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StelPainter Member List

This is the complete list of members for StelPainter, including all inherited members.
computeFanDisk(float radius, int innerFanSlices, int level, QVector< double > &vertexArr, QVector< float > &texCoordArr)StelPainter [static]
computeSphereNoLight(float radius, float oneMinusOblateness, int slices, int stacks, int orientInside=0, bool flipTexture=false)StelPainter [static]
drawCircle(float x, float y, float r)StelPainter
drawFromArray(DrawingMode mode, int count, int offset=0, bool doProj=true, const unsigned int *indices=NULL)StelPainter
drawGreatCircleArc(const Vec3d &start, const Vec3d &stop, const SphericalCap *clippingCap=NULL, void(*viewportEdgeIntersectCallback)(const Vec3d &screenPos, const Vec3d &direction, void *userData)=NULL, void *userData=NULL)StelPainter
drawGreatCircleArcs(const StelVertexArray &va, const SphericalCap *clippingCap=NULL) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
DrawingMode enum nameStelPainter
drawLine2d(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)StelPainter
drawPoint2d(float x, float y)StelPainter
drawRect2d(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool textured=true)StelPainter
drawSmallCircleArc(const Vec3d &start, const Vec3d &stop, const Vec3d &rotCenter, void(*viewportEdgeIntersectCallback)(const Vec3d &screenPos, const Vec3d &direction, void *userData)=NULL, void *userData=NULL)StelPainter
drawSphericalRegion(const SphericalRegion *region, SphericalPolygonDrawMode drawMode=SphericalPolygonDrawModeFill, const SphericalCap *clippingCap=NULL, bool doSubDivise=true, double maxSqDistortion=5.)StelPainter
drawSphericalTriangles(const StelVertexArray &va, bool textured, const SphericalCap *clippingCap=NULL, bool doSubDivide=true, double maxSqDistortion=5.) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
drawSprite2dMode(float x, float y, float radius)StelPainter
drawSprite2dMode(const Vec3d &v, float radius) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
drawSprite2dMode(float x, float y, float radius, float rotation)StelPainter
drawStelVertexArray(const StelVertexArray &arr, bool checkDiscontinuity=true)StelPainter
drawText(float x, float y, const QString &str, float angleDeg=0.f, float xshift=0.f, float yshift=0.f, bool noGravity=true)StelPainter
drawText(const Vec3d &v, const QString &str, float angleDeg=0.f, float xshift=0.f, float yshift=0.f, bool noGravity=true) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
enableClientStates(bool vertex, bool texture=false, bool color=false, bool normal=false)StelPainter
enableTexture2d(bool b)StelPainter
getColor() const StelPainter
getFontMetrics() const StelPainter
getLight()StelPainter [inline]
getMaterial()StelPainter [inline]
getProjector() const StelPainter [inline]
initSystemGLInfo(QGLContext *ctx)StelPainter [static]
LineLoop enum valueStelPainter
Lines enum valueStelPainter
LineStrip enum valueStelPainter
makeMainGLContextCurrent()StelPainter [static]
Points enum valueStelPainter
sCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices, int orientInside=0)StelPainter
setArrays(const Vec3d *vertice, const Vec2f *texCoords=NULL, const Vec3f *colorArray=NULL, const Vec3f *normalArray=NULL)StelPainter
setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a=1.f)StelPainter
setColorPointer(int size, int type, const void *pointer)StelPainter [inline]
setFont(const QFont &font)StelPainter
setNormalPointer(int type, const void *pointer)StelPainter [inline]
setPointSize(qreal size)StelPainter
setProjector(const StelProjectorP &p) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
setQPainter(QPainter *qPainter)StelPainter [static]
setShadeModel(ShadeModel m)StelPainter
setTexCoordPointer(int size, int type, const void *pointer)StelPainter [inline]
setVertexPointer(int size, int type, const void *pointer)StelPainter [inline]
ShadeModel enum nameStelPainter
ShadeModelFlat enum valueStelPainter
ShadeModelSmooth enum valueStelPainter
SphericalPolygonDrawMode enum nameStelPainter
SphericalPolygonDrawModeBoundary enum valueStelPainter
SphericalPolygonDrawModeFill enum valueStelPainter
SphericalPolygonDrawModeTextureFill enum valueStelPainter
sRing(float rMin, float rMax, int slices, int stacks, int orientInside)StelPainter
sSphere(float radius, float oneMinusOblateness, int slices, int stacks, int orientInside=0, bool flipTexture=false)StelPainter
sSphereMap(float radius, int slices, int stacks, float textureFov=2.f *M_PI, int orientInside=0)StelPainter
StelPainter(const StelProjectorP &prj) (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter [explicit]
swapBuffer()StelPainter [static]
TriangleFan enum valueStelPainter
Triangles enum valueStelPainter
TriangleStrip enum valueStelPainter
~StelPainter() (defined in StelPainter)StelPainter
Generated on Sat Aug 25 22:13:33 2012 for Stellarium by  doxygen 1.6.3