EllipticalOrbit Member List
This is the complete list of members for
EllipticalOrbit, including all inherited members.
EllipticalOrbit(double pericenterDistance, double eccentricity, double inclination, double ascendingNode, double argOfPeriapsis, double meanAnomalyAtEpoch, double period, double epoch, double parentRotObliquity, double parentRotAscendingnode, double parentRotJ2000Longitude) (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | |
getBoundingRadius() const (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | |
getPeriod() const (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | |
Orbit(void) (defined in Orbit) | Orbit | [inline] |
positionAtTime(double) const (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | |
positionAtTimevInVSOP87Coordinates(double JD, double *v) const (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | |
sample(double, double, int, OrbitSampleProc &) const (defined in EllipticalOrbit) | EllipticalOrbit | [virtual] |
~Orbit(void) (defined in Orbit) | Orbit | [inline, virtual] |