Stellarium  0.20.4
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ConstellationMgr Class Reference

Display and manage the constellations. More...

#include <ConstellationMgr.hpp>

Public Types

enum  ConstellationDisplayStyle { constellationsAbbreviated = 0, constellationsNative = 1, constellationsTranslated = 2, constellationsEnglish = 3 }
 Describes how to display constellation labels. The viewDialog GUI has a combobox which corresponds to these values.
- Public Types inherited from StelModule
enum  StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection, ReplaceSelection, RemoveFromSelection }
 Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More...
enum  StelModuleActionName {
  ActionDraw, ActionUpdate, ActionHandleMouseClicks, ActionHandleMouseMoves,
 Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More...

Public Slots

void setFlagArt (const bool displayed)
 Set whether constellation art will be displayed.
bool getFlagArt (void) const
 Get whether constellation art is displayed.
void setArtFadeDuration (const float duration)
 Set constellation art fade duration in second.
float getArtFadeDuration () const
 Get constellation art fade duration in second.
void setArtIntensity (const float intensity)
 Set constellation maximum art intensity (between 0 and 1) Note that the art intensity is linearly faded out if the FOV is in a specific interval, which can be adjusted using setArtIntensityMinimumFov() and setArtIntensityMaximumFov()
float getArtIntensity () const
 Return constellation maximum art intensity (between 0 and 1) Note that the art intensity is linearly faded out if the FOV is in a specific interval, which can be adjusted using setArtIntensityMinimumFov() and setArtIntensityMaximumFov()
void setArtIntensityMinimumFov (const double fov)
 Sets the lower bound on the FOV at which the art intensity fades to zero. More...
double getArtIntensityMinimumFov () const
 Returns the lower bound on the FOV at which the art intensity fades to zero. More...
void setArtIntensityMaximumFov (const double fov)
 Sets the upper bound on the FOV at which the art intensity becomes the maximum set by setArtIntensity() See LP:#1294483. More...
double getArtIntensityMaximumFov () const
 Returns the upper bound on the FOV at which the art intensity becomes the maximum set by setArtIntensity() See LP:#1294483. More...
void setBoundariesColor (const Vec3f &color)
 Define boundary color. More...
Vec3f getBoundariesColor () const
 Get current boundary color.
void setFlagBoundaries (const bool displayed)
 Set whether constellation boundaries lines will be displayed.
bool getFlagBoundaries (void) const
 Get whether constellation boundaries lines are displayed.
void setFlagIsolateSelected (const bool isolate)
 Set whether selected constellation must be displayed alone.
bool getFlagIsolateSelected (void) const
 Get whether selected constellation is displayed alone.
void setFlagConstellationPick (const bool mode)
 Set whether only one selected constellation must be displayed.
bool getFlagConstellationPick (void) const
 Get whether only one selected constellation is displayed.
void setLinesColor (const Vec3f &color)
 Define line color. More...
Vec3f getLinesColor () const
 Get line color.
void setFlagLines (const bool displayed)
 Set whether constellation lines will be displayed.
bool getFlagLines (void) const
 Get whether constellation lines are displayed.
void setLabelsColor (const Vec3f &color)
 Set label color for names. More...
Vec3f getLabelsColor () const
 Get label color for names.
void setFlagLabels (const bool displayed)
 Set whether constellation names will be displayed.
bool getFlagLabels (void) const
 Set whether constellation names are displayed.
void setFontSize (const float newFontSize)
 Set the font size used for constellation names display.
float getFontSize () const
 Get the font size used for constellation names display.
void setConstellationDisplayStyle (ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style)
 Set the way how constellation names are displayed: abbbreviated/as-given/translated. More...
ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle getConstellationDisplayStyle ()
 get the way how constellation names are displayed: abbbreviated/as-given/translated
static QString getConstellationDisplayStyleString (ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style)
 Returns the currently set constellation display style as string, instead of enum. More...
void setConstellationLineThickness (const int thickness)
 Set the thickness of lines of the constellations. More...
int getConstellationLineThickness () const
 Get the thickness of lines of the constellations.
void setConstellationBoundariesThickness (const int thickness)
 Set the thickness of boundaries of the constellations. More...
int getConstellationBoundariesThickness () const
 Get the thickness of boundaries of the constellations.
void deselectConstellations (void)
 Remove constellations from selected objects.
void selectAllConstellations (void)
 Select all constellations.
QStringList getConstellationsEnglishNames ()
 Get the list of English names of all constellations for loaded sky culture.


void artDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) const
void artFadeDurationChanged (const float duration) const
void artIntensityChanged (const double intensity) const
void boundariesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void boundariesDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) const
void fontSizeChanged (const float newSize) const
void isolateSelectedChanged (const bool isolate) const
void linesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void linesDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) const
void namesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void namesDisplayedChanged (const bool displayed) const
void constellationsDisplayStyleChanged (const ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style) const
void constellationLineThicknessChanged (int thickness) const
void constellationBoundariesThicknessChanged (int thickness) const

