Otros idiomas:

Stellarium es un planetario de código abierto para su computadora. Muestra un cielo auténtico en 3D, tal como lo que ve a simple vista, con binoculares o un telescopio.

Una estrella fugaz parpadea detrás de Júpiter. Se puede seleccionar diferentes intensidades en la ventana Vista

Una estrella fugaz parpadea detrás de Júpiter. Se puede seleccionar diferentes intensidades en la ventana Vista

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La gran Nebulosa de Orión. Presione N para ver la etiqueta de nebulosa. También se muestran las lineas de constelaciones, presione C para verlas u ocultarlas.

La gran Nebulosa de Orión. Presione N para ver las etiquetas de las nebulosas.

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La danza de los planetas sobre la sede ESO, cerca de Munich

La danza de los planetas sobre la sede ESO, cerca de Munich

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Vista completa celeste de las constelaciones, sus límites, la Vía Lactea.

Vista completa celeste de las constelaciones, sus límites, la Vía Lactea.

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Figuras de constelación activadas

Figuras de constelación activadas

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Haga click en la imagen de la izquierda para ver los detalles.

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culturas estelares contribuidas del usuario

We have a few user contributed sky cultures which are not included in the default package for various reasons.

  • lista de culturas estelares

culturas estelares: lista

Armintxe Cave 0.20+
Xabier Gezuraga Jauregi N/A personal
A full description of sky culture.
Elvish 0.20+
Jim Manning, Alexander Wolf N/A personal
This skyculture is pseudomythological and based on Elvish star lore from books by J.R.R. Tolkien
Perseus, Andromeda, and all the others 0.20+
Holger Kraemer N/A personal
Greek myths, and how they made it to the nightsky. a bit funny and totally un-bloody. This overlay uses the same characters and figures as used in my lectures at at the Schriesheim public observatory. Not all myths are not entirely complete and have been interpreted here and the with a certain degree of freedom, since the original editions (Collection from Gustav Schwab a.o.) were not found to be so useful to inspire kids for the nightsky.
Hevelius 0.13+
Mark Crossley N/A single
Constellation images from Johannes Hevelius's famous 17th century Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia star atlas. A mixture of high resolution images from the US Naval Observatory and the Space Telescope Science Institute, and some lower resolution images. All images have been further processed to clean up and provide suitable contrast for Stellarium. All the high resolution Hevelius images courtesy of U.S. Naval Observatory and the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Irish 0.20+
Julie Ormonde, Alexander Wolf N/A personal
Data about ancient irish constellations was received from book "Constellation Stories of Ancient Ireland" by Julie Ormonde. Data can be used for non-commercial usage only.
Neapolitan 0.20+
UAN (Unione Astrofili Napoletani) - Gruppo Costellazioni Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 personal
Here is the sky above Naples, told by the Neapolitan constellations and by the imagination of the Constellations group of the Neapolitan Amateur Astronomers Union (UAN)!
Western (Sternenkarten) 0.20+
Edgar Scholz CC BY-ND 4.0 International personal
A full description of sky culture.