void | moveObserverTo (const StelLocation &target, double duration=1., double durationIfPlanetChange=1.) |
| Smoothly move the observer to the given location. More...
void | setCurrentProjectionType (StelCore::ProjectionType type) |
| Set the current ProjectionType to use.
StelCore::ProjectionType | getCurrentProjectionType () const |
QString | getCurrentProjectionTypeKey (void) const |
| Get the current Mapping used by the Projection.
void | setCurrentProjectionTypeKey (QString type) |
| Set the current ProjectionType to use from its key.
QString | getCurrentProjectionNameI18n () const |
QStringList | getAllProjectionTypeKeys () const |
| Get the list of all the available projections.
void | setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm (StelCore::DeltaTAlgorithm algorithm) |
| Set the current algorithm and nDot used therein for time correction (DeltaT)
StelCore::DeltaTAlgorithm | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm () const |
| Get the current algorithm for time correction (DeltaT)
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmDescription (void) const |
| Get description of the current algorithm for time correction.
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey (void) const |
| Get the current algorithm used by the DeltaT.
void | setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey (QString type) |
| Set the current algorithm to use from its key.
void | setMaskType (StelProjector::StelProjectorMaskType m) |
| Set the mask type.
void | setFlagGravityLabels (bool gravity) |
| Set the flag with decides whether to arrage labels so that they are aligned with the bottom of a 2d screen, or a 3d dome.
bool | getFlagGravityLabels () const |
| return whether dome-aligned labels are in use
void | setDefaultAngleForGravityText (float a) |
| Set the offset rotation angle in degree to apply to gravity text (only if gravityLabels is set to false).
void | setFlipHorz (bool flip) |
| Set the horizontal flip status. More...
void | setFlipVert (bool flip) |
| Set the vertical flip status. More...
bool | getFlipHorz (void) const |
| Get the state of the horizontal flip. More...
bool | getFlipVert (void) const |
| Get the state of the vertical flip. More...
double | getViewportHorizontalOffset (void) const |
| Get current value for horizontal viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the right screen border.
void | setViewportHorizontalOffset (double newOffsetPct) |
| Set horizontal viewport offset. More...
double | getViewportVerticalOffset (void) const |
| Get current value for vertical viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the upper screen border.
void | setViewportVerticalOffset (double newOffsetPct) |
| Set vertical viewport offset. More...
void | setViewportOffset (double newHorizontalOffsetPct, double newVerticalOffsetPct) |
void | setViewportStretch (float stretch) |
| Can be used in specialized setups, intended e.g. More...
QString | getDefaultLocationID () const |
| Get the location used by default at startup.
void | setDefaultLocationID (const QString &id) |
| Set the location to use by default at startup.
void | returnToDefaultLocation () |
| Return to the default location.
void | returnToHome () |
| Return to the default location and set default landscape with atmosphere and fog effects.
double | getJDOfLastJDUpdate () const |
| Returns the JD of the last time resetSync() was called.
void | setMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate (qint64 millis) |
| Sets the system date which corresponds to the jdOfLastJDUpdate. More...
qint64 | getMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate () const |
| Returns the system date of the last time resetSync() was called.
void | setJD (double newJD) |
| Set the current date in Julian Day (UT)
void | setJDE (double newJDE) |
| Set the current date in Julian Day (TT). More...
double | getJD () const |
| Get the current date in Julian Day (UT).
double | getJDE () const |
| Get the current date in Julian Day (TT). More...
double | getSolutionEquationOfTime (const double JDE) const |
| Get solution of equation of time [minutes]. More...
double | getSolutionEquationOfTime () const |
| Get solution of equation of time [minutes] for the current time. More...
bool | getUseDST () const |
void | setUseDST (const bool b) |
DitheringMode | getDitheringMode () const |
void | setDitheringMode (DitheringMode mode) |
void | setDitheringMode (const QString &modeName) |
bool | getUseCustomTimeZone (void) const |
void | setUseCustomTimeZone (const bool b) |
void | setMJDay (double MJD) |
| Set the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT). More...
double | getMJDay () const |
| Get the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT)
double | computeDeltaT (const double JD) |
| Compute DeltaT estimation for a given date [seconds]. More...
double | getDeltaT () const |
| Get current DeltaT in seconds.
bool | getUseNutation () const |
void | setUseNutation (bool use) |
| Set whether you want computation and simulation of nutation (a slight wobble of Earth's axis, just a few arcseconds).
bool | getUseAberration () const |
void | setUseAberration (bool use) |
| Set whether you want computation and simulation of aberration (a slight wobble of stellar positions due to finite speed of light, about 20 arcseconds when observing from earth).
double | getAberrationFactor () const |
void | setAberrationFactor (double factor) |
| Set aberration factor. Values are clamped to 0...5. (Values above 5 cause graphical problems.)
QByteArray | getAberrationShader () const |
void | setAberrationUniforms (QOpenGLShaderProgram &program) const |
bool | getUseTopocentricCoordinates () const |
void | setUseTopocentricCoordinates (bool use) |
| Set whether you want computation and simulation of nutation (a slight wobble of Earth's axis, just a few arcseconds).
double | getPresetSkyTime () const |
| Return the preset sky time in JD.
void | setPresetSkyTime (double d) |
| Set the preset sky time from a JD.
void | setTimeRate (double ts) |
| Set time speed in JDay/sec.
double | getTimeRate () const |
| Get time speed in JDay/sec.
void | revertTimeDirection (void) |
void | increaseTimeSpeed () |
| Increase the time speed.
void | decreaseTimeSpeed () |
| Decrease the time speed.
void | increaseTimeSpeedLess () |
| Increase the time speed, but not as much as with increaseTimeSpeed()
void | decreaseTimeSpeedLess () |
| Decrease the time speed but not as much as with decreaseTimeSpeed()
void | setZeroTimeSpeed () |
| Set time speed to 0, i.e. freeze the passage of simulation time.
void | setRealTimeSpeed () |
| Set real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec.
void | toggleRealTimeSpeed () |
| Set real time speed or pause simulation if we are already in realtime speed.
bool | getRealTimeSpeed () const |
| Get whether it is real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec.
void | setTimeNow () |
| Set stellarium time to current real world time.
void | setTodayTime (const QTime &target) |
| Set the time to some value, leaving the day the same.
bool | getIsTimeNow () const |
| Get whether the current stellarium time is the real world time.
QTime | getInitTodayTime (void) const |
| get the initial "today time" from the config file
void | setInitTodayTime (const QTime &time) |
| set the initial "today time" from the config file
void | setPresetSkyTime (QDateTime dateTime) |
| Set the preset sky time from a QDateTime.
void | addMinute () |
| Add one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time.
void | addHour () |
| Add one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time.
void | addDay () |
| Add one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time.
void | addWeek () |
| Add one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time.
void | addSiderealDay () |
| Add one sidereal day to the simulation time. More...
void | addSiderealWeek () |
| Add seven sidereal days to the simulation time. More...
void | addSiderealYear () |
| Add one sidereal year to the simulation time. More...
void | addSiderealYears (double n=100.) |
| Add n sidereal years to the simulation time. More...
void | subtractMinute () |
| Subtract one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time.
void | subtractHour () |
| Subtract one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time.
void | subtractDay () |
| Subtract one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time.
void | subtractWeek () |
| Subtract one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time.
void | subtractSiderealDay () |
| Subtract one sidereal day to the simulation time. More...
void | subtractSiderealWeek () |
| Subtract seven sidereal days to the simulation time. More...
void | subtractSiderealYear () |
| Subtract one sidereal year to the simulation time. More...
void | subtractSiderealYears (double n=100.) |
| Subtract n sidereal years to the simulation time. More...
void | addSynodicMonth () |
| Add one synodic month to the simulation time.
void | addSaros () |
| Add one saros (223 synodic months) to the simulation time.
void | addDraconicYear () |
| Add one draconic year to the simulation time.
void | addDraconicMonth () |
| Add one draconic month to the simulation time.
void | addAnomalisticMonth () |
| Add one anomalistic month to the simulation time.
void | addAnomalisticYear () |
| Add one anomalistic year to the simulation time.
void | addAnomalisticYears (double n=100.) |
| Add n anomalistic years to the simulation time.
void | addMeanTropicalMonth () |
| Add one mean tropical month to the simulation time.
void | addMeanTropicalYear () |
| Add one mean tropical year to the simulation time.
void | addMeanTropicalYears (double n=100.) |
| Add n mean tropical years to the simulation time.
void | addTropicalYear () |
| Add one tropical year to the simulation time.
void | addCalendricMonth () |
| Add one calendric month to the simulation time.
void | addJulianYear () |
| Add one Julian year to the simulation time.
void | addJulianYears (double n=100.) |
| Add n Julian years to the simulation time.
void | addGaussianYear () |
| Add one Gaussian year to the simulation time. More...
void | subtractSynodicMonth () |
| Subtract one synodic month to the simulation time.
void | subtractSaros () |
| Subtract one saros (223 synodic months) to the simulation time.
void | subtractDraconicYear () |
| Subtract one draconic year to the simulation time.
void | subtractDraconicMonth () |
| Subtract one draconic month to the simulation time.
void | subtractAnomalisticMonth () |
| Subtract one anomalistic month to the simulation time.
void | subtractAnomalisticYear () |
| Subtract one anomalistic year to the simulation time.
void | subtractAnomalisticYears (double n=100.) |
| Subtract n anomalistic years to the simulation time.
void | subtractMeanTropicalMonth () |
| Subtract one mean tropical month to the simulation time.
void | subtractMeanTropicalYear () |
| Subtract one mean tropical year to the simulation time.
void | subtractMeanTropicalYears (double n=100.) |
| Subtract n mean tropical years to the simulation time.
void | subtractTropicalYear () |
| Subtract one tropical year to the simulation time.
void | subtractCalendricMonth () |
| Subtract one calendric month to the simulation time.
void | subtractJulianYear () |
| Subtract one Julian year to the simulation time.
void | subtractJulianYears (double n=100.) |
| Subtract n Julian years to the simulation time.
void | subtractGaussianYear () |
| Subtract one Gaussian year to the simulation time.
void | addSolarDays (double d) |
| Add a number of Earth Solar days to the current simulation time. More...
void | addSiderealDays (double d) |
| Add a number of sidereal days to the current simulation time, based on the observer body's rotational period. More...
void | moveObserverToSelected () |
| Move the observer to the selected object. More...
void | setDeltaTCustomYear (double y) |
| Set central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More...
void | setDeltaTCustomNDot (double v) |
| Set n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More...
void | setDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients (const Vec3d &c) |
| Set coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More...
double | getDeltaTCustomYear () const |
| Get central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
double | getDeltaTCustomNDot () const |
| Get n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
double | getDeltaTnDot () const |
| Get n-dot for current DeltaT algorithm.
Vec3d | getDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients () const |
| Get coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
void | initEphemeridesFunctions () |
| initialize ephemerides calculation functions
bool | de430IsAvailable () |
| true if DE430 ephemeris file has been found
bool | de431IsAvailable () |
| true if DE431 ephemeris file has been found
bool | de430IsActive () |
| true if DE430 ephemeris is in use
bool | de431IsActive () |
| true if DE431 ephemeris is in use
void | setDe430Active (bool status) |
| switch DE430 use to More...
void | setDe431Active (bool status) |
| switch DE431 use to More...
bool | de440IsAvailable () |
| true if DE440 ephemeris file has been found
bool | de441IsAvailable () |
| true if DE441 ephemeris file has been found
bool | de440IsActive () |
| true if DE440 ephemeris is in use
bool | de441IsActive () |
| true if DE441 ephemeris is in use
void | setDe440Active (bool status) |
| switch DE440 use to More...
void | setDe441Active (bool status) |
| switch DE441 use to More...
QString | getIAUConstellation (const Vec3d &positionEqJnow) const |
| Return 3-letter abbreviation of IAU constellation name for position in equatorial coordinates on the current epoch. More...
static float | luminanceToNELM (float luminance) |
| Returns naked-eye limiting magnitude corresponding to the given sky luminance in cd/m².
static float | nelmToLuminance (float nelm) |
| Returns sky luminance in cd/m² corresponding to the given naked-eye limiting magnitude.
static float | bortleScaleIndexToNELM (int index) |
| Returns some representative naked-eye limiting magnitude for the given Bortle scale index.
static float | bortleScaleIndexToLuminance (const int index) |
| Returns some representative value of zenith luminance in cd/m² for the given Bortle scale index.
static int | nelmToBortleScaleIndex (float nelm) |
| Classifies the sky using the Bortle scale using zenith naked-eye limiting magnitude as input.
static int | luminanceToBortleScaleIndex (const float luminance) |
| Classifies the sky using the Bortle scale using zenith luminance in cd/m² as input.
static float | luminanceToMPSAS (const float cdm2) |
| Converts luminance in cd/m² to magnitude/arcsec².
static float | mpsasToLuminance (const float mag) |
| Converts magnitude/arcsec² to luminance in cd/m².
void | init () |
| Init and load all main core components.
void | update (double deltaTime) |
| Update all the objects with respect to the time. More...
void | windowHasBeenResized (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) |
| Handle the resizing of the window.
void | preDraw () |
| Update core state before drawing modules.
void | postDraw () |
| Update core state after drawing modules.
StelProjectorP | getProjection2d () const |
| Get a new instance of a simple 2d projection. More...
StelProjectorP | getProjection (FrameType frameType, RefractionMode refractionMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get a new instance of projector using a modelview transformation corresponding to the given frame. More...
StelProjectorP | getProjection (StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP modelViewTransform, ProjectionType projType=static_cast< ProjectionType >(1000)) const |
| Get a new instance of projector using the given modelview transformation. More...
StelToneReproducer * | getToneReproducer () |
| Get the current tone reproducer used in the core.
const StelToneReproducer * | getToneReproducer () const |
| Get the current tone reproducer used in the core.
StelSkyDrawer * | getSkyDrawer () |
| Get the current StelSkyDrawer used in the core.
const StelSkyDrawer * | getSkyDrawer () const |
| Get the current StelSkyDrawer used in the core.
const StelGeodesicGrid * | getGeodesicGrid (int maxLevel) const |
| Get an instance of StelGeodesicGrid which is guaranteed to allow for at least maxLevel levels.
StelMovementMgr * | getMovementMgr () |
| Get the instance of movement manager.
const StelMovementMgr * | getMovementMgr () const |
| Get the const instance of movement manager.
void | setClippingPlanes (double znear, double zfar) |
| Set the near and far clipping planes.
void | getClippingPlanes (double *zn, double *zf) const |
| Get the near and far clipping planes.
QString | projectionTypeKeyToNameI18n (const QString &key) const |
| Get the translated projection name from its TypeKey for the current locale.
QString | projectionNameI18nToTypeKey (const QString &nameI18n) const |
| Get the projection TypeKey from its translated name for the current locale.
StelProjector::StelProjectorParams | getCurrentStelProjectorParams () const |
| Get the current set of parameters.
void | setCurrentStelProjectorParams (const StelProjector::StelProjectorParams &newParams) |
| Set the set of parameters to use when creating a new StelProjector.
void | lookAtJ2000 (const Vec3d &pos, const Vec3d &up) |
| Set vision direction.
void | setMatAltAzModelView (const Mat4d &mat) |
Vec3d | altAzToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | equinoxEquToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | altAzToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | j2000ToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
void | j2000ToAltAzInPlaceNoRefraction (Vec3f *v) const |
Vec3d | galacticToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | supergalacticToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | equinoxEquToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates of date (which may also include atmospheric refraction) to those of J2000. More...
Vec3d | j2000ToJ1875 (const Vec3d &v) const |
| Use fixed matrix to allow fast transformation of positions related to the IAU constellation borders.
Vec3d | j2000ToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates J2000 to those of date (optionally corrected by refraction). More...
Vec3d | j2000ToGalactic (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | j2000ToSupergalactic (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | heliocentricEclipticToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Transform vector from heliocentric ecliptic coordinate to altazimuthal.
Vec3d | heliocentricEclipticToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v) const |
| Transform from heliocentric coordinate to equatorial at current equinox (for the planet where the observer stands)
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getHeliocentricEclipticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for heliocentric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getObservercentricEclipticJ2000ModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getObservercentricEclipticOfDateModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic of Date drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getEquinoxEquModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric equatorial at equinox drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getFixedEquatorialModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric fixed equatorial drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getAltAzModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric altazimuthal drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getJ2000ModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric J2000 equatorial drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getGalacticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Galactic equatorial drawing.
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getSupergalacticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
| Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Supergalactic equatorial drawing.
Vec3d | getObserverHeliocentricEclipticPos () const |
| Return the observer heliocentric ecliptic position (GZ: presumably J2000)
const StelLocation & | getCurrentLocation () const |
| Get the information on the current location.
double | getUTCOffset (const double JD) const |
| Get the UTC offset on the current location (in hours)
QString | getCurrentTimeZone () const |
void | setCurrentTimeZone (const QString &tz) |
const QSharedPointer< class Planet > | getCurrentPlanet () const |
const StelObserver * | getCurrentObserver () const |
| Unfortunately we also need this. More...
void | setObserver (StelObserver *obs) |
| Replaces the current observer. StelCore assumes ownership of the observer.
SphericalCap | getVisibleSkyArea () const |
double | getLocalSiderealTime () const |
| Get the sidereal time shifted by the observer longitude. More...
double | getLocalSiderealDayLength () const |
| Get the duration of a sidereal day for the current observer in day.
double | getLocalSiderealYearLength () const |
| Get the duration of a sidereal year for the current observer in days.
QString | getStartupTimeMode () const |
| Return the startup mode, can be "actual" (i.e. More...
void | setStartupTimeMode (const QString &s) |
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmValidRangeDescription (const double JD, QString *marker) const |
| Get info about valid range for current algorithm for calculation of Delta-T. More...
bool | isBrightDaylight () const |
| Checks for altitude of the Sun - is it night or day? More...
double | getCurrentEpoch () const |
| Get value of the current Julian epoch (i.e. current year with decimal fraction, e.g. 2012.34567)
QString | getDefaultProjectionTypeKey (void) const |
| Get the default Mapping used by the Projection.
Vec3d | getMouseJ2000Pos (void) const |