Stellarium 0.15.2
Classes | Typedefs
Remote Control Plug-in

Control Stellarium through your web browser! For more information, see Remote Control Plug-in documentation. More...


struct  APIServiceResponse
 Thread-safe version of HttpResponse that can be passed around through QMetaObject::invokeMethod. More...
class  AbstractAPIService
 Abstract base class for all Remote Control Plug-in service implementations. More...
class  APIController
 This class handles the API-specific requests and dispatches them to the correct AbstractAPISerice implementation. More...
class  LocationSearchService
 Provides predefined location search functionality, using the StelLocationMgr. More...
class  LocationService
 Provides methods to look up location-related information, and change the current location. More...
class  MainService
 Implements the main API services, including the status operation which can be repeatedly polled to find the current state of the main program, including time, view, location, StelAction and StelProperty state changes, movement, script status ... More...
class  ObjectService
 Provides operations to look up objects in the Stellarium catalogs. More...
class  RemoteControl
 Main class of the RemoteControl plug-in, implementing the StelModule interface. More...
class  RemoteControlStelPluginInterface
 This class defines the plugin interface with the main Stellarium program. More...
class  RequestHandler
 This is the main request handler for the remote control plugin, receiving and dispatching the HTTP requests. More...
class  ScriptService
 Contains services related to script execution. More...
class  SimbadService
 Allows SIMBAD object lookups like SearchDialog uses. More...
class  StelActionService
 Provides services related to StelAction. More...
class  StelPropertyService
 Provides services related to StelProperty. More...
class  ViewService
 Provides services related to the view (landscape, sky culture, projection). More...


typedef QMultiMap< QByteArray, QByteArray > APIParameters
 Defines the HTTP request parameters for the service. More...

Detailed Description

Control Stellarium through your web browser! For more information, see Remote Control Plug-in documentation.

Typedef Documentation

typedef QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> APIParameters

Defines the HTTP request parameters for the service.

Definition at line 82 of file AbstractAPIService.hpp.