void | reloadShaders () |
| Clears the shader cache, forcing a reload of shaders on use. More...
void | showMessage (const QString &message) |
| Display text message on screen, fade out automatically. More...
void | showStoredViewDialog () |
| Shows the stored view dialog. More...
void | setEnableScene (const bool val) |
| Enables/Disables the plugin. More...
bool | getEnableScene () const |
void | setEnablePixelLighting (const bool val) |
bool | getEnablePixelLighting (void) const |
void | setEnableShadows (const bool enableShadows) |
| Use this to set/get the enableShadows flag. More...
bool | getEnableShadows (void) const |
void | setUseSimpleShadows (const bool simpleShadows) |
| If true, only 1 shadow cascade is used, giving a speedup. More...
bool | getUseSimpleShadows () const |
void | setEnableBumps (const bool enableBumps) |
| Use this to set/get the enableBumps flag. More...
bool | getEnableBumps (void) const |
S3DEnum::ShadowFilterQuality | getShadowFilterQuality (void) const |
| Returns the current shadow filter quality. More...
void | setShadowFilterQuality (const S3DEnum::ShadowFilterQuality val) |
| Sets the shadow filter quality. More...
void | setEnablePCSS (const bool val) |
bool | getEnablePCSS () const |
S3DEnum::CubemappingMode | getCubemappingMode (void) const |
| Returns the current cubemapping mode. More...
void | setCubemappingMode (const S3DEnum::CubemappingMode val) |
| Sets the cubemapping mode. More...
bool | getUseFullCubemapShadows () const |
void | setUseFullCubemapShadows (const bool useFullCubemapShadows) |
void | setEnableDebugInfo (const bool debugEnabled) |
| Set to true to show some rendering debug information. More...
bool | getEnableDebugInfo () const |
void | setEnableLocationInfo (const bool enableLocationInfo) |
| Set to true to show the current standing positin as text on screen. More...
bool | getEnableLocationInfo () const |
void | setEnableTorchLight (const bool enableTorchLight) |
| Set to true to add an additional light source centered at the current position, useful in night scenes. More...
bool | getEnableTorchLight () const |
void | setTorchStrength (const float torchStrength) |
| Sets the strength of the additional illumination that can be toggled when pressing a button. More...
float | getTorchStrength () const |
void | setTorchRange (const float torchRange) |
| Sets the range of the torchlight. More...
float | getTorchRange () const |
void | setEnableLazyDrawing (const bool val) |
| Sets the state of the cubemap lazy-drawing mode. More...
bool | getEnableLazyDrawing () const |
void | setOnlyDominantFaceWhenMoving (const bool val) |
| When true, only the face which currently is most dominantly visible is updated while moving. More...
bool | getOnlyDominantFaceWhenMoving () const |
void | setSecondDominantFaceWhenMoving (const bool val) |
bool | getSecondDominantFaceWhenMoving () const |
void | forceCubemapRedraw () |
| Forces a redraw of the cubemap. More...
void | setLazyDrawingInterval (const double val) |
| Sets the interval for cubemap lazy-drawing mode. More...
double | getLazyDrawingInterval () const |
void | setCubemapSize (const uint val) |
| Sets the size used for cubemap rendering. More...
uint | getCubemapSize () const |
void | setShadowmapSize (const uint val) |
| Sets the size used for shadowmap rendering. More...
uint | getShadowmapSize () const |
bool | getIsGeometryShaderSupported () const |
bool | getAreShadowsSupported () const |
bool | getIsShadowFilteringSupported () const |
bool | getIsANGLE () const |
uint | getMaximumFramebufferSize () const |
SceneInfo | getCurrentScene () const |
| Gets the SceneInfo of the scene that is currently being displayed. More...
SceneInfo | getLoadingScene () const |
| Gets the SceneInfo of the scene that is currently in the process of being loaded. More...
SceneInfo | loadScenery3dByName (const QString &name) |
| This starts the scene loading process. More...
SceneInfo | loadScenery3dByID (const QString &id) |
| This starts the scene loading process. More...
QString | getDefaultScenery3dID () const |
void | setDefaultScenery3dID (const QString &id) |
void | setView (const StoredView &view, const bool setDate) |
| Changes the current view to the given view. JD is updated only if view contains valid data and setDate is true. More...
StoredView | getCurrentView () |
| Returns a StoredView that represents the current observer position + view direction. More...
void | enableSceneChanged (const bool val) |
void | enablePixelLightingChanged (const bool val) |
void | enableShadowsChanged (const bool val) |
void | useSimpleShadowsChanged (const bool val) |
void | enableBumpsChanged (const bool val) |
void | shadowFilterQualityChanged (const S3DEnum::ShadowFilterQuality val) |
void | enablePCSSChanged (const bool val) |
void | cubemappingModeChanged (const S3DEnum::CubemappingMode val) |
void | useFullCubemapShadowsChanged (const bool val) |
void | enableDebugInfoChanged (const bool val) |
void | enableLocationInfoChanged (const bool val) |
void | enableTorchLightChanged (const bool val) |
void | torchStrengthChanged (const float val) |
void | torchRangeChanged (const float val) |
void | enableLazyDrawingChanged (const bool val) |
void | lazyDrawingIntervalChanged (const double val) |
void | onlyDominantFaceWhenMovingChanged (const bool val) |
void | secondDominantFaceWhenMovingChanged (const bool val) |
void | cubemapSizeChanged (const uint val) |
void | shadowmapSizeChanged (const uint val) |
void | currentSceneChanged (const SceneInfo &sceneInfo) |
void | progressReport (const QString &str, int val, int min, int max) |
| This signal is emitted from another thread than this QObject belongs to, so use QueuedConnection. More...
Main class of the module, inherits from StelModule.
Manages initialization, provides an interface to change Scenery3d properties and handles user input
Definition at line 48 of file Scenery3dMgr.hpp.