Stellarium 0.11.4
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StelPluginInfo Struct Reference

Contains information about a Stellarium plugin. More...

#include <StelPluginInterface.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

QString id
 The plugin ID. It MUST match the lib file name (case sensitive), e.g. "HelloStelModule", or "VirGO".
QString displayedName
 The displayed name, e.g. "Artificial Satellites".
QString authors
 The comma separated list of authors, e.g. "Fabien Chereau, Matthew Gates".
QString contact
 The contact email or URL.
QString description
 The HTML description of the plugin.
QImage image
 Logo or preview image to display in the information dialog or an invalid image if not applicable.
bool startByDefault
 Whether the plugin should be started by default (if nothing specified in config.ini).

Detailed Description

Contains information about a Stellarium plugin.

Member Data Documentation

The comma separated list of authors, e.g. "Fabien Chereau, Matthew Gates".

The contact email or URL.

The HTML description of the plugin.

The displayed name, e.g. "Artificial Satellites".

The plugin ID. It MUST match the lib file name (case sensitive), e.g. "HelloStelModule", or "VirGO".

Logo or preview image to display in the information dialog or an invalid image if not applicable.

The image size should be x by x pixels.

Whether the plugin should be started by default (if nothing specified in config.ini).

Generated on Sat Aug 25 22:13:33 2012 for Stellarium by  doxygen 1.6.3