Stellarium is ’n gratis oopbron planetarium vir u rekenaar. Dit toon ’n realistiese 3D-lug, net soos wat u met die blote oog, verkyker of teleskoop sal sien.
- verstekkatalogus van meer as 600,000 sterre
- addisionele katalogus met meer as 177 miljoen sterre
- aanvanklike katalogus met meer as 80,000 diepruimvoorwerpe
- addisionele katalogus met meer as 1 miljoen diepruimvoorwerpe
- asterismes en illustrasies van die konstellasies
- constellations for 40+ different cultures
- calendars of 35+ different cultures
- beelde van newelvlekke (volledige Messier-katalogus)
- realistiese Melkweg
- uiters realistiese atmosfeer, sonsopkoms en -ondergang
- die planete en hul satelliete
- all-sky surveys (DSS, HiPS)
- ’n kragtige zoem
- tydbeheer
- veeltalike koppelvlak
- scripting interface
- visoogprojeksie vir planetariumkoepels
- sferiese spieëlprojeksie vir u eie lae-koste koepel
- graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
- HTTP interface (web-based control, remote control API)
- teleskoopbeheer
- several coordinate grids
- precession circles
- sterflonkering
- verskietende sterre
- komeetsterte
- verduisteringsimulasie
- Supernova en nova simulasie
- exoplanet locations
- ocular view simulation
- 3d landskappe
- skinnable landscapes with spheric panorama projection
- plugin system adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope control and more
- vermoë om nuwe sterrestelselvoorwerpe van aanlynbronne toe te voeg…
- voeg u eie dieplugvoorwerpe, landskappe, konstellasiebeelde, skripte, ens. toe
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium (YouTube) for the Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest (SCAAS) on February 25th, 2023
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium 1.0 (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2022 on September 25th, 2022
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium — key changes in the last 5 years (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2021 on September 25th, 2021
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Stellarium (YouTube) for the China-VO (Virtual Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) on February 1st, 2021
- G. Zotti gave an invited talk (YouTube) at the IAU Symposium 367 on December 9th, 2020
- G. Zotti gave a talk about creating 3D sceneries (YouTube) at the TAG2016 Skyscapes session on December 20th, 2016
- Stellarium 24.3
- Stellarium 24.2
- Stellarium 24.1
- Stellarium 23.4
- Stellarium 23.3
- Stellarium 23.2
- Stellarium 23.1
- Stellarium 1.2
- Stellarium 1.1
- D/L/Nakota and Ojibwe skycultures withdrawn
- Linux/Unix; Windows 7 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- 3D graphics card which supports OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.3 or OpenGL ES 2.0
- 512 MB RAM
- 600 MiB on disk
- Keyboard
- Mouse, Touchpad or similar pointing device
- 64-bit operating system
- Linux/Unix; Windows 10 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- 3D-grafikakaart met ondersteuning vir OpenGL 3.3 en hoër
- 1 GB RAM of meer
- 1.5 GB skyfspasie
- Keyboard
- Mouse, Touchpad or similar pointing device
- Moderately dark environment (deep shadow or indoors)
Projekkoördineerder: Fabien Chéreau
Grafiese ontwerper: Martín Bernardi
Developers: Alexander V. Wolf, Georg Zotti, Guillaume Chéreau, Ruslan Kabatsayev, Worachate Boonplod
Sky cultures researcher: Susanne M. Hoffmann
Collaborators: Jocelyn Girod
and everyone else in the community.
financial support
Many individuals and organizations are supporting the development of Stellarium by donations, and the most generous financial contributors (with donations of $250 or more) are Laurence Holt, Astronomie-Werkstatt "Sterne ohne Grenzen", John Bellora, Jeff Moe (Spacecruft), BairesDev, Vernon Hermsen, Triplebyte, Marla Pinaire, Satish Mallesh, Vlad Magdalin, Philippe Renoux, Fito Martin.
silver sponsors
sosiale media
werk saam
U kan meer oor Stellarium leer, ondersteuning kry en die projek help vanuit hierdie skakels:
- discussions
- poslys
- wiki
- skripte
- landskappe
- 3d landskappe
- sky cultures
- ontwikkelaarsdokumentasie
- skriptering
- vertalings
- kry ondersteuning, rapporteer foute , vra nuwe funksies aan
- alle vrystellings
- user guide
- weekly snapshots
- ppa for ubuntu linux
- archive
If the Stellarium planetarium was helpful for your research work, please cite the following paper in your acknowledgment:
This research has made use of the Stellarium planetarium
- Zotti, G., Hoffmann, S. M., Wolf, A., Chéreau, F., & Chéreau, G. (2021). The Simulated Sky: Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 6(2), 221–258. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.17822
Or you may download the BibTeX file of the paper to create another citation format.
Please note that the software has several releases since these fundamentals were published:
- Stellarium contributors (2024). Stellarium v24.3 Astronomy Software. URL DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13825639
- Zotti, G., Wolf, A. (2022). Stellarium: Finally at Version 1.0! And Beyond. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 8(2), 332–334. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.25608
Die nuutste ontwikkelings weerga van Stellarium is op github. Indien u ontwikkelings weergawes wil kompileer is dit die plek om die bron kode te verkry.
Documentation and description of the sky cultures, state March 2022, plus a lot of additional research:
- Hoffmann, S. and Wolfschmidt, G. (2022, eds.). Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy, Featuring the Proceedings of a splinter meeting in the German Astronomical Society. tredition, Ahrensburg.
ondersteuners en vriende
Stellarium is voltooi met die insette van die ontwikkelingspan met die die hulp en ondersteuning van die volgende persone en organsisasies .