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Stellarium 0.15.2
This StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies. More...
#include <SolarSystem.hpp>
Public Slots | |
void | setFlagPlanets (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if planets are drawn or hidden. More... | |
bool | getFlagPlanets () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet are drawn or hidden. More... | |
void | setFlagTrails (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden. More... | |
bool | getFlagTrails () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden. More... | |
void | setFlagHints (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels. More... | |
bool | getFlagHints () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels. More... | |
void | setFlagLabels (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden. More... | |
bool | getFlagLabels () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden. More... | |
void | setLabelsAmount (double a) |
Set the amount of planet labels. More... | |
double | getLabelsAmount (void) const |
Get the amount of planet labels. More... | |
void | setFlagOrbits (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden. More... | |
bool | getFlagOrbits () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden. More... | |
void | setFlagPointer (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if the planet pointer (red cross) is drawn or hidden on a selected planet. More... | |
bool | getFlagPointer () const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet pointers are drawn or hidden. More... | |
void | setFlagLightTravelTime (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if the light travel time calculation is used or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagLightTravelTime (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if light travel time calculation is used or not. More... | |
void | setFontSize (float newFontSize) |
Set planet names font size. More... | |
void | setLabelsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw planet labels. More... | |
const Vec3f & | getLabelsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw planet labels. More... | |
void | setOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw solar system object orbit lines. More... | |
Vec3f | getOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw solar system object orbit lines. More... | |
void | setMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets. More... | |
Vec3f | getMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets. More... | |
void | setMoonsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets. More... | |
Vec3f | getMoonsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets. More... | |
void | setMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets. More... | |
Vec3f | getMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets. More... | |
void | setDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets. More... | |
Vec3f | getDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets. More... | |
void | setCubewanosOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos. More... | |
Vec3f | getCubewanosOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos. More... | |
void | setPlutinosOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos. More... | |
Vec3f | getPlutinosOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos. More... | |
void | setScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects. More... | |
Vec3f | getScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects. More... | |
void | setOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects. More... | |
Vec3f | getOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects. More... | |
void | setCometsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw comet orbit lines. More... | |
Vec3f | getCometsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw comet orbit lines. More... | |
void | setSednoidsOrbitsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw sednoid orbit lines. More... | |
Vec3f | getSednoidsOrbitsColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw sednoid orbit lines. More... | |
void | setMercuryOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Mercury orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getMercuryOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Mercury orbit line. More... | |
void | setVenusOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Venus orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getVenusOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Venus orbit line. More... | |
void | setEarthOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Earth orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getEarthOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Earth orbit line. More... | |
void | setMarsOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Mars orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getMarsOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Mars orbit line. More... | |
void | setJupiterOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Jupiter orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getJupiterOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Jupiter orbit line. More... | |
void | setSaturnOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Saturn orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getSaturnOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Saturn orbit line. More... | |
void | setUranusOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Uranus orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getUranusOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Uranus orbit line. More... | |
void | setNeptuneOrbitColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw Neptune orbit line. More... | |
Vec3f | getNeptuneOrbitColor (void) const |
Get the current color used to draw Neptune orbit line. More... | |
void | setTrailsColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw planet trails lines. More... | |
Vec3f | getTrailsColor () const |
Get the current color used to draw planet trails lines. More... | |
void | setPointerColor (const Vec3f &c) |
Set the color used to draw planet pointers. More... | |
Vec3f | getPointerColor () const |
Get the current color used to draw planet pointers. More... | |
void | setFlagMoonScale (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagMoonScale (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not. More... | |
void | setMoonScale (double f) |
Set the display scaling factor for Earth's moon. More... | |
double | getMoonScale (void) const |
Get the display scaling factor for Earth's moon. More... | |
void | updateI18n () |
Translate names. (public so that SolarSystemEditor can call it). More... | |
float | getPlanetVMagnitude (QString planetName, bool withExtinction=false) const |
Get the V magnitude for Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
QString | getPlanetType (QString planetName) const |
Get type for Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
double | getDistanceToPlanet (QString planetName) const |
Get distance to Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
double | getElongationForPlanet (QString planetName) const |
Get elongation for Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
double | getPhaseAngleForPlanet (QString planetName) const |
Get phase angle for Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
float | getPhaseForPlanet (QString planetName) const |
Get phase for Solar system bodies from scripts. More... | |
void | setApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth (QString algorithm) |
Set the algorithm for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth. More... | |
QString | getApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth () const |
Get the algorithm used for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth. More... | |
void | setFlagNativePlanetNames (bool b) |
Set flag which enable use native names for planets or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagNativePlanetNames (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing native names for planets or not. More... | |
void | setFlagTranslatedNames (bool b) |
Set flag which enable use translated names for planets or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagTranslatedNames (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing translated names for planets or not. More... | |
void | setFlagIsolatedTrails (bool b) |
Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagIsolatedTrails (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not. More... | |
void | setFlagIsolatedOrbits (bool b) |
Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not. More... | |
bool | getFlagIsolatedOrbits (void) const |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not. More... | |
void | setFlagCustomGrsSettings (bool b) |
Set flag which determines if custom settings is using for Great Red Spot on Jupiter. More... | |
bool | getFlagCustomGrsSettings () |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if custom settings for Great Red Spot on Jupiter is used or not. More... | |
void | setCustomGrsLongitude (int longitude) |
Set longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used) More... | |
int | getCustomGrsLongitude () |
Get longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used) More... | |
void | setCustomGrsDrift (double drift) |
Set speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used) More... | |
double | getCustomGrsDrift () |
Get speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used) More... | |
void | setCustomGrsJD (double JD) |
Set initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot. More... | |
double | getCustomGrsJD () |
Get initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot. More... | |
void | setOrbitColorStyle (QString style) |
Set style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies. More... | |
QString | getOrbitColorStyle () const |
Get style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies. More... | |
QStringList | getObjectsList (QString objType="all") const |
Get list of objects by type. More... | |
Signals | |
void | labelsDisplayedChanged (bool b) |
void | flagOrbitsChanged (bool b) |
void | flagHintsChanged (bool b) |
void | trailsDisplayedChanged (bool b) |
void | flagPointerChanged (bool b) |
void | flagNativePlanetNamesChanged (bool b) |
void | flagTranslatedNamesChanged (bool b) |
void | flagPlanetsDisplayedChanged (bool b) |
void | flagIsolatedOrbitsChanged (bool b) |
void | flagIsolatedTrailsChanged (bool b) |
void | flagLightTravelTimeChanged (bool b) |
void | flagMoonScaleChanged (bool b) |
void | moonScaleChanged (double f) |
void | labelsAmountChanged (double f) |
void | ephemerisMarkersChanged (bool b) |
void | ephemerisDatesChanged (bool b) |
void | flagCustomGrsSettingsChanged (bool b) |
void | customGrsLongitudeChanged (int l) |
void | customGrsDriftChanged (double drift) |
void | customGrsJDChanged (double JD) |
void | orbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | majorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | minorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | moonsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | cubewanosOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | plutinosOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | cometsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | sednoidsOrbitsColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | mercuryOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | venusOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | earthOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | marsOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | jupiterOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | saturnOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | uranusOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | neptuneOrbitColorChanged (const Vec3f &color) const |
void | orbitColorStyleChanged (QString style) const |
void | solarSystemDataReloaded () |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | init () |
Initialize the SolarSystem. More... | |
virtual void | deinit () |
Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed. More... | |
virtual void | draw (StelCore *core) |
Draw SolarSystem objects (planets). More... | |
virtual void | update (double deltaTime) |
Update time-varying components. More... | |
virtual double | getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const |
Used to determine what order to draw the various StelModules. More... | |
virtual QList< StelObjectP > | searchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const |
Search for SolarSystem objects in some area around a point. More... | |
virtual StelObjectP | searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const |
Search for a SolarSystem object based on the localised name. More... | |
virtual StelObjectP | searchByName (const QString &name) const |
Search for a SolarSystem object based on the English name. More... | |
virtual QStringList | listAllObjects (bool inEnglish) const |
List all StelObjects. More... | |
virtual QStringList | listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const |
List all StelObjects by type. More... | |
virtual QString | getName () const |
PlanetP | searchByEnglishName (QString planetEnglishName) const |
Get a pointer to a Planet object. More... | |
PlanetP | getSun () const |
Get the Planet object pointer for the Sun. More... | |
PlanetP | getEarth () const |
Get the Planet object pointer for the Earth. More... | |
PlanetP | getMoon () const |
Get the Planet object pointer for Earth's moon. More... | |
bool | nearLunarEclipse () |
Determine if a lunar eclipse is close at hand? More... | |
QStringList | getAllPlanetEnglishNames () const |
Get the list of all the planet english names. More... | |
QStringList | getAllPlanetLocalizedNames () const |
Get the list of all the planet localized names. More... | |
void | reloadPlanets () |
Reload the planets. More... | |
double | getEclipseFactor (const StelCore *core) const |
Determines relative amount of sun visible from the observer's position. More... | |
void | computePositions (double dateJDE, const Vec3d &observerPos=Vec3d(0.)) |
Compute the position and transform matrix for every element of the solar system. More... | |
const QList< PlanetP > & | getAllPlanets () const |
Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system. More... | |
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virtual QStringList | listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const |
Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing passed object name. More... | |
bool | matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const |
Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More... | |
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virtual QString | getModuleVersion () const |
Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version. More... | |
virtual QString | getAuthorName () const |
Get the name of the module author. More... | |
virtual QString | getAuthorEmail () const |
Get the email adress of the module author. More... | |
virtual void | handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *) |
Handle mouse clicks. More... | |
virtual void | handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *) |
Handle mouse wheel. More... | |
virtual bool | handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) |
Handle mouse moves. More... | |
virtual void | handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e) |
Handle key events. More... | |
virtual bool | handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started) |
Handle pinch gesture events. More... | |
virtual bool | configureGui (bool show=true) |
Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More... | |
Properties | |
bool | labelsDisplayed |
bool | flagOrbits |
bool | trailsDisplayed |
bool | flagHints |
bool | flagPointer |
bool | flagNativePlanetNames |
bool | flagTranslatedNames |
bool | planetsDisplayed |
bool | flagIsolatedOrbits |
bool | flagIsolatedTrails |
bool | flagLightTravelTime |
bool | flagMoonScale |
double | moonScale |
double | labelsAmount |
The amount of planets labels (between 0 and 10). More... | |
bool | ephemerisMarkersDisplayed |
bool | ephemerisDatesDisplayed |
bool | flagCustomGrsSettings |
int | customGrsLongitude |
double | customGrsDrift |
double | customGrsJD |
Vec3f | orbitsColor |
Vec3f | majorPlanetsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | minorPlanetsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | moonsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | cubewanosOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | plutinosOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | cometsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | sednoidsOrbitsColor |
Vec3f | mercuryOrbitColor |
Vec3f | venusOrbitColor |
Vec3f | earthOrbitColor |
Vec3f | marsOrbitColor |
Vec3f | jupiterOrbitColor |
Vec3f | saturnOrbitColor |
Vec3f | uranusOrbitColor |
Vec3f | neptuneOrbitColor |
QString | orbitColorStyle |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection, ReplaceSelection, RemoveFromSelection } |
Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More... | |
enum | StelModuleActionName { ActionDraw, ActionUpdate, ActionHandleMouseClicks, ActionHandleMouseMoves, ActionHandleKeys } |
Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More... | |
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class StelAction * | addAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") |
convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More... | |
class StelAction * | addAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") |
convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More... | |
This StelObjectModule derivative is used to model SolarSystem bodies.
This includes the Major Planets, Minor Planets and Comets.
Definition at line 47 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
virtual |
Called before the module will be delete, and before the openGL context is suppressed.
Deinitialize all openGL texture in this method.
Reimplemented from StelModule.
virtual |
Draw SolarSystem objects (planets).
core | The StelCore object. |
Reimplemented from StelModule.
QStringList SolarSystem::getAllPlanetEnglishNames | ( | ) | const |
Get the list of all the planet english names.
QStringList SolarSystem::getAllPlanetLocalizedNames | ( | ) | const |
Get the list of all the planet localized names.
inline |
Get the list of all the bodies of the solar system.
Definition at line 800 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the algorithm used for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth.
virtual |
Used to determine what order to draw the various StelModules.
Reimplemented from StelModule.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw comet orbit lines.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos.
slot |
Get speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used)
slot |
Get initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot.
slot |
Get longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used)
slot |
Get distance to Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets.
inline |
Get the Planet object pointer for the Earth.
Definition at line 774 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Earth orbit line.
double SolarSystem::getEclipseFactor | ( | const StelCore * | core | ) | const |
Determines relative amount of sun visible from the observer's position.
slot |
Get elongation for Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if custom settings for Great Red Spot on Jupiter is used or not.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden.
inlineslot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if light travel time calculation is used or not.
Definition at line 351 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inlineslot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not.
Definition at line 602 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing native names for planets or not.
inlineslot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden.
Definition at line 340 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet are drawn or hidden.
inlineslot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet pointers are drawn or hidden.
Definition at line 345 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden.
slot |
Get the current value of the flag which enables showing translated names for planets or not.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Jupiter orbit line.
inlineslot |
Get the amount of planet labels.
The real amount is also proportional with FOV.
Definition at line 335 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw planet labels.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Mars orbit line.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Mercury orbit line.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets.
inline |
Get the Planet object pointer for Earth's moon.
Definition at line 777 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inlineslot |
Get the display scaling factor for Earth's moon.
Definition at line 607 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Neptune orbit line.
slot |
Get list of objects by type.
objType | object type |
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects.
slot |
Get style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw solar system object orbit lines.
slot |
Get phase angle for Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
slot |
Get phase for Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
slot |
Get type for Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
slot |
Get the V magnitude for Solar system bodies from scripts.
planetName | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
withExtinction | the flag for use extinction effect for magnitudes (default not use) |
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos.
inlineslot |
Get the current color used to draw planet pointers.
Definition at line 597 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Saturn orbit line.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw sednoid orbit lines.
inline |
Get the Planet object pointer for the Sun.
Definition at line 771 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
inlineslot |
Get the current color used to draw planet trails lines.
Definition at line 586 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Uranus orbit line.
slot |
Get the current color used to draw Venus orbit line.
virtual |
Initialize the SolarSystem.
Implements StelModule.
virtual |
List all StelObjects.
inEnglish | list names in English (true) or translated (false) |
Implements StelObjectModule.
virtual |
List all StelObjects by type.
objType | object type |
inEnglish | list translated names (false) or in English (true) |
Reimplemented from StelObjectModule.
bool SolarSystem::nearLunarEclipse | ( | ) |
Determine if a lunar eclipse is close at hand?
void SolarSystem::reloadPlanets | ( | ) |
Reload the planets.
virtual |
Search for SolarSystem objects in some area around a point.
v | A vector representing a point in the sky. |
limitFov | The radius of the circle around the point v which defines the size of the area to search. |
core | the core object |
Implements StelObjectModule.
PlanetP SolarSystem::searchByEnglishName | ( | QString | planetEnglishName | ) | const |
Get a pointer to a Planet object.
planetEnglishName | the English name of the desired planet. |
virtual |
Search for a SolarSystem object based on the English name.
name | the case in-sensistive English planet name. |
Implements StelObjectModule.
virtual |
Search for a SolarSystem object based on the localised name.
nameI18n | the case in-sensistive translated planet name. |
Implements StelObjectModule.
slot |
Set the algorithm for computation of apparent magnitudes for planets in case observer on the Earth.
Possible values:
(algorithm provided by Pere Planesas (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional)) Mueller
(G. Mueller, based on visual observations 1877-91. [Expl.Suppl.1961]) Harris
(Astronomical Almanac 1984 and later. These give V (instrumental) magnitudes) Details: algorithm | the case in-sensitive algorithm name |
slot |
Set the color used to draw comet orbit lines.
c | The color of the comet orbit lines (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of cubewanos.
c | The color of orbits lines of cubewanos (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set speed of annual drift for Great Red Spot (System II is used)
annual | drift (degrees) |
slot |
Set initial JD for calculation of position of Great Red Spot.
JD |
slot |
Set longitude of Great Red Spot (System II is used)
longitude | (degrees) |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the dwarf planets.
c | The color of orbits lines of the dwarf planets (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw Earth orbit line.
c | The color of Earth orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set flag which determines if custom settings is using for Great Red Spot on Jupiter.
slot |
Set flag which determines if planet hints are drawn or hidden along labels.
slot |
Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated orbits for selected objects only or not.
slot |
Set flag which enabled the showing of isolated trails for selected objects only or not.
slot |
Set flag which determines if planet labels are drawn or hidden.
slot |
Set flag which determines if the light travel time calculation is used or not.
slot |
Set flag which determines if Earth's moon is scaled or not.
slot |
Set flag which enable use native names for planets or not.
slot |
Set flag which determines if planet orbits are drawn or hidden.
slot |
Set flag which determines if planets are drawn or hidden.
inlineslot |
Set flag which determines if the planet pointer (red cross) is drawn or hidden on a selected planet.
Definition at line 343 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Set flag which determines if planet trails are drawn or hidden.
slot |
Set flag which enable use translated names for planets or not.
slot |
Set planet names font size.
slot |
Set the color used to draw Jupiter orbit line.
c | The color of Jupiter orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
inlineslot |
Set the amount of planet labels.
The real amount is also proportional with FOV. The limit is set in function of the planets magnitude
a | the amount between 0 and 10. 0 is no labels, 10 is maximum of labels |
Definition at line 332 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Set the color used to draw planet labels.
c | The color of the planet labels (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the major planets.
c | The color of orbits lines of the major planets (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw Mars orbit line.
c | The color of Mars orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw Mercury orbit line.
c | The color of Mercury orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of the minor planets.
c | The color of orbits lines of the minor planets (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the display scaling factor for Earth's moon.
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of moons of planets.
c | The color of orbits lines of moons of planets lines (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw Neptune orbit line.
c | The color of Neptune orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of Oort cloud objects.
c | The color of orbits lines of Oort cloud objects (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set style of colors of orbits for Solar system bodies.
slot |
Set the color used to draw solar system object orbit lines.
c | The color of the solar system object orbit lines (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of plutinos.
c | The color of orbits lines of plutinos (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
inlineslot |
Set the color used to draw planet pointers.
c | The color of the planet pointers // example of usage in scripts |
Definition at line 594 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Set the color used to draw Saturn orbit line.
c | The color of Saturn orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw orbits lines of scattered disk objects.
c | The color of orbits lines of scattered disk objects (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw sednoid orbit lines.
c | The color of the sednoid orbit lines (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
inlineslot |
Set the color used to draw planet trails lines.
c | The color of the planet trails lines (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
Definition at line 583 of file SolarSystem.hpp.
slot |
Set the color used to draw Uranus orbit line.
c | The color of Uranus orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
slot |
Set the color used to draw Venus orbit line.
c | The color of Venus orbit line (R,G,B) // example of usage in scripts |
virtual |
slot |
Translate names. (public so that SolarSystemEditor can call it).
readwrite |
The amount of planets labels (between 0 and 10).
Definition at line 114 of file SolarSystem.hpp.