void | retranslate () |
virtual void | handleDialogSizeChanged (QSizeF size) |
| In addition to StelDialog's inherited solution, puts the arrow on the right spot in the map.
virtual void | retranslate ()=0 |
| Retranslate the content of the dialog. More...
void | setVisible (bool) |
| On the first call with "true" populates the window contents.
void | close () |
| Closes the window (the window widget is not deleted, just not visible).
void | handleMovedTo (QPoint newPos) |
| Adds dialog location to config.ini; should be connected in createDialogContent()
virtual void | handleDialogSizeChanged (QSizeF size) |
| Stores dialog sizes into config.ini; should be connected from the proxy. More...
QString | getDialogName () const |
void | visibleChanged (bool) |
void | askColor () |
| To be called by a connected QToolButton with a color background. More...
void | enableKineticScrolling (bool b) |
| enable kinetic scrolling. This should be connected to StelApp's StelGui signal flagUseKineticScrollingChanged.
void | handleFontChanged () |
| connect from StelApp to handle font and font size changes.
static void | connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &actionName) |
| Helper function to connect a checkbox to the StelAction with the specified name.
static void | connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, StelAction *action) |
| Helper function to connect a checkbox to the given StelAction.
static void | connectIntProperty (QLineEdit *lineEdit, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a QLineEdit to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void | connectIntProperty (QSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a QSpinBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void | connectIntProperty (QComboBox *comboBox, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a QComboBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void | connectIntProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, int minValue, int maxValue) |
| Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void | connectDoubleProperty (QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a QDoubleSpinBox to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void | connectDoubleProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, double minValue, double maxValue) |
| Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void | connectStringProperty (QComboBox *comboBox, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a QComboBox to an QString StelProperty. More...
static void | connectBoolProperty (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &propName) |
| Helper function to connect a checkbox to a bool StelProperty. More...
bool | visible |