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Падающая звезда вспыхнула близ Юпитера. Выбрать различную интенсивность можно в окне просмотра.

Падающая звезда вспыхнула близ Юпитера. Выбрать различную интенсивность можно в окне просмотра.

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Большая туманность Ориона. Нажмите N для отображения названий туманностей. Также отображаются линии созвездий, нажмите C чтобы показать или скрыть их.

Большая туманность Ориона. Нажмите N для отображения названий туманностей.

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Танец планет над штаб-квартирой ESO, близ Мюнхена.

Танец планет над штаб-квартирой ESO, близ Мюнхена.

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Всё небо с созвездиями, их границами и Млечным путём.

Всё небо с созвездиями, их границами и Млечным путём.

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Включены изображения созвездий.

Включены изображения созвездий.

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пользовательские ландшафты

У нас есть ландшафты для семи континентов (в модели семи континентов) - все, в том числе из Антарктиды!

ландшафты: Азия

Screenshot not available Angkor Wat, Cambodia 0.9+
Paul Bourke, Peter Murphy N/A English
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Screenshot not available Bakheng, Cambodia 0.9+
Paul Bourke, Peter Murphy N/A English
Bakheng, Cambodia
Screenshot not available Bayon, Cambodia 0.9+
Paul Bourke, Peter Murphy N/A English
Bayon, Cambodia
Jantar Mantar at Delhi 0.9+
Barry Perlus CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 English
Between 1727 and 1734 Maharajah Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories in west central India. The observatories, or "Jantar Mantars" as they are commonly known, incorporate multiple buildings of unique form, each with a specialized function for astronomical measurement. For more information on these fascinating scientific and architectural works see jantarmantar.org.
Screenshot not available Mount Everest 0.9+
Makc © English
Amazing parorama of the summit of Mount Everest, 8.85 km above sea level. Roddy Mackenzie, who climbed the mountain in 1989, captured the image.
The Jai Prakash Instrument at the Jaipur Observatory 0.9+
Barry Perlus CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 English
Between 1727 and 1734 Maharajah Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories in west central India. The observatories, or "Jantar Mantars" as they are commonly known, incorporate multiple buildings of unique form, each with a specialized function for astronomical measurement. For more information on these fascinating scientific and architectural works see jantarmantar.org.
Jantar Mantar at Jaipur 0.9+
Barry Perlus CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 English
Between 1727 and 1734 Maharajah Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed five astronomical observatories in west central India. The observatories, or "Jantar Mantars" as they are commonly known, incorporate multiple buildings of unique form, each with a specialized function for astronomical measurement. For more information on these fascinating scientific and architectural works see jantarmantar.org.
Screenshot not available Jantar Mantar 0.9+
Barry Perlus & Stellarium team CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 English
Professor Barry Perlus of Cornell University allowed us to use his panoramic photography of one of the Jantar Mantars in India to create this landscape. For more information on these fascinating scientific and architectural works see jantarmantar.org.
John Wei N/A English
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), also known as the Guoshoujing Telescope is a meridian reflecting Schmidt telescope, located in Xinglong Station, Hebei Province, China.