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Stellarium 0.15.2
This is the complete list of members for QCPAbstractPlottable, including all inherited members.
addToLegend() (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | virtual |
antialiased() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
antialiasedErrorBars() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
antialiasedFill() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
antialiasedScatters() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
applyAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedvirtual |
applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
applyFillAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
applyScattersAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
brush() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
clearData()=0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | pure virtual |
clipRect() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedvirtual |
coordsToPixels(double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
coordsToPixels(double key, double value) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedvirtual |
distSqrToLine(const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
draw(QCPPainter *painter)=0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedpure virtual |
drawLegendIcon(QCPPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) const =0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedpure virtual |
getKeyRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const =0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedpure virtual |
getValueRange(bool &foundRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const =0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedpure virtual |
initializeParentPlot(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
keyAxis() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
layer() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
layerChanged(QCPLayer *newLayer) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | signal |
mainBrush() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mainPen() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mAntialiased (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mAntialiasedErrorBars (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mAntialiasedFill (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mAntialiasedScatters (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mBrush (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mKeyAxis (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mLayer (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mName (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
moveToLayer(QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentLayerable (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentPlot (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mPen (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mSelectable (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mSelected (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mSelectedBrush (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mSelectedPen (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mValueAxis (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
mVisible (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
name() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
parentLayerable() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlot() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
pen() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
pixelsToCoords(double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
pixelsToCoords(const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
QCPAbstractPlottable(QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
QCPAxis (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | friend |
QCPLayerable(QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
QCPPlottableLegendItem (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | friend |
QCustomPlot (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | friend |
realVisibility() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
removeFromLegend() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | virtual |
rescaleAxes(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
rescaleKeyAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
rescaleValueAxis(bool onlyEnlarge=false) const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
sdBoth enum value | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
sdNegative enum value | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
sdPositive enum value | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
selectable() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
selectableChanged(bool selectable) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | signal |
selected() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
selectedBrush() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
selectedPen() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedvirtual |
selectionCategory() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | protectedvirtual |
selectionChanged(bool selected) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | signal |
selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const =0 (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | pure virtual |
setAntialiased(bool enabled) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
setAntialiasedErrorBars(bool enabled) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setAntialiasedFill(bool enabled) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setAntialiasedScatters(bool enabled) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setBrush(const QBrush &brush) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setKeyAxis(QCPAxis *axis) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setLayer(QCPLayer *layer) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
setLayer(const QString &layerName) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
setName(const QString &name) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setParentLayerable(QCPLayerable *parentLayerable) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
setPen(const QPen &pen) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setSelectable(bool selectable) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setSelected(bool selected) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setSelectedPen(const QPen &pen) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setValueAxis(QCPAxis *axis) (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | |
setVisible(bool on) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | |
SignDomain enum name | QCPAbstractPlottable | protected |
valueAxis() const (defined in QCPAbstractPlottable) | QCPAbstractPlottable | inline |
visible() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
~QCPLayerable() (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable |