Stellarium  0.20.4

Table of Contents


The GUI is based on Qt Widgets.

Relevant files:

The structure of widgets inside every window should be defined in *.ui files. But the style should be defined in normalStyle.css. The icon used for each icon is usually defined in *.ui files too.

When making mistakes in the stylesheet (/data/normalStyle.css), errors may be silent. Enable debug logging by adding a ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini:


SVG vector icon designs

Every icon was drawn with Inkscape in SVG, and then exported to PNG.

There is a lot of documentation inside the data/gui/icons.svg SVG file itself, in the documentation layer.


Icon filenames:

Every kind of icon has a different prefix on the filename. E.g. bbtHelp-off.png and bbtSearch-on.png