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Stellarium — это свободный планетарий для Вашего компьютера с открытым исходным кодом. Он отображает реалистичное небо в 3D таким, каким Вы видите его невооружённым глазом, в бинокль или телескоп.

Падающая звезда вспыхнула близ Юпитера. Выбрать различную интенсивность можно в окне просмотра.

Падающая звезда вспыхнула близ Юпитера. Выбрать различную интенсивность можно в окне просмотра.

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Большая туманность Ориона. Нажмите N для отображения названий туманностей. Также отображаются линии созвездий, нажмите C чтобы показать или скрыть их.

Большая туманность Ориона. Нажмите N для отображения названий туманностей.

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Танец планет над штаб-квартирой ESO, близ Мюнхена.

Танец планет над штаб-квартирой ESO, близ Мюнхена.

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Всё небо с созвездиями, их границами и Млечным путём.

Всё небо с созвездиями, их границами и Млечным путём.

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Включены изображения созвездий.

Включены изображения созвездий.

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Начиная с версии 0.10.1 Stellarium использует движок QtScript. Ранее используемый StratoScript больше не доступен. Даже в версии 0.16 возможности сценариев Stellarium и API меняются по мере продолжения разработки. Qt5.8 объявила, что модуль QtScript устарел, поэтому API может немного измениться. Однако он останется доступным в более поздних версиях Qt5.

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документация на api

После того, как вы построили Stellarium из кода Git, сделайте «make apidoc» (вам нужно установить Doxygen). Это создаст каталог: ... /stellarium/builds/doc/html, который содержит документацию API в формате HTML или перейдите по этой ссылке Doxygen-API


Screenshot not available All in one
Edouardo Public Domain N/A
Show Messier, Urban, Caldwell, Double and Carbon Stars above the horizon (5 deg) with Magnitude option. Help.
Category: community English 0.10.x-0.18.x
Screenshot not available Analemma 2009-10
Stephen R. Tuttle Public Domain N/A
An analemma over 2009-10. For this script need statusLabel.inc file.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Mars Retrograde Motion 2009-10
Stephen R. Tuttle Public Domain N/A
Mars in retrograde, 2009-10. Track the retrograde moition of Mars through the constellations of Gemini, Cancer and Leo (Vesta in retrograde as well). For this script need statusLabel.inc file.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Tour of Saturn and its Moons
Stephen R. Tuttle Public Domain N/A
A tour of Saturn and its larger moons. Requires mods to the ssytem.ini to create observing locations. For this script need statusLabel.inc file.
Category: community English 0.11.3+
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 2.1
A demonstration of the analemma - the path of the Sun across the sky during the year on Earth.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.0
A demonstration of the analemma - the path of the Sun across the sky during the year. This script is not included in the standard package of planetarium since version 0.16.0.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Arctic Season
Schdefon N/A N/A
Simulation of arctic summer and arctic winter (Runtime: 4 minutes).
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available The Jack Bennett Catalog
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.3
The Jack Bennett Catalog of Southern Deep-Sky Objects (152 objects in all). The Bennett catalog was contributed by Auke Slotegraaf.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Screenshot not available Best objects in the New General Catalog
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.3
This list of 111 objects by A.J. Crayon and Steve Coe is used by members of the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix, AZ, for the Best of the NGC achievement award.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Binocular Highlights
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.2
This script based on data from book "Binocular Highlights" by Gary Seronik.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Screenshot not available Binosky - Deep Sky Objects for Binoculars
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.2
Ben Crowell has created Binosky, an observing list of Deep Sky Objects for Binoculars. In the script we give a list of these 31 objects, ordered by Right Ascension (2000.0).
Category: repository English 0.19+
Screenshot not available Constellations
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Best settings for viewing the constellations
Category: community English 0.17+
Constellations Tour
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
A tour of the constellations of the selected sky culture.
Category: repository English 0.19+
20 Fun Naked-Eye Double Stars
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.2
This script help you make an excursion around 20 fun double stars. The list has been collected by Jerry Lodriguss and published in Sky & Telescope 09/2014. Data taken from his website, http://www.astropix.com/doubles/.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Earth best views from other bodies
Qam1 Public Domain 10.0
Best views of Earth from other Solar System bodies in the 21st Century.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth Events from Mercury
Qam1 Public Domain 10.0
Earth Events from Mercury.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth Events from a floating city on Venus
Qam1 Public Domain 10.0
Earth Events from a floating city on Venus.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth Events from Mars
Qam1 Public Domain 10.0
Earth Events from Mars.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth and other planet's Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Mars
Qam1 Public Domain 10.1
Earth and other planet's Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Mars 2000-3000.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth and Mars Greatest Elongations and Transits from Callisto
Qam1 Public Domain 10.0
Earth Greatest Elongations and Transits from Callisto 2000-3000. Why Callisto? Well of the 4 Galilean Moons, Callisto is the only one outside of Jupiter's radiation belt. Therefore, if humans ever colonize Jupiter's moons, Callisto will be the one.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Earth and other Planets from Ceres
Qam1 Public Domain 10.1
Earth the other visible Planet's Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Ceres 2000-2200.
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Screenshot not available Fly to Mars
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Fly from Earth to Mars in 20 seconds, keeping the camera on the Sun
Category: community English 0.17+
Screenshot not available Galilean Moons
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Cycle around the Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. The cameras cycle from inner to outer moons, pointing inward to the nearest moon. Io is the innermost of the four Galilean moons and points to Amalthea. It could just as well be pointed at Jupiter itself, but it's a bit more dynamic when pointing at Amalthea. There is a 5-second wait before starting the cycle. Newer versions of Stellarium (I've tested this script on 0.18.0) seem to error out if the camera movements start right when the script does, so the delay gives the program a few seconds to "settle" before moving to the first camera. The last version that seemed to be reliable in this sense was 0.16.
Category: community English 0.16+
Mutual events of Jupiter's Galilean moons from 2025 to 2027
Robert Nufer Public Domain 1.0
This script demonstrates mutual events of Jupiter's Galilean moons from 2025 to 2027.
Category: community English 23.2+
Screenshot not available Herschel 400 Tour
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.3
A tour around objects from the Herschel 400 Catalogue.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Screenshot not available Hertzsprung-Russel Diagramm
Thomas Buschhardt BSD N/A
First Testscript for showing some images. Many things to improve. Maybe we do a HR-Diagramm into Stellarium? Extract all 3 files into the script folder.
Category: community English 0.10+
Landscape Tour
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
Look around each installed landscape.
Category: repository English 0.10+
List of largest known stars
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
This script help you make an excursion around largest known stars. Data taken from Wikipedia.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Lunar analemma
excentrisitet Public Domain 1.0
A demonstration of the lunar analemma - the path of the Moon across the sky during the lunar month on Earth. Due to the Earth rotation and the Moon orbital motion; time interval isn't equal 24 hours. It can be calculated by using the formula for synodic period: 1/S = 1/E - 1/M, where the corresponding periods are the sidereal day on Earth (1/E) and the sidereal lunar month (1/M).
Category: community English 0.20+
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.1
Script to demonstrate a partial lunar eclipse.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Total Lunar Eclipse
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
Script to demonstrate a total lunar eclipse.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Analemma
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
A demonstration of the analemma - the path of the Sun across the sky during the year on Mars.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Messier Tour
Brent Burton Public Domain N/A
This zip contains two messier tours. One shows all the Messier objects, and the second shows just those objects that are currently visible. Extract the "messier-tour" directory, and move it into your Stellarium scripts directory.
Category: community English 0.12+
Screenshot not available Messier Objects Tour
C. Gaudion Public Domain 1.0
A tour of Messier Objects.
Category: repository English 0.15+
Screenshot not available Moon from Mars
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
View of Earth's moon from the perspective of Mars
Category: community English 0.17+
Screenshot not available Moon Hopping
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Moon hopping, up to Saturn. See the planets up close from their innermost moons, working outwards. Includes Earth and the four Galilean moons of Jupiter.
Category: community English 0.16+
Jupiter and triple shadow phenomena
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
Demonstration of the mid-time of rare events - triple shadow phenomena of the satellites of Jupiter from 1900 to 2100. All events are given in Dynamical Time.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Jupiter without Galilean satellites
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
The planet Jupiter sometimes appears to be without moons, when the four Galilean satellites are simultaneously invisible because they are passing across the planet's disk (transit), are behind the planet (occultation), or are in its shadow (eclipse). This script demonstrates these rare phenomena from 1900 to 2100 in Dynamical Time.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Occultations of bright stars by planets
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
This script demonstrates interesting phenomena - occultations bright stars by planets, 2000 to 2040.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Mutual occultations of planets
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.2
This script demonstrates interesting and very rare phenomena - mutual occultations of planets, 0 to 2500.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Screenshot not available Neptune from Naiad
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Neptune from its moon Naiad
Category: community English 0.17+
Planet Ephemeris
Qam1 Public Domain N/A
Script will go to the best time to view selected planet and give more ephemeris like RA and Dec from Sun, phase, rise, set, transit times, ring angle for Saturn, magnitudes and earth shine and more!!
Category: community English 0.10+
Planetary Events
Qam1 Public Domain N/A
Script will display the selected planet's (currently only Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn ) events like Opposition, Closest Approach, Start and Stop Retrograde, Quadratures, CoQuadratures, Superior Conjunction, Aphelion, Perihelions, Seasons, Top & bottom of Zodiac, Ring tilts and more. Includes ephemeris like Phase, rise, set, transit times, magnitudes and earth shine and more!!
Category: community English 0.12+
Double eclipse from Deimos in 2017
Qam1 Public Domain 5.1
Just before Mars eclipses the sun, Phobos pops out from behind and eclipses it first. Takes place between Scorpio and Sagittarius on April 26, 2017.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Double eclipse from Deimos in 2031
Qam1 Public Domain 5.1
Just before Mars eclipses the sun, Phobos pops out from behind and eclipses it first. Takes place between Taurus and Gemini on July 23, 2031.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Eclipse from Olympus Mons Jan 2, 2021
Qam1 Public Domain 5.0
Phobos eclipsing the Sun as seen from Olympus Mons on Jan 10, 2068.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Occultation of Earth and Jupiter 2048
Qam1 Public Domain 5.0
Phobos occultations of Earth are common, as are occultations of Jupiter. But occultations of both on the same day are very rare. Here's one that takes place 1/23/2048. In real speed.
Category: repository English 0.10+
3 Transits and 2 Eclipses from Deimos 2027
Qam1 Public Domain 5.1
Phobos races ahead of Mars and transits the sun, passes through it and then retrogrades back towards the sun and just partially transits it again (only seen in the southern hemisphere of Deimos), then Mars totally eclipses the sun while Phobos transits in darkness between Mars and Deimos. When Phobos emerges from Mars it is still eclipsed and dimmed in Mars' shadow, only to light up later.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Planetary Alignment
Peter Hickey Public Domain 1.0
Planetary Alignment as seen from Sydney Australia, 18th October, 2018.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Polaris
Jason Hooper N/A N/A
Main tour of the solar system up to Saturn. Perfect for studying the orbits of the planets and moons in real-time.
Category: community English 0.17+
Screenshot not available Polarkreis
Schdefon N/A N/A
Simulation der Jahreszeiten im noerdlichen Polarkreis (Laufzeit etwa 4 Minuten).
Category: community Deutsch 0.10+
Rise and Set times
Qam1 Public Domain N/A
The script will display Rise, transit, set, up length times and Right Ascension from the sun for 49 different bodies (Stars, planets, asteroids). This script will also display Civil Twilight, Nautical Twilight and Astronomical twilight times.
Category: community English 0.10+
Sardinian Constellations Tour
Giuseppe Putzolu Public Domain N/A
A tour via western constellations with their name in the ancient sardinian culture.
Category: community Sardinian 0.12+
Sardinian Skyculture Tour
Giuseppe Putzolu Public Domain N/A
A tour on ancient sardinian constellations.
Category: community Sardinian 0.15.2+
Screenshot not available Saturnian analemma
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
A demonstration of the analemma - the path of the Sun across the sky during the year on Saturn.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
A slow, infinite tour of the sky, looking at random objects.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Sky Culture Tour
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
Look at each installed sky culture.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Solar Eclipse 2009
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
Script to demonstrate a total solar eclipse which has happened in 2009 (location=Rangpur, Bangladesh).
Category: repository English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Solar eclipse in Germany 1999
Schdefon N/A N/A
Solar eclipse August 11th, 1999 in Niefern, Germany.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Solar eclipse in Germany 1999
Schdefon N/A N/A
Solar eclipse August 11th, 1999 in Niefern, Germany.
Category: community Deutsch 0.10+
Screenshot not available Solar Eclipse, 2017
Adam Fenley Public Domain N/A
Shows the solar eclipse in 2017 as seen from Nashville, Tennessee. Fixes was added by Alexander Wolf.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Solar Eclipse, 2017
Adam Fenley Public Domain N/A
Shows the solar eclipse in 2017 as seen from Nashville, Tennessee.
Category: community English 0.10+
Solar System Screensaver
Qam1 Public Domain 300-1
Screensaver of various happenings in the Solar System. 300 events in all!
Category: repository English 0.16.1+
Solar Type Stars
Allen Gary Public Domain N/A
This script is meant for a tour the 27 stars that are of the solar spectral type G2V greater than magnitude Vmag=6.5. The program was generated using data from [http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/db-perl/W3Browse/w3table.pl?tablehead=name%3Dhipparcos&Action=More+Options Hipparcos Catalog]. All G2V stars brighter than Vmag = 6.5 HIP=Hipparos Identifier. HIP 71683 Alpha Centauri A is the only star with known extrasolar planet in this list. CSPAR-The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Category: community English 0.10+
Stars and Planets Conjunctions
Qam1 Public Domain N/A
6 Scripts in all showing conjunctions between the planets and bright stars. The conjunction of stars include Aldebaran, Antares, The Beehive, The Pleiades, Regulus and Spica.
Category: community English 0.10+
Screenshot not available What's out tonight
Brewster LaMacchia Public Domain N/A
Shows information about selected objects, used as looped introduction at public observing events. Right now just for October 2010.
Category: community English 0.10+
Sun from different planets
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 2.0
Look at the Sun from big planets of Solar System and Pluto.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Dawn/dusk/sunrise/sunset jumps
Qam1 Public Domain N/A
Run the script and whenever you switch to a new day (day, week, month & year) and it will automatically go right to the dawn/dusk/sunset/sunrise.
Category: community English 0.10+
Tycho's Supernova
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.2
Flash of the supernova observed by Tycho Brahe in 1572. The Supernovae plugin has to be enabled.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Transit of Venus
Peter Hickey Public Domain 1.0
Transit of Venus as seen from Sydney Australia, 6th June 2012.
Category: repository English 0.11+
Mercury Triple Sunrise and Sunset
Qam1 Public Domain 2.0
Due to the quirks in Mercury's orbit and rotation at certain spots the sun will rise & set 3 different times in one Mercury day.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Screenshot not available Uranian analemma
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.1
A demonstration of the analemma - the path of the Sun across the sky during the year on Uranus.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Western Constellations Tour
Alexander Wolf Public Domain 1.3
A tour of the western constellations.
Category: repository English 0.19+
Matthew Gates Public Domain 1.0
This script displays the constellations of the Zodiac. That means the constellations which lie along the line which the Sun traces across the celestial sphere over the course of a year.
Category: repository English 0.10+
Zodiac Art Boundaries Ecliptic
Daniel Cummings Public Domain 1.0
This script displays the constellations of the Zodiac. The Zodiac constellations lie along the line which the solar system objects follow on the celestial sphere.
Category: community English 0.10+