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StelGeodesicGridDrawer Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 StelGeodesicGridDrawer (int level)
virtual void init ()
 Initialize itself.
virtual double draw (StelCore *core, int maxSearchLevel)
virtual void update (double deltaTime)
 Update the module with respect to the time.
virtual void updateI18n ()
virtual void updateSkyCulture ()

Member Function Documentation

virtual void StelGeodesicGridDrawer::init (  )  [virtual]

Initialize itself.

If the initialization takes significant time, the progress should be displayed on the loading bar.

Implements StelModule.

virtual void StelGeodesicGridDrawer::update ( double  deltaTime  )  [inline, virtual]

Update the module with respect to the time.

deltaTime the time increment in second since last call.

Implements StelModule.

Generated on Sat Aug 25 22:13:32 2012 for Stellarium by  doxygen 1.6.3