![]() |
This is the complete list of members for LandscapeSpherical, including all inherited members.
angleRotateZ | Landscape | protected |
angleRotateZOffset | Landscape | protected |
author | Landscape | protected |
azDeg_altDeg enum value (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | |
azDeg_zdDeg enum value | Landscape | |
azGrad_altGrad enum value | Landscape | |
azGrad_zdGrad enum value | Landscape | |
azRad_altRad enum value | Landscape | |
azRad_zdRad enum value | Landscape | |
cols | Landscape | protected |
create(const QString name, const QString &maptex, const QString &_maptexFog="", const QString &_maptexIllum="", const float _angleRotateZ=0.0f, const float _mapTexTop=90.0f, const float _mapTexBottom=-90.0f, const float _fogTexTop=90.0f, const float _fogTexBottom=-90.0f, const float _illumTexTop=90.0f, const float _illumTexBottom=-90.0f) | LandscapeSpherical | |
createPolygonalHorizon(const QString &lineFileName, const float polyAngleRotateZ=0.0f, const QString &listMode="azDeg_altDeg", const bool polygonInverted=false) | Landscape | protected |
defaultBortleIndex | Landscape | protected |
defaultExtinctionCoefficient | Landscape | protected |
defaultFogSetting | Landscape | protected |
defaultPressure | Landscape | protected |
defaultTemperature | Landscape | protected |
description | Landscape | protected |
draw(StelCore *core) (defined in LandscapeSpherical) | LandscapeSpherical | virtual |
drawLabels(StelCore *core, StelPainter *painter) | Landscape | protected |
fogFader | Landscape | protected |
fontSize (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | protected |
getAuthorName() const | Landscape | inline |
getBrightness() const | Landscape | inline |
getDefaultAtmosphericExtinction() const | Landscape | inline |
getDefaultAtmosphericPressure() const | Landscape | inline |
getDefaultAtmosphericTemperature() const | Landscape | inline |
getDefaultBortleIndex() const | Landscape | inline |
getDefaultFogSetting() const | Landscape | inline |
getDescription() const | Landscape | inline |
getEffectiveLandFadeValue() | Landscape | inline |
getEffectiveLightscapeBrightness() const | Landscape | inline |
getFlagShow() const | Landscape | inline |
getFlagShowFog() const | Landscape | inline |
getFlagShowIllumination() const | Landscape | inline |
getFlagShowLabels() const | Landscape | inline |
getId() const | Landscape | inline |
getIsFullyVisible() const | Landscape | inline |
getLandscapeMinimalBrightness() const | Landscape | inline |
getLightscapeBrightness() const | Landscape | inline |
getLocation() const | Landscape | inline |
getMemorySize() const | LandscapeSpherical | inlinevirtual |
getName() const | Landscape | inline |
getOpacity(Vec3d azalt) const | LandscapeSpherical | virtual |
getSinMinAltitudeLimit() const | Landscape | inline |
getTargetLightscapeBrightness() const | Landscape | inline |
getTexturePath(const QString &basename, const QString &landscapeId) const | Landscape | protected |
hasLocation() const | Landscape | inline |
horizonListMode enum name | Landscape | |
horizonPolygon | Landscape | protected |
horizonPolygonLineColor | Landscape | protected |
id | Landscape | protected |
illumFader | Landscape | protected |
labelColor | Landscape | protected |
labelFader | Landscape | protected |
landFader | Landscape | protected |
Landscape(float _radius=2.f) (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | |
landscapeBrightness | Landscape | protected |
landscapeLabels | Landscape | protected |
LandscapeSpherical(float radius=1.f) (defined in LandscapeSpherical) | LandscapeSpherical | |
lightScapeBrightness | Landscape | protected |
load(const QSettings &landscapeIni, const QString &landscapeId) | LandscapeSpherical | virtual |
loadCommon(const QSettings &landscapeIni, const QString &landscapeId) | Landscape | protected |
loadLabels(const QString &landscapeId) | Landscape | |
location | Landscape | protected |
minBrightness | Landscape | protected |
name (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | protected |
radius (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | protected |
rows | Landscape | protected |
setBrightness(const float b, const float pollutionBrightness=0.0f) | Landscape | inline |
setFlagShow(const bool b) | Landscape | inline |
setFlagShowFog(const bool b) | Landscape | inline |
setFlagShowIllumination(const bool b) | Landscape | inline |
setFlagShowLabels(const bool b) | Landscape | inline |
setLabelFontSize(const int size) | Landscape | inline |
setZRotation(float d) | Landscape | inline |
sinMinAltitudeLimit | Landscape | protected |
update(double deltaTime) (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | inline |
validLandscape | Landscape | protected |
~Landscape() (defined in Landscape) | Landscape | virtual |
~LandscapeSpherical() (defined in LandscapeSpherical) | LandscapeSpherical | virtual |