float | getLuminance () const |
| Return the global landscape luminance [0..1], for being used e.g for setting eye adaptation. More...
float | getAtmosphereAverageLuminance () const |
| return average luminance [cd/m^2] of atmosphere. Expect 10 at sunset, 6400 in daylight, >0 in dark night.
void | setAtmosphereAverageLuminance (const float overrideLuminance) |
| Override autocomputed value and set average luminance [cd/m^2] of atmosphere. More...
static QMap< QString, QString > | getNameToDirMap () |
| Return a map of landscape names to landscape IDs (directory names).
QStringList | getAllLandscapeNames () const |
| Retrieve a list of the names of all the available landscapes in the file search path sub-directories of the landscape area. More...
QStringList | getAllLandscapeIDs () const |
| Retrieve a list of the identifiers of all the available landscapes in the file search path sub-directories of the landscape area. More...
QStringList | getUserLandscapeIDs () const |
| Retrieve a list of the identifiers of all user-installed landscapes. More...
const QString | getCurrentLandscapeID () const |
| Get the current landscape ID.
bool | setCurrentLandscapeID (const QString &id, const double changeLocationDuration=1.0) |
| Change the current landscape to the landscape with the ID specified. More...
QString | getCurrentLandscapeName () const |
| Get the current landscape name.
bool | setCurrentLandscapeName (const QString &name, const double changeLocationDuration=1.0) |
| Change the current landscape to the landscape with the name specified. More...
float | getCurrentLandscapeBrightness (const bool light=false) const |
| Get the current landscape or lightscape brightness (0..1) More...
bool | precacheLandscape (const QString &id, const bool replace=true) |
| Preload a landscape into cache. More...
bool | removeCachedLandscape (const QString &id) |
| Remove a landscape from the cache of landscapes. More...
void | setCacheSize (int mb) |
| Set size of the landscape cache, in MB. More...
int | getCacheSize () const |
| Retrieve total size of cache (MB).
int | getCacheFilledSize () const |
| Retrieve sum of currently used memory in cache (MB, approximate)
int | getCacheCount () const |
| Return number of landscapes already in the cache.
Landscape * | getCurrentLandscape () const |
| Get the current landscape object.
const QString | getDefaultLandscapeID () const |
| Get the default landscape ID.
bool | setDefaultLandscapeID (const QString &id) |
| Change the default landscape to the landscape with the ID specified. More...
QString | getCurrentLandscapeHtmlDescription () const |
| Return a pseudo HTML formatted string with all information on the current landscape.
QString | getDescription () const |
| Return a pseudo HTML formatted string with information from description or ini file.
bool | getFlagLandscape () const |
| Get flag for displaying Landscape.
void | setFlagLandscape (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying Landscape.
bool | getIsLandscapeFullyVisible () const |
| Get whether the landscape is currently visible. If true, objects below landscape's limiting altitude limit can be omitted.
double | getLandscapeSinMinAltitudeLimit () const |
| Get the sine of current landscape's minimal altitude. Useful to construct bounding caps.
bool | getFlagFog () const |
| Get flag for displaying Fog.
void | setFlagFog (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying Fog.
bool | getFlagIllumination () const |
| Get flag for displaying illumination layer.
void | setFlagIllumination (const bool on) |
| Set flag for displaying illumination layer.
bool | getFlagLabels () const |
| Get flag for displaying landscape labels.
void | setFlagLabels (const bool on) |
| Set flag for displaying landscape labels.
bool | getFlagPolyLineDisplayed () const |
| Retrieve flag for rendering polygonal line (if one is defined)
void | setFlagPolyLineDisplayed (bool b) |
| Set flag for rendering polygonal line (if one is defined)
int | getPolyLineThickness () const |
| Retrieve thickness for rendering polygonal line (if one is defined)
void | setPolyLineThickness (int thickness) |
| Set thickness for rendering polygonal line (if one is defined)
bool | getFlagLandscapeSetsLocation () const |
| Return the value of the flag determining if a change of landscape will update the observer location.
void | setFlagLandscapeSetsLocation (bool b) |
| Set the value of the flag determining if a change of landscape will update the observer location.
bool | getFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness () const |
| Return the value of the flag determining if a minimal brightness should be used to keep landscape visible.
void | setFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness (bool b) |
| Set the value of the flag determining if a minimal brightness should be used to keep landscape visible.
bool | getFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness () const |
| Return the value of the flag determining if the minimal brightness should be taken from landscape.ini.
void | setFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness (bool b) |
| Sets the value of the flag determining if the minimal brightness should be taken from landscape.ini.
double | getDefaultMinimalBrightness () const |
| Return the minimal brightness value of the landscape.
void | setDefaultMinimalBrightness (const double b) |
| Set the minimal brightness value of the landscape.
void | setFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase (const bool usage) |
| Sets the value of the flag usage light pollution (and bortle index) from locations database.
bool | getFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase () const |
| Return the value of flag usage light pollution (and bortle index) from locations database.
bool | getFlagCardinalPoints () const |
| Get flag for displaying cardinal points (4-wind compass rose directions)
void | setFlagCardinalPoints (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying cardinal points (4-wind compass rose directions)
bool | getFlagOrdinalPoints () const |
| Get flag for displaying intercardinal (or ordinal) points (8-wind compass rose directions).
void | setFlagOrdinalPoints (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying intercardinal (or ordinal) points (8-wind compass rose directions).
bool | getFlagOrdinal16WRPoints () const |
| Get flag for displaying intercardinal (or ordinal) points (16-wind compass rose directions).
void | setFlagOrdinal16WRPoints (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying intercardinal (or ordinal) points (16-wind compass rose directions).
Vec3f | getColorCardinalPoints () const |
| Get Cardinals Points color.
void | setColorCardinalPoints (const Vec3f &v) |
| Set Cardinals Points color.
bool | getFlagAtmosphere () const |
| Get flag for displaying Atmosphere.
void | setFlagAtmosphere (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for displaying Atmosphere.
QString | getAtmosphereModel () const |
void | setAtmosphereModel (const QString &model) |
QString | getAtmosphereModelPath () const |
void | setAtmosphereModelPath (const QString &path) |
QString | getDefaultAtmosphereModelPath () const |
bool | getAtmosphereShowMySkyStoppedWithError () const |
void | setAtmosphereShowMySkyStoppedWithError (bool error) |
QString | getAtmosphereShowMySkyStatusText () const |
void | setAtmosphereShowMySkyStatusText (const QString &text) |
bool | getFlagAtmosphereZeroOrderScattering () const |
void | setFlagAtmosphereZeroOrderScattering (bool enable) |
bool | getFlagAtmosphereSingleScattering () const |
void | setFlagAtmosphereSingleScattering (bool enable) |
bool | getFlagAtmosphereMultipleScattering () const |
void | setFlagAtmosphereMultipleScattering (bool enable) |
int | getAtmosphereEclipseSimulationQuality () const |
void | setAtmosphereEclipseSimulationQuality (int quality) |
bool | getFlagAtmosphereNoScatter () const |
| Get flag for suppressing Atmosphere scatter (blue light) while displaying all other effects (refraction, extinction).
void | setFlagAtmosphereNoScatter (const bool displayed) |
| Set flag for suppressing Atmosphere scatter (blue light) while displaying all other effects (refraction, extinction).
float | getAtmosphereFadeIntensity () const |
| Get current display intensity of atmosphere ([0..1], for smoother transitions)
float | getAtmosphereFadeDuration () const |
| Get atmosphere fade duration in s.
void | setAtmosphereFadeDuration (const float f) |
| Set atmosphere fade duration in s.
void | setZRotation (const float d) |
| Set the rotation of the landscape about the z-axis. More...
QString | installLandscapeFromArchive (QString pathToSourceArchive, const bool display=false, const bool forAllUsers=false) |
| Install a landscape from a ZIP archive. More...
bool | removeLandscape (const QString landscapeID) |
| This function removes a landscape from the user data directory. More...
