Stellarium 0.15.2
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SolarSystem Class Reference

This StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies. More...

#include <SolarSystem.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for SolarSystem:
+ Collaboration diagram for SolarSystem:

Public Slots

void setFlagPlanets (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if planets are drawn or hidden. More...
bool getFlagPlanets () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet are drawn or hidden. More...
void setFlagTrails (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden. More...
bool getFlagTrails () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden. More...
void setFlagHints (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels. More...
bool getFlagHints () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels. More...
void setFlagLabels (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden. More...
bool getFlagLabels () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden. More...
void setLabelsAmount (double a)
 Set the amount of planet labels. More...
double getLabelsAmount (void) const
 Get the amount of planet labels. More...
void setFlagOrbits (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden. More...
bool getFlagOrbits () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden. More...
void setFlagPointer (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if the planet pointer (red cross) is drawn or hidden on a selected planet. More...
bool getFlagPointer () const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet pointers are drawn or hidden. More...
void setFlagLightTravelTime (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if the light travel time calculation is used or not. More...
bool getFlagLightTravelTime (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if light travel time calculation is used or not. More...
void setFontSize (float newFontSize)
 Set planet names font size. More...
void setLabelsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw planet labels. More...
const Vec3fgetLabelsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw planet labels. More...
void setOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw solar system object orbit lines. More...
Vec3f getOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw solar system object orbit lines. More...
void setMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets. More...
Vec3f getMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets. More...
void setMoonsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets. More...
Vec3f getMoonsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets. More...
void setMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets. More...
Vec3f getMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets. More...
void setDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets. More...
Vec3f getDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets. More...
void setCubewanosOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos. More...
Vec3f getCubewanosOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos. More...
void setPlutinosOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos. More...
Vec3f getPlutinosOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos. More...
void setScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects. More...
Vec3f getScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects. More...
void setOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects. More...
Vec3f getOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects. More...
void setCometsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw comet orbit lines. More...
Vec3f getCometsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw comet orbit lines. More...
void setSednoidsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw sednoid orbit lines. More...
Vec3f getSednoidsOrbitsColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw sednoid orbit lines. More...
void setMercuryOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Mercury orbit line. More...
Vec3f getMercuryOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Mercury orbit line. More...
void setVenusOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Venus orbit line. More...
Vec3f getVenusOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Venus orbit line. More...
void setEarthOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Earth orbit line. More...
Vec3f getEarthOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Earth orbit line. More...
void setMarsOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Mars orbit line. More...
Vec3f getMarsOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Mars orbit line. More...
void setJupiterOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Jupiter orbit line. More...
Vec3f getJupiterOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Jupiter orbit line. More...
void setSaturnOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Saturn orbit line. More...
Vec3f getSaturnOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Saturn orbit line. More...
void setUranusOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Uranus orbit line. More...
Vec3f getUranusOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Uranus orbit line. More...
void setNeptuneOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw Neptune orbit line. More...
Vec3f getNeptuneOrbitColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw Neptune orbit line. More...
void setTrailsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw planet trails lines. More...
Vec3f getTrailsColor () const
 Get the current color used to draw planet trails lines. More...
void setPointerColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw planet pointers. More...
Vec3f getPointerColor () const
 Get the current color used to draw planet pointers. More...
void setFlagMoonScale (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not. More...
bool getFlagMoonScale (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not. More...
void setMoonScale (double f)
 Set the display scaling factor for Earth's moon. More...
double getMoonScale (void) const
 Get the display scaling factor for Earth's moon. More...
void updateI18n ()
 Translate names. (public so that SolarSystemEditor can call it). More...
float getPlanetVMagnitude (QString planetName, bool withExtinction=false) const
 Get the V magnitude for Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
QString getPlanetType (QString planetName) const
 Get type for Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
double getDistanceToPlanet (QString planetName) const
 Get distance to Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
double getElongationForPlanet (QString planetName) const
 Get elongation for Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
double getPhaseAngleForPlanet (QString planetName) const
 Get phase angle for Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
float getPhaseForPlanet (QString planetName) const
 Get phase for Solar system bodies from scripts. More...
void setApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth (QString algorithm)
 Set the algorithm for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth. More...
QString getApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth () const
 Get the algorithm used for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth. More...
void setFlagNativePlanetNames (bool b)
 Set flag which enable use native names for planets or not. More...
bool getFlagNativePlanetNames (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which enables showing native names for planets or not. More...
void setFlagTranslatedNames (bool b)
 Set flag which enable use translated names for planets or not. More...
bool getFlagTranslatedNames (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which enables showing translated names for planets or not. More...
void setFlagIsolatedTrails (bool b)
 Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not. More...
bool getFlagIsolatedTrails (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not. More...
void setFlagIsolatedOrbits (bool b)
 Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not. More...
bool getFlagIsolatedOrbits (void) const
 Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not. More...
void setFlagCustomGrsSettings (bool b)
 Set flag which determines if custom settings is using for Great Red Spot on Jupiter. More...
bool getFlagCustomGrsSettings ()
 Get the current value of the flag which determines if custom settings for Great Red Spot on Jupiter is used or not. More...
void setCustomGrsLongitude (int longitude)
 Set longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used) More...
int getCustomGrsLongitude ()
 Get longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used) More...
void setCustomGrsDrift (double drift)
 Set speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used) More...
double getCustomGrsDrift ()
 Get speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used) More...
void setCustomGrsJD (double JD)
 Set initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot. More...
double getCustomGrsJD ()
 Get initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot. More...
void setOrbitColorStyle (QString style)
 Set style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies. More...
QString getOrbitColorStyle () const
 Get style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies. More...
QStringList getObjectsList (QString objType="all") const
 Get list of objects by type. More...


