void | retranslate () override |
void | setJD (double JD) override |
| Set a calendar date from the Julian day number.
void | setDate (QVector< int > parts) override |
| set date from a vector of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
QStringList | getDateStrings () const override |
| get a stringlist of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
static int | aztecTonalpohualliOrdinal (QVector< int > tonalpohualli) |
| Return ordinal in Tonalpohualli cycle. More...
static QVector< int > | aztecTonalpohualliFromFixed (int rd) |
| get 2-part vector of Tonalpohualli date from RD
static int | aztecTonalpohualliOnOrBefore (QVector< int > tonalpohualli, int rd) |
void | retranslate () override |
void | setJD (double JD) override |
| Set a calendar date from the Julian day number.
void | setDate (QVector< int > parts) override |
| set date from a vector of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
QStringList | getDateStrings () const override |
| get a stringlist of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
static QVector< int > | mayanTzolkinFromFixed (int rd) |
| usually internal, but used by MayaHaabCalendar.
static QString | tzolkinName (int i) |
| return Tzolkin name for index [0...19]
static int | mayanTzolkinOrdinal (QVector< int > tzolkin) |
static int | mayanTzolkinOnOrBefore (QVector< int > tzolkin, int rd) |
virtual void | retranslate () |
| Translate e.g. stringlists of part names.
virtual void | setJD (double JD) |
| Set a calendar date from the Julian day number Subclasses set JD and compute the parts and possibly other data This triggers the partsChanged() signal.
virtual double | getJD () const |
| Get Julian day number from a calendar date.
virtual void | setDate (QVector< int > parts) |
| set date from a vector of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
virtual QVector< int > | getDate () const |
| get a vector of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
virtual QStringList | getDateStrings () const |
| get a stringlist of calendar date elements sorted from the largest to the smallest. More...
virtual QString | getFormattedDateString () const |
| get a formatted complete string for a date. The default implementation just concatenates all strings from getDateStrings() with a space in between.
static QString | getFormattedDateString (QVector< int > date, QString sep=" ") |
| get a formatted complete string for a date. This implementation just converts and concatenates all ints with sep in between.
static double | rdNow () |
| Mostly for testing: return RD of current time.
static double | rdJ2000 () |
static double | momentFromJD (double jd, bool respectUTCoffset) |
| Interfacing function from Reingold/Dershowitz: Calendrical Calculations Returns a "moment" in RD that represents JD. More...
static int | fixedFromMoment (double rd) |
static double | timeFromMoment (double rd) |
static int | fixedFromJD (double jd, bool respectUTCoffset) |
| Interfacing function from Reingold/Dershowitz: Calendrical Calculations Returns a fixed date in RD that represents noon of JD. More...
static double | momentFromMJD (double mjd) |
static double | jdFromMoment (double rd, bool respectUTCoffset) |
| interfacing function from Reingold/Dershowitz: Calendrical Calculations Returns a JD from an RD "moment" (including fractions of day) Stellarium extension: optionally includes local time zone offset. More...
static double | jdFromFixed (double rd, bool respectUTCoffset) |
| interfacing function from Reingold/Dershowitz: Calendrical Calculations Returns a JD from an RD "moment" (including fractions of day) Stellarium extension: optionally includes local time zone offset. More...
static double | mjdFromFixed (double rd) |
static int | dayOfWeekFromFixed (int rd) |
| weekday from RD date. CC.UE(1.60).
static int | kdayOnOrBefore (const Calendar::Day k, const int rd) |
| @Returns the R.D. of the nearest weekday k on or before rd
static int | kdayOnOrAfter (const Calendar::Day k, const int rd) |
| @Returns the R.D. of the nearest weekday k on or after rd
static int | kdayNearest (const Calendar::Day k, const int rd) |
| @Returns the R.D. of the nearest weekday k around rd
static int | kdayBefore (const Calendar::Day k, const int rd) |
| @Returns the R.D. of the nearest weekday k before rd
static int | kdayAfter (const Calendar::Day k, const int rd) |
| @Returns the R.D. of the nearest weekday k after rd
static double | modInterval (double x, double a, double b) |
| Interval modulus, CC.UE 1.24. More...
static int | modInterval (int x, int a, int b) |
| Interval modulus, CC.UE 1.24: This EXCLUDES the upper limit! Use StelUtils::amod(x, b) for CC's (x)mod[1..b].
static int | rdCorrSum (QVector< int >parts, QVector< int >factors, int corr) |
| Reingold-Dershowitz CC.UE 1.48.
int | rdCorrSum (QVector< int >factors, int corr) |
static QVector< int > | toRadix (int num, QVector< int >radix) |
| Split integer to mixed-radix vector. Reingold-Dershowitz CC.UE 1.42.
static QVector< int > | intersectWithRange (QVector< int >cand, QVector< int >range) |
| Intersect a collection of candidates against a range of values. More...
static StelLocation | location (const QString &name) |
| retrieve a StelLocation from our database based on its name There is no check! Returned location may be default/empty.
static double | direction (const StelLocation &locFrom, const StelLocation &locTo) |
| Return azimuth direction (degrees from North) from locFrom to locTo.
static double | direction (const QString &locFrom, const QString &locTo) |
static double | zoneFromLongitude (double lngDeg) |
static double | universalFromLocal (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | universalFromLocal (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | standardFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | standardFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | universalFromStandard (double rd_zone, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | universalFromStandard (double rd_zone, const QString &loc) |
static double | standardFromLocal (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | standardFromLocal (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromStandard (double rd_zone, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromStandard (double rd_zone, const QString &loc) |
static double | ephemerisCorrection (double rd) |
static double | dynamicalFromUniversal (double rd_ut) |
| Correct rd_ut to Dynamical time.
static double | universalFromDynamical (double rd_dt) |
| Correct rd_dt to Universal time.
static double | julianCenturies (double rd_ut) |
static double | equationOfTime (double rd_ut) |
static double | apparentFromLocal (double rd_local_mean, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | apparentFromLocal (double rd_local_mean, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromApparent (double rd_local_app, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromApparent (double rd_local_app, const QString &loc) |
static double | apparentFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | apparentFromUniversal (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | universalFromApparent (double rd_local_app, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | universalFromApparent (double rd_local_app, const QString &loc) |
static double | midnight (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | midnight (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | midday (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | midday (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | middayTehran (int rd) |
static double | siderealFromMoment (double rd_ut) |
static double | obliquity (double rd_ut) |
static double | declination (double rd_ut, double eclLat, double eclLong) |
static double | rightAscension (double rd_ut, double eclLat, double eclLong) |
static double | solarLongitude (double rd_ut) |
static double | nutation (double rd_ut) |
static double | aberration (double rd_ut) |
static double | solarLongitudeInv (double lng, double rdA, double rdB) |
| binary search for the moment when solar longitude reaches lng in the time between rdA and rdB (used in CC:UE 14.36)
static double | solarLongitudeAfter (double lng, double rd_ut) |
static double | seasonInGregorian (Calendar::Season season, int gYear) |
static double | urbanaWinter (int gYear) |
static double | precession (double rd_dt) |
static double | solarAltitude (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | solarAltitude (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | estimatePriorSolarLongitude (double lambda, double rd_ut) |
static double | nthNewMoon (int n) |
static double | newMoonBefore (double rd_ut) |
static double | newMoonAtOrAfter (double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarLongitude (double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarLatitude (double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarDistance (double rd_ut) |
static double | meanLunarLongitude (double c) |
static double | lunarElongation (double c) |
static double | solarAnomaly (double c) |
static double | lunarAnomaly (double c) |
static double | moonNode (double c) |
static double | lunarNode (double rd_ut) |
static double | siderealLunarLongitude (double rd_ut, double siderealStart) |
static double | lunarPhase (double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarPhaseInv (double phi, double rdA, double rdB) |
| binary search for the moment when lunar phase reaches phi in the time between rdA and rdB (CC:UE 14.57)
static double | lunarPhaseAtOrBefore (double phi, double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarPhaseAtOrAfter (double phi, double rd_ut) |
static double | lunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | lunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | lunarParallax (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | lunarParallax (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | topocentricLunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | topocentricLunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | approxMomentOfDepression (double rd_loc, double alpha, bool early, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | sineOffset (double rd_ut, double alpha, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | momentOfDepression (double rd_approx, double alpha, bool early, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | dawn (int rd, double alpha, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | dawn (int rd, double alpha, const QString &loc) |
static double | dusk (int rd, double alpha, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | dusk (int rd, double alpha, const QString &loc) |
static double | refraction (const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | refraction (const QString &loc) |
static double | sunrise (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | sunrise (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | sunset (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | sunset (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | dawnParis (int rd) |
| For testing only: More...
static double | sunsetJerusalem (int rd) |
static double | jewishSabbathEnds (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | jewishSabbathEnds (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | jewishDusk (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | jewishDusk (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | observedLunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | observedLunarAltitude (double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | moonrise (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | moonrise (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | moonset (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | moonset (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | moonriseMecca (int rd) |
| For testing only: Delivers local standard time.
static double | moonsetMecca (int rd) |
static double | localZeroItalianHour (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localZeroItalianHour (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localZeroSunsetHour (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localZeroSunsetHour (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localZeroBabylonianHour (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localZeroBabylonianHour (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromItalian (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromItalian (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromSunsetHour (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromSunsetHour (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | localFromBabylonian (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | localFromBabylonian (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | italianFromLocal (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | italianFromLocal (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | sunsetHourFromLocal (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | sunsetHourFromLocal (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | babylonianFromLocal (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | babylonianFromLocal (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | daytimeTemporalHour (const int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | daytimeTemporalHour (const int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | nighttimeTemporalHour (const int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | nighttimeTemporalHour (const int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | standardFromSundial (const double rd_ut, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | standardFromSundial (const double rd_ut, const QString &loc) |
static double | arcOfLight (double rd_loc) |
static double | simpleBestView (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | simpleBestView (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static bool | shaukatCriterion (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static bool | shaukatCriterion (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | arcOfVision (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | arcOfVision (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | bruinBestView (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | bruinBestView (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static bool | yallopCriterion (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static bool | yallopCriterion (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static double | lunarSemiDiameter (double rd_loc, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static double | lunarSemiDiameter (double rd_loc, const QString &loc) |
static double | lunarDiameter (double rd_ut) |
static bool | visibleCrescent (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static bool | visibleCrescent (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static int | phasisOnOrBefore (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static int | phasisOnOrBefore (int rd, const QString &loc) |
static int | phasisOnOrAfter (int rd, const StelLocation &loc=StelApp::getInstance().getCore() ->getCurrentLocation()) |
static int | phasisOnOrAfter (int rd, const QString &loc) |