Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- cachedBoundingCap
: SphericalConvexPolygon
- cacheSize
: StaticFileControllerSettings
- cacheTime
: StaticFileControllerSettings
- calcObserverECIPosition()
: gSatWrapper
- calculateIlluminatedFraction()
: Satellite
- calculateSiderealPeriod()
: KeplerOrbit
- camFarZ
: SceneInfo
- camNearZ
: SceneInfo
- canBind()
: StelTexture
- cancelDeletion()
: MultiLevelJsonBase
- canDeleteUserLocation()
: StelLocationMgr
- canNotify()
: StelProperty
- canSaveUserLocation()
: StelLocationMgr
- canUseShortIndices()
: StelOBJ
- captureAndSendFrame()
: SpoutSender
- CatACO
: Nebula
- CatAll
: Nebula
- catalogFiltersChanged()
: NebulaMgr
- CatalogGroupFlags
: Nebula
- CatalogNumber
: StelObject
- CatArp
: Nebula
- CatB
: Nebula
- CatC
: Nebula
- CatCed
: Nebula
- CatCr
: Nebula
- CatDWB
: Nebula
- CatESO
: Nebula
- CatHCG
: Nebula
- CatIC
: Nebula
- CatLBN
: Nebula
- CatLDN
: Nebula
- CatM
: Nebula
- CatMel
: Nebula
- CatNGC
: Nebula
- CatNone
: Nebula
- CatOther
: Nebula
- CatPGC
: Nebula
- CatPK
: Nebula
- CatPNG
: Nebula
- CatRCW
: Nebula
- CatRu
: Nebula
- CatSh2
: Nebula
: Nebula
- CatSt
: Nebula
- CatTr
: Nebula
- CatUGC
: Nebula
- CatVdB
: Nebula
- CatVdBH
: Nebula
- CatVdBHa
: Nebula
- CatVV
: Nebula
- ccdCropOverlayHSize
: Oculars
- ccdCropOverlayVSize
: Oculars
- CColumnAngularSize
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnCount
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnDec
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnElongation
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnExtra
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnMagnitude
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnMaxElevation
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnRA
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnTransit
: AstroCalcDialog
- CColumnType
: AstroCalcDialog
- CelestronNS
: NavStars
- centeringScreenByTelescope()
: TelescopeControl
- centroid
: StelOBJ::MaterialGroup
, StelOBJ::Object
- changed()
: StelAction
, StelProperty
- ChaprontMeeus
: StelCore
- ChaprontTouze
: StelCore
- checkable
: StelAction
- checkAndLoadCatalog()
: StarMgr
- checked
: StelAction
- checkInViewport()
: StelProjector
- checkValid()
: SphericalConvexPolygon
- checkValidContour()
: SphericalConvexPolygon
- chineseAge()
: ChineseCalendar
- chineseDayNameEpoch
: ChineseCalendar
, KoreanCalendar
- chineseFromFixed()
: ChineseCalendar
- chineseLocation()
: ChineseCalendar
- chineseNameDifference()
: ChineseCalendar
- ChineseNewYearInGregorianYear()
: ChineseCalendar
- chineseYearMarriageAugury()
: ChineseCalendar
- circleColor
: TelescopeControl
- clamp()
: Vector2< T >
- classification
: StelSkyCulture
: StelSkyCulture
- cleanHighlightList()
: HighlightMgr
- cleanupInterval
: HttpConnectionHandlerPoolSettings
- clear()
: AngleSpinBox
, AstroCalcChart
, Polyhedron
, ShortcutLineEdit
, StelMainScriptAPI
, StelOBJ
, StelOpenGLArray
, StelSphericalIndex
- clearCache()
: ShaderMgr
- clearVertexData()
: StelOBJ
- Clemence
: StelCore
- ClientBehavior
: RemoteSync
- ClientChallengeResponse()
: SyncProtocol::ClientChallengeResponse
