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Stellarium 0.15.2
This is the complete list of members for StarMgr, including all inherited members.
ActionDraw enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleKeys enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseClicks enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseMoves enum value | StelModule | |
ActionUpdate enum value | StelModule | |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | protected |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | inlineprotected |
AddToSelection enum value | StelModule | |
checkAndLoadCatalog(const QVariantMap &m) | StarMgr | |
configureGui(bool show=true) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
convertToComponentIds(int index) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | static |
convertToSpectralType(int index) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | static |
deinit() | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
draw(StelCore *core) | StarMgr | virtual |
flagLabelsDisplayed (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | |
flagStarsDisplayed (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | |
getAdditionalEnglishNames(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getAdditionalNames(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getAuthorEmail() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getAuthorName() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const | StarMgr | virtual |
getCatalogsDescription() const (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | inline |
getCommonEnglishName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getCommonName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getCrossIdentificationDesignations(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getFlagLabels(void) const | StarMgr | inlineslot |
getFlagSciNames(void) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | inlinestaticslot |
getFlagStars(void) const | StarMgr | inlineslot |
getGcvsEpoch(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsMagnitudeFlag(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsMaxMagnitude(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsMinMagnitude(int hip, bool firstMinimumFlag=true) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsMM(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsPeriod(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsPhotometricSystem(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getGcvsVariabilityType(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getHipparcosStars() const | StarMgr | inline |
getLabelColor(void) const | StarMgr | inlineslot |
getLabelsAmount(void) const | StarMgr | inlineslot |
getModuleVersion() const | StelModule | virtual |
getName() const (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | inlinevirtual |
getSciAdditionalName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getSciName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getWdsLastObservation(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getWdsLastPositionAngle(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getWdsLastSeparation(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
getWdsName(int hip) | StarMgr | static |
handleKeys(class QKeyEvent *e) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseClicks(class QMouseEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseMoves(int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseWheel(class QWheelEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handlePinch(qreal scale, bool started) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
init() | StarMgr | virtual |
labelsAmount (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | |
labelsAmountChanged(float a) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | signal |
listAllObjects(bool inEnglish) const | StarMgr | virtual |
listAllObjectsByType(const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const | StarMgr | virtual |
listMatchingObjects(const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const | StarMgr | virtual |
matchObjectName(const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const | StelObjectModule | |
RemoveFromSelection enum value | StelModule | |
ReplaceSelection enum value | StelModule | |
searchAround(const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const | StarMgr | virtual |
searchByName(const QString &name) const | StarMgr | virtual |
searchByNameI18n(const QString &nameI18n) const | StarMgr | virtual |
searchHP(int hip) const | StarMgr | |
setFlagLabels(bool b) | StarMgr | inlineslot |
setFlagSciNames(bool f) | StarMgr | inlinestaticslot |
setFlagStars(bool b) | StarMgr | inlineslot |
setFontSize(float newFontSize) | StarMgr | slot |
setLabelColor(const Vec3f &c) | StarMgr | inlineslot |
setLabelsAmount(double a) | StarMgr | inlineslot |
starLabelsDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | signal |
StarMgr(void) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | |
starsDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | signal |
StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | |
StelModuleActionName enum name | StelModule | |
StelModuleSelectAction enum name | StelModule | |
StelObjectModule() (defined in StelObjectModule) | StelObjectModule | |
update(double deltaTime) | StarMgr | inlinevirtual |
~StarMgr(void) (defined in StarMgr) | StarMgr | |
~StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
~StelObjectModule() (defined in StelObjectModule) | StelObjectModule |