CAABB | An axis-aligned bounding-box class |
CBox | A simple "box" class with 8 arbitrary vertices |
CCommLink | Radio communication channel properties |
Celsetrec | |
CexoplanetData | |
CFrustum | |
CGlobalShaderParameters | A structure for global shader parameters |
CgSatTEME | Sat position and velocity predictions over TEME reference system |
CgSatWrapper | Wrapper allowing compatibility between gsat and Stellarium/Qt |
CgTime | This class implements time calculations |
CgTimeSpan | |
CHeightmap | This represents a heightmap for viewer-ground collision |
CInterpolatedPosition | |
CIridiumFlaresPrediction | |
CLine | |
►CLx200Command | Abstract base class for Meade LX200 (and compatible) commands |
CLx200CommandGetDec | Meade LX200 command: Get the current declination |
CLx200CommandGetRa | Meade LX200 command: Get the current right ascension |
CLx200CommandGotoSelected | Meade LX200 command: Slew to the coordinates set before |
CLx200CommandSetSelectedDec | Meade LX200 command: Set declination |
CLx200CommandSetSelectedRa | Meade LX200 command: Set right ascension |
CLx200CommandStopSlew | Meade LX200 command: Stop the current slew |
CLx200CommandToggleFormat | Meade LX200 command: Toggle long or short format |
►CMeteor [external] | |
CMeteorObj | Models a single meteor |
CMeteorShower::Activity | |
CMeteorShowers::SearchResult | |
CMSTranslations | |
►CNexStarCommand | Abstract base class for Celestron NexStar (and compatible) commands |
CNexStarCommandGetRaDec | Celestron NexStar command: Get the current position |
CNexStarCommandGotoPosition | Celestron NexStar command: Slew to a given position |
CNow | |
COBJ | A basic Wavefront .OBJ format model loader |
COBJ::Material | Encapsulates all information that the describes the surface appearance of a StelModel |
COBJ::StelModel | Structure for a Mesh, will be used with Stellarium to render Holds the starting index, the number of triangles and a pointer to the MTL |
COBJ::Vertex | A vertex struct holds the vertex itself (position), corresponding texture coordinates, normals, tangents and bitangents It does not use Vec3f etc |
CPlane | |
CPolyhedron | This implementation is based on Stingl's Robust Hard Shadows |
CPosition | A telescope's position at a given time |
►CQAbstractListModel | |
CCubemapModeListModel | |
CStoredViewModel | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CFieldConcatModel | Allows for concatinating fields from a model for disply |
CPropertyBasedTableModel | This class provides a table model for just about any QObject |
CSatellitesListModel | A model encapsulating a satellite list |
►CQDoubleValidator | |
CLimitingDoubleValidator | |
►CQGraphicsWidget | |
COcularsGuiPanel | A screen widget similar to InfoPanel |
►CQIntValidator | |
CLimitingIntValidator | |
►CQObject | |
CAngleMeasureStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CArchaeoLine | Class which manages a line (small circle) to display around the sky like the solstices line |
CArchaeoLinesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CBarlowsDataMapper | |
CCCD | |
CCompassMarksStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CDummyDialog | The TextUserInterface wants to intercept all key presses including those which are assigned to glocal key bindings in the main GUI definition (i.e |
CEquationOfTimeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CExoplanetsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CFiltersDataMapper | |
CFOVStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CHelloStelModuleStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CImagersDataMapper | |
CLens | |
CLogBookStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CMeteorShowersStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNavStarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CObservabilityStelPluginInterface | |
CObserversDataMapper | |
COcular | |
COcularsDataMapper | |
COcularsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
COpticsDataMapper | |
CPointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPulsarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CQuasarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSatellitesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CScenery3dStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSimpleDrawLineStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSitesDataMapper | |
CSolarSystemEditorStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
►CStelDialogLogBook | |
CLogBookConfigDialog | |
CObservationsDialog | |
CSessionsDialog | |
CTargetsDialog | |
CSupernovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTelescope | |
►CTelescopeClient | An abstract base class that should never be used directly, only inherited |
CTelescopeClientDirectLx200 | Telescope client that connects directly to a Meade LX200 through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDirectNexStar | Telescope client that connects directly to a Celestron NexStar through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDummy | Example Telescope class |
CTelescopeTCP | This TelescopeClient class can controll a telescope by communicating to a server process ("telescope server") via the "Stellarium telescope control protocol" over TCP/IP |
CTelescopeControlStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTextUserInterfaceStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTimeZoneConfigurationStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
►CTuiNode | TuiNode objects are linked together in a network of nodes to form the structure of a menu which may be navigated using the cursor keys |
CTuiNodeActivate | Allows navigation but also sends a signal to a specified object when the return key is pressed |
►CTuiNodeEditable | Pure virtual from which editables for different data types are derived |
CTuiNodeBool | Allows navigation but also editing of a boolean value |
CTuiNodeColor | Allows navigation but also editing of color value as represented by a Vec3f object |
CTuiNodeDateTime | Allows navigation but also editing of a julian date |
CTuiNodeDouble | Allows navigation but also editing of a double value |
CTuiNodeEnum | Allows navigation but also selection from a list of string values |
CTuiNodeFloat | Allows navigation but also editing of a float value |
CTuiNodeInt | Allows navigation but also editing of an integer value |
►CQOpenGLFunctions_1_0 | |
CGLExtFuncs | Defines some OpenGL functions not resolved through StelOpenGL (which only contains base OpenGL ES2 functions) Using the QOpenGLFunctions_*_* directly would solve this better, but it conflicts with the current StelOpenGL header dramatically |
►CQRegExpValidator | |
CNonEmptyStringValidator | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CSatellitesListFilterModel | Custom proxy model allowing filtering by satellite group and flag |
►CQTextEdit | |
CCustomTextEdit | A custom QTextEdit subclass that has an editingFinished() signal like QLineEdit |
CLogBookTextEdit | |
►CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CMSTreeWidgetItem | |
CSatPIFTreeWidgetItem | |
CS3DEnum | |
CSatellite | A representation of a satellite in Earth orbit |
CSceneInfo | Contains all the metadata necessary for a Scenery3d scene, and can be loaded from special .ini files in a scene's folder |
CScenery3d | Representation of a complete 3D scenery |
►CServer | Base class for telescope server classes |
CTelescopeClientDirectLx200 | Telescope client that connects directly to a Meade LX200 through a serial port |
CTelescopeClientDirectNexStar | Telescope client that connects directly to a Celestron NexStar through a serial port |
CShaderMgr | A simple shader cache class that gives us the correct shader depending on desired configuration |
CSkyLine | GridLinesMgr.cpp at V0.13.2, but with small-circle drawing |
►CSocket | |
►CConnection | TCP/IP connection to a client |
►CSerialPort | Serial interface connection |
CLx200Connection | Serial port connection to a Meade LX200 or a compatible telescope |
CNexStarConnection | Serial port connection to a Celestron NexStar or a compatible telescope |
CSPolygon | |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
Cbr_stl::gVectorTempl< T > | |
►Cbr_stl::gVectorTempl< double > | |
CgVector | This class implement the needed code to make vector calculations |
►CStelDialog [external] | A local copy of StelDialog, the base class for all the GUI windows in Stellarium, included to allow the plug-in to be loaded dynamically on Windows |
CAngleMeasureDialog | Main window of the Angle Measure plug-in |
CArchaeoLinesDialog | Main window of the ArchaeoLines plug-in |
CDefineTimeZoneWindow | |
CEquationOfTimeWindow | Main window of the Equation of Time plug-in |
CExoplanetsDialog | Main window of the Exoplanets plugin |
CFOVWindow | Main window of the FOV plug-in |
CManualImportWindow | Window for manual entry of Solar System object properties |
CMpcImportWindow | Window for importing orbital elements from the Minor Planet Center |
CMSConfigDialog | Configuration window |
CMSSearchDialog | |
CNovaeDialog | |
CObservabilityDialog | Configuration window of the Observability Analysis plug-in |
COcularDialog | |
CPointerCoordinatesWindow | Main window of the Pointer Coordinates plug-in |
CPulsarsDialog | |
CQuasarsDialog | |
CSatellitesDialog | Main configuration window of the Satellites plugin |
CSatellitesImportDialog | |
CScenery3dDialog | |
CSlewDialog | |
CSolarSystemManagerWindow | Main window for handling Solar System objects |
CStoredViewDialog | |
CSupernovaeDialog | |
CTelescopeConfigurationDialog | |
CTelescopeDialog | |
CTimeZoneConfigurationWindow | Main window of the Time Zone configuration plug-in |
►CStelModule [external] | |
CAngleMeasure | Main class of the Angle Measure plug-in |
CArchaeoLines | Main class of the ArchaeoLines plug-in |
CCompassMarks | Main class of the Compass Marks plug-in |
CEquationOfTime | Main class of the Equation of Time plugin |
CFOV | Main class of the Field of View plugin |
CHelloStelModule | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CLogBook | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CNavStars | Main class of the Navigational Stars plugin |
CObservability | Main class of the Observability Analysis plug-in |
COculars | Main class of the Oculars plug-in |
CPointerCoordinates | Main class of the Pointer Coordinates plugin |
CScenery3dMgr | Main class of the module, inherits from StelModule |
CSimpleDrawLine | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CSolarSystemEditor | Main class of the Solar System Editor plug-in |
CTextUserInterface | This is an example of a plug-in which can be dynamically loaded into stellarium |
CTimeZoneConfiguration | |
►CStelObject [external] | |
CExoplanet | A exoplanet object represents one pulsar on the sky |
CMeteorShower | A MeteorShower object represents one meteor shower on the sky |
CNova | A Nova object represents one nova on the sky |
CPulsar | A Pulsar object represents one pulsar on the sky |
CQuasar | A Quasar object represents one Quasar on the sky |
CSupernova | A Supernova object represents one supernova on the sky |
CTelescopeClient | An abstract base class that should never be used directly, only inherited |
►CStelObjectModule [external] | |
CExoplanets | Main class of the Exoplanets plugin |
►CMeteorShowersMgr | Main class of the Meteor Showers plugin, inherits from StelObjectModule |
CMeteorShowers | This class manages a collection of MeteorShower objects |
CNovae | Main class of the Bright Novae plugin |
CPulsars | Main class of the Pulsars plugin |
CQuasars | Main class of the Quasars plugin |
CSatellites | Main class of the Satellites plugin |
CSupernovae | Main class of the Historical Supernovae plugin |
CTelescopeControl | This class manages the controlling of one or more telescopes by one instance of the stellarium program |
►CStelPluginInterface [external] | |
CAngleMeasureStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CArchaeoLinesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CCompassMarksStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CEquationOfTimeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CExoplanetsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CFOVStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CHelloStelModuleStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CLogBookStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CMeteorShowersStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNavStarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CNovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CObservabilityStelPluginInterface | |
COcularsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPointerCoordinatesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CPulsarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CQuasarsStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSatellitesStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CScenery3dStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSimpleDrawLineStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSolarSystemEditorStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CSupernovaeStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTelescopeControlStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTextUserInterfaceStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CTimeZoneConfigurationStelPluginInterface | This class is used by Qt to manage a plug-in interface |
CstoredPoint | |
CStoredView | A structure which stores a specific view position, view direction and FOV, together with a textual description |
CTelescopeControlGlobals::DeviceModel | |
CTleData | Data structure containing unvalidated TLE set as read from a TLE list file |
CTleSource | TLE update source, used only internally for now |
CTuiNodeResponse | A TuiNodeResponse contains a flag, "accepted" if a keystroke was accepted And a link to a node, should the key action have prompted a change in the current node used by the menu system |