Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- i -
- ianaTimeZone
: StelLocation
: StelCore
- IAUConstellation
: StelObject
- id
: Landscape
, SceneInfo
, StelPluginInfo
, TleData
- Illum
: StelOBJ::Material
- illumFader
: Landscape
- image
: StelPluginInfo
- inclination
: exoplanetData
- incomingConnection()
: HttpListener
- increaseTimeSpeed()
: StelCore
- increaseTimeSpeedLess()
: StelCore
- indexCount
: StelOBJ::MaterialGroup
- indexToBV()
: StelSkyDrawer
- indexToColor()
: StelSkyDrawer
- indices
: StelVertexArray
- info
: StelModuleMgr::PluginDescriptor
- InfoPanel()
: InfoPanel
- InfoStringGroupFlags
: StelObject
- infoURL
: DataSetCredits
, ServerCredits
- init()
: AngleMeasure
, ArchaeoLines
, AsterismMgr
, CompassMarks
, ConstellationMgr
, CustomObjectMgr
, EquationOfTime
, Exoplanets
, GridLinesMgr
, HelloStelModule
, HighlightMgr
, HipsMgr
, LabelMgr
, LandscapeMgr
, MarkerMgr
, Meteor
, MeteorShowers
, MeteorShowersMgr
, MilkyWay
, MSConfigDialog
, NavStars
, NebulaMgr
, NomenclatureMgr
, Novae
, Observability
, Oculars
, Planet
, PointerCoordinates
, PropertyBasedTableModel
, Pulsars
, Quasars
, RemoteControl
, RemoteSync
, S3DRenderer
, Satellites
, Scenery3d
, ScreenImageMgr
, SimpleDrawLine
, SolarSystem
, SolarSystemEditor
, SporadicMeteorMgr
, StarMgr
, StelApp
, StelCore
, StelFileMgr
, StelGeodesicGridDrawer
, StelGui
, StelLocaleMgr
, StelLogger
, StelMainView
, StelModule
, StelMovementMgr
, StelObjectMgr
, StelScriptOutput
, StelSkyCultureMgr
, StelSkyDrawer
, StelSkyLayerMgr
, StelTranslator
, Supernovae
, TelescopeControl
, TextUserInterface
, ToastMgr
, ZodiacalLight
- initComplete()
: StelGui
- initEditors()
: ShortcutsDialog
- initEphemeridesFunctions()
: StelCore
- initFromQVariantMap()
: MultiLevelJsonBase
- initFromUrl()
: MultiLevelJsonBase
- initGL()
: StelOpenGLArray
- initGLShaders()
: StelPainter
- initPlugIns()
: StelApp
- initScriptMgr()
: StelApp
- initTitleI18n()
: StelMainView
- initTriangle()
: ZoneArray
- inPlaceIntersection()
: OctahedronPolygon
- inPlaceSubtraction()
: OctahedronPolygon
- inPlaceUnion()
: OctahedronPolygon
- insert()
: StelSphericalIndex
- insertSkyImage()
: StelSkyLayerMgr
- insertSkyLayer()
: StelSkyLayerMgr
- installLandscapeFromArchive()
: LandscapeMgr
- intersect()
: Polyhedron
, SPolygon
- intersectionPoints()
: SphericalCap
- intersects()
: SphericalCap
, SphericalRegion
- intersectsConvexContour()
: SphericalCap
- intersectsHalfSpace()
: SphericalCap
- intersectsTriangle()
: SphericalCap
- intersectViewportDiscontinuity()
: StelProjector
- intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal()
: StelProjector2d
, StelProjector
, StelProjectorCylinder
, StelProjectorEqualArea
, StelProjectorFisheye
, StelProjectorHammer
, StelProjectorMercator
, StelProjectorOrthographic
, StelProjectorPerspective
, StelProjectorStereographic
- invalidateCubemap()
: S3DRenderer
- IridiumFlaresAltitude
: SatellitesDialog
- IridiumFlaresAzimuth
: SatellitesDialog
- IridiumFlaresColumns
: SatellitesDialog
- IridiumFlaresCount
: SatellitesDialog
- IridiumFlaresMagnitude
: SatellitesDialog
- IridiumFlaresSatellite
: SatellitesDialog
- isAboveHorizon()
: StelObject
- isAboveRealHorizon()
: StelObject
- isAbsolute()
: StelFileMgr
- isAlive()
: Meteor
- isAppRTL()
: StelLocaleMgr
- isBrightDaylight()
: StelCore
- isBusy()
: HttpConnectionHandler
- isCheckable()
: StelAction
- isChecked()
: StelAction
, StelButton
- isClosed()
: SerialPort
- isConnected()
: HttpResponse
- isConnectedClientAtSlot()
: TelescopeControl
- isCovered()
: ToastTile
- isCurrentlyUsed()
: StelGui
, StelGuiBase
- isDefaultObject
: StelOBJ::Object
- isDeletionScheduled()
: MultiLevelJsonBase
- isDirectory()
: StelFileMgr
- isDirty
: SyncServerEventSender
- isDSSModeEnabled()
: StelMainScriptAPI
- isEmpty()
: AllSkySphericalRegion
, EmptySphericalRegion
, SphericalCap
, SphericalConvexPolygon
, SphericalPoint
, SphericalRegion
- isEnabled()
: EquationOfTime
, PointerCoordinates
- isExistingClientAtSlot()
: TelescopeControl
- isFading
: S3DScene::Material::Traits
- isFullyTransparent
: S3DScene::Material::Traits
- isGlobal
: StoredView
- isGLReady()
: S3DScene
- isInitialized()
: ZoneArray
- IslamSadiqQureshi
: StelCore
- isLeapYear()
: gTime
- isLinesDefined()
: AsterismMgr
- isLoaded()
: StelOBJ
- isLoading()
: HipsSurvey
, StelTexture
- isMediaPlaybackSupported()
: StelMainScriptAPI
- isModuleLoaded()
: StelMainScriptAPI
- iso639_1CodeToNativeName()
: StelTranslator
- isObserverLifeOver()
: SpaceShipObserver
, StelObserver
- isPlanetocentricCalculations()
: StelMainScriptAPI
- isPropertyBlacklisted()
: RemoteSync
- isReadable()
: StelFileMgr
- isReadOnly()
: StelProperty
- isReady()
: GPSLookupHelper
- isReadyToDisplay()
: StelSkyImageTile
- isRealTime()
: StelMainScriptAPI
- isSkyRTL()
: StelLocaleMgr
- isSynchronizable()
: StelProperty
- isThreadSafe()
: AbstractAPIService
, LocationSearchService
, RemoteControlServiceInterface
, Scenery3dRemoteControlService
, SimbadService
- isTraveling()
: SpaceShipObserver
, StelObserver
- isUserLocation
: StelLocation
- isValid()
: AABBox
, SceneInfo
, SpoutSender
- isVideoPlaying()
: StelVideoMgr
- isVisible()
: HipsSurvey
, ToastTile
- isWritable()
: StelFileMgr