Public Member Functions

 ConstellationMgr (StarMgr *stars)
virtual ~ConstellationMgr ()
virtual void init ()
 Initialize the ConstellationMgr. More...
virtual void draw (StelCore *core)
 Draw constellation lines, art, names and boundaries.
virtual void update (double deltaTime)
 Updates time-varying state for each Constellation.
virtual double getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const
 Return the value defining the order of call for the given action. More...
virtual QList< StelObjectPsearchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const
 Search for StelObject in an area around a specified point. More...
virtual StelObjectP searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const
virtual StelObjectP searchByName (const QString &name) const
virtual StelObjectP searchByID (const QString &id) const
 Return the StelObject with the given ID if exists or the empty StelObject if not found. More...
virtual QStringList listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const
 Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing the passed object name. More...
virtual QStringList listAllObjects (bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects. More...
virtual QString getName () const
 Gets a user-displayable name of the object category.
virtual QString getStelObjectType () const
 Returns the name that will be returned by StelObject::getType() for the objects this module manages.
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelObjectModule
virtual QStringList listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects by type. More...
bool matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const
 Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelModule
virtual void deinit ()
 Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual QSettings * getSettings ()
 Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual QString getModuleVersion () const
 Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString getAuthorName () const
 Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString getAuthorEmail () const
 Get the email adress of the module author.
virtual void handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *)
 Handle mouse clicks. More...
virtual void handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *)
 Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b)
 Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e)
 Handle key events. More...
virtual bool handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started)
 Handle pinch gesture events. More...
virtual bool configureGui (bool show=true)
 Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...


Vec3f boundariesColor
float fontSize
Vec3f linesColor
Vec3f namesColor


Load constellation line shapes, art textures and boundaries shapes from data files.

fileNameThe name of the constellation data file
artFileNameThe name of the constellation art data file
cultureNameA string ID of the current skyculture
The abbreviation used in
filenameis required for cross-identifying translatable names in
bool artDisplayed
float artFadeDuration
float artIntensity
bool boundariesDisplayed
bool isolateSelected
bool linesDisplayed
bool namesDisplayed
ConstellationDisplayStyle constellationDisplayStyle
 this controls how constellations (and also star names) are printed: Abbreviated/as-given/translated
int constellationLineThickness
int constellationBoundariesThickness

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelModule
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *contextObject, std::function< void()> lambda, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to Lambda functor) to the StelActionMgr object. More...

Detailed Description

It can display constellations lines, names, art textures and boundaries. It also supports several different sky cultures.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getArtIntensityMaximumFov

double ConstellationMgr::getArtIntensityMaximumFov ( ) const

The default is 2.0.

◆ getArtIntensityMinimumFov

double ConstellationMgr::getArtIntensityMinimumFov ( ) const

See LP:#1294483. The default is 1.0.

◆ getCallOrder()

virtual double ConstellationMgr::getCallOrder ( StelModuleActionName  actionName) const
actionNamethe name of the action for which we want the call order
the value defining the order. The closer to 0 the earlier the module's action will be called

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ getConstellationDisplayStyleString

static QString ConstellationMgr::getConstellationDisplayStyleString ( ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle  style)

◆ init()

virtual void ConstellationMgr::init ( )

Reads from the configuration parser object and updates the loading bar as constellation objects are loaded for the required sky culture.

Implements StelModule.

◆ listAllObjects()

virtual QStringList ConstellationMgr::listAllObjects ( bool  inEnglish) const
inEnglishlist names in English (true) or translated (false)
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing matches

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ listMatchingObjects()

virtual QStringList ConstellationMgr::listMatchingObjects ( const QString &  objPrefix,
int  maxNbItem = 5,
bool  useStartOfWords = false,
bool  inEnglish = false 
) const
objPrefixthe case insensitive first letters of the searched object
maxNbItemthe maximum number of returned object names
useStartOfWordsthe autofill mode for returned objects names
a vector of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty vector if nothing matches

Reimplemented from StelObjectModule.

◆ searchAround()

virtual QList<StelObjectP> ConstellationMgr::searchAround ( const Vec3d v,
double  limitFov,
const StelCore core 
) const

The function searches in a disk of diameter limitFov centered on v. Only visible objects (i.e. currently displayed on screen) should be returned.

vequatorial position at epoch J2000.
limitFovangular diameter of the searching zone in degree.
corethe core instance to use.
the list of all the displayed objects contained in the defined zone.

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByID()

virtual StelObjectP ConstellationMgr::searchByID ( const QString &  id) const
namethe english object name

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByName()

virtual StelObjectP ConstellationMgr::searchByName ( const QString &  name) const
the matching constellation if exists or Q_NULLPTR
nameThe case in-sensitive standard program name (three letter abbreviation)

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByNameI18n()

virtual StelObjectP ConstellationMgr::searchByNameI18n ( const QString &  nameI18n) const
the matching constellation object's pointer if exists or Q_NULLPTR
nameI18nThe case in-sensitive constellation name

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ setArtIntensityMaximumFov

void ConstellationMgr::setArtIntensityMaximumFov ( const double  fov)

The default is 2.0.

◆ setArtIntensityMinimumFov

void ConstellationMgr::setArtIntensityMinimumFov ( const double  fov)

See LP:#1294483. The default is 1.0.

◆ setBoundariesColor

void ConstellationMgr::setBoundariesColor ( const Vec3f color)
colorThe color of boundaries
// example of usage in scripts

◆ setConstellationBoundariesThickness

void ConstellationMgr::setConstellationBoundariesThickness ( const int  thickness)
thicknessof line in pixels

◆ setConstellationDisplayStyle

void ConstellationMgr::setConstellationDisplayStyle ( ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle  style)
stylethe new display style

◆ setConstellationLineThickness

void ConstellationMgr::setConstellationLineThickness ( const int  thickness)
thicknessof line in pixels

◆ setLabelsColor

void ConstellationMgr::setLabelsColor ( const Vec3f color)
colorThe color of labels
// example of usage in scripts

◆ setLinesColor

void ConstellationMgr::setLinesColor ( const Vec3f color)
colorThe color of lines
// example of usage in scripts