![]() |
This is the complete list of members for LandscapeMgr, including all inherited members.
ActionDraw enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleKeys enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseClicks enum value | StelModule | |
ActionHandleMouseMoves enum value | StelModule | |
ActionUpdate enum value | StelModule | |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | protected |
addAction(const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="") | StelModule | inlineprotected |
AddToSelection enum value | StelModule | |
atmosphereDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
atmosphereDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
cardinalsPointsColor (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
cardinalsPointsColorChanged(const Vec3f &newColor) const (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
cardinalsPointsDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
cardinalsPointsDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
configureGui(bool show=true) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
createFromFile(const QString &landscapeFile, const QString &landscapeId) | LandscapeMgr | |
currentLandscapeChanged(QString currentLandscapeID, QString currentLandscapeName) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
currentLandscapeID | LandscapeMgr | |
defaultLandscapeChanged(const QString &id) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
defaultMinimalBrightness | LandscapeMgr | |
defaultMinimalBrightnessChanged(const double value) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
deinit() | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
draw(StelCore *core) | LandscapeMgr | virtual |
errorNotArchive() | LandscapeMgr | signal |
errorNotUnique(QString nameOrID) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
errorRemoveManually(QString path) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
errorUnableToOpen(QString path) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
flagAtmosphereAutoEnabling | LandscapeMgr | |
flagLandscapeAutoSelection (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
flagLandscapeAutoSelectionChanged(const bool value) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
flagLandscapeSetsLocation (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
flagLandscapeSetsLocationChanged(const bool value) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
flagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness | LandscapeMgr | |
flagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightnessChanged(const bool value) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
flagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness | LandscapeMgr | |
flagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightnessChanged(const bool value) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
flagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
flagUseLightPollutionFromDatabaseChanged(const bool usage) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
fogDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
fogDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
getAllLandscapeIDs() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getAllLandscapeNames() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getAtmosphereAverageLuminance() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getAtmosphereFadeDuration() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getAuthorEmail() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getAuthorName() const | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
getCacheCount() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCacheFilledSize() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCacheSize() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const | LandscapeMgr | virtual |
getColorCardinalPoints() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getCurrentLandscape() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCurrentLandscapeBrightness(const bool light=false) const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCurrentLandscapeHtmlDescription() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getCurrentLandscapeID() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getCurrentLandscapeName() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getDefaultLandscapeID() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getDefaultMinimalBrightness() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getDescription() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagAtmosphere() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagAtmosphereAutoEnable() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagCardinalsPoints() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagFog() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagIllumination() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagLabels() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagLandscape() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagLandscapeAutoSelection() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getFlagLandscapeSetsLocation() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness() const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getIsLandscapeFullyVisible() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getLandscapeOpacity(Vec3d azalt) const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getLandscapeOpacity(Vec3f azalt) const (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getLandscapeOpacity(float azimuth, float altitude) const | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
getLandscapeSinMinAltitudeLimit() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getLuminance() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getModuleVersion() const | StelModule | virtual |
getNameToDirMap() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
getUserLandscapeIDs() const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
handleKeys(class QKeyEvent *e) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseClicks(class QMouseEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseMoves(int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handleMouseWheel(class QWheelEvent *) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
handlePinch(qreal scale, bool started) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |
illuminationDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
illuminationDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
init() | LandscapeMgr | virtual |
installLandscapeFromArchive(QString pathToSourceArchive, const bool display=false, const bool forAllUsers=false) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
labelsDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
labelsDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
landscapeDisplayed (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
landscapeDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
LandscapeMgr() (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | |
landscapesChanged() | LandscapeMgr | signal |
loadLandscapeName(const QString landscapeID) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
loadLandscapeSize(const QString landscapeID) const | LandscapeMgr | slot |
precacheLandscape(const QString &id, const bool replace=true) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
removeCachedLandscape(const QString &id) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
RemoveFromSelection enum value | StelModule | |
removeLandscape(const QString landscapeID) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
ReplaceSelection enum value | StelModule | |
setAtmosphereAverageLuminance(const float overrideLuminance) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setAtmosphereFadeDuration(const float f) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setCacheSize(int mb) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
setColorCardinalPoints(const Vec3f &v) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setCurrentLandscapeID(const QString &id, const double changeLocationDuration=1.0) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setCurrentLandscapeName(const QString &name, const double changeLocationDuration=1.0) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setDefaultLandscapeID(const QString &id) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setDefaultMinimalBrightness(const double b) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
setFlagAtmosphere(const bool displayed) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagAtmosphereAutoEnable(bool b) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagAtmosphereAutoEnableChanged(const bool enabled) (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | signal |
setFlagCardinalsPoints(const bool displayed) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagFog(const bool displayed) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagIllumination(const bool on) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagLabels(const bool on) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagLandscape(const bool displayed) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagLandscapeAutoSelection(bool enableAutoSelect) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setFlagLandscapeSetsLocation(bool b) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
setFlagLandscapeSetsMinimalBrightness(bool b) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
setFlagLandscapeUseMinimalBrightness(bool b) | LandscapeMgr | inlineslot |
setFlagUseLightPollutionFromDatabase(const bool usage) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
setZRotation(const float d) | LandscapeMgr | slot |
StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | |
StelModuleActionName enum name | StelModule | |
StelModuleSelectAction enum name | StelModule | |
update(double deltaTime) | LandscapeMgr | virtual |
~LandscapeMgr() (defined in LandscapeMgr) | LandscapeMgr | virtual |
~StelModule() (defined in StelModule) | StelModule | inlinevirtual |