Stellarium 0.15.2
List of all members | Public Member Functions
SPOUTLIBRARY Struct Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

virtual bool CreateSender (const char *Sendername, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, DWORD dwFormat=0)=0
virtual void ReleaseSender (DWORD dwMsec=0)=0
virtual bool UpdateSender (const char *Sendername, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)=0
virtual bool SendTexture (GLuint TextureID, GLuint TextureTarget, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool bInvert=true, GLuint HostFBO=0)=0
virtual bool SendImage (const unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GLenum glFormat=GL_RGBA, bool bInvert=false)=0
virtual bool CreateReceiver (char *Sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, bool bUseActive=false)=0
virtual void ReleaseReceiver ()=0
virtual bool ReceiveTexture (char *Sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, GLuint TextureID=0, GLuint TextureTarget=0, bool bInvert=false, GLuint HostFBO=0)=0
virtual bool ReceiveImage (char *Sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, unsigned char *pixels, GLenum glFormat=GL_RGBA, bool bInvert=false, GLuint HostFBO=0)=0
virtual bool CheckReceiver (char *Sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, bool &bConnected)=0
virtual bool GetImageSize (char *sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, bool &bMemoryMode)=0
virtual bool BindSharedTexture ()=0
virtual bool UnBindSharedTexture ()=0
virtual bool DrawSharedTexture (float max_x=1.0, float max_y=1.0, float aspect=1.0, bool bInvert=true)=0
virtual bool DrawToSharedTexture (GLuint TextureID, GLuint TextureTarget, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, float max_x=1.0, float max_y=1.0, float aspect=1.0, bool bInvert=false, GLuint HostFBO=0)=0
virtual int GetSenderCount ()=0
virtual bool GetSenderName (int index, char *sendername, int MaxSize=256)=0
virtual bool GetSenderInfo (const char *sendername, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, HANDLE &dxShareHandle, DWORD &dwFormat)=0
virtual bool GetActiveSender (char *Sendername)=0
virtual bool SetActiveSender (const char *Sendername)=0
virtual bool SetDX9 (bool bDX9=true)=0
virtual bool GetDX9 ()=0
virtual bool SetMemoryShareMode (bool bMem=true)=0
virtual bool GetMemoryShareMode ()=0
virtual int GetMaxSenders ()=0
virtual void SetMaxSenders (int maxSenders)=0
virtual bool GetHostPath (const char *sendername, char *hostpath, int maxchars)=0
virtual int GetVerticalSync ()=0
virtual bool SetVerticalSync (bool bSync=true)=0
virtual bool SelectSenderPanel (const char *message=NULL)=0
virtual bool GetSpoutSenderName (char *sendername, int maxchars)=0
virtual bool IsSpoutInitialized ()=0
virtual int GetNumAdapters ()=0
virtual bool GetAdapterName (int index, char *adaptername, int maxchars)=0
virtual bool SetAdapter (int index=0)=0
virtual int GetAdapter ()=0
virtual void Release ()=0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 62 of file SpoutLibrary.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: