Stellarium 0.14.3
1 /*
2  * Stellarium
3  * Copyright (C) 2008 Stellarium Developers
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
18  */
23 #include "StelProjector.hpp"
26 {
27 public:
29  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
30  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
31  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 120.f;}
32  bool forward(Vec3f &v) const;
33  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
34  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
35  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
36  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
37 protected:
38  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
39  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {return false;}
40  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {return false;}
41 };
44 {
45 public:
47  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
48  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
49  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 360.f;}
50  bool forward(Vec3f &v) const;
51  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
52  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
53  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
54  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
55 protected:
56  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
57  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {return false;}
58  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {return false;}
59 };
62 {
63 public:
65  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
66  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
67  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 235.f;}
68  virtual void project(int n, const Vec3d* in, Vec3f* out)
69  {
70  Vec3d v;
71  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++out)
72  {
73  v = in[i];
74  modelViewTransform->forward(v);
75  out->set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
77  out->set(viewportCenter[0] + flipHorz * pixelPerRad * (*out)[0],
78  viewportCenter[1] + flipVert * pixelPerRad * (*out)[1],
79  ((*out)[2] - zNear) * oneOverZNearMinusZFar);
80  }
81  }
83  bool forward(Vec3f &v) const;
84  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
85  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
86  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
87  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
88 protected:
89  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
90  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {return false;}
91  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {return false;}
92 };
95 {
96 public:
98  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
99  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
100  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 180.00001f;}
101  bool forward(Vec3f &v) const;
102  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
103  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
104  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
105  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
106 protected:
107  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
108  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {return false;}
109  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {return false;}
110 };
113 {
114 public:
116  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
117  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
118  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 360.f;}
119  virtual void project(int n, const Vec3d* in, Vec3f* out)
120  {
121  Vec3d v;
122  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
123  {
124  v = in[i];
125  modelViewTransform->forward(v);
126  out[i].set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
128  out[i][0] = viewportCenter[0] + flipHorz * pixelPerRad * out[i][0];
129  out[i][1] = viewportCenter[1] + flipVert * pixelPerRad * out[i][1];
130  out[i][2] = (out[i][2] - zNear) * oneOverZNearMinusZFar;
131  }
132  }
133  bool forward(Vec3f &v) const;
134  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
135  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
136  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
137  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
138 protected:
139  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return true;}
140  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& p1, const Vec3d& p2) const {return p1[0]*p2[0]<0 && !(p1[2]<0 && p2[2]<0);}
141  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& capN, double capD) const
142  {
143  static const SphericalCap cap1(1,0,0);
144  static const SphericalCap cap2(-1,0,0);
145  static const SphericalCap cap3(0,0,-1);
146  SphericalCap cap(capN, capD);
147  return cap.intersects(cap1) && cap.intersects(cap2) && cap.intersects(cap3);
148  }
149 };
152 {
153 public:
155  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
156  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
157  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 175.f * 4.f/3.f;} // assume aspect ration of 4/3 for getting a full 360 degree horizon
158  bool forward(Vec3f &win) const;
159  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
160  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
161  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
162  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
163 protected:
164  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return true;}
165  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& p1, const Vec3d& p2) const
166  {
167  return p1[0]*p2[0]<0 && !(p1[2]<0 && p2[2]<0);
168  }
169  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& capN, double capD) const
170  {
171  static const SphericalCap cap1(1,0,0);
172  static const SphericalCap cap2(-1,0,0);
173  static const SphericalCap cap3(0,0,-1);
174  SphericalCap cap(capN, capD);
175  return cap.intersects(cap1) && cap.intersects(cap2) && cap.intersects(cap2);
176  }
177 };
180 {
181 public:
183  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
184  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
185  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 175.f * 4.f/3.f;} // assume aspect ration of 4/3 for getting a full 360 degree horizon
186  bool forward(Vec3f &win) const;
187  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
188  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
189  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
190  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
191 protected:
192  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return true;}
193  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& p1, const Vec3d& p2) const
194  {
195  return p1[0]*p2[0]<0 && !(p1[2]<0 && p2[2]<0);
196  }
197  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d& capN, double capD) const
198  {
199  static const SphericalCap cap1(1,0,0);
200  static const SphericalCap cap2(-1,0,0);
201  static const SphericalCap cap3(0,0,-1);
202  SphericalCap cap(capN, capD);
203  return cap.intersects(cap1) && cap.intersects(cap2) && cap.intersects(cap2);
204  }
205 };
208 {
209 public:
211  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
212  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
213  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 179.9999f;}
214  bool forward(Vec3f &win) const;
215  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
216  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
217  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
218  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
219 protected:
220  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
221  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {return false;}
222  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {return false;}
223 };
226 {
227 public:
229  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
230  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
231  bool forward(Vec3f &win) const;
232  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
233 };
237 {
238 public:
240  virtual QString getNameI18() const;
241  virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const;
242  virtual float getMaxFov() const {return 360.f;}
243  bool forward(Vec3f &win) const;
244  bool backward(Vec3d &v) const;
245  float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const;
246  float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const;
247  float deltaZoom(float fov) const;
248 protected:
249  virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const {return false;}
250  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, const Vec3d&) const {Q_ASSERT(0); return false;}
251  virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d&, double) const {Q_ASSERT(0); return false;}
252  virtual void computeBoundingCap() {;}
253 };
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &capN, double capD) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
bool forward(Vec3f &win) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
bool forward(Vec3f &v) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
bool forward(Vec3f &win) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
A SphericalCap is defined by a direction and an aperture.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
bool forward(Vec3f &v) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
bool forward(Vec3f &v) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &capN, double capD) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
bool forward(Vec3f &win) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
bool forward(Vec3f &win) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &p1, const Vec3d &p2) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
StelProjector(ModelViewTranformP amodelViewTransform)
Private constructor. Only StelCore can create instances of StelProjector.
bool forward(Vec3f &v) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
bool forward(Vec3f &win) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
Provide the main interface to all operations of projecting coordinates from sky to screen...
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &p1, const Vec3d &p2) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
bool forward(Vec3f &v) const
Apply the transformation in the forward direction in place.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
QSharedPointer< ModelViewTranform > ModelViewTranformP
Shared pointer on a ModelViewTranform instance (implement reference counting)
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
virtual bool hasDiscontinuity() const
Return whether the projection presents discontinuities. Used for optimization.
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
virtual void computeBoundingCap()
Initialize the bounding cap.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
bool backward(Vec3d &v) const
Apply the transformation in the backward projection in place.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
virtual QString getDescriptionI18() const
Get a human-readable short description for this projection type.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, double) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &, const Vec3d &) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &capN, double capD) const
Determine whether a cap intersects with a projection discontinuity.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
float deltaZoom(float fov) const
Return the small zoom increment to use at the given FOV for nice movements.
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
virtual QString getNameI18() const
Get a human-readable name for this projection type.
float fovToViewScalingFactor(float fov) const
Convert a Field Of View radius value in radians in ViewScalingFactor (used internally) ...
virtual float getMaxFov() const
Get the maximum FOV apperture in degree.
float viewScalingFactorToFov(float vsf) const
Convert a ViewScalingFactor value (used internally) in Field Of View radius in radians.
virtual bool intersectViewportDiscontinuityInternal(const Vec3d &p1, const Vec3d &p2) const
Determine whether a great circle connection p1 and p2 intersects with a projection discontinuity...