Stellarium 0.15.2
Telescope Member List

This is the complete list of members for Telescope, including all inherited members.

diameter (defined in Telescope)Telescope
diameter() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
equatorial (defined in Telescope)Telescope
focalLength (defined in Telescope)Telescope
focalLength() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
hFlipped (defined in Telescope)Telescope
isEquatorial() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
isHFlipped() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
isVFlipped() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
name (defined in Telescope)Telescope
name() const (defined in Telescope)Telescope
propertyMap() (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setDiameter(double theValue) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setEquatorial(bool eq) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setFocalLength(double theValue) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setHFlipped(bool flipped) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setName(QString theValue) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
setVFlipped(bool flipped) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
Telescope() (defined in Telescope)Telescope
Telescope(const QObject &other) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
telescopeFromSettings(QSettings *theSettings, int telescopeIndex) (defined in Telescope)Telescopestatic
telescopeModel() (defined in Telescope)Telescopestatic
vFlipped (defined in Telescope)Telescope
writeToSettings(QSettings *settings, const int index) (defined in Telescope)Telescope
~Telescope() (defined in Telescope)Telescopevirtual