"Controlling a telescope" means receiving position information from the telescope and sending GOTO commands to the telescope. No esoteric features like motor focus, electric heating and such. The actual controlling of a telescope is left to the implementation of the abstract base class TelescopeClient.
Main class of the Telescope Control plug-in.
Public Slots |
void | setFlagTelescopeReticles (bool b) |
| Set display flag for telescope reticles. More...
bool | getFlagTelescopeReticles () const |
| Get display flag for telescope reticles. More...
void | setFlagTelescopeLabels (bool b) |
| Set display flag for telescope name labels. More...
bool | getFlagTelescopeLabels () const |
| Get display flag for telescope name labels. More...
void | setFlagTelescopeCircles (bool b) |
| Set display flag for telescope field of view circles. More...
bool | getFlagTelescopeCircles () const |
| Get display flag for telescope field of view circles. More...
void | setReticleColor (const Vec3f &c) |
| Set the telescope reticle color. More...
const Vec3f & | getReticleColor () const |
| Get the telescope reticle color. More...
const Vec3f & | getLabelColor () const |
| Get the telescope labels color. More...
void | setLabelColor (const Vec3f &c) |
| Set the telescope labels color. More...
void | setCircleColor (const Vec3f &c) |
| Set the field of view circles color. More...
const Vec3f & | getCircleColor () const |
| Get the field of view circles color. More...
void | setFontSize (int fontSize) |
| Define font size to use for telescope names display. More...
void | slewTelescopeToSelectedObject (const int idx) |
| slews a telescope at slot idx to the selected object. More...
void | syncTelescopeWithSelectedObject (const int idx) |
| sync a telescope at slot idx to the selected object. More...
void | slewTelescopeToViewDirection (const int idx) |
| slews a telescope at slot idx to the point of the celestial sphere currently in the center of the screen. More...
void | abortTelescopeSlew (const int idx) |
| abort the current slew command of a telescope at slot idx. More...
void | setFlagUseTelescopeServerLogs (bool b) |
| Used in the GUI.
Signals |
void | clientConnected (int slot, QString name) |
void | clientDisconnected (int slot) |
Public Member Functions |
virtual void | init () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Initialize itself. More...
virtual void | deinit () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual void | update (double deltaTime) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Update the module with respect to the time. More...
virtual void | draw (StelCore *core) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Execute all the drawing functions for this module. More...
virtual double | getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations. More...
virtual QList< StelObjectP > | searchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Search for StelObject in an area around a specified point. More...
virtual StelObjectP | searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Find a StelObject by name. More...
virtual StelObjectP | searchByName (const QString &name) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Return the matching StelObject if exists or the empty StelObject if not found. More...
virtual StelObjectP | searchByID (const QString &id) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Return the StelObject with the given ID if exists or the empty StelObject if not found. More...
virtual QStringList | listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing the passed object name. More...
virtual QStringList | listAllObjects (bool) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| List all StelObjects. More...
virtual QString | getName () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Gets a user-displayable name of the object category.
virtual QString | getStelObjectType () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Returns the name that will be returned by StelObject::getType() for the objects this module manages.
virtual bool | configureGui (bool show=true) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...
QSharedPointer< TelescopeClient > | telescopeClient (int index) const |
void | deleteAllTelescopes () |
| Remove all currently registered telescopes.
const QHash< QString, DeviceModel > & | getDeviceModels () |
| Safe access to the loaded list of telescope models.
void | loadConfiguration () |
| Loads the module's configuration from the configuration file.
void | saveConfiguration () |
| Saves the module's configuration to the configuration file.
void | saveTelescopes () |
| Saves to telescopes.json a list of the parameters of the active telescope clients.
void | loadTelescopes () |
| Loads from telescopes.json the parameters of telescope clients and initializes them. More...
bool | addTelescopeAtSlot (int slot, ConnectionType connectionType, QString name, QString equinox, QString host=QString("localhost"), int portTCP=DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, int delay=DEFAULT_DELAY, bool connectAtStartup=false, QList< double > circles=QList< double >(), QString serverName=QString(), QString portSerial=QString(), QString rts2Url=QString(), QString rts2Username=QString(), QString rts2Password=QString(), int rts2Refresh=-1, QString ascomDeviceId=QString(""), bool ascomUseDeviceEqCoordType=true) |
| Adds a telescope description containing the given properties. More...
bool | getTelescopeAtSlot (int slot, ConnectionType &connectionType, QString &name, QString &equinox, QString &host, int &portTCP, int &delay, bool &connectAtStartup, QList< double > &circles, QString &serverName, QString &portSerial, QString &rts2Url, QString &rts2Username, QString &rts2Password, int &rts2Refresh, QString &ascomDeviceId, bool &ascomUseDeviceEqCoordType) |
| Retrieves a telescope description. More...
bool | removeTelescopeAtSlot (int slot) |
| Removes info from the tree. Should it include stopTelescopeAtSlot()?
bool | startTelescopeAtSlot (int slot) |
| Starts a telescope at the given slot, getting its description with getTelescopeAtSlot(). More...
bool | stopTelescopeAtSlot (int slot) |
| Stops the telescope at the given slot. More...
bool | stopAllTelescopes () |
| Stops all telescopes, but without removing them like deleteAllTelescopes().
bool | isExistingClientAtSlot (int slot) |
| Checks if there's a TelescopeClient object at a given slot, i.e. More...
bool | isConnectedClientAtSlot (int slot) |
| Checks if the TelescopeClient object at a given slot is connected to a server.
QHash< int, QString > | getConnectedClientsNames () |
| Returns a list of the currently connected clients.
bool | getFlagUseServerExecutables () const |
void | setFlagUseServerExecutables (bool b) |
| Forces a call of loadDeviceModels(). Stops all active telescopes.
const QString & | getServerExecutablesDirectoryPath () const |
bool | setServerExecutablesDirectoryPath (const QString &newPath) |
| Forces a call of loadDeviceModels(). Stops all active telescopes.
bool | getFlagUseTelescopeServerLogs () const |
virtual QStringList | listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const |
| List all StelObjects by type. More...
bool | matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const |
| Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More...
virtual QSettings * | getSettings () |
| Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual QString | getModuleVersion () const |
| Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString | getAuthorName () const |
| Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString | getAuthorEmail () const |
| Get the email adress of the module author.
virtual void | handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *) |
| Handle mouse clicks. More...
virtual void | handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *) |
| Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool | handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) |
| Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void | handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e) |
| Handle key events. More...
virtual bool | handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started) |
| Handle pinch gesture events. More...