| BottomStelBar (QGraphicsItem *parent, const QPixmap &pixLeft=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixRight=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixMiddle=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixSingle=QPixmap()) |
void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget=nullptr) override |
QRectF | boundingRect () const override |
QRectF | boundingRectNoHelpLabel () const |
void | addButton (StelButton *button, const QString &groupName="defaultGroup", const QString &beforeActionName="") |
| Add a button in a group in the button bar. More...
StelButton * | hideButton (const QString &actionName) |
| Hide the button associated with the action of the passed name.
void | setGroupMargin (const QString &groupName, int left, int right) |
| Set the margin at the left and right of a button group in pixels.
void | setGroupBackground (const QString &groupName, const QPixmap &pixLeft=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixRight=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixMiddle=QPixmap(), const QPixmap &pixSingle=QPixmap()) |
| Set the background of a group.
void | setColor (const QColor &c) |
| Set the brush color for all the sub elements (Seems not to do anything, in fact!)
void | setFlagShowTime (bool b) |
| Set whether time must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagShowTime () const |
void | setFlagShowLocation (bool b) |
| Set whether location info must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagShowLocation () const |
void | setFlagShowFps (bool b) |
| Set whether FPS info must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagShowFps () const |
void | setFlagShowFov (bool b) |
| Set whether FOV info must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagShowFov () const |
void | setFlagFovDms (bool b) |
| Set whether DMS format for FOV info must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagFovDms () const |
void | setFlagTimeJd (bool b) |
| Set whether JD for time info must be displayed in the bottom bar.
bool | getFlagTimeJd () const |
void | setFlagShowTz (bool b) |
bool | getFlagShowTz () const |
QRectF | getButtonsBoundingRect () const |
int | getGap () const |