolContains sync protocol data definitions shared between client and server
 CAABBoxAn axis-aligned bounding-box class
 CAbstractAPIServiceAbstract base class for all RemoteControlServiceInterface implementations which are provided by the Remote Control Plug-in plugin directly
 CAllSkySphericalRegionSpecial SphericalRegion for the whole sphere
 CAngleMeasureMain class of the Angle Measure plug-in
 CAngleMeasureDialogMain window of the Angle Measure plug-in
 CAngleMeasureStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CAngleSpinBoxA spin box for displaying/entering angular values
 CAPIControllerThis class handles the API-specific requests and dispatches them to the correct RemoteControlServiceInterface implementation
 CAPIServiceResponseThread-safe version of HttpResponse that can be passed around through QMetaObject::invokeMethod
 CArchaeoLineClass which manages a line (small circle) to display around the sky like the solstices line
 CArchaeoLinesMain class of the ArchaeoLines plug-in
 CArchaeoLinesDialogMain window of the ArchaeoLines plug-in
 CArchaeoLinesStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CAsterismModels a grouping of stars in a Sky Culture
 CAsterismMgrDisplay and manage the asterisms
 CAtmosphereCompute and display the daylight sky color using openGL
 CBarFrameA title bar control used in windows derived from StelDialog
 CBooleanFaderImplementation of StelFader which behaves like a normal boolean, i.e
 CClientAuthHandlerReacts to Server challenge and challenge OK on the client
 CCommLinkRadio communication channel properties
 CCompassMarksMain class of the Compass Marks plug-in
 CCompassMarksStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CCompletionLabelDisplay a list of results matching the search string, and allow to tab through those selections
 CConnectionTCP/IP connection to a client
 CConstellationModels a grouping of stars in a Sky Culture
 CConstellationMgrDisplay and manage the constellations
 CCustomTextEditA custom QTextEdit subclass that has an editingFinished() signal like QLineEdit
 CDataSetCreditsContains all the credits for the creator of the image collection
 CDummyDialogThe TextUserInterface wants to intercept all key presses including those which are assigned to global key bindings in the main GUI definition (i.e
 CDummyMessageHandlerSkips the message, and does nothing else
 CEdgeVertexDescribe a vertex composing polygon contours, and whether it belong to an edge or not
 CEmptySphericalRegionSpecial SphericalRegion for — UMM, WHAT EXACTLY?
 CEquationOfTimeMain class of the Equation of Time plugin
 CEquationOfTimeStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CEquationOfTimeWindowMain window of the Equation of Time plug-in
 CExoplanetA exoplanet object represents one planetary system on the sky
 CExoplanetsMain class of the Exoplanets plugin
 CExoplanetsDialogMain window of the Exoplanets plugin
 CExoplanetsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CExtinctionThis class performs extinction computations, following literature from atmospheric optics and astronomy
 CGLExtFuncsDefines some OpenGL functions not resolved through StelOpenGL (which only contains base OpenGL ES2 functions) Using the QOpenGLFunctions_*_* directly would solve this better, but it conflicts with the current StelOpenGL header dramatically
 CGlobalShaderParametersA structure for global shader parameters
 CGridLinesMgrThe GridLinesMgr controls the drawing of the Azimuthal, Equatorial, Ecliptical and Galactic Grids, as well as the great circles: Meridian Line, Ecliptic Lines of J2000.0 and date, Equator Line (of J2000.0 and date), Precession Circles, and a special line marking conjunction or opposition in ecliptical longitude (of date)
 CgSatTEMESat position and velocity predictions over TEME reference system
 CgSatWrapperWrapper allowing compatibility between gsat and Stellarium/Qt
 CgTimeThis class implements time calculations
 CHeightmapThis represents a heightmap for viewer-ground collision
 CHelloStelModuleThis is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium
 CHelloStelModuleStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CHighlightMgrA simple StelObjectModule to draw markers
 CHipIndexStructContainer for Hipparcos information
 CHipZoneArrayZoneArray of Hipparcos stars
 CHttpConnectionHandlerThe connection handler accepts incoming connections and dispatches incoming requests to to a request mapper
 CHttpConnectionHandlerPoolPool of http connection handlers
 CHttpConnectionHandlerPoolSettingsContains all settings for the connection handler pool and the child connection handlers
 CHttpConnectionHandlerSettingsContains all settings for the connection handler
 CHttpCookieHTTP cookie as defined in RFC 2109
 CHttpListenerListens for incoming TCP connections and and passes all incoming HTTP requests to your implementation of HttpRequestHandler, which processes the request and generates the response (usually a HTML document)
 CHttpListenerSettingsContains all settings for HttpListener and supporting classes
 CHttpRequestThis object represents a single HTTP request
 CHttpRequestHandlerThe request handler generates a response for each HTTP request
 CHttpResponseThis object represents a HTTP response, used to return something to the web client
 CInfoPanelThe informations about the currently selected object
 CITemplateTranslationProviderInterface for Template::translate calls
 CLabelMgrAllows for creation of custom labels on objects or coordinates
 CLandscapeStore and manages the displaying of the Landscape
 CLandscapeFisheyeThis uses a single image in fisheye projection
 CLandscapeMgrManages all the rendering at the level of the observer's surroundings
 CLandscapeOldStyleThis was the original landscape, introduced for decorative purposes
 CLandscapePolygonalThis uses the list of (usually measured) horizon altitudes to define the horizon
 CLandscapeSphericalThis uses a single panorama image in spherical (equirectangular) projection
 CLineA simple line class, identified by a point and a direction vector
 CLinearFaderImplementation of StelFader which implements a linear transition
 CLocationSearchServiceProvides predefined location search functionality, using the StelLocationMgr
 CLocationServiceProvides methods to look up location-related information, and change the current location
 CLx200CommandAbstract base class for Meade LX200 (and compatible) commands
 CLx200CommandGetDecMeade LX200 command: Get the current declination
 CLx200CommandGetRaMeade LX200 command: Get the current right ascension
 CLx200CommandGotoSelectedMeade LX200 command: Slew to the coordinates set before
 CLx200CommandSetSelectedDecMeade LX200 command: Set declination. LONG FORMAT ONLY!
 CLx200CommandSetSelectedRaMeade LX200 command: Set right ascension. LONG FORMAT ONLY!
 CLx200CommandStopSlewMeade LX200 command: Stop the current slew
 CLx200CommandToggleFormatMeade LX200 command: Toggle long or short format
 CLx200ConnectionSerial port connection to a Meade LX200 or a compatible telescope
 CMainServiceImplements the main API services, including the status operation which can be repeatedly polled to find the current state of the main program, including time, view, location, StelAction and StelProperty state changes, movement, script status ..
 CManualImportWindowWindow for manual entry of Solar System object properties
 CMapLabelSpecial QLabel that shows a world map
 CMarkerMgrAllows for creation of custom markers on objects or coordinates
 CMatrix3A templatized column-major 3x3 matrix compatible with openGL (mostly for NormalMatrix calculation)
 CMatrix4A templatized column-major 4x4 matrix compatible with openGL
 CMeteorModels a single meteor
 CMeteorObjModels a single meteor
 CMeteorShowerA MeteorShower object represents one meteor shower on the sky
 CMeteorShowersThis class manages a collection of MeteorShower objects
 CMeteorShowersMgrMain class of the Meteor Showers plugin, inherits from StelModule
 CMeteorShowersStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CMilkyWayManages the displaying of the Milky Way
 CMpcImportWindowWindow for importing orbital elements from the Minor Planet Center
 CMSConfigDialogConfiguration window
 CMultiLevelJsonBaseAbstract base class for managing multi-level tree objects stored in JSON format
 CNavStarsMain class of the Navigational Stars plugin
 CNavStarsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CNavStarsWindowMain window of the Navigational Stars plug-in
 CNebulaMgrManage a collection of nebulae
 CNexStarCommandAbstract base class for Celestron NexStar (and compatible) commands
 CNexStarCommandGetRaDecCelestron NexStar command: Get the current position
 CNexStarCommandGotoPositionCelestron NexStar command: Slew to a given position
 CNexStarCommandSyncCelestron NexStar command: sync a given position
 CNexStarConnectionSerial port connection to a Celestron NexStar or a compatible telescope
 CNovaA Nova object represents one nova on the sky
 CNovaeMain class of the Bright Novae plugin
 CNovaeStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CObjectServiceProvides operations to look up objects in the Stellarium catalogs
 CObservabilityMain class of the Observability Analysis plug-in
 CObservabilityDialogConfiguration window of the Observability Analysis plug-in
 COctahedronPolygonManage a non-convex polygon which can extends on more than 180 deg
 COcularsMain class of the Oculars plug-in
 COcularsGuiPanelA screen widget similar to InfoPanel
 COcularsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CPointerCoordinatesMain class of the Pointer Coordinates plugin
 CPointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CPointerCoordinatesWindowMain window of the Pointer Coordinates plug-in
 CPolyhedronThis implementation is based on Stingl's Robust Hard Shadows
 CPositionA telescope's position at a given time
 CPropertyBasedTableModelThis class provides a table model for just about any QObject
 CPulsarA Pulsar object represents one pulsar on the sky
 CPulsarsMain class of the Pulsars plugin
 CPulsarsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CQAbstractButtonStelPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QAbstractButton widgets
 CQComboBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QComboBox widgets
 CQComboBoxStelStringPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QComboBox widgets
 CQDoubleSpinBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QDoubleSpinBox widgets
 CQLineEditStelPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QLineEdit widgets
 CQSharedPointerNoDeleteSpecial version of QSharedPointer which by default doesn't delete the referenced pointer when the reference count reaches 0
 CQSpinBoxStelPropertyConnectionHelperA StelPropertyProxy that works with QSpinBox widgets
 CQuasarA Quasar object represents one Quasar on the sky
 CQuasarsMain class of the Quasars plugin
 CQuasarsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CRCMagContains the 2 parameters necessary to draw a star on screen
 CRefractionThis class performs refraction computations, following literature from atmospheric optics and astronomy
 CRemoteControlMain class of the RemoteControl plug-in, implementing the StelModule interface
 CRemoteControlDialogMain window of the Angle Measure plug-in
 CRemoteControlServiceInterfaceInterface for all Remote Control Plug-in services
 CRemoteControlStelPluginInterfaceThis class defines the plugin interface with the main Stellarium program
 CRemoteSyncMain class of the RemoteSync plug-in
 CRemoteSyncStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CRequestHandlerThis is the main request handler for the remote control plugin, receiving and dispatching the HTTP requests
 CS3DRendererScenery3d renderer class
 CSatelliteA representation of a satellite in Earth orbit
 CSatellitesMain class of the Satellites plugin
 CSatellitesDialogMain configuration window of the Satellites plugin
 CSatellitesListFilterModelCustom proxy model allowing filtering by satellite group and flag
 CSatellitesListModelA model encapsulating a satellite list
 CSatellitesStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CSceneInfoContains all the metadata necessary for a Scenery3d scene, and can be loaded from special .ini files in a scene's folder
 CScenery3dMain class of the module, inherits from StelModule
 CScenery3dRemoteControlServiceProvides a Scenery3d service for the Remote Control Plug-in plugin
 CScenery3dStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CScreenImageMgrModule for managing images for scripting
 CScriptServiceContains services related to script execution
 CSearchDialogThe sky object search dialog
 CSerialPortSerial interface connection
 CServerBase class for telescope server classes
 CServerAuthHandlerServer-side auth handler
 CServerCreditsContain all the credits for a given server hosting the data
 CShaderMgrA simple shader cache class that gives us the correct shader depending on desired configuration
 CShortcutLineEditSpecialised GUI control for entering keyboard shortcut combinations
 CShortcutsFilterModelCustom filter class for filtering tree sub-items
 CSimbadLookupReplyContains all the information about a current simbad lookup query
 CSimbadSearcherProvides lookup features into the online Simbad service from CDS
 CSimbadServiceAllows SIMBAD object lookups like SearchDialog uses
 CSimpleDrawLineThis is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium
 CSimpleDrawLineStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CSkybrightThis class makes use of the 1998 sky brightness model by Bradley Schaefer
 CSkyGuiThe class managing the layout for button bars, selected object info and loading bars
 CSkyLineGridLinesMgr.cpp at V0.13.2, but with small-circle drawing
 CSolarSystemThis StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies
 CSolarSystemEditorMain class of the Solar System Editor plug-in which allows editing (add, delete, update) of the minor bodies
 CSolarSystemEditorStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CSolarSystemManagerWindowMain window for handling Solar System objects
 CSpaceShipObserverAn observer which moves from from one position to another one and/or from one planet to another one
 CSpecialZoneArrayImplements all the virtual methods in ZoneArray
 CSpecialZoneDataWrapper struct around ZoneData
 CSphericalCapA SphericalCap is defined by a direction and an aperture
 CSphericalConvexPolygonA special case of SphericalPolygon for which the polygon is convex
 CSphericalLandscapeRe-implementation of gluSphere : glu is overridden for non-standard projection
 CSphericalPointSpecial SphericalRegion for a point on the sphere
 CSphericalPolygonClass defining default implementations for some spherical geometry methods
 CSphericalRegionAbstract class defining a region of the sphere
 CSphericalRegionPA shared pointer on a SphericalRegion
 CSphericalTexturedConvexPolygonExtension of SphericalConvexPolygon for textured polygon
 CSphericalTexturedPolygonAn extension of SphericalPolygon with addition of texture coordinates
 CSporadicMeteorModels a single sporadic meteor with a random color and a random radiant
 CSporadicMeteorMgrSimulates a sporadic meteor shower, with a random color and a random radiant
 CSpoutSenderHelper class to send rendered frames to Spout (
 CStarMgrStores the star catalogue data
 CStarWrapperBaseA Star (Star1,Star2,Star3,...) cannot be a StelObject
 CStaticFileControllerDelivers static files
 CStaticFileControllerSettingsContains all the settings for the StaticFileController
 CStelActionWrapper around an argumentless QObject slot or a bool Q_PROPERTY with WRITE method, allowing the slot to be called/property to be toggled using this action object
 CStelActionMgrManager for StelAction instances. Allows registration of new actions, and finding an existing one by name
 CStelActionServiceProvides services related to StelAction
 CStelAppSingleton main Stellarium application class
 CStelButtonA Button Graphicsitem for use in Stellarium's graphic widgets
 CStelCoreMain class for Stellarium core processing
 CStelDialogBase class for all the GUI windows in Stellarium
 CStelFaderManages a (usually smooth) transition between two states (typically ON/OFF) in function of a counter It used for various purpose like smooth transitions
 CStelFileMgrProvides utilities for locating and handling files
 CStelGeodesicGridGrid of triangles (zones) on the sphere with radius 1, generated by subdividing the icosahedron
 CStelGuiMain class for the GUI based on QGraphicView
 CStelGuiBaseAbstract class defining the base interface for all GUIs
 CStelJsonParserQt-based simple JSON reader inspired by the one from Zoolib
 CStelLocaleMgrManage i18n operations such as message translation and date/time localization
 CStelLocationStore the informations for a location on a planet
 CStelLocationMgrManage the list of available location
 CStelLoggerClass wit only static members used to manage logging for Stellarium
 CStelMainScriptAPIProvide script API for Stellarium global functions
 CStelMainScriptAPIProxyBecause the core API runs in a different thread to the main program, direct function calls to some classes can cause problems - especially when images must be loaded, or other non-atomic operations are involved
 CStelMainViewReimplement a QGraphicsView for Stellarium
 CStelModuleThis is the common base class for all the main components of stellarium
 CStelModuleMgrManage a collection of StelModules including both core and plugin modules
 CStelMovementMgrManages the head movements and zoom operations
 CStelOBJRepresentation of a custom subset of a Wavefront .obj file, including only triangle data and materials
 CStelObjectThe base abstract class for sky objects used in Stellarium like Stars, Planets, Constellations etc..
 CStelObjectMgrManage the selection and queries on one or more StelObjects
 CStelObjectModuleSpecialization of StelModule which manages a collection of StelObject
 CStelObserverShould be renamed as PlanetBasedObserver and derive from a more generical StelObserver class
 CStelOpenGLArrayEncapsulates vertex data stored in the OpenGL server memory, which can be used for fast drawing commands, without repeated CPU-GPU data uploads
 CStelPainterProvides functions for performing openGL drawing operations
 CStelPluginInfoContains information about a Stellarium plugin
 CStelPluginInterfaceDefine the interface to implement when creating a plugin
 CStelProgressControllerMaintain the state of a progress bar
 CStelProjectorProvide the main interface to all operations of projecting coordinates from sky to screen
 CStelPropertyWrapper around a Q_PROPERTY (see the Qt property system for more information) of a specific object, which provides access to the property through a unique ID
 CStelPropertyBoolProxyA StelPropertyProxy for bool-based properties
 CStelPropertyDoubleProxyA StelPropertyProxy for double-based properties
 CStelPropertyIntProxyA StelPropertyProxy for int-based properties
 CStelPropertyMgrManages the registration of specific object properties with the StelProperty system
 CStelPropertyProxyAbstract base class for a StelProperty proxy implementation, which allow reacting to the StelProperty::changed event using a specific type instead of reacting to the QVariant version
 CStelPropertyServiceProvides services related to StelProperty
 CStelPropertyStringProxyA StelPropertyProxy for QString-based properties
 CStelRegionObjectSimple abstract class defining basic methods implemented by all objects that need to be stored in a StelSphericalIndex
 CStelScriptMgrManage scripting in Stellarium
 CStelScriptOutputClass with only static members used to manage output for Stellarium scripts
 CStelSkyCultureStore basic info about a sky culture for Stellarium
 CStelSkyCultureMgrManage sky cultures for stellarium
 CStelSkyDrawerProvide a set of methods used to draw sky objects taking into account eyes adaptation, zoom level, instrument model and artificially set magnitude limits
 CStelSkyImageTileBase class for any astro image with a fixed position
 CStelSkyLayerAbstract class defining the API to implement for all sky layer
 CStelSkyLayerMgrManage the sky background images, including DSS and deep sky objects images
 CStelSkyPolygonBase class for any polygon with a fixed position in the sky
 CStelSphericalIndexContainer allowing to store and query SphericalRegion
 CStelStyleHolds the information related to a color style for GUI and modules of Stellarium
 CStelTextureBase texture class
 CStelTextureMgrManage textures loading
 CStelToneReproducerConverts tones in function of the eye adaptation to luminance
 CStelTranslatorClass used to translate strings to any language
 CStelVideoMgrA scriptable way to show videos embedded in the screen
 CStelViewportEffectAllow to apply visual effects on the whole Stellarium viewport
 CStoredViewA structure which stores a specific view position, view direction and FOV, together with a textual description
 CSupernovaA Supernova object represents one supernova on the sky
 CSupernovaeMain class of the Historical Supernovae plugin
 CSupernovaeStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CSyncClientA client which can connect to a SyncServer to receive state changes, and apply them
 CSyncMessageHandlerBase interface for message handlers, i.e. reacting to messages
 CSyncRemotePeerHandling the connection to a remote peer (i.e. all clients on the server, and the server on the client)
 CSyncServerImplements a server to which SyncClients can connect and receive state changes
 CSyncServerEventSenderSubclasses of this class notify clients of state changes
 CTelescopeClientAn abstract base class that should never be used directly, only inherited
 CTelescopeClientDirectLx200Telescope client that connects directly to a Meade LX200 through a serial port
 CTelescopeClientDirectNexStarTelescope client that connects directly to a Celestron NexStar through a serial port
 CTelescopeClientDummyExample Telescope class
 CTelescopeClientJsonRts2RTS2 JSON telescope
 CTelescopeControlThis class manages the controlling of one or more telescopes by one instance of the stellarium program
 CTelescopeControlStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CTelescopeTCPThis TelescopeClient class can control a telescope by communicating to a server process ("telescope server") via the "Stellarium telescope control protocol" over TCP/IP
 CTemplateEnhanced version of QString for template processing
 CTextUserInterfaceThe Text User Interface (TUI) plugin replaces the old (pre-0.10 series) text user interface
 CTextUserInterfaceStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CTimeEventSenderNotifies clients of simulation time jumps and time scale changes
 CTleDataData structure containing unvalidated TLE set as read from a TLE list file
 CTleSourceTLE update source, used only internally for now
 CToastGridConvenience class that can be used to compute the TOAST grid points
 CToastSurveyRepresents a full Toast survey
 CToastTileRepresents a tile in a TOAST image
 CTuiNodeTuiNode objects are linked together in a network of nodes to form the structure of a menu which may be navigated using the cursor keys
 CTuiNodeActivateAllows navigation but also sends a signal to a specified object when the return key is pressed
 CTuiNodeBoolAllows navigation but also editing of a boolean value
 CTuiNodeColorAllows navigation but also editing of color value as represented by a Vec3f object
 CTuiNodeDateTimeAllows navigation but also editing of a julian date
 CTuiNodeDoubleAllows navigation but also editing of a double value
 CTuiNodeEditablePure virtual from which editables for different data types are derived
 CTuiNodeEnumAllows navigation but also selection from a list of string values
 CTuiNodeFloatAllows navigation but also editing of a float value
 CTuiNodeIntAllows navigation but also editing of an integer value
 CTuiNodeResponseA TuiNodeResponse contains a flag, "accepted" if a keystroke was accepted And a link to a node, should the key action have prompted a change in the current node used by the menu system
 CTypedSyncServerEventSenderThis class provides a semi-automatic event sender using a specific message type
 CVector2A templatized 2d vector compatible with openGL
 CVector3A templatized 3d vector compatible with openGL
 CVector4A templatized 4d vector compatible with openGL
 CViewServiceProvides services related to the view (landscape, sky culture, projection)
 CVtsStelPluginInterfaceThis class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface
 CZodiacalLightManages the displaying of the Zodiacal Light
 CZoneArrayManages all ZoneData structures of a given StelGeodesicGrid level
 CZoneDataA single triangle