void | toggleMountMode () |
| Toggle current mount mode between equatorial and altazimuthal.
void | setEquatorialMount (bool b) |
| Define whether we should use equatorial mount or altazimuthal.
void | setFlagTracking (bool b=true) |
| Set object tracking on/off and go to selected object.
bool | getFlagTracking (void) const |
| Get current object tracking status.
void | setFlagLockEquPos (bool b) |
| Set whether sky position is to be locked.
bool | getFlagLockEquPos (void) const |
| Get whether sky position is locked.
void | panView (const double deltaAz, const double deltaAlt) |
| Move view in alt/az (or equatorial if in that mode) coordinates. More...
void | setAutoMoveDuration (float f) |
| Set automove duration in seconds. More...
float | getAutoMoveDuration (void) const |
| Get automove duration in seconds. More...
void | setFlagAutoZoomOutResetsDirection (bool b) |
| Set whether auto zoom out will reset the viewing direction to the inital value.
bool | getFlagAutoZoomOutResetsDirection (void) const |
| Get whether auto zoom out will reset the viewing direction to the inital value.
bool | getFlagEnableZoomKeys () const |
| Get whether keys can control zoom.
void | setFlagEnableZoomKeys (bool b) |
| Set whether keys can control zoom.
bool | getFlagEnableMoveKeys () const |
| Get whether keys can control movement.
void | setFlagEnableMoveKeys (bool b) |
| Set whether keys can control movement.
bool | getFlagEnableMoveAtScreenEdge () const |
| Get whether being at the edge of the screen activates movement.
void | setFlagEnableMoveAtScreenEdge (bool b) |
| Set whether being at the edge of the screen activates movement.
bool | getFlagEnableMouseNavigation () const |
| Get whether mouse can control movement.
void | setFlagEnableMouseNavigation (bool b) |
| Set whether mouse can control movement.
bool | getFlagEnableMouseZooming () const |
| Get whether mouse can control zooming.
void | setFlagEnableMouseZooming (bool b) |
| Set whether mouse can control zooming.
bool | getFlagIndicationMountMode () const |
| Get the state of flag for indication of mount mode.
void | setFlagIndicationMountMode (bool b) |
| Set the state of flag for indication of mount mode.
void | moveToJ2000 (const Vec3d &aim, const Vec3d &aimUp, float moveDuration=1., ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone) |
| Move the view to a specified J2000 position. More...
void | moveToAltAzi (const Vec3d &aim, const Vec3d &aimUp, float moveDuration=1.f, ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone) |
| Move the view to a specified AltAzimuthal position. More...
void | zoomTo (double aimFov, float zoomDuration=1.f) |
| Change the zoom level. More...
double | getCurrentFov () const |
| Get the current Field Of View in degrees.
double | getInitFov () const |
| Return the initial default FOV in degree.
void | setInitFov (double fov) |
| Set the initial Field Of View in degree.
const Vec3d | getInitViewingDirection () const |
| Return the initial viewing direction in altazimuthal coordinates. More...
void | setInitViewDirectionToCurrent () |
| Sets the initial direction of view to the current altitude and azimuth. More...
Vec3d | getViewDirectionJ2000 () const |
| Return the current viewing direction in the equatorial J2000 frame. More...
void | setViewDirectionJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) |
| Set the current viewing direction in the equatorial J2000 frame.
void | setMaxFov (double max) |
| Set the maximum field of View in degrees.
double | getMaxFov (void) const |
| Get the maximum field of View in degrees.
double | getMinFov (void) const |
| Get the minimum field of View in degrees.
void | autoZoomIn (float moveDuration=1.f, bool allowManualZoom=1) |
| Go and zoom to the selected object. A later call to autoZoomOut will come back to the previous zoom level.
void | autoZoomOut (float moveDuration=1.f, bool full=0) |
| Unzoom to the previous position.
void | deselection (void) |
| Deselect the selected object.
double | getAimFov (void) const |
| If currently zooming, return the target FOV, otherwise return current FOV in degree.
void | turnRight (bool s) |
| With true, starts turning the direction of view to the right, with an unspecified speed, according to the current mount mode (i.e., increasing azimuth, decreasing rectascension). More...
void | turnLeft (bool s) |
| With true, starts turning the direction of view to the left, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., decreasing azimuth, increasing rectascension). More...
void | turnUp (bool s) |
| With true, starts moving the direction of the view up, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the zenith or the celestial north pole). More...
void | turnDown (bool s) |
| With true, starts moving the direction of the view down, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the nadir or the celestial south pole). More...
void | moveSlow (bool b) |
void | zoomIn (bool s) |
| With true, starts zooming in, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call). More...
void | zoomOut (bool s) |
| With true, starts zooming out, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call). More...
void | smoothPan (double deltaX, double deltaY, double ptime, bool s) |
| Smooth panning a predetermined amount. More...
void | lookEast (bool zero=false) |
| Look immediately towards East. More...
void | lookWest (bool zero=false) |
| Look immediately towards West. More...
void | lookNorth (bool zero=false) |
| Look immediately towards North. More...
void | lookSouth (bool zero=false) |
| Look immediately towards South. More...
void | lookZenith (void) |
| Look immediately towards Zenith, turning southern horizon to screen bottom.
void | lookNadir (void) |
| Look immediately towards Nadir, turning southern horizon to screen top.
void | lookTowardsNCP (void) |
| Look immediately towards North Celestial pole.
void | lookTowardsSCP (void) |
| Look immediately towards South Celestial pole.
void | moveViewport (double offsetX, double offsetY, const float duration=0.f) |
| set or start animated move of the viewport offset. More...
void | setMountMode (MountMode m) |
| Set current mount type defining the reference frame in which head movements occur.
MountMode | getMountMode (void) const |
| Get current mount type defining the reference frame in which head movements occur.
bool | getEquatorialMount (void) const |
void | setInhibitAllAutomoves (bool inhibit) |
| Function designed only for scripting context. More...
Vec2d | getViewportOffsetTarget () const |
| Returns the targetted value of the viewport offset.
double | getViewportHorizontalOffsetTarget () const |
double | getViewportVerticalOffsetTarget () const |
void | setViewportHorizontalOffsetTarget (double f) |
void | setViewportVerticalOffsetTarget (double f) |
void | setUserMaxFov (double max) |
| Set a hard limit for any fov change. More...
double | getUserMaxFov () const |
| StelMovementMgr (StelCore *core) |
virtual void | init () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Initializes the object based on the application settings Includes: More...
virtual void | update (double) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Update time-dependent things (triggers a time dragging record if required)
virtual void | draw (StelCore *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Implement required draw function. Does nothing.
virtual void | handleKeys (QKeyEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Handle keyboard events.
virtual bool | handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Handle mouse movement events.
virtual void | handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Handle mouse wheel events.
virtual void | handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Handle mouse click events.
virtual double | getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations. More...
virtual bool | handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
| Handle pinch gesture.
void | updateMotion (double deltaTime) |
| Increment/decrement smoothly the vision field and position. Called in StelCore.update().
double | getZoomSpeed () const |
| Get the zoom speed.
Vec3d | getViewUpVectorJ2000 () const |
| Return the current up view vector in J2000 coordinates.
void | setViewUpVectorJ2000 (const Vec3d &up) |
void | setViewUpVector (const Vec3d &up) |
void | setMovementSpeedFactor (float s) |
float | getMovementSpeedFactor () const |
void | setDragTriggerDistance (float d) |
Vec3d | j2000ToMountFrame (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | mountFrameToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const |
void | moveToObject (const StelObjectP &target, float moveDuration=1., ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone) |
virtual void | deinit () |
| Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual QSettings * | getSettings () |
| Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual QString | getModuleVersion () const |
| Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString | getAuthorName () const |
| Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString | getAuthorEmail () const |
| Get the email adress of the module author.
virtual bool | configureGui (bool show=true) |
| Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...
Manages the head movements and zoom operations.