Stellarium 24.3

2024-09-22 14:40:00 +0000 by alex-w

The Stellarium Team has released version 24.3.

The major changes of this version:

  • Performance improvements for computation of Solar system bodies positions
  • Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools
  • Updates in sky cultures
  • Updates in GUI

Behind the scenes, many more minor issues were fixed.


We have identified some bugs in the TelescopeControl plugin on the Qt6-based releases.

Telescope users, please try whether this solves your problems. If not, we are looking for those of you with programming skills to help us fixing remaining issues. Reward possible!

Full list of changes:

  • Added ability a batch drawing of asteroid and comet markers (GH: #3847)
  • Added tiny circles as optional markers for minor bodies (GH: #3847)
  • Added multithreading computations of positions for Solar system bodies (GH: #3847)
  • Added tooltip for new option in AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool
  • Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #3880)
  • Added a reddish tint over the landscape when sun is low (GH: #3858, #3855)
  • Added abort telescope slew signals to LX200 and NexStar telescopes (GH: #2754)
  • Added setting dynamic limits for wide range of dates in AstroCalc tools
  • Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/RTS tool
  • Added links for multi-opposition unnumbered objects and one-opposition objects into bookmarks in Solar System Editor plugin
  • Added info for total candidates for adding in Solar System Editor plugin
  • Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #1327)
  • Added ability to hide the constellation art button (GH: #3830)
  • Added context support for exoplanet detection methods and exoplanetary classes (GH: #3798)
  • Added comments for tooltips (GH: #3786)
  • Fixed coordinates in ‘20 Fun Naked-Eye Double Stars’ script (GH: #3835)
  • Fixed typos in Maya skyculture
  • Fixed linking with which may require libtbb
  • Fixed messing in solar eclipse maps (GH: #3894)
  • Fixed TimeZone for Xochicalco (GH: #3897)
  • Fixed missing old-fashioned storing of new settings (GH: #3847)
  • Fixed saving new option for AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool
  • Fixed the circumstances discovery for few comets
  • Fixed parsing MPC large numbers in Solar System Editor plugin (GH: #3882)
  • Fixed Andromeda lines for Modern (S&T) sky culture (GH: #3865)
  • Fixed Calendars plugin
  • Fixed support common names for sky cultures (GH: #3845)
  • Fixed typos in sky cultures (GH: #3854, #3838, #3842, #3845)
  • Fixed working Search Tool/Lists tool when list of asterisms is empty (GH: #3853)
  • Fixed duplicate Satellites filter window (GH: #3825)
  • Fixed landscape label drawing
  • Fixed “group”/“groups” mistake in Satellites plugin (GH: #3826)
  • Fixed mistake in novae catalog (GH: #3831)
  • Fixed a string for StelObject info (GH: #3813)
  • Fixed missing feature for limiting magnitude for Solar system bodies (GH: #3817)
  • Fixed re-display data when “boundless” flag is changed in AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #3811)
  • Fixed sorting rules for phase and elongation in the AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #3810)
  • Fixed tooltip in AstroCalc/Graphs tool (GH: #3809)
  • Fixed Andromeda lines for Modern (IAU) sky culture
  • Fixed messages in tooltips for AstroCalc tools (GH: #3801)
  • Fixed selection of objects in AstroCalc/WUT tool (GH: #3799)
  • Fixed translation issue for multiple detection methods for one exoplanet (GH: #3798)
  • Fixed translation issue for exoplanetary classes of potentially habitable exoplanets (GH: #3798)
  • Fixed displaying of morphological descriptions for globular star clusters (GH: #3782)
  • Fixed bug in TUI plug-in (GH: #3784)
  • Fixed coordinates of SN 1181A
  • Fixed custom user dir option
  • Changed core: small speedup for Preetham atmosphere
  • Changed core: avoid StelBottomBar redraws when not needed
  • Changed core: speed-up InfoPanel
  • Changed core: avoid some costly computations
  • Changed core: Allow display of colors for each planet and per minor body type (GH: #3878, #3849)
  • Changed core: Allow to draw planet orbits together with orbit of selected object (GH: #3878, #3849)
  • Changed core: speedup for nomenclature items
  • Changed core: use QLatin1String for string literal comparison for Solar system objects
  • Changed core: simplify gridline intersect callbacks (GH: #3792)
  • Changed core: Use QLatin1String for string literal comparison in Planet and SolarSystem classes
  • Changed core: Restored code of QtCompress (optional; bundled) (GH: #3802)
  • Changed core: Allow disabling StelAudioMgr at runtime (GH: #3775)
  • Changed GUI: Obvious improvement for Oculars GUI
  • Changed Exoplanets plug-in: The list of detection methods of exoplanet has been revised
  • Changed Satellites plugin: setting the new defaults for timerate limits for displaying satellites (x1000 or ~16 minutes per second) for smooth rendering the scene (GH: #3890)
  • Changed Satellites plugin: speedups of computations
  • Changed Telescope Control plugin: Disable ASCOM on Qt6 (GH: #3887)
  • Changed Telescope Control plugin: Disable sync button if telescope does not support it
  • Updated default list of locations
  • Updated default catalog of satellites
  • Updated default catalog of pulsars
  • Updated default catalog of novae
  • Updated default catalog of exoplanets
  • Updated default list of minor bodies
  • Updated photometry data for satellites
  • Updated discovery circumstances for comets and minor planets
  • Updated planetary nomenclature data
  • Updated translations
  • Updated lists of interesting stars
  • Removed old comets
  • Removed erroneous DSO names
  • Removed links to dead wiki (GH: #3874)
  • Removed link to MPC Numbered objects list from bookmarks in Solar System Editor plugin (a huge data)
  • Removed unused code
  • Removed unneeded tooltips (GH: #3797, #3796)