’S e amharc-lann phlanaidean saor is open source airson a’ choimpiutair agad a th’ ann an Stellarium. Seallaidh e na speuran ann an dòigh fhìor-riochdail 3D mar a chìtheadh tu le do shùil lom no le prosbaig iad.
an speur
- catalog bunaiteach le còrr is 600,000 reul
- catalogan a bharrachd le còrr is 177 millean reul
- catalog bunaiteach le còrr is 80,000 cuspair fad às
- catalogan a bharrachd le còrr is 1 millean cuspair fad às
- buidhnean reultan is sgead-dhealbhan nan reul-bhadan
- constellations for 40+ different cultures
- calendars of 35+ different cultures
- dealbhan de dhearganan-doireann (catalog Messier slàn)
- Slighe Chlann Uisnich fhìor-riochdail
- fàile glè fhìor-riochdail, èirigh is laighe na grèine
- na planaidean is na saidealan aca
- all-sky surveys (DSS, HiPS)
- sùm cumhachdach
- smachd air an ùine
- eadar-aghaidh ioma-chànanach
- scripting interface
- sealladh sùla-èisg airson cuach-mhullaichean amharc-lainn phlanaidean
- sealladh sgathain speurach airson cuach-mhullach saor agad fhèin
- graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
- HTTP interface (web-based control, remote control API)
- uidheam-smachd glainne-amhairc
- several coordinate grids
- precession circles
- priobadh nan reultan
- rionnagan-earbaill
- earbaill nan reultan-cearbach
- dubhraidhean
- mas-fhìorachd mhòr-nòbhathan is nòbhathan
- exoplanet locations
- ocular view simulation
- Seallaidhean 3D
- cruthan-tìre le craicnean, le cuairt-shealladh cruinn
gabhaidh gnàthachadh
- siostam phlugan gus saidealan fuadain a chur ris, airson sùilich, airson stiùireadh ghlainneachan-amhairc is a bharrachd
- gabhaidh cuspairean an rian-grèine ùra a chur ris o thùsan air loidhne…
- cuir na cuspairean fad às, cruthan-tìre, dealbhan reul-bhadan, sgriobtaichean is eile agad fhèin ris…
- Susanne M. Hoffmann gave a public lecture "Painting Babylonian - Constellations of Ancient Mesopotamia" (YouTube) for the HK Space Museum on November 22th, 2024
- A. Wolf gave a common review of Stellarium's features (RuTube) for the Open distance methodological seminar for teachers of astronomy and astropedagogues on November 20th, 2024
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium (YouTube) for the Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest (SCAAS) on February 25th, 2023
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium 1.0 (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2022 on September 25th, 2022
- A. Wolf gave a presentation about Stellarium — key changes in the last 5 years (YouTube) at the Siberian Astronomical Forum SibAstro 2021 on September 25th, 2021
- G. Zotti gave a presentation about Stellarium (YouTube) for the China-VO (Virtual Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) on February 1st, 2021
- G. Zotti gave an invited talk (YouTube) at the IAU Symposium 367 on December 9th, 2020
- G. Zotti gave a talk about creating 3D sceneries (YouTube) at the TAG2016 Skyscapes session on December 20th, 2016
- Stellarium 24.4
- Stellarium 24.3
- Stellarium 24.2
- Stellarium 24.1
- Stellarium 23.4
- Stellarium 23.3
- Stellarium 23.2
- Stellarium 23.1
- Stellarium 1.2
- Stellarium 1.1
feumalachdan an t-siostaim
air a’ char as lugha
- Linux/Unix; Windows 7 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- 3D graphics card which supports OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.3 or OpenGL ES 2.0
- 512 MiB de RAM
- 600 MiB on disk
- Meur-chlàr
- Luchag, pada-suathaidh no uidheam tomhaidh eile coltach riutha
ga mholadh
- 64-bit operating system
- Linux/Unix; Windows 10 and above; macOS 11.0 and above
- Cairt grafaigeachd 3D a chuireas taic ri OpenGL 3.3
- 1 GiB de RAM air a char as lugha
- 1.5 GiB air an diosg
- Meur-chlàr
- Luchag, pada-suathaidh no uidheam tomhaidh eile coltach riutha
- Moderately dark environment (deep shadow or indoors)
Co-òrdanaiche a’ phròiseict: Fabien Chéreau
Dealbhaiche grafaigeachd: Martín Bernardi
Developers: Alexander V. Wolf, Georg Zotti, Guillaume Chéreau, Ruslan Kabatsayev, Worachate Boonplod
Sky cultures researcher: Susanne M. Hoffmann
Collaborators: Jocelyn Girod
agus a h-uile duine eile sa choimhearsnachd.
financial support
Many individuals and organizations are supporting the development of Stellarium by donations, and the most generous financial contributors (with donations of $250 or more) are Laurence Holt, Astronomie-Werkstatt "Sterne ohne Grenzen", John Bellora, Jeff Moe (Spacecruft), BairesDev, Vernon Hermsen, Triplebyte, Marla Pinaire, Satish Mallesh, Vlad Magdalin, Philippe Renoux, Fito Martin.
silver sponsors
obraich còmhla
Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Stellarium, gheibh thu taic is cuidichidh tu am pròiseact o na ceanglaichean seo:
- discussions
- liosta-phuist
- uicidh
- sgriobtaichean
- cruthan-tìre
- Seallaidhean 3D
- sky cultures
- docamaideadh an luchd-leasachaidh
- sgriobtadh
- eadar-theangachadh
- faigh taic, dèan aithris air bugaichean, iarr gleusan ùra
- a h-uile sgaoileadh
- user guide
- snapshots seachdaineil
- ppa for ubuntu linux
- archive
If the Stellarium planetarium was helpful for your research work, please cite the following paper in your acknowledgment:
Cleachd an rannsachadh seo amharc-lann phlanaidean Stellarium
- Zotti, G., Hoffmann, S. M., Wolf, A., Chéreau, F., & Chéreau, G. (2021). The Simulated Sky: Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 6(2), 221–258. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.17822
Faodaidh tu cuideachd faidhle BibTeX dhen phàipear a luchdadh a-nuas airson fòrmat iomraidh eile a chruthachadh.
Please note that the software has several releases since these fundamentals were published:
- Stellarium contributors (2024). Stellarium v24.4 Astronomy Software. URL https://stellarium.org/. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14543500
- Zotti, G., Wolf, A. (2022). Stellarium: Finally at Version 1.0! And Beyond. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 8(2), 332–334. DOI: 10.1558/jsa.25608
Tha an tionndadh leasachaidh as ùire de Stellarium ’ga ghlèidheadh air github. Ma tha thu airson tionndadh leasachaidh de Stellarium a thrusadh, seo an àite far am faigh thu am bun-tùs.
Documentation and description of the sky cultures, state March 2022, plus a lot of additional research:
- Hoffmann, S. and Wolfschmidt, G. (2022, eds.). Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy, Featuring the Proceedings of a splinter meeting in the German Astronomical Society. tredition, Ahrensburg.
luchd-taice is caraidean
Tha Stellarium ’ga dhèanamh le obair an sgioba leasachaidh le taic is cuideachadh o na daoine is buidhnean a leanas .