void labelsDisplayedChanged (bool b)
void flagOrbitsChanged (bool b)
void flagHintsChanged (bool b)
void trailsDisplayedChanged (bool b)
void flagPointerChanged (bool b)
void flagNativePlanetNamesChanged (bool b)
void flagTranslatedNamesChanged (bool b)
void flagPlanetsDisplayedChanged (bool b)
void flagIsolatedOrbitsChanged (bool b)
void flagIsolatedTrailsChanged (bool b)
void flagLightTravelTimeChanged (bool b)
void flagMoonScaleChanged (bool b)
void moonScaleChanged (double f)
void labelsAmountChanged (double f)
void ephemerisMarkersChanged (bool b)
void ephemerisDatesChanged (bool b)
void flagCustomGrsSettingsChanged (bool b)
void customGrsLongitudeChanged (int l)
void customGrsDriftChanged (double drift)
void customGrsJDChanged (double JD)
void orbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void majorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void minorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void moonsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void cubewanosOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void plutinosOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void cometsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void sednoidsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void mercuryOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void venusOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void earthOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void marsOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void jupiterOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void saturnOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void uranusOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void neptuneOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void orbitColorStyleChanged (QString style) const
void solarSystemDataReloaded ()

Public Member Functions

virtual void init ()
 Initialize the SolarSystem. More...
virtual void deinit ()
 Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual void draw (StelCore *core)
 Draw SolarSystem objects (planets). More...
virtual void update (double deltaTime)
 Update time-varying components. More...
virtual double getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const
 Used to determine what order to draw the various StelModules. More...
virtual QList< StelObjectPsearchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const
 Search for SolarSystem objects in some area around a point. More...
virtual StelObjectP searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const
 Search for a SolarSystem object based on the localised name. More...
virtual StelObjectP searchByName (const QString &name) const
 Search for a SolarSystem object based on the English name. More...
virtual QStringList listAllObjects (bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects. More...
virtual QStringList listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects by type. More...
virtual QString getName () const
PlanetP searchByEnglishName (QString planetEnglishName) const
 Get a pointer to a Planet object. More...
PlanetP getSun () const
 Get the Planet object pointer for the Sun. More...
PlanetP getEarth () const
 Get the Planet object pointer for the Earth. More...
PlanetP getMoon () const
 Get the Planet object pointer for Earth's moon. More...
bool nearLunarEclipse ()
 Determine if a lunar eclipse is close at hand? More...
QStringList getAllPlanetEnglishNames () const
 Get the list of all the planet english names. More...
QStringList getAllPlanetLocalizedNames () const
 Get the list of all the planet localized names. More...
void reloadPlanets ()
 Reload the planets. More...
double getEclipseFactor (const StelCore *core) const
 Determines relative amount of sun visible from the observer's position. More...
void computePositions (double dateJDE, const Vec3d &observerPos=Vec3d(0.))
 Compute the position and transform matrix for every element of the solar system. More...
const QList< PlanetP > & getAllPlanets () const
 Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelObjectModule
virtual QStringList listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const
 Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing passed object name. More...
bool matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const
 Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelModule
virtual QString getModuleVersion () const
 Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version. More...
virtual QString getAuthorName () const
 Get the name of the module author. More...
virtual QString getAuthorEmail () const
 Get the email adress of the module author. More...
virtual void handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *)
 Handle mouse clicks. More...
virtual void handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *)
 Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b)
 Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e)
 Handle key events. More...
virtual bool handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started)
 Handle pinch gesture events. More...
virtual bool configureGui (bool show=true)
 Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...


bool labelsDisplayed
bool flagOrbits
bool trailsDisplayed
bool flagHints
bool flagPointer
bool flagNativePlanetNames
bool flagTranslatedNames
bool planetsDisplayed
bool flagIsolatedOrbits
bool flagIsolatedTrails
bool flagLightTravelTime
bool flagMoonScale
double moonScale
double labelsAmount
 The amount of planets labels (between 0 and 10). More...
bool ephemerisMarkersDisplayed
bool ephemerisDatesDisplayed
bool flagCustomGrsSettings
int customGrsLongitude
double customGrsDrift
double customGrsJD
Vec3f orbitsColor
Vec3f majorPlanetsOrbitsColor
Vec3f minorPlanetsOrbitsColor
Vec3f dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor
Vec3f moonsOrbitsColor
Vec3f cubewanosOrbitsColor
Vec3f plutinosOrbitsColor
Vec3f scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor
Vec3f oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor
Vec3f cometsOrbitsColor
Vec3f sednoidsOrbitsColor
Vec3f mercuryOrbitColor
Vec3f venusOrbitColor
Vec3f earthOrbitColor
Vec3f marsOrbitColor
Vec3f jupiterOrbitColor
Vec3f saturnOrbitColor
Vec3f uranusOrbitColor
Vec3f neptuneOrbitColor
QString orbitColorStyle

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from StelModule
enum  StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection, ReplaceSelection, RemoveFromSelection }
 Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More...
enum  StelModuleActionName {
  ActionDraw, ActionUpdate, ActionHandleMouseClicks, ActionHandleMouseMoves,
 Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelModule
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...

Detailed Description

This StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies.

This includes the Major Planets, Minor Planets and Comets.

Definition at line 47 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void SolarSystem::computePositions ( double  dateJDE,
const Vec3d observerPos = Vec3d(0.) 

Compute the position and transform matrix for every element of the solar system.

observerPosPosition of the observer in heliocentric ecliptic frame (Required for light travel time computation).
dateJDEthe Julian Day in JDE (Ephemeris Time or equivalent)
virtual void SolarSystem::deinit ( )

Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed.

Deinitialize all openGL texture in this method.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

virtual void SolarSystem::draw ( StelCore core)

Draw SolarSystem objects (planets).

coreThe StelCore object.
The maximum squared distance in pixels that any SolarSystem object has travelled since the last update.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

QStringList SolarSystem::getAllPlanetEnglishNames ( ) const

Get the list of all the planet english names.

QStringList SolarSystem::getAllPlanetLocalizedNames ( ) const

Get the list of all the planet localized names.

const QList<PlanetP>& SolarSystem::getAllPlanets ( ) const

Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system.

Definition at line 800 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

QString SolarSystem::getApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth ( ) const

Get the algorithm used for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth.

See also
virtual double SolarSystem::getCallOrder ( StelModuleActionName  actionName) const

Used to determine what order to draw the various StelModules.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getCometsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw comet orbit lines.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getCubewanosOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos.

current color
double SolarSystem::getCustomGrsDrift ( )

Get speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used)

double SolarSystem::getCustomGrsJD ( )

Get initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot.

int SolarSystem::getCustomGrsLongitude ( )

Get longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used)

a longitude (degrees)
double SolarSystem::getDistanceToPlanet ( QString  planetName) const

Get distance to Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a distance (in AU)
Vec3f SolarSystem::getDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets.

current color
PlanetP SolarSystem::getEarth ( ) const

Get the Planet object pointer for the Earth.

Definition at line 774 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getEarthOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Earth orbit line.

current color
double SolarSystem::getEclipseFactor ( const StelCore core) const

Determines relative amount of sun visible from the observer's position.

double SolarSystem::getElongationForPlanet ( QString  planetName) const

Get elongation for Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a elongation (in radians)
bool SolarSystem::getFlagCustomGrsSettings ( )

Get the current value of the flag which determines if custom settings for Great Red Spot on Jupiter is used or not.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagHints ( ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagIsolatedOrbits ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagIsolatedTrails ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagLabels ( ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagLightTravelTime ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if light travel time calculation is used or not.

Definition at line 351 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagMoonScale ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not.

Definition at line 602 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagNativePlanetNames ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which enables showing native names for planets or not.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagOrbits ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden.

Definition at line 340 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagPlanets ( ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet are drawn or hidden.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagPointer ( ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet pointers are drawn or hidden.

Definition at line 345 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagTrails ( ) const

Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden.

bool SolarSystem::getFlagTranslatedNames ( void  ) const

Get the current value of the flag which enables showing translated names for planets or not.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getJupiterOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Jupiter orbit line.

current color
double SolarSystem::getLabelsAmount ( void  ) const

Get the amount of planet labels.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV.

the amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no labels, 10 is maximum of labels

Definition at line 335 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

const Vec3f& SolarSystem::getLabelsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw planet labels.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getMarsOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Mars orbit line.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getMercuryOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Mercury orbit line.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets.

current color
PlanetP SolarSystem::getMoon ( ) const

Get the Planet object pointer for Earth's moon.

Definition at line 777 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

double SolarSystem::getMoonScale ( void  ) const

Get the display scaling factor for Earth's moon.

Definition at line 607 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getMoonsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getNeptuneOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Neptune orbit line.

current color
QStringList SolarSystem::getObjectsList ( QString  objType = "all") const

Get list of objects by type.

objTypeobject type
Vec3f SolarSystem::getOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects.

current color
QString SolarSystem::getOrbitColorStyle ( ) const

Get style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw solar system object orbit lines.

current color
double SolarSystem::getPhaseAngleForPlanet ( QString  planetName) const

Get phase angle for Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a phase angle (in radians)
float SolarSystem::getPhaseForPlanet ( QString  planetName) const

Get phase for Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a phase
QString SolarSystem::getPlanetType ( QString  planetName) const

Get type for Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a type of planet (planet, moon, asteroid, comet, plutoid)
float SolarSystem::getPlanetVMagnitude ( QString  planetName,
bool  withExtinction = false 
) const

Get the V magnitude for Solar system bodies from scripts.

planetNamethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
withExtinctionthe flag for use extinction effect for magnitudes (default not use)
a magnitude
Vec3f SolarSystem::getPlutinosOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getPointerColor ( ) const

Get the current color used to draw planet pointers.

current color

Definition at line 597 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getSaturnOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Saturn orbit line.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getSednoidsOrbitsColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw sednoid orbit lines.

current color
PlanetP SolarSystem::getSun ( ) const

Get the Planet object pointer for the Sun.

Definition at line 771 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getTrailsColor ( ) const

Get the current color used to draw planet trails lines.

current color

Definition at line 586 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

Vec3f SolarSystem::getUranusOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Uranus orbit line.

current color
Vec3f SolarSystem::getVenusOrbitColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw Venus orbit line.

current color
virtual void SolarSystem::init ( )

Initialize the SolarSystem.


  • loading planetary body orbital and model data from data/ssystem.ini
  • perform initial planet position calculation
  • set display options from application settings

Implements StelModule.

virtual QStringList SolarSystem::listAllObjects ( bool  inEnglish) const

List all StelObjects.

inEnglishlist names in English (true) or translated (false)
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing matches

Implements StelObjectModule.

virtual QStringList SolarSystem::listAllObjectsByType ( const QString &  objType,
bool  inEnglish 
) const

List all StelObjects by type.

objTypeobject type
inEnglishlist translated names (false) or in English (true)
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing matches

Reimplemented from StelObjectModule.

bool SolarSystem::nearLunarEclipse ( )

Determine if a lunar eclipse is close at hand?

void SolarSystem::reloadPlanets ( )

Reload the planets.

virtual QList<StelObjectP> SolarSystem::searchAround ( const Vec3d v,
double  limitFov,
const StelCore core 
) const

Search for SolarSystem objects in some area around a point.

vA vector representing a point in the sky.
limitFovThe radius of the circle around the point v which defines the size of the area to search.
corethe core object
A STL vector of StelObjectP (pointers) containing all SolarSystem objects found in the specified area. This vector is not sorted by distance from v.

Implements StelObjectModule.

PlanetP SolarSystem::searchByEnglishName ( QString  planetEnglishName) const

Get a pointer to a Planet object.

planetEnglishNamethe English name of the desired planet.
The matching planet pointer if exists or NULL.
virtual StelObjectP SolarSystem::searchByName ( const QString &  name) const

Search for a SolarSystem object based on the English name.

namethe case in-sensistive English planet name.
a StelObjectP for the object if found, else NULL.

Implements StelObjectModule.

virtual StelObjectP SolarSystem::searchByNameI18n ( const QString &  nameI18n) const

Search for a SolarSystem object based on the localised name.

nameI18nthe case in-sensistive translated planet name.
a StelObjectP for the object if found, else NULL.

Implements StelObjectModule.

void SolarSystem::setApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth ( QString  algorithm)

Set the algorithm for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth.

Possible values:

  • Planesas (algorithm provided by Pere Planesas (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional))
  • Mueller (G. Mueller, based on visual observations 1877-91. [Expl.Suppl.1961])
  • Harris (Astronomical Almanac 1984 and later. These give V (instrumental) magnitudes) Details:
  • J. Meeus "Astronomical Algorithms" (2nd ed., with corrections as of August 10, 2009) p.283-286.
  • O. Montenbruck, T. Pfleger "Astronomy on the Personal Computer" (4th ed.) p.143-145.
  • Daniel L. Harris "Photometry and Colorimetry of Planets and Satellites" Hint: Default option in config.ini: astro/apparent_magnitude_algorithm = Harris
    algorithmthe case in-sensitive algorithm name
    : The structure of algorithms is almost identical, just the numbers are different! You should activate Mueller's algorithm for simulate the eye's impression. (Esp. Venus!)
void SolarSystem::setCometsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw comet orbit lines.

cThe color of the comet orbit lines (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setCubewanosOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos.

cThe color of orbits lines of cubewanos (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setCustomGrsDrift ( double  drift)

Set speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used)

annualdrift (degrees)
void SolarSystem::setCustomGrsJD ( double  JD)

Set initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot.

void SolarSystem::setCustomGrsLongitude ( int  longitude)

Set longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used)

void SolarSystem::setDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets.

cThe color of orbits lines of the dwarf planets (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setEarthOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Earth orbit line.

cThe color of Earth orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setFlagCustomGrsSettings ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if custom settings is using for Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

void SolarSystem::setFlagHints ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels.

void SolarSystem::setFlagIsolatedOrbits ( bool  b)

Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not.

void SolarSystem::setFlagIsolatedTrails ( bool  b)

Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not.

void SolarSystem::setFlagLabels ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden.

void SolarSystem::setFlagLightTravelTime ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if the light travel time calculation is used or not.

void SolarSystem::setFlagMoonScale ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not.

void SolarSystem::setFlagNativePlanetNames ( bool  b)

Set flag which enable use native names for planets or not.

void SolarSystem::setFlagOrbits ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden.

void SolarSystem::setFlagPlanets ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if planets are drawn or hidden.

void SolarSystem::setFlagPointer ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if the planet pointer (red cross) is drawn or hidden on a selected planet.

Definition at line 343 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

void SolarSystem::setFlagTrails ( bool  b)

Set flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden.

void SolarSystem::setFlagTranslatedNames ( bool  b)

Set flag which enable use translated names for planets or not.

void SolarSystem::setFontSize ( float  newFontSize)

Set planet names font size.

font size
void SolarSystem::setJupiterOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Jupiter orbit line.

cThe color of Jupiter orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setLabelsAmount ( double  a)

Set the amount of planet labels.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV. The limit is set in function of the planets magnitude

athe amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no labels, 10 is maximum of labels

Definition at line 332 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

void SolarSystem::setLabelsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw planet labels.

cThe color of the planet labels (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets.

cThe color of orbits lines of the major planets (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setMarsOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Mars orbit line.

cThe color of Mars orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setMercuryOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Mercury orbit line.

cThe color of Mercury orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets.

cThe color of orbits lines of the minor planets (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setMoonScale ( double  f)

Set the display scaling factor for Earth's moon.

void SolarSystem::setMoonsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets.

cThe color of orbits lines of moons of planets lines (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setNeptuneOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Neptune orbit line.

cThe color of Neptune orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects.

cThe color of orbits lines of Oort cloud objects (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setOrbitColorStyle ( QString  style)

Set style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies.

void SolarSystem::setOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw solar system object orbit lines.

cThe color of the solar system object orbit lines (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setPlutinosOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos.

cThe color of orbits lines of plutinos (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setPointerColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw planet pointers.

cThe color of the planet pointers
// example of usage in scripts

Definition at line 594 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

void SolarSystem::setSaturnOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Saturn orbit line.

cThe color of Saturn orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects.

cThe color of orbits lines of scattered disk objects (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setSednoidsOrbitsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw sednoid orbit lines.

cThe color of the sednoid orbit lines (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setTrailsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw planet trails lines.

cThe color of the planet trails lines (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts

Definition at line 583 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

void SolarSystem::setUranusOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Uranus orbit line.

cThe color of Uranus orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
void SolarSystem::setVenusOrbitColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw Venus orbit line.

cThe color of Venus orbit line (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts
virtual void SolarSystem::update ( double  deltaTime)

Update time-varying components.

This includes planet motion trails.

Implements StelModule.

void SolarSystem::updateI18n ( )

Translate names. (public so that SolarSystemEditor can call it).

Property Documentation

double SolarSystem::labelsAmount

The amount of planets labels (between 0 and 10).

Definition at line 114 of file SolarSystem.hpp.

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