![]() |
This is the complete list of members for SolarSystem, including all inherited members.
ActionDraw enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleKeys enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseClicks enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseMoves enum value | StelModule | |
ActionUpdate enum value | StelModule | |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | protected |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | inlineprotected |
AddToSelection enum value | StelModule | |
cometsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
cometsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
computePositions(double dateJDE, PlanetP observerPlanet) | SolarSystem | |
configureGui(bool show=true) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
cubewanosOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
cubewanosOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
customGrsDrift (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
customGrsDriftChanged(double drift) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
customGrsJD (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
customGrsJDChanged(double JD) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
customGrsLongitude (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
customGrsLongitudeChanged(int l) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
deinit() | SolarSystem | virtual |
draw(StelCore *core) | SolarSystem | virtual |
dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
dwarfPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
earthOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
earthOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
ephemerisDatesChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
ephemerisDatesDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
ephemerisHorizontalCoordinates (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
ephemerisHorizontalCoordinatesChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
ephemerisMagnitudesChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
ephemerisMagnitudesDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
ephemerisMarkersChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
ephemerisMarkersDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagCustomGrsSettings (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagCustomGrsSettingsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagHints (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagHintsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagIsolatedOrbits (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagIsolatedOrbitsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagIsolatedTrails (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagIsolatedTrailsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagLightTravelTime (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagLightTravelTimeChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagMinorBodyScale (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagMinorBodyScaleChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagMoonScale (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagMoonScaleChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagNativePlanetNames (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagNativePlanetNamesChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagOrbits (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagOrbitsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagPlanetsDisplayedChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagPointer (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagPointerChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagShowObjSelfShadows (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagShowObjSelfShadowsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagTranslatedNames (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagTranslatedNamesChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
flagUseObjModels (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
flagUseObjModelsChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
getAllMinorBodies() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getAllMinorPlanetCommonEnglishNames() const | SolarSystem | |
getAllPlanetEnglishNames() const | SolarSystem | |
getAllPlanetLocalizedNames() const | SolarSystem | |
getAllPlanets() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getAuthorEmail() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getAuthorName() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
getCometsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getCubewanosOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getCustomGrsDrift() | SolarSystem | slot |
getCustomGrsJD() | SolarSystem | slot |
getCustomGrsLongitude() | SolarSystem | slot |
getDistanceToPlanet(QString planetName) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getEarth() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getEarthOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getEclipseFactor(const StelCore *core) const | SolarSystem | |
getElongationForPlanet(QString planetName) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagCustomGrsSettings() | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagHints() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagIsolatedOrbits(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagIsolatedTrails(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagLabels() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagLightTravelTime(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagMinorBodyScale(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagMoonScale(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagNativePlanetNames(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagOrbits() const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagPlanets() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagPointer() const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagShowObjSelfShadows(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getFlagTrails() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagTranslatedNames(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getFlagUseObjModels(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getJupiterOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getLabelsAmount(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getLabelsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getLightTimeSunPosition() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getMarsOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getMercuryOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getMinorBodiesList() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getMinorBodyScale(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getModuleVersion() const | StelModule | virtual |
getMoon() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getMoonScale(void) const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getMoonsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getName() const | SolarSystem | inlinevirtual |
getNeptuneOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getObjectsList(QString objType="all") const | SolarSystem | slot |
getOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getOrbitColorStyle() const | SolarSystem | slot |
getOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPhaseAngleForPlanet(QString planetName) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPhaseForPlanet(QString planetName) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPlanetType(QString planetName) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPlanetVMagnitude(QString planetName, bool withExtinction=false) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPlutinosOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getPointerColor() const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getSaturnOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getSednoidsOrbitsColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getStelObjectType() const | SolarSystem | inlinevirtual |
