Stellarium  23.4
Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
StarWrapper< Star > Class Template Reference

Protected Member Functions

 StarWrapper (const SpecialZoneArray< Star > *array, const SpecialZoneData< Star > *zone, const Star *star)
virtual Vec3d getJ2000EquatorialPos (const StelCore *core) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Get observer-centered equatorial coordinates at equinox J2000, including aberration.
virtual Vec3f getInfoColor (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Get a color used to display info about the object.
virtual float getVMagnitude (const StelCore *core) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return object's apparent V magnitude as seen from observer, without including extinction.
virtual float getBV (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QString getNameI18n (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return translated object's name.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StarWrapperBase
virtual QString getType (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return object's type. It should be the name of the class.
virtual QString getObjectType (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return object's type. More...
virtual QString getObjectTypeI18n (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return object's type. It should be translated lowercase name of the type of the object.
virtual QString getEnglishName (void) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Return object's name in english.
virtual QString getInfoString (const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 StarWrapperBase supports the following InfoStringGroup flags. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelObject
QString getCommonInfoString (const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const
 Format the positional info string containing J2000/of date/altaz/hour angle positions and constellation, sidereal time, etc. More...
virtual QString getMagnitudeInfoString (const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags, const int decimals=1) const
 Format the magnitude info string for the object. More...
QString getSolarLunarInfoString (const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const
 Add a section to the InfoString with just horizontal data for the Sun and Moon, when observed from Earth. More...
void postProcessInfoString (QString &str, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const
 Apply post processing on the info string. More...

Protected Attributes

const SpecialZoneArray< Star > *const a
const SpecialZoneData< Star > *const z
const Star *const s

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from StelObject
enum  InfoStringGroupFlags {
  None = 0x00000000 , Name = 0x00000001 , CatalogNumber = 0x00000002 , Magnitude = 0x00000004 ,
  RaDecJ2000 = 0x00000008 , RaDecOfDate = 0x00000010 , AltAzi = 0x00000020 , Distance = 0x00000040 ,
  Elongation = 0x00000080 , Size = 0x00000100 , Velocity = 0x00000200 , ProperMotion = 0x00000400 ,
  Extra = 0x00000800 , HourAngle = 0x00001000 , AbsoluteMagnitude = 0x00002000 , GalacticCoord = 0x00004000 ,
  SupergalacticCoord = 0x00008000 , OtherCoord = 0x00010000 , ObjectType = 0x00020000 , EclipticCoordJ2000 = 0x00040000 ,
  EclipticCoordOfDate = 0x00080000 , IAUConstellation = 0x00100000 , SiderealTime = 0x00200000 , RTSTime = 0x00400000 ,
  SolarLunarPosition = 0x00800000 , Script = 0x01000000 , DebugAid = 0x02000000 , NoFont = 0x04000000 ,
  PlainText = 0x08000000
 Used as named bitfield flags as specifiers to filter results of getInfoString. More...
- Public Slots inherited from StelObject
virtual void setExtraInfoString (const InfoStringGroup &flags, const QString &str)
 Allow additions to the Info String. More...
virtual void addToExtraInfoString (const StelObject::InfoStringGroup &flags, const QString &str)
 Add str to the extra string. More...
QStringList getExtraInfoStrings (const InfoStringGroup &flags) const
 Retrieve an (unsorted) QStringList of all extra info strings that match flags. More...
void removeExtraInfoStrings (const InfoStringGroup &flags)
 Remove the extraInfoStrings with the given flags. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelObject
virtual SphericalRegionP getRegion () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Default implementation of the getRegion method. More...
virtual Vec3d getPointInRegion () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Default implementation of the getPointInRegion method. More...
virtual QVariantMap getInfoMap (const StelCore *core) const
 Return a key/value map with data about an object's position, magnitude and so on. More...
virtual QString getID () const =0
 Returns a unique identifier for this object. More...
Vec3d getEquinoxEquatorialPos (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered equatorial coordinate at the current equinox The frame has its Z axis at the planet's current rotation axis At time 2000-01-01 this frame is almost the same as J2000, but ONLY if the observer is on earth.
Vec3d getEquinoxEquatorialPosApparent (const StelCore *core) const
 Like getEquinoxEquatorialPos(core), but always adds refraction correction to the position.
Vec3d getEquinoxEquatorialPosAuto (const StelCore *core) const
 Like getEquinoxEquatorialPos(core), but adds refraction correction to the position if atmosphere is active.
Vec3d getGalacticPos (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered galactic coordinates.
Vec3d getSupergalacticPos (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered supergalactic coordinates.
Vec3d getSiderealPosGeometric (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered hour angle + declination (at current equinox) It is the geometric position, i.e. More...
Vec3d getSiderealPosApparent (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered hour angle + declination (at current equinox) It is the apparent position, i.e. More...
Vec3d getAltAzPosGeometric (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered alt/az position It is the geometric position, i.e. More...
Vec3d getAltAzPosApparent (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered alt/az position It is the apparent position, i.e. More...
Vec3d getAltAzPosAuto (const StelCore *core) const
 Get observer-centered alt/az position It is the automatic position, i.e. More...
float getParallacticAngle (const StelCore *core) const
 Get parallactic angle, which is the deviation between zenith angle and north angle. [radians].
bool isAboveHorizon (const StelCore *core) const
 Checking position an object above mathematical horizon for current location. More...
bool isAboveRealHorizon (const StelCore *core) const
 Checking position an object above real horizon for current location. More...
virtual Vec4d getRTSTime (const StelCore *core, const double altitude=0.) const
 Compute time of rise, transit and set for celestial object for current location. More...
float getVMagnitudeWithExtinction (const StelCore *core) const
 Return object's apparent V magnitude as seen from observer including extinction. More...
virtual float getSelectPriority (const StelCore *) const
 Return a priority value which is used to discriminate objects by priority As for magnitudes, the lower is the higher priority.
virtual double getCloseViewFov (const StelCore *) const
 Return the best FOV in degree to use for a close view of the object.
virtual double getSatellitesFov (const StelCore *) const
 Return the best FOV in degree to use for a global view of the object satellite system (if there are satellites)
virtual double getParentSatellitesFov (const StelCore *) const
virtual double getAngularRadius (const StelCore *core) const
 Return the angular radius of a circle containing the object as seen from the observer with the circle center assumed to be at getJ2000EquatorialPos(). More...
virtual float getAirmass (const StelCore *core) const
 Return airmass value for the object (for atmosphere-dependent calculations) More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from StelObject
static constexpr InfoStringGroup AllInfo
 A pre-defined "all available" set of specifiers for the getInfoString flags argument to getInfoString. More...
static constexpr InfoStringGroup DefaultInfo
 A pre-defined "default" set of specifiers for the getInfoString flags argument to getInfoString It appears useful to propose this set as post-install settings and let users configure more on demand. More...
static constexpr InfoStringGroup ShortInfo = static_cast<InfoStringGroup>(Name|CatalogNumber|Magnitude|RaDecJ2000)
 A pre-defined "shortest useful" set of specifiers for the getInfoString flags argument to getInfoString.