Stellarium  24.4
Public Member Functions | Data Fields
ObsListDialog::observingListItem Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 observingListItem ()
QVariantMap toVariantMap ()
 Convert to QVariantMap.

Data Fields

QString designation
 Relates to designation in the JSON file.
QString name
 Relates to name in the JSON file. This is the object's englishName.
QString nameI18n
 Relates to nameI18n in the JSON file. This is recreated from the actual object and current language during loading of the list. In the JSON file, it has purely add-on value.
QString objClass
 Object kind ID oriented on Stellarium's object class: Star, Planet (also for sun, moons, Comets, MinorPlanets!), Nebula, ...
QString objTypeI18n
 More physical type description: star (also Sun!), planet, moon, open cluster, galaxy, region in the sky, ...
QString ra
 Optional, eq. J2000.0 position at date jd; useful for moving objects.
QString dec
 Optional, eq. J2000.0 position at date jd; useful for moving objects.
QString magnitude
 NOT a redundant bit of information! In case of moving objects, it spares computing details on loading.
QString constellation
 NOT a redundant bit of information! In case of moving objects, it spares computing positions on loading.
double jd
 optional: stores date of observation
QString location
 optional: should be a full location encoded with StelLocation::serializeToLine()
QString landscapeID
 optional: landscapeID of landscape at moment of item creation.
double fov
 optional: Field of view [degrees]
bool isVisibleMarker
 Something around user-markers or SIMBAD-retrieved objects. Test and document!