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Stellarium 0.15.2
This is the complete list of members for Telescope, including all inherited members.
diameter (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
diameter() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
equatorial (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
focalLength (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
focalLength() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
hFlipped (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
isEquatorial() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
isHFlipped() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
isVFlipped() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
name (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
name() const (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
propertyMap() (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setDiameter(double theValue) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setEquatorial(bool eq) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setFocalLength(double theValue) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setHFlipped(bool flipped) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setName(QString theValue) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
setVFlipped(bool flipped) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
Telescope() (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
Telescope(const QObject &other) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
telescopeFromSettings(QSettings *theSettings, int telescopeIndex) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | static |
telescopeModel() (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | static |
vFlipped (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
writeToSettings(QSettings *settings, const int index) (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | |
~Telescope() (defined in Telescope) | Telescope | virtual |