Stellarium é un planetario de código aberto gratuito para o teu ordenador. Mostra un ceo realista en 3D, como o que ves a simple vista, con binoculares ou cun telescopio.
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- rexións polares
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paisaxes: rexións polares
French-Italian Concordia Station | 0.10+ | ||
Cyprien Pouzenc | GPLv2+ | English | |
Panoramic view of the station installed at Dome C, Antarctica. |
Arctic Research Village Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard | 0.10+ | ||
Rene Buergi | CC-BY 4.0 | English | |
View from the roof of the AWIPEV Observatory in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The panorama shows the research village and the Kongsfjord from the atmospheric observatory which is run by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute and the Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor. Set with variable image resolution. |
Arctic Research Village Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (with lidar) | 0.10+ | ||
Rene Buergi | CC-BY 4.0 | English | |
View from the roof of the AWIPEV Observatory in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The panorama shows the research village and the Kongsfjord from the atmospheric observatory which is run by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute and the Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor. Set with variable image resolution. |