QString | loadLandscapeName (const QString landscapeID) |
| This function reads a landscape's name from its configuration file. More...
quint64 | loadLandscapeSize (const QString landscapeID) const |
| This function calculates and returns a landscape's disc size in bytes. More...
bool | getFlagLandscapeAutoSelection () const |
| Get flag for autoselect of landscapes for planets.
void | setFlagLandscapeAutoSelection (bool enableAutoSelect) |
| Set flag for autoselect of landscapes for planets.
bool | getFlagEnvironmentAutoEnable () const |
| Get flag for auto-enable of atmospheres and landscapes for planets.
void | setFlagEnvironmentAutoEnable (bool b) |
| Set flag for auto-enable atmosphere and landscape for planets with atmospheres in location window.
float | getLandscapeOpacity (Vec3d azalt) const |
| Forward opacity query to current landscape. More...
float | getLandscapeOpacity (Vec3f azalt) const |
float | getLandscapeOpacity (float azimuth, float altitude) const |
| Forward opacity query to current landscape. More...
void | showMessage (const QString &message) |
void | clearMessage () |
void | atmosphereDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | atmosphereModelChanged (const QString &model) |
void | atmosphereModelPathChanged (const QString &model) |
void | atmosphereStoppedWithErrorChanged (bool error) |
void | atmosphereStatusTextChanged (const QString &status) |
void | flagAtmosphereZeroOrderScatteringChanged (bool value) |
void | flagAtmosphereSingleScatteringChanged (bool value) |
void | flagAtmosphereMultipleScatteringChanged (bool value) |
void | atmosphereEclipseSimulationQualityChanged (unsigned quality) |
void | atmosphereNoScatterChanged (const bool noScatter) |
void | cardinalPointsDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | ordinalPointsDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | ordinal16WRPointsDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | cardinalPointsColorChanged (const Vec3f &newColor) const |
void | fogDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | landscapeDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | illuminationDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | labelsDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) |
void | flagPolyLineDisplayedChanged (const bool enabled) |
void | polyLineThicknessChanged (const int thickness) |
void | flagUseLightPollutionFromDatabaseChanged (const bool usage) |
void | flagLandscapeAutoSelectionChanged (const bool value) |
void | flagLandscapeSetsLocationChanged (const bool value) |
void | flagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightnessChanged (const bool value) |
void | flagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightnessChanged (const bool value) |
void | defaultMinimalBrightnessChanged (const double value) |
void | setFlagEnvironmentAutoEnableChanged (const bool enabled) |
void | defaultLandscapeChanged (const QString &id) |
| Emitted whenever the default landscape is changed. More...
void | landscapesChanged () |
| Emitted when a landscape has been installed or un-installed. More...
void | errorUnableToOpen (QString path) |
| Emitted when installLandscapeFromArchive() can't read from, write to or create a file or a directory. More...
void | errorNotArchive () |
| Emitted when the file passed to installLandscapeFromArchive() is not a ZIP archive or does not contain a valid landscape. More...
void | errorNotUnique (QString nameOrID) |
| Emitted when installLandscapeFromArchive() tries to install a landscape with the same name or identifier as an already installed one. More...
void | errorRemoveManually (QString path) |
| Emitted when removeLandscape() is unable to remove all the files of a landscape. More...
void | currentLandscapeChanged (QString currentLandscapeID, QString currentLandscapeName) |
| Emitted when the current landscape was changed. More...
virtual void | init () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Initialize the LandscapeManager class. More...
virtual void | draw (StelCore *core) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Draw the atmosphere, landscape graphics, and cardinal points.
void | drawPolylineOnly (StelCore *core) |
| Draw landscape graphics and cardinal points. More...
virtual void | update (double deltaTime) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Update time-dependent state. More...
virtual double | getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Get the order in which this module will draw its objects relative to other modules.
Landscape * | createFromFile (const QString &landscapeFile, const QString &landscapeId) |
| Create a new landscape from the files which describe it. More...
| StelModule () |
| Constructor. Every derived class MUST call setObjectName(className) in its constructor.
virtual void | deinit () |
| Called before the module will be deleted, and before the OpenGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual QSettings * | getSettings () |
| Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual QString | getModuleVersion () const |
| Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString | getAuthorName () const |
| Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString | getAuthorEmail () const |
| Get the email address of the module author.
virtual void | handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *) |
| Handle mouse clicks. More...
virtual void | handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *) |
| Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool | handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) |
| Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void | handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e) |
| Handle key events. More...
virtual bool | handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started) |
| Handle pinch gesture events. More...
virtual bool | configureGui (bool show=true) |
| Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...