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StelApp Class Reference

Singleton main Stellarium application class. More...

#include <StelApp.hpp>

Public Slots

void glWindowHasBeenResized (const QRectF &rect)
 Call this when the virtual size of the GL window has changed.
void glPhysicalWindowHasBeenResized (const QRectF &rect)
 Call this when the physical size of the GL window has changed.
void setVisionModeNight (bool)
 Set flag for activating night vision mode.
bool getVisionModeNight () const
 Get flag for activating night vision mode.
void setFlagOverwriteInfoColor (bool)
 Set flag for activating overwrite mode for text color in info panel.
bool getFlagOverwriteInfoColor () const
 Get flag for activating overwrite mode for text color in info panel.
void setFlagShowDecimalDegrees (bool b)
 Set flag for showing decimal degree in various places.
bool getFlagShowDecimalDegrees () const
 Get flag for showing decimal degree in various places.
bool getFlagSouthAzimuthUsage () const
 Set flag for using calculation of azimuth from south towards west (instead north towards east)
void setFlagSouthAzimuthUsage (bool use)
 Get flag for using calculation of azimuth from south towards west (instead north towards east)
void setFlagUseFormattingOutput (bool b)
 Set flag for using of formatting output for coordinates.
bool getFlagUseFormattingOutput () const
 Get flag for using of formatting output for coordinates.
void setFlagUseCCSDesignation (bool b)
 Set flag for using designations for celestial coordinate systems.
bool getFlagUseCCSDesignation () const
 Get flag for using designations for celestial coordinate systems.
void setOverwriteInfoColor (const Vec3f &color)
 Define info text color for overwrites.
Vec3f getOverwriteInfoColor () const
 Get info text color.
void setDaylightInfoColor (const Vec3f &color)
 Define info text color for daylight mode.
Vec3f getDaylightInfoColor () const
 Get info text color.
void setFlagImmediateSave (bool b)
 Set flag for storing some settings immediately To not accidentally activate this mode permanently, you must use the "save settings" button to activate! Switching it off is however stored immediately.
bool getFlagImmediateSave () const
 Get flag about storing some settings immediately.
float getFps () const
 Get the current number of frame per second. More...
void setAppFont (QFont font)
 Set global application font. More...
quint32 getDefaultFBO () const
 Returns the default FBO handle, to be used when StelModule instances want to release their own FBOs. More...
void ensureGLContextCurrent ()
 Makes sure the correct GL context used for main drawing is made current. More...
static double getTotalRunTime ()
 Return the time since when stellarium is running in second.
static double getAnimationTime ()
 Return the scaled time for animated objects.
void reportFileDownloadFinished (QNetworkReply *reply)
 Report that a download occurred. More...
void quit ()
 do some cleanup and call QCoreApplication::exit(0)


void visionNightModeChanged (bool)
void flagShowDecimalDegreesChanged (bool)
void flagUseAzimuthFromSouthChanged (bool)
void flagUseCCSDesignationChanged (bool)
void flagUseFormattingOutputChanged (bool)
void flagOverwriteInfoColorChanged (bool)
void colorSchemeChanged (const QString &)
void languageChanged ()
void screenFontSizeChanged (int)
void guiFontSizeChanged (int)
void screenButtonScaleChanged (double)
void fontChanged (const QFont &)
void overwriteInfoColorChanged (const Vec3f &color)
void daylightInfoColorChanged (const Vec3f &color)
void flagImmediateSaveChanged (bool)
void progressBarAdded (const StelProgressController *)
 Called just after a progress bar is added.
void progressBarRemoved (const StelProgressController *)
 Called just before a progress bar is removed.
void aboutToQuit ()
 Called just before we exit Qt mainloop.

Public Member Functions

 StelApp (StelMainView *parent)
 Create and initialize the main Stellarium application. More...
 ~StelApp () override
 Deinitialize and destroy the main Stellarium application.
void init (QSettings *conf)
 Initialize core and all the modules.
void deinit ()
 Deinitialize core and all the modules.
void initPlugIns ()
 Load and initialize external modules (plugins)
void initScriptMgr ()
 Registers all loaded StelModules with the ScriptMgr, and queues starting of the startup script.
StelModuleMgrgetModuleMgr () const
 Get the module manager to use for accessing any module loaded in the application. More...
StelModulegetModule (const QString &moduleID) const
 Get the corresponding module or Q_NULLPTR if can't find it. More...
StelLocaleMgrgetLocaleMgr () const
 Get the locale manager to use for i18n & date/time localization. More...
StelSkyCultureMgrgetSkyCultureMgr () const
 Get the sky cultures manager. More...
StelTextureMgrgetTextureManager () const
 Get the texture manager to use for loading textures. More...
StelLocationMgrgetLocationMgr () const
 Get the Location manager to use for managing stored locations. More...
StelObjectMgrgetStelObjectMgr () const
 Get the StelObject manager to use for querying from all stellarium objects. More...
StelSkyLayerMgrgetSkyImageMgr () const
StelAudioMgrgetStelAudioMgr () const
 Get the audio manager.
StelActionMgrgetStelActionManager () const
 Get the actions manager to use for managing and editing actions.
StelPropertyMgrgetStelPropertyManager () const
 Return the property manager.
StelVideoMgrgetStelVideoMgr () const
 Get the video manager.
StelCoregetCore () const
 Get the core of the program. More...
quint32 getRand () const
 get a pseudo-random integer
int getRandBounded (int lowest, int highest) const
float getRandF () const
 shortcut to retrieve a random float [0...1).
float getRandFp1 () const
QNetworkAccessManager * getNetworkAccessManager () const
 Get the common instance of QNetworkAccessManager used in stellarium.
void updateI18n ()
 Update translations, font for GUI and sky everywhere in the program.
QSettings * getSettings () const
 Return the main configuration options.
const QString getCurrentStelStyle () const
 Return the currently used style.
void update (double deltaTime)
 Update all object according to the deltaTime in seconds.
void draw ()
 Draw all registered StelModule in the order defined by the order lists.
qreal getDevicePixelsPerPixel () const
 Get the ratio between real device pixel and "Device Independent Pixel". More...
void setDevicePixelsPerPixel (qreal dppp)
int getScreenFontSize () const
 Get the fontsize used for screen text.
void setScreenFontSize (int s)
 Change screen font size.
double screenFontSizeRatio () const
 Get the ratio of current font size used for screen text to the default value.
double guiFontSizeRatio () const
 Get the ratio of current font size used for GUI to the default value.
int getGuiFontSize () const
 Get the principal font size used for GUI panels.
void setGuiFontSize (int s)
 change GUI font size.
double getScreenButtonScale () const
 Get the ratio (in percent) of screen button size to the default screen scale-dependent one.
void setScreenButtonScale (double s)
 Set the ratio (in percent) of screen button size to the default screen scale-dependent one.
float getScreenScale () const
 Combines getDevicePixelsPerPixel and getScreenFontSize.
StelGuiBasegetGui () const
 Get the GUI instance implementing the abstract GUI interface.
void setGui (StelGuiBase *b)
 Tell the StelApp instance which GUI is currently being used. More...
void enableBottomStelBarUpdates (bool enable)
 Enable/disable updates to StelBottomBar This may be important for temporary changes which should not cause two costly redraws of the texts. More...
StelProgressControlleraddProgressBar ()
 Add a progression indicator to the GUI (if applicable). More...
void removeProgressBar (StelProgressController *p)
void setViewportEffect (const QString &effectName)
 Define the type of viewport effect to use. More...
QString getViewportEffect () const
 Get the type of viewport effect currently used.
void dumpModuleActionPriorities (StelModule::StelModuleActionName actionName) const
 Dump diagnostics about action call priorities.

Static Public Member Functions

static QStringList getCommandlineArguments ()
 Returns all arguments passed on the command line, together with the contents of the STEL_OPTS environment variable. More...
static StelAppgetInstance ()
 Get the StelApp singleton instance. More...
static void initStatic ()
static void deinitStatic ()
static void immediateSave (const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
 Power feature: allow immediate storing of config.ini entries. More...
static constexpr int getDefaultGuiFontSize ()
static bool isInitialized ()


bool nightMode
bool flagShowDecimalDegrees
bool flagUseAzimuthFromSouth
bool flagUseCCSDesignation
bool flagUseFormattingOutput
bool flagOverwriteInfoColor
Vec3f overwriteInfoColor
Vec3f daylightInfoColor
int screenFontSize
int guiFontSize
double screenButtonScale = 100
bool flagImmediateSave
QString version


class StelAppGraphicsWidget
class StelMainView
class StelRootItem

Detailed Description

Singleton main Stellarium application class.

This is the central class of Stellarium. Only one singleton instance of this class is created and can be accessed from anywhere else. This class is the access point to several "Manager" class which provide application-wide services for management of font, textures, localization, sky culture, and in theory all other services used by the other part of the program.

The StelApp class is also the one managing the StelModule in a generic manner by calling their update, drawing and other methods when needed.

Fabien Chereau

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StelApp()

StelApp::StelApp ( StelMainView parent)

Create and initialize the main Stellarium application.

parentthe QObject parent The configFile will be searched for in the search path by the StelFileMgr, it is therefore possible to specify either just a file name or path within the search path, or use a full path or even a relative path to an existing file

Member Function Documentation

◆ addProgressBar()

StelProgressController* StelApp::addProgressBar ( )

Add a progression indicator to the GUI (if applicable).

a controller which can be used to indicate the current status. The StelApp instance remains the owner of the controller.

◆ enableBottomStelBarUpdates()

void StelApp::enableBottomStelBarUpdates ( bool  enable)

Enable/disable updates to StelBottomBar This may be important for temporary changes which should not cause two costly redraws of the texts.

After program launch, the bottom bar is updating according to signal connections. This means, enclose the temporary state change with 2 calls (false/true) per such method.

◆ ensureGLContextCurrent

void StelApp::ensureGLContextCurrent ( )

Makes sure the correct GL context used for main drawing is made current.

This is always the case during init() and draw() calls, but if OpenGL access is required elsewhere, this MUST be called before using any GL functions.

◆ getCommandlineArguments()

static QStringList StelApp::getCommandlineArguments ( )

Returns all arguments passed on the command line, together with the contents of the STEL_OPTS environment variable.

You can use the CLIProcessor class to help parse it.

the arguments passed to Stellarium on the command line concatenated with the STEL_OPTS environment variable

◆ getCore()

StelCore* StelApp::getCore ( ) const

Get the core of the program.

It is the one which provide the projection, navigation and tone converter.

the StelCore instance of the program

◆ getDefaultFBO

quint32 StelApp::getDefaultFBO ( ) const

Returns the default FBO handle, to be used when StelModule instances want to release their own FBOs.

Note that this is usually not the same as QOpenGLContext::defaultFramebufferObject(), so use this call instead of the Qt version! Valid through a StelModule::draw() call, do not use elsewhere.

◆ getDevicePixelsPerPixel()

qreal StelApp::getDevicePixelsPerPixel ( ) const

Get the ratio between real device pixel and "Device Independent Pixel".

Usually this value is 1, but for a mac with retina screen this will be value 2.

◆ getFps

float StelApp::getFps ( ) const

Get the current number of frame per second.

the FPS averaged on the last second

◆ getInstance()

static StelApp& StelApp::getInstance ( )

Get the StelApp singleton instance.

the StelApp singleton instance

◆ getLocaleMgr()

StelLocaleMgr& StelApp::getLocaleMgr ( ) const

Get the locale manager to use for i18n & date/time localization.

the font manager to use for loading fonts.

◆ getLocationMgr()

StelLocationMgr& StelApp::getLocationMgr ( ) const

Get the Location manager to use for managing stored locations.

the Location manager to use for managing stored locations

◆ getModule()

StelModule* StelApp::getModule ( const QString &  moduleID) const

Get the corresponding module or Q_NULLPTR if can't find it.

This is a shortcut for getModleMgr().getModule().

the module pointer.

◆ getModuleMgr()

StelModuleMgr& StelApp::getModuleMgr ( ) const

Get the module manager to use for accessing any module loaded in the application.

the module manager.

◆ getSkyCultureMgr()

StelSkyCultureMgr& StelApp::getSkyCultureMgr ( ) const

Get the sky cultures manager.

the sky cultures manager

◆ getStelObjectMgr()

StelObjectMgr& StelApp::getStelObjectMgr ( ) const

Get the StelObject manager to use for querying from all stellarium objects.

the StelObject manager to use for querying from all stellarium objects .

◆ getTextureManager()

StelTextureMgr& StelApp::getTextureManager ( ) const

Get the texture manager to use for loading textures.

the texture manager to use for loading textures.

◆ immediateSave()

static void StelApp::immediateSave ( const QString &  key,
const QVariant &  value 

Power feature: allow immediate storing of config.ini entries.

Storing only takes place if property StelApp.flagImmediateSave is set, a flag activated with a manual config.ini entry gui/immediate_save_details=true Items saved with this method still need to be saved as well with ConfigurationDialog::saveAllSettings()!

◆ reportFileDownloadFinished

void StelApp::reportFileDownloadFinished ( QNetworkReply *  reply)

Report that a download occurred.

This is used for statistics purposes. Connect this slot to QNetworkAccessManager::finished() slot to obtain statistics at the end of the program.

◆ setAppFont

void StelApp::setAppFont ( QFont  font)

Set global application font.

To retrieve, you can use QGuiApplication::font(). emits fontChanged(font)

◆ setGui()

void StelApp::setGui ( StelGuiBase b)

Tell the StelApp instance which GUI is currently being used.

The caller is responsible for destroying the GUI.

◆ setViewportEffect()

void StelApp::setViewportEffect ( const QString &  effectName)

Define the type of viewport effect to use.

effectNamemust be one of 'none', 'framebufferOnly', 'sphericMirrorDistorter'