Stellarium je besplatan open source planetarij za računala. Prikazuje realistično nebo u 3D-u, poput onog koje bi vidjeli golim okom, dvogledom ili teleskopom.
- standardni katalog sa preko 600,000 zvijezda
- dodatni katalozi sa više od 177 milijuna zvijezda
- standardni katalog sa više od 80 000 objekata dubokog svemira
- dodatni katalog sa više od 1 milijun objekata dubokog svemira
- asterizmi i ilustracije zviježđa
- constellations for 40+ different cultures
- calendars of 35+ different cultures
- slike maglica (kompletni Messier katalog)
- realistična Mliječna staza
- vrlo realistična atmosfera, izlazak i zalazak sunca
- planeti i njihovi sateliti
- all-sky surveys (DSS, HiPS)
- snažan zoom
- kontrola protoka vremena
- višejezično sučelje
- scripting interface
- "ribljooka" projekcija za kupole planetarija
- sferna zrcalna projekcija za Vašu vlastitu projekcijsku kupolu
- graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
- HTTP interface (web-based control, remote control API)
- kontrola teleskopa
- several coordinate grids
- precession circles
- treperenje zvijezda
- zvijezde padalice
- repovi kometa
- simulacija pomrčine
- Simulacija nova i supernova
- exoplanet locations
- ocular view simulation
- 3D krajolici
- skinnable landscapes with spheric panorama projection
- plugin system adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope control and more
- mogućnost dodavanja novih objekata sunčevog sustava preko online izvora...
- dodajte vlastita nebeska tijela, krajolike, slike zviježđa, skripte...
- Susanne M. Hoffmann gave a public lecture "Painting Babylonian - Constellations of Ancient Mesopotamia" (YouTube) for the HK Space Museum on November 22th, 2024
- A. Wolf gave a common review of Stellarium's features (RuTube) for the Open distance methodological seminar for teachers of astronomy and astropedagogues on November 20th, 2024
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium (YouTube) for the Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest (SCAAS) on February 25th, 2023
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium 1.0 (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2022 on September 25th, 2022
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium — key changes in the last 5 years (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2021 on September 25th, 2021
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Stellarium (YouTube) for the China-VO (Virtual Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) on February 1st, 2021
- G. Zotti gave an invited talk (YouTube) at the IAU Symposium 367 on December 9th, 2020
- G. Zotti gave a talk about creating 3D sceneries (YouTube) at the TAG2016 Skyscapes session on December 20th, 2016
- Stellarium 24.4
- Stellarium 24.3
- Stellarium 24.2
- Stellarium 24.1
- Stellarium 23.4
- Stellarium 23.3
- Stellarium 23.2
- Stellarium 23.1
- Stellarium 1.2
- Stellarium 1.1
zahtjevi sustava
- Linux/Unix; Windows 7 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- 3D graphics card which supports OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.3 or OpenGL ES 2.0
- 512 MB RAM
- 600 MiB on disk
- tipkovnica
- Mouse, Touchpad or similar pointing device
- 64-bit operating system
- Linux/Unix; Windows 10 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- 3D grafička kartica koja podržava OpenGL 3.3 i iznad
- 1 GB RAM-a ili više
- 1.5 GB na tvrdom disku
- tipkovnica
- Mouse, Touchpad or similar pointing device
- Moderately dark environment (deep shadow or indoors)
razvojni programeri
Koordinator projekta: Fabien Chéreau
Grafički dizajner Martín Bernardi
Developers: Alexander V. Wolf, Georg Zotti, Guillaume Chéreau, Ruslan Kabatsayev, Worachate Boonplod
Sky cultures researcher: Susanne M. Hoffmann
Collaborators: Jocelyn Girod
te svima ostalima u zajednici.
financial support
Many individuals and organizations are supporting the development of Stellarium by donations, and the most generous financial contributors (with donations of $250 or more) are Laurence Holt, Astronomie-Werkstatt "Sterne ohne Grenzen", John Bellora, Jeff Moe (Spacecruft), BairesDev, Vernon Hermsen, Triplebyte, Marla Pinaire, Satish Mallesh, Vlad Magdalin, Philippe Renoux, Fito Martin.
silver sponsors
Možete naučiti više o Stellarium-u, potražiti podršku te pomoći projektu na slijedećim linkovima::
- discussions
- mailing lista
- wiki
- Često postavljana pitanja
- skripte
- krajolici
- 3D krajolici
- sky cultures
- dokumentacija razvojnih programera
- skriptiranje
- prijevodi
- Traži podršku, prijavi greške, zatraži nove značajke
- sve verzije
- user guide
- weekly snapshots
- ppa for ubuntu linux
- archive
If the Stellarium planetarium was helpful for your research work, please cite the following paper in your acknowledgment:
This research has made use of the Stellarium planetarium
- Zotti, G., Hoffmann, S. M., Wolf, A., Chéreau, F., & Chéreau, G. (2021). The Simulated Sky: Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 6(2), 221–258. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.17822
Or you may download the BibTeX file of the paper to create another citation format.
Please note that the software has several releases since these fundamentals were published:
- Stellarium contributors (2024). Stellarium v24.4 Astronomy Software. URL DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14543500
- Zotti, G., Wolf, A. (2022). Stellarium: Finally at Version 1.0! And Beyond. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 8(2), 332–334. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.25608
Kopija najnovije razvojne verzije Stellarium-a čuva se na github-u. Ukoliko želite sudjelovati u razvoju Stellarium-a, ovdje možete preuzeti izvorni kod.
Documentation and description of the sky cultures, state March 2022, plus a lot of additional research:
- Hoffmann, S. and Wolfschmidt, G. (2022, eds.). Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy, Featuring the Proceedings of a splinter meeting in the German Astronomical Society. tredition, Ahrensburg.
podrška i prijatelji
Stellarium se stvara velikim trudom tima programera, uz pomoć i podršku sljedećih ljudi i organizacija .