getSun() const | SolarSystem | inline |
getTrailsColor() const | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
getUranusOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
getVenusOrbitColor(void) const | SolarSystem | slot |
handleKeys(class QKeyEvent *e) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseClicks(class QMouseEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseMoves(int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseWheel(class QWheelEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handlePinch(qreal scale, bool started) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
init() | SolarSystem | virtual |
jupiterOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
jupiterOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
labelsAmount | SolarSystem | |
labelsAmountChanged(double f) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
labelsDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
labelsDisplayedChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
listAllObjects(bool inEnglish) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
listAllObjectsByType(const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
listMatchingObjects(const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false, bool inEnglish=false) const | StelObjectModule | virtual |
majorPlanetsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
majorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
marsOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
marsOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
matchObjectName(const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const | StelObjectModule | |
mercuryOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
mercuryOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
minorBodyScale (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
minorBodyScaleChanged(double f) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
minorPlanetsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
minorPlanetsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
moonScale (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
moonScaleChanged(double f) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
moonsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
moonsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
nearLunarEclipse() | SolarSystem | |
neptuneOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
neptuneOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
oortCloudObjectsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
orbitColorStyle (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
orbitColorStyleChanged(QString style) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
orbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
orbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
planetsDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
plutinosOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
plutinosOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
reloadPlanets() | SolarSystem | |
RemoveFromSelection enum value | StelModule | |
removeMinorPlanet(QString name) | SolarSystem | |
ReplaceSelection enum value | StelModule | |
saturnOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
saturnOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
scatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
searchAround(const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
searchByEnglishName(QString planetEnglishName) const | SolarSystem | |
searchByID(const QString &id) const | SolarSystem | inlinevirtual |
searchByName(const QString &name) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
searchByNameI18n(const QString &nameI18n) const | SolarSystem | virtual |
searchMinorPlanetByEnglishName(QString planetEnglishName) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
sednoidsOrbitsColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
sednoidsOrbitsColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
setApparentMagnitudeAlgorithmOnEarth(QString algorithm) | SolarSystem | slot |
setCometsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setCubewanosOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setCustomGrsDrift(double drift) | SolarSystem | slot |
setCustomGrsJD(double JD) | SolarSystem | slot |
setCustomGrsLongitude(int longitude) | SolarSystem | slot |
setDwarfPlanetsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setEarthOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagCustomGrsSettings(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagHints(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagIsolatedOrbits(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagIsolatedTrails(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagLabels(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagLightTravelTime(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagMinorBodyScale(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagMoonScale(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagNativePlanetNames(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagOrbits(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagPlanets(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagPointer(bool b) | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
setFlagShowObjSelfShadows(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagTrails(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagTranslatedNames(bool b) | SolarSystem | slot |
setFlagUseObjModels(bool b) | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
setFontSize(float newFontSize) | SolarSystem | slot |
setJupiterOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setLabelsAmount(double a) | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
setLabelsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMajorPlanetsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMarsOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMercuryOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMinorBodyScale(double f) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMinorPlanetsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMoonScale(double f) | SolarSystem | slot |
setMoonsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setNeptuneOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setOortCloudObjectsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setOrbitColorStyle(QString style) | SolarSystem | slot |
setOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setPlutinosOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setPointerColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
setSaturnOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setScatteredDiskObjectsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setSednoidsOrbitsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setTrailsColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | inlineslot |
setUranusOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
setVenusOrbitColor(const Vec3f &c) | SolarSystem | slot |
SolarSystem() (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
solarSystemDataReloaded() (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | |
StelModuleActionName enum name | StelModule | |
StelModuleSelectAction enum name | StelModule | |
StelObjectModule() (defined in StelObjectModule) | StelObjectModule | |
trailsDisplayed (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
trailsDisplayedChanged(bool b) (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
update(double deltaTime) | SolarSystem | virtual |
updateI18n() | SolarSystem | slot |
uranusOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
uranusOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
venusOrbitColor (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | |
venusOrbitColorChanged(const Vec3f &color) const (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | signal |
~SolarSystem() (defined in SolarSystem) | SolarSystem | virtual |
~StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
~StelObjectModule() (defined in StelObjectModule) | StelObjectModule |