- clipGreatCircle()
: SphericalCap
- close()
: HttpListener
, StelDialog
- closeEvent()
: StelMainView
: S3DEnum
: S3DEnum
: S3DEnum
- color
: skylightStruct2
- ColorPair
: Meteor
- colors
: StelVertexArray
- cols
: Landscape
- ColumnConstellation
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnCount
: MSSearchDialog
, ObsListDialog
- ColumnDataType
: MSSearchDialog
- ColumnDate
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnDec
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnDesignation
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnLandscapeID
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnLocation
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnMagnitude
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnName
: MSSearchDialog
- ColumnNameI18n
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnPeak
: MSSearchDialog
- ColumnRa
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnType
: ObsListDialog
- ColumnZHR
: MSSearchDialog
- CommsColumns
: SatellitesCommDialog
- CommsCount
: SatellitesCommDialog
- CommsFrequency
: SatellitesCommDialog
- CommsModulation
: SatellitesCommDialog
: StelSkyCulture
- CompleteNoUpdates
: Exoplanets
, HelpDialog
, MeteorShowersMgr
, Novae
, Pulsars
, Quasars
, Satellites
, Supernovae
- CompleteUpdates
: Exoplanets
, HelpDialog
, MeteorShowersMgr
, Novae
, Pulsars
, Quasars
, Satellites
, Supernovae
- computeBoundingCap()
: StelProjector2d
, StelProjector
- computeColor()
: Atmosphere
, AtmospherePreetham
, AtmosphereShowMySky
- computeDeltaT()
: StelCore
- computeDistance()
: Planet
- computeFanDisk()
: StelPainter
- computeMaxMagHint()
: NebulaMgr
- computeModelMatrix()
: Planet
- computeOrbit()
: Planet
- computePosition()
: Planet
- computePositions()
: SolarSystem
- computeRCMag()
: StelSkyDrawer
- computeSphereNoLight()
: StelPainter
- computeTransMatrix()
: Planet
- configurationDataSaved()
: StelCore
- configureGui()
: AngleMeasure
, ArchaeoLines
, Calendars
, EquationOfTime
, Exoplanets
, LensDistortionEstimator
, MeteorShowersMgr
, MissingStars
, NavStars
, Novae
, Observability
, Oculars
, OnlineQueries
, PointerCoordinates
, Pulsars
, Quasars
, RemoteControl
, RemoteSync
, Satellites
, Scenery3d
, SolarSystemEditor
, StelModule
, Supernovae
, TelescopeControl
- connectBoolProperty()
: StelDialog
- connectCheckBox()
: StelDialog
- connectDoubleProperty()
: StelDialog
- connectIntProperty()
: StelDialog
- connectStringProperty()
: StelDialog
- connectToServer()
: RemoteSync
- conservative
: exoplanetData
- constellation
: ObsListDialog::observingListItem
- constellationDisplayStyle
: ConstellationMgr
- ConstellationDisplayStyle
: ConstellationMgr
- ConstellationMgr()
: ConstellationMgr
- constructMessage()
: LocationEventSender
, SelectionEventSender
, TimeEventSender
, TypedSyncServerEventSender< T >
, ViewEventSender
- constructorUrl
: MultiLevelJsonBase
- contact
: StelPluginInfo
- contains()
: EmptySphericalRegion
, SphericalConvexPolygon
, SphericalPolygon
, SphericalRegion
- containsTriangle()
: SphericalCap
- contour
: SphericalConvexPolygon
- CoordinatesPlace
: PointerCoordinates
- CoordinateSystem
: PointerCoordinates
, SearchDialog
- copticFromFixed()
: CopticCalendar
- copyright
: SceneInfo
- copySolarSystemConfigurationFileTo()
: SolarSystemEditor
- core
: SyncServerEventSender
- Corner
: AABBox
- corrOriNil()
: RotationElements
- corrWJupiter()
: RotationElements
- corrWnil()
: RotationElements
- count()
: StelSphericalIndex
- CPositionsColumns
: AstroCalcDialog
- create()
: LandscapeFisheye
, LandscapeSpherical
, TelescopeClient
, ZoneArray
- createControlWidget()
: TelescopeClient
, TelescopeClientINDI
- createDialogContent()
: AddRemoveLandscapesDialog
, AngleMeasureDialog
, ArchaeoLinesDialog
, ArchaeoLinesDialogLocations
, AstroCalcCustomStepsDialog
, AstroCalcDialog
, AstroCalcExtraEphemerisDialog
, AtmosphereDialog
, CalendarsDialog
, ConfigurationDialog
, ConfigureDSOColorsDialog
, ConfigureOrbitColorsDialog
, ConfigureScreenshotsDialog
, CustomDeltaTEquationDialog
, DateTimeDialog
, EquationOfTimeWindow
, ExoplanetsDialog
, GreatRedSpotDialog
, HelpDialog
, LensDistortionEstimatorDialog
, LocationDialog
, ManualImportWindow
, MissingStarsDialog
, MpcImportWindow
, MSConfigDialog
, MSSearchDialog
, NavStarsWindow
, NovaeDialog
, ObservabilityDialog
, ObsListDialog
, OcularDialog
, OnlineQueriesDialog
, PointerCoordinatesWindow
, PulsarsDialog
, QuasarsDialog
, RemoteControlDialog
, RemoteSyncDialog
, SatellitesCommDialog
, SatellitesDialog
, Scenery3dDialog
, ScriptConsole
, SearchDialog
, ShortcutsDialog
, SkylightDialog
, SlewDialog
, SolarSystemManagerWindow
, StelDialog
, StoredPointsDialog
, StoredViewDialog
, SupernovaeDialog
, TelescopeConfigurationDialog
, TelescopeDialog
, TonemappingDialog
, ViewDialog
- createFromFile()
: LandscapeMgr
- createFromLine()
: StelLocation
- createFullMessage()
: SyncProtocol::SyncMessage
- createNameLists()
: NomenclatureItem
- createPolygonalHorizon()
: Landscape
- createScreenImage()
: ScreenImageMgr
- createTexture()
: StelTextureMgr
- createTextureThread()
: StelTextureMgr
- credit
: StelSkyCulture
- CubemappingMode
: S3DEnum
- currentDecemberSolstice()
: SpecificTimeMgr
- currentJuneSolstice()
: SpecificTimeMgr
- currentLandscapeChanged()
: LandscapeMgr
- currentLandscapeID
: LandscapeMgr
- currentMajorSolarTerm()
: VietnameseCalendar
- currentMarchEquinox()
: SpecificTimeMgr
- currentMinorSolarTerm()
: ChineseCalendar
, JapaneseCalendar
, KoreanCalendar
, VietnameseCalendar
- currentProjectionNameI18n
: StelCore
- currentProjectionNameI18nChanged()
: StelCore
- currentProjectionTypeChanged()
: StelCore
- currentProjectionTypeKey
: StelCore
- currentProjectionTypeKeyChanged()
: StelCore
- currentSeptemberEquinox()
: SpecificTimeMgr
- currentSkyCultureIDChanged()
: StelSkyCultureMgr
- currentTimeZoneChanged()
: StelCore
- Custom
: PointerCoordinates
, StelCore
- customFilterChanged()
: Satellites
- customNebulaMagLimit
: StelSkyDrawer
- customNebulaMagLimitChanged()
: StelSkyDrawer
- customPlanetMagLimit
: StelSkyDrawer
- customPlanetMagLimitChanged()
: StelSkyDrawer
- customScreenshotHeight
: StelMainView
- customScreenshotWidth
: StelMainView
- customStarMagLimit
: StelSkyDrawer
- customStarMagLimitChanged()
: StelSkyDrawer