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StelGuiPluginInterface Class Reference

Define the interface to implement when creating a GUI plugin. More...

#include <StelGuiBase.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual class StelGuiBasegetStelGuiBase () const =0
 Get the instance of StelGuiBase implmenting the GUI.

Detailed Description

Define the interface to implement when creating a GUI plugin.

The interface is used by the QPluginLoader to load Stellarium plugins dynamically.

Member Function Documentation

virtual class StelGuiBase* StelGuiPluginInterface::getStelGuiBase (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the instance of StelGuiBase implmenting the GUI.

Generated on Sat Aug 25 22:13:32 2012 for Stellarium by  doxygen 1.6.3