Stellarium 0.15.2
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NebulaMgr Class Reference

Manage a collection of nebulae. More...

#include <NebulaMgr.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for NebulaMgr:
+ Collaboration diagram for NebulaMgr:

Public Slots

void setCatalogFilters (Nebula::CatalogGroup cflags)
Nebula::CatalogGroup getCatalogFilters () const
void setTypeFilters (Nebula::TypeGroup tflags)
Nebula::TypeGroup getTypeFilters () const
void setCirclesColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the default color used to draw the nebula symbols (default circles, etc). More...
const Vec3f getCirclesColor (void) const
 Get current value of the nebula circle color. More...
void setGalaxyColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the galaxy symbols (ellipses). More...
const Vec3f getGalaxyColor (void) const
 Get current value of the galaxy symbol color. More...
void setActiveGalaxyColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the active galaxy symbols (ellipses). More...
const Vec3f getActiveGalaxyColor (void) const
 Get current value of the active galaxy symbol color. More...
void setInteractingGalaxyColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the interacting galaxy symbols (ellipses). More...
const Vec3f getInteractingGalaxyColor (void) const
 Get current value of the interacting galaxy symbol color. More...
void setRadioGalaxyColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the radio galaxy symbols (ellipses). More...
const Vec3f getRadioGalaxyColor (void) const
 Get current value of the radio galaxy symbol color. More...
void setQuasarColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the quasars symbols (ellipses). More...
const Vec3f getQuasarColor (void) const
 Get current value of the quasar symbol color. More...
void setBrightNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the bright nebula symbols (emission nebula boxes, planetary nebulae circles). More...
const Vec3f getBrightNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the nebula circle color. More...
void setNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the bright nebula symbols (emission nebula boxes, planetary nebulae circles). More...
const Vec3f getNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the nebula circle color. More...
void setPlanetaryNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the planetary nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getPlanetaryNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the planetary nebula circle color. More...
void setReflectionNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the reflection nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getReflectionNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the reflection nebula circle color. More...
void setBipolarNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the bipolar nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getBipolarNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the bipolar nebula circle color. More...
void setEmissionNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the emission nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getEmissionNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the emission nebula circle color. More...
void setHydrogenRegionColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the ionized hydrogen region symbols. More...
const Vec3f getHydrogenRegionColor (void) const
 Get current value of the hydrogen region symbol color. More...
void setSupernovaRemnantColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the supernova remnant symbols. More...
const Vec3f getSupernovaRemnantColor (void) const
 Get current value of the supernova remnant symbol color. More...
void setInterstellarMatterColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the interstellar matter symbols. More...
const Vec3f getInterstellarMatterColor (void) const
 Get current value of the interstellar matter symbol color. More...
void setDarkNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the dark nebula symbols (gray boxes). More...
const Vec3f getDarkNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the dark nebula color. More...
void setClusterWithNebulosityColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the cluster associated with nebulosity symbols. More...
const Vec3f getClusterWithNebulosityColor (void) const
 Get current value of the cluster associated with nebulosity color. More...
void setClusterColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the star cluster symbols (Open/Globular). More...
const Vec3f getClusterColor (void) const
 Get current value of the star cluster symbol color. More...
void setOpenClusterColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the open star cluster symbols. More...
const Vec3f getOpenClusterColor (void) const
 Get current value of the open star cluster symbol color. More...
void setGlobularClusterColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the globular star cluster symbols. More...
const Vec3f getGlobularClusterColor (void) const
 Get current value of the globular star cluster symbol color. More...
void setStellarAssociationColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the stellar associations symbols. More...
const Vec3f getStellarAssociationColor (void) const
 Get current value of the stellar association symbol color. More...
void setStarCloudColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the star clouds symbols. More...
const Vec3f getStarCloudColor (void) const
 Get current value of the star cloud symbol color. More...
void setEmissionObjectColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the emission objects symbols. More...
const Vec3f getEmissionObjectColor (void) const
 Get current value of the emission object symbol color. More...
void setBlLacObjectColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the BL Lac objects symbols. More...
const Vec3f getBlLacObjectColor (void) const
 Get current value of the BL Lac object symbol color. More...
void setBlazarColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the blazars symbols. More...
const Vec3f getBlazarColor (void) const
 Get current value of the blazar symbol color. More...
void setMolecularCloudColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the molecular clouds symbols. More...
const Vec3f getMolecularCloudColor (void) const
 Get current value of the molecular cloud symbol color. More...
void setYoungStellarObjectColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the young stellar objects symbols. More...
const Vec3f getYoungStellarObjectColor (void) const
 Get current value of the young stellar object symbol color. More...
void setPossibleQuasarColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the possible quasars symbols. More...
const Vec3f getPossibleQuasarColor (void) const
 Get current value of the possible quasar symbol color. More...
void setPossiblePlanetaryNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the possible planetary nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getPossiblePlanetaryNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the possible planetary nebula symbol color. More...
void setProtoplanetaryNebulaColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the protoplanetary nebulae symbols. More...
const Vec3f getProtoplanetaryNebulaColor (void) const
 Get current value of the protoplanetary nebula symbol color. More...
void setStarColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw the stars symbols. More...
const Vec3f getStarColor (void) const
 Get current value of the star symbol color. More...
void setHintsFadeDuration (float duration)
 Set how long it takes for nebula hints to fade in and out when turned on and off. More...
void setFlagHints (bool b)
 Set flag for displaying Nebulae Hints. More...
bool getFlagHints (void) const
 Get flag for displaying Nebulae Hints. More...
void setHintsProportional (const bool proportional)
 Set whether hints (symbols) should be scaled according to nebula size. More...
bool getHintsProportional (void) const
 Get whether hints (symbols) are scaled according to nebula size. More...
void setDesignationUsage (const bool flag)
 Set flag for usage designations of DSO for their labels instead common names. More...
bool getDesignationUsage (void) const
 Get flag for usage designations of DSO for their labels instead common names. More...
void setFlagSurfaceBrightnessUsage (const bool usage)
 Set whether hints (symbols) should be visible according to surface brightness value. More...
bool getFlagSurfaceBrightnessUsage (void) const
 Get whether hints (symbols) are visible according to surface brightness value. More...
void setFlagShow (bool b)
 Set flag used to turn on and off Nebula rendering. More...
bool getFlagShow (void) const
 Get value of flag used to turn on and off Nebula rendering. More...
void setFlagUseTypeFilters (bool b)
 Set flag used to turn on and off DSO type filtering. More...
bool getFlagUseTypeFilters (void) const
 Get value of flag used to turn on and off DSO type filtering. More...
void setLabelsColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw nebula labels. More...
const Vec3f getLabelsColor (void) const
 Get current value of the nebula label color. More...
void setLabelsAmount (double a)
 Set the amount of nebulae labels. More...
double getLabelsAmount (void) const
 Get the amount of nebulae labels. More...
void setHintsAmount (double f)
 Set the amount of nebulae hints. More...
double getHintsAmount (void) const
 Get the amount of nebulae labels. More...


void flagHintsDisplayedChanged (bool b)
 Emitted when hints are toggled. More...
void flagUseTypeFiltersChanged (bool b)
 Emitted when filter types are changed. More...
void catalogFiltersChanged (Nebula::CatalogGroup flags)
 Emitted when the catalog filter is changed. More...
void typeFiltersChanged (Nebula::TypeGroup flags)
 Emitted when the type filter is changed. More...
void hintsProportionalChanged (bool b)
void designationUsageChanged (bool b)
void flagSurfaceBrightnessUsageChanged (bool b)
void labelsAmountChanged (double a)
void hintsAmountChanged (double f)
void labelsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void circlesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void galaxiesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void activeGalaxiesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void radioGalaxiesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void interactingGalaxiesColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void quasarsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void possibleQuasarsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void clustersColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void openClustersColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void globularClustersColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void stellarAssociationsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void starCloudsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void starsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void nebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void planetaryNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void darkNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void reflectionNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void bipolarNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void emissionNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void possiblePlanetaryNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void protoplanetaryNebulaeColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void clusterWithNebulosityColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void hydrogenRegionsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void interstellarMatterColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void emissionObjectsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void molecularCloudsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void blLacObjectsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void blazarsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void youngStellarObjectsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const
void supernovaRemnantsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const

Public Member Functions

virtual void init ()
 Initialize the NebulaMgr object. More...
virtual void draw (StelCore *core)
 Draws all nebula objects. More...
virtual void update (double deltaTime)
 Update state which is time dependent. More...
virtual double getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const
 Determines the order in which the various modules are drawn. More...
virtual QList< StelObjectPsearchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const
 Used to get a vector of objects which are near to some position. More...
virtual StelObjectP searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const
 Return the matching nebula object's pointer if exists or NULL. More...
virtual StelObjectP searchByName (const QString &name) const
 Return the matching nebula if exists or NULL. More...
virtual QStringList listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const
 Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing the passed object English name. More...
virtual QStringList listAllObjects (bool inEnglish) const
virtual QStringList listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects by type. More...
virtual QString getName () const
float computeMaxMagHint (const class StelSkyDrawer *skyDrawer) const
 Compute the maximum magntiude for which hints will be displayed. More...
bool objectInDisplayedCatalog (NebulaP n)
QString getLatestSelectedDSODesignation ()
 Get designation for latest selected DSO with priority. More...
const QVector< NebulaP > & getAllDeepSkyObjects () const
 Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelObjectModule
bool matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const
 Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelModule
virtual void deinit ()
 Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual QString getModuleVersion () const
 Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version. More...
virtual QString getAuthorName () const
 Get the name of the module author. More...
virtual QString getAuthorEmail () const
 Get the email adress of the module author. More...
virtual void handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *)
 Handle mouse clicks. More...
virtual void handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *)
 Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b)
 Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e)
 Handle key events. More...
virtual bool handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started)
 Handle pinch gesture events. More...
virtual bool configureGui (bool show=true)
 Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...


bool flagHintDisplayed
bool flagTypeFiltersUsage
Nebula::TypeGroup typeFilters
Nebula::CatalogGroup catalogFilters
bool hintsProportional
bool flagSurfaceBrightnessUsage
double labelsAmount
 The amount of labels (between 0 and 10) More...
double hintsAmount
 The amount of hints (between 0 and 10) More...
bool flagDesignationLabels
Vec3f labelsColor
Vec3f circlesColor
Vec3f galaxiesColor
Vec3f activeGalaxiesColor
Vec3f radioGalaxiesColor
Vec3f interactingGalaxiesColor
Vec3f quasarsColor
Vec3f possibleQuasarsColor
Vec3f clustersColor
Vec3f openClustersColor
Vec3f globularClustersColor
Vec3f stellarAssociationsColor
Vec3f starCloudsColor
Vec3f starsColor
Vec3f nebulaeColor
Vec3f planetaryNebulaeColor
Vec3f darkNebulaeColor
Vec3f reflectionNebulaeColor
Vec3f bipolarNebulaeColor
Vec3f emissionNebulaeColor
Vec3f possiblePlanetaryNebulaeColor
Vec3f protoplanetaryNebulaeColor
Vec3f clusterWithNebulosityColor
Vec3f hydrogenRegionsColor
Vec3f interstellarMatterColor
Vec3f emissionObjectsColor
Vec3f molecularCloudsColor
Vec3f blLacObjectsColor
Vec3f blazarsColor
Vec3f youngStellarObjectsColor
Vec3f supernovaRemnantsColor

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from StelModule
enum  StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection, ReplaceSelection, RemoveFromSelection }
 Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More...
enum  StelModuleActionName {
  ActionDraw, ActionUpdate, ActionHandleMouseClicks, ActionHandleMouseMoves,
 Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelModule
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...

Detailed Description

Manage a collection of nebulae.

This class is used to display the NGC catalog with information, and textures for some of them.

Definition at line 48 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void NebulaMgr::catalogFiltersChanged ( Nebula::CatalogGroup  flags)

Emitted when the catalog filter is changed.

float NebulaMgr::computeMaxMagHint ( const class StelSkyDrawer skyDrawer) const

Compute the maximum magntiude for which hints will be displayed.

virtual void NebulaMgr::draw ( StelCore core)

Draws all nebula objects.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

void NebulaMgr::flagHintsDisplayedChanged ( bool  b)

Emitted when hints are toggled.

void NebulaMgr::flagUseTypeFiltersChanged ( bool  b)

Emitted when filter types are changed.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getActiveGalaxyColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the active galaxy symbol color.

const QVector<NebulaP>& NebulaMgr::getAllDeepSkyObjects ( ) const

Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system.

Definition at line 317 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getBipolarNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the bipolar nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getBlazarColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the blazar symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getBlLacObjectColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the BL Lac object symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getBrightNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the nebula circle color.

virtual double NebulaMgr::getCallOrder ( StelModuleActionName  actionName) const

Determines the order in which the various modules are drawn.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getCirclesColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getClusterColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the star cluster symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getClusterWithNebulosityColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the cluster associated with nebulosity color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getDarkNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the dark nebula color.

bool NebulaMgr::getDesignationUsage ( void  ) const

Get flag for usage designations of DSO for their labels instead common names.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getEmissionNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the emission nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getEmissionObjectColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the emission object symbol color.

bool NebulaMgr::getFlagHints ( void  ) const

Get flag for displaying Nebulae Hints.

Definition at line 647 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

bool NebulaMgr::getFlagShow ( void  ) const

Get value of flag used to turn on and off Nebula rendering.

Definition at line 667 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

bool NebulaMgr::getFlagSurfaceBrightnessUsage ( void  ) const

Get whether hints (symbols) are visible according to surface brightness value.

Definition at line 662 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

bool NebulaMgr::getFlagUseTypeFilters ( void  ) const

Get value of flag used to turn on and off DSO type filtering.

Definition at line 672 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getGalaxyColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the galaxy symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getGlobularClusterColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the globular star cluster symbol color.

double NebulaMgr::getHintsAmount ( void  ) const

Get the amount of nebulae labels.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV.

the amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no hints, 10 is maximum of hints

Definition at line 698 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

bool NebulaMgr::getHintsProportional ( void  ) const

Get whether hints (symbols) are scaled according to nebula size.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getHydrogenRegionColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the hydrogen region symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getInteractingGalaxyColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the interacting galaxy symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getInterstellarMatterColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the interstellar matter symbol color.

double NebulaMgr::getLabelsAmount ( void  ) const

Get the amount of nebulae labels.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV.

the amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no labels, 10 is maximum of labels

Definition at line 690 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getLabelsColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the nebula label color.

QString NebulaMgr::getLatestSelectedDSODesignation ( )

Get designation for latest selected DSO with priority.

using for bookmarks feature as example
a designation
const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getMolecularCloudColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the molecular cloud symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getOpenClusterColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the open star cluster symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getPlanetaryNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the planetary nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getPossiblePlanetaryNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the possible planetary nebula symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getPossibleQuasarColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the possible quasar symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getProtoplanetaryNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the protoplanetary nebula symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getQuasarColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the quasar symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getRadioGalaxyColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the radio galaxy symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getReflectionNebulaColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the reflection nebula circle color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getStarCloudColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the star cloud symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getStarColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the star symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getStellarAssociationColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the stellar association symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getSupernovaRemnantColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the supernova remnant symbol color.

const Vec3f NebulaMgr::getYoungStellarObjectColor ( void  ) const

Get current value of the young stellar object symbol color.

virtual void NebulaMgr::init ( )

Initialize the NebulaMgr object.

  • Load the font into the Nebula class, which is used to draw Nebula labels.
  • Load the texture used to draw nebula locations into the Nebula class (for those with no individual texture).
  • Load the pointer texture.
  • Set flags values from ini parser which relate to nebula display.
  • call updateI18n() to translate names.

Implements StelModule.

virtual QStringList NebulaMgr::listAllObjects ( bool  inEnglish) const
Loading deep-sky objects with the proper names only.

Implements StelObjectModule.

virtual QStringList NebulaMgr::listAllObjectsByType ( const QString &  objType,
bool  inEnglish 
) const

List all StelObjects by type.

objTypeobject type
inEnglishlist translated names (false) or in English (true)
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing matches

Reimplemented from StelObjectModule.

virtual QStringList NebulaMgr::listMatchingObjects ( const QString &  objPrefix,
int  maxNbItem = 5,
bool  useStartOfWords = false,
bool  inEnglish = false 
) const

Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing the passed object English name.

objPrefixthe case insensitive first letters of the searched object
maxNbItemthe maximum number of returned object names
useStartOfWordsthe autofill mode for returned objects names
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing match

Reimplemented from StelObjectModule.

virtual QList<StelObjectP> NebulaMgr::searchAround ( const Vec3d v,
double  limitFov,
const StelCore core 
) const

Used to get a vector of objects which are near to some position.

va vector representing the position in th sky around which to search for nebulae.
limitFovthe field of view around the position v in which to search for nebulae.
corethe StelCore to use for computations.
an list containing the nebulae located inside the limitFov circle around position v.

Implements StelObjectModule.

virtual StelObjectP NebulaMgr::searchByName ( const QString &  name) const

Return the matching nebula if exists or NULL.

nameThe case in-sensistive standard program name

Implements StelObjectModule.

virtual StelObjectP NebulaMgr::searchByNameI18n ( const QString &  nameI18n) const

Return the matching nebula object's pointer if exists or NULL.

nameI18nThe case in-sensistive nebula name or NGC M catalog name : format can be M31, M 31, NGC31, NGC 31

Implements StelObjectModule.

void NebulaMgr::setActiveGalaxyColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the active galaxy symbols (ellipses).

cThe color of the active galaxy symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setBipolarNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the bipolar nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the bipolar nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setBlazarColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the blazars symbols.

cThe color of the blazars symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setBlLacObjectColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the BL Lac objects symbols.

cThe color of the BL Lac objects symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setBrightNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the bright nebula symbols (emission nebula boxes, planetary nebulae circles).

cThe color of the nebula symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setCirclesColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the default color used to draw the nebula symbols (default circles, etc).

cThe color of the nebula symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setClusterColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the star cluster symbols (Open/Globular).

cThe color of the cluster symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setClusterWithNebulosityColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the cluster associated with nebulosity symbols.

cThe color of the cluster associated with nebulosity symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setDarkNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the dark nebula symbols (gray boxes).

cThe color of the dark nebula symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setDesignationUsage ( const bool  flag)

Set flag for usage designations of DSO for their labels instead common names.

void NebulaMgr::setEmissionNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the emission nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the emission nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setEmissionObjectColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the emission objects symbols.

cThe color of the emission objects symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setFlagHints ( bool  b)

Set flag for displaying Nebulae Hints.

Definition at line 645 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setFlagShow ( bool  b)

Set flag used to turn on and off Nebula rendering.

Definition at line 665 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setFlagSurfaceBrightnessUsage ( const bool  usage)

Set whether hints (symbols) should be visible according to surface brightness value.

Definition at line 660 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setFlagUseTypeFilters ( bool  b)

Set flag used to turn on and off DSO type filtering.

Definition at line 670 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setGalaxyColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the galaxy symbols (ellipses).

cThe color of the galaxy symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setGlobularClusterColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the globular star cluster symbols.

cThe color of the globular star cluster symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setHintsAmount ( double  f)

Set the amount of nebulae hints.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV. The limit is set in function of the nebulae magnitude

fthe amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no hints, 10 is maximum of hints

Definition at line 695 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setHintsFadeDuration ( float  duration)

Set how long it takes for nebula hints to fade in and out when turned on and off.

durationgiven in seconds

Definition at line 642 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setHintsProportional ( const bool  proportional)

Set whether hints (symbols) should be scaled according to nebula size.

void NebulaMgr::setHydrogenRegionColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the ionized hydrogen region symbols.

cThe color of the ionized hydrogen region symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setInteractingGalaxyColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the interacting galaxy symbols (ellipses).

cThe color of the interacting galaxy symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setInterstellarMatterColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the interstellar matter symbols.

cThe color of the interstellar matter symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setLabelsAmount ( double  a)

Set the amount of nebulae labels.

The real amount is also proportional with FOV. The limit is set in function of the nebulae magnitude

athe amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no labels, 10 is maximum of labels

Definition at line 687 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

void NebulaMgr::setLabelsColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw nebula labels.

cThe color of the nebula labels
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setMolecularCloudColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the molecular clouds symbols.

cThe color of the molecular clouds symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the bright nebula symbols (emission nebula boxes, planetary nebulae circles).

cThe color of the nebula symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setOpenClusterColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the open star cluster symbols.

cThe color of the open star cluster symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setPlanetaryNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the planetary nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the planetary nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setPossiblePlanetaryNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the possible planetary nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the possible planetary nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setPossibleQuasarColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the possible quasars symbols.

cThe color of the possible quasars symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setProtoplanetaryNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the protoplanetary nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the protoplanetary nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setQuasarColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the quasars symbols (ellipses).

cThe color of the quasars symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setRadioGalaxyColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the radio galaxy symbols (ellipses).

cThe color of the radio galaxy symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setReflectionNebulaColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the reflection nebulae symbols.

cThe color of the reflection nebulae symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setStarCloudColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the star clouds symbols.

cThe color of the star clouds symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setStarColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the stars symbols.

cThe color of the stars symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setStellarAssociationColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the stellar associations symbols.

cThe color of the stellar associations symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setSupernovaRemnantColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the supernova remnant symbols.

cThe color of the supernova remnant symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::setYoungStellarObjectColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw the young stellar objects symbols.

cThe color of the young stellar objects symbols
// example of usage in scripts
void NebulaMgr::typeFiltersChanged ( Nebula::TypeGroup  flags)

Emitted when the type filter is changed.

virtual void NebulaMgr::update ( double  deltaTime)

Update state which is time dependent.

Implements StelModule.

Definition at line 272 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

Property Documentation

double NebulaMgr::hintsAmount

The amount of hints (between 0 and 10)

Definition at line 90 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

double NebulaMgr::labelsAmount

The amount of labels (between 0 and 10)

Definition at line 85 of file NebulaMgr.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: