Stellarium  0.17.0
Public Slots | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ScriptConsole Class Reference

Public Slots

void retranslate ()
- Public Slots inherited from StelDialog
virtual void retranslate ()=0
 Retranslate the content of the dialog. More...
void setVisible (bool)
 On the first call with "true" populates the window contents.
void close ()
 Closes the window (the window widget is not deleted, just not visible).
void handleMovedTo (QPoint newPos)
 Adds dialog location to config.ini; should be connected in createDialogContent()
virtual void handleDialogSizeChanged (QSizeF size)
 Stores dialog sizes into config.ini; should be connected from the proxy. More...
QString getDialogName ()

Public Member Functions

 ScriptConsole (QObject *parent)
void styleChanged ()
 Notify that the application style changed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelDialog
 StelDialog (QString dialogName="Default", QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR)
bool visible () const
 Returns true if the dialog contents have been constructed and are currently shown.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void createDialogContent ()
 Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots.

Protected Attributes

Ui_scriptConsoleForm * ui
- Protected Attributes inherited from StelDialog
QWidget * dialog
 The main dialog.
class CustomProxyproxy
QString dialogName
 The name should be set in derived classes' constructors and can be used to store and retrieve the panel locations.

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from StelDialog
void visibleChanged (bool)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from StelDialog
static void connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &actionName)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to the StelAction with the specified name.
static void connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, StelAction *action)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to the given StelAction.
static void connectIntProperty (QSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QSpinBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void connectIntProperty (QComboBox *comboBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QComboBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void connectIntProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, int minValue, int maxValue)
 Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectDoubleProperty (QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QDoubleSpinBox to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectDoubleProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, double minValue, double maxValue)
 Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectBoolProperty (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to a bool StelProperty. More...
- Properties inherited from StelDialog